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2021 ◽  
pp. 027347532110583
Joseph P. Cannon ◽  
Ritu Lohtia ◽  
Brianna JeeWon Paulich

Blended learning, which combines the benefits of both online learning and face-to-face instruction, is becoming popular in higher education. Despite its increase in application, there is limited research on the mechanisms to improve student performance in blended learning courses. This article aims to identify and empirically test individual factors influencing student performance in an introductory marketing course offered in a blended learning format. Through two surveys conducted during the semester at two large, public business schools, we find that metacognitive regulation, metacognitive knowledge, and student effort enhance student performance in blended learning courses. We also find that self-efficacy and course-specific attitudes affect metacognition and student effort. Based on the results, we provide practical strategies to design blended learning courses that improve student performance.

2021 ◽  
pp. 561-577
Melissa Hathaway

In recent years, countries have become increasingly concerned about the immediate and future threats to their critical services and infrastructures that could result from the misuse of information and communications technologies (ICTs). As such, countries have placed the development of normative standards guiding state behaviour in cyberspace at the top of their foreign policy agendas. Yet, despite broad international consensus regarding the basic principles to limit the misuse of ICTs in the digital age and to constrain state behaviour, the key tenets have been consistently violated. All evidence suggests that states are not following their own doctrines of restraint, and that each disruptive and destructive attack further destabilizes our future. States have turned a blind eye and have shirked their responsibility for curbing or halting cyberattacks originating from their own territories. Disruption or damage (or both) of critical infrastructures that provide services to the public has become customary practice—the ‘new normal’. And this intentional misuse of ICTs against critical infrastructures and services has great potential to lead to misperception, escalation, and even conflict. This chapter offers five standards of care that can be used to ‘test’ individual states’ true commitment to the international norms of behaviour. Only with a concerted and coordinated effort across the global community will it be possible to change the new normal of ‘anything goes’ and move forward to ensure the future safety and security of the Internet and Internet-based infrastructures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 249-266
Thaise Ricardo de Freitas ◽  
Eduardo Tadeu Bacalhau ◽  
Sibelle Trevisan Disaró

ABSTRACT Foraminifers are widespread, highly abundant protists and active participants in marine carbon cycling. Their biomass might represent almost half of the total meiobenthic biomass in the deep sea. Foraminiferal biomass is frequently assessed through geometric models and biovolume estimates due to its non-destructive nature, which allows estimates of individuals from palaeoecological, museum, and living samples. To increase the accuracy of foraminiferal biovolume and biomass assessment we evaluate and propose geometric models for 207 foraminiferal taxa and the species’ average cell occupancy of the test. Individual test dimensions were measured to calculate volume (µm³), and the percent of cell occupancy (PCO) of the test was measured to assess the biovolume (µm³). These data were converted into individual biomass measurements (µg Corg ind−1). Our high intra- and interspecific PCO variance suggest that a mean PCO for each species represents the natural variability of occupancy more accurately than a predetermined fixed percentage for the whole assemblage, as previously asserted in the literature. Regression equations based on the relationship between test dimensions and volumes are presented. The geometric models, the PCO adjustment, and the equations will reduce time, effort, and discrepancies in foraminiferal biovolume and biomass assessments. Therefore, these results can improve the use and reliability of foraminiferal biomass in the future, facilitating its use in (1) distinct approaches including carbon flux estimations, (2) determining the effects of climate change on the marine trophic webs, and (3) environmental monitoring programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 365
Ni Luh Putu Jayanti Dewi ◽  
I Wayan Sujana

It is known that the implementation of learning during the Covid-19 pandemic causes students to become bored quickly and online learning multimedia is not yet available. To overcome this, development research is carried out to produce designs and learn multimedia that are suitable for use after going through the material expert test, learning media experts test, learning design experts test, individual trials, and small group trials. This research develops circumference and area of flat shapes for fourth-grade elementary school students based on RPG Maker MV by using the Hannafin and Peck model. The types of data used are qualitative and quantitative, with data collection methods and instruments namely questionnaires. Data analysis methods and techniques used are descriptive qualitative and descriptive quantitative analysis. The results of this development research are: 1) The design of learning multimedia based on RPG Maker MV is made for elementary students using the Hannafin and Peck model, 2) Feasibility of learning multimedia based on RPG Maker MV for circumference and area of flat shapes in elementary school students which include: (a) Material expert test get a percentage of 90% with very good qualifications (very feasible), (b) Learning media expert test get a percentage of 96.7% with very good qualifications (very feasible), (c) Learning design expert test get a percentage of 95% with very good qualifications (very feasible), (d) The individual trials get a percentage of 96.7% with very good qualifications (very feasible), (e) The small group trial get a percentage of 95.6% with very good qualifications (very feasible). So it can be concluded that the resulting learning multimedia is very feasible to be used in the learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (02) ◽  
pp. 301-322
Luisa Resende Manna ◽  
Carla Ferreira Rezende ◽  

Assessing intraspecific variability in community structure and functioning are still scarce for stream-dwelling fish. However, measuring ecological traits for individuals is important since species’ response for environmental conditions occurs at the individual level, especially in streams which suffers constantly physical disturbances. Intraspecific variability can be measured for several ecological traits, such as morphology, diet, life-history, and habitat use that varies between populations or within populations. Here, we present some methods and studies that evaluated intraspecific trophic variability in stream-dwelling fish. Results revealing the role of individual variation in structure of biological populations and/or assemblages were selected, and principal issues were discussed. There are a lot of statistical tools that can test individual variation including functional indexes and multivariate analyzes. Results generated from such individual analyzes have high potential to explain the functioning of stream fish populations and communities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 172
Muh Hasban Wadi ◽  
Muinah Fadhilah ◽  
Lusia Tria Hatmanti Hutami

This study aims to determine the effect of brand image, brand trust and product quality in influencing consumer purchasing decisions of specs brand sport shoes and also to determine wich factors have the greatest influence on consumer purchasing decisions of specs brand sports shoes. The study took a sample of 100 respondents to be examined using nonprobability sampling method and by using the incidental sampling technique. The data analisys used in this research is Multiple Linier Regression Analysis. Before the regression analysis was carried out, there were several stages of testing which were carried out, including the validity test and the reliability test. Then the classical assumption tests were carried out including normality test , multicolonierity test, heteroskedastisity test, individual parameter significance test (t-test), simultaneous significance test (F-test) and determination coefficient test (R2).

2021 ◽  
Ivelina Ivanova ◽  
Kaspar Bienefeld

Abstract The most effective strategy against brood diseases, such as infestation by the mite Varroa destructor, is the early detection and removal of sick brood. Recent findings suggest that genes associated with worker bees' olfactory perception play a central role in Varroa-sensitive hygiene (VSH). In the following approach, Apis mellifera drones' odour sensitivity was examined through a standardised Proboscis extension response (PER) test. Individuals with a positive/negative conditioning outcome to two parasitised-pupae extracts (extract-low and extract-high) were used for breeding. Twenty-one queens from a VSH selection line (SelQ) and nineteen queens from an unselected line (ConQ) were single-drone-inseminated with drones that showed either a positive (SenD+) or a negative (SenD-) PER test. Individual VSH behaviour of a total of 5072 offspring of these combinations (SelQ x SenD+, SelQ + x SenD-, ConQ x SenD+, ConQ x SenD-) was subsequently observed in a specially designed unit with infrared light. The results from the observation were also separately examined, considering the hygienic status of the participating queens and drones. The results of the PER test of the drones were not significantly reflected in the VSH results of the respective offspring. On the other hand, the participating queens/drones' hygienic status was crucial for the manifestation of VSH.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-145
A.M. Aegerter ◽  
S.N. Latif ◽  
M.A. Weishaupt ◽  
B.E. Gubler ◽  
F.M. Rast ◽  

Poor riding performance may be due to medical issues with the horse or a variety of other factors, such as inadequate equipment or deficiencies in training. The physical fitness of the equestrian is one of the most unexplained factors of current research. The aim of this study is to investigate the association between the physical fitness of the equestrian and riding performance. 115 equestrians were assessed for physical fitness and riding performance. Seven components of physical fitness (balance, endurance, flexibility, reaction, speed, strength, symmetry) were measured by a physiotherapist using equestrian-specific tests. Based on a video-recorded riding test, individual riding performance was rated by two equestrian judges. The riding test included the horse and rider performing a walk, sitting trot, rising trot and canter in both directions. A linear model for riding performance, including the domains of physical fitness and potential confounders (body-mass-index, riding experience, hours of riding per week, and test-motivation), was fitted to the data. Inter-rater reliability of the judges was investigated by calculating the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Endurance, reaction and strength were positively associated with riding performance, whereas flexibility had a negative association. The final model could explain 16.7% of the variance in riding performance. The effects of endurance and strength were significant (P<0.05), but not that of reaction. No association with riding performance was found for the components of balance, speed and symmetry. The inter-rater reliability of judges was confirmed to be ‘good’ to ‘excellent’ (ICC=0.9, 95% confidence interval: 0.86-0.93). Findings suggest that physical fitness is positively associated with riding performance. Fitness-training for equestrians should be included in current training concepts. Future research should investigate whether similar associations exist for junior and elite athletes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 302 ◽  
pp. 01020
Jozef Nosian ◽  
Marietta Markiewicz ◽  
Romana Janoušková ◽  
Patrícia Feriancová

The aim of the present article is the construction of a device for measuring and testing hydrostatic converters and subsequent verification measurement of the proposed device. This device will allow the measurement and testing of hydraulic pumps under laboratory conditions. In our case, we will test the hydraulic pump UD–25R, which is used in hydraulic drives of agricultural machines. Last but not least, the device described in the article can be used to test individual energy carriers used in hydraulic systems. The described device can simulate conditions that occur in operation. Using verification measurements we have proved that the designed laboratory equipment is suitable for testing hydraulic components and also allows monitoring and testing of the properties of individual hydraulic fluids. The measurement will result in a change in flow rate over time.

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