online gambling
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 146
Yuliana Riana Prasetyawati ◽  
Alexis Devera Lamoste

The Philippine gambling industry, and particularly online gaming, has recently emerged as a major driver of the country’s economy. The rise of this controversial industry has become a cause of concern for many Filipino citizens. For the past two decades, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) has been a major driver of the Philippine economy. However, a new sector of the economy has emerged that appears poised to take over traditional BPOs: online gambling. With the emergence of online gambling, any citizen can simply log into a website and they can play the usual casino games like poker, roulette, and slot machines or even sports betting. Online gambling is just like having a wallet in your pocket right now and just waiting for the money to come in, you just pull out your cellphone and you gamble already right away, that easy. Technically, engaging in online gambling is legal unless operated by a Philippine-licensed offshore company. Unlike other countries, the Philippines does not have strict mandates against gambling. The research aims to cover if consumer attitude and government regulations are significantly proportion with the effect of online gambling behavior. Adding to that, the researcher has added an intervening variable which is promotional ads if it has a direct impact adopting online gambling behavior. By using a quantitative analysis, the study recorded 100 respondents residing in the Philippines and studying their opinion towards this new addictive behavior relating to money. The materials and resources collected have concluded that consumer attitude and government regulations have significant impact towards this unlikely behavior, while promotional ads remain irrelevant.

Ius Poenale ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-136
Andri Wetson. R.

Easy access to the world of information technology currently impacts the rise of cybercrime, including the crime of online gambling. Many efforts have been made by the government and law enforcers, including, in this case, the police, to prevent and take action against this online gambling crime, either block sites that are gambling arenas or improve the national security system to stop these gambling sites. This research aims to look at law enforcement against online gambling crimes in Bandar Lampung City and determine the factors that became an obstacle in law enforcement of online gambling crimes at Lampung Regional Police. This research method uses a normative juridical approach. Based on the discussion and research results, law enforcement against online gambling crimes in Bandar Lampung City is carried out by applying the instrument of Article 303 of the Criminal Code rather than Article 27 Paragraph (2) Jo. Article 45 of the ITE Law. The research also shows the factors that became an obstacle in law enforcement of online gambling crimes at Lampung Regional Police are: (1) Longer Detention Period for Online Gambling Crimes in the Criminal Code Instruments than the Gambling Control Act, (2) Lack of Investigators' Awareness in Information Technology, (3) Use of Electronic Evidence Requires Expert Information is inhibiting law enforcement against online gambling crimes in Bandar Lampung. Suggestions from the research are to conduct information technology guidance training to the Bandar Lampung Police Investigation and Criminal Unit.

Eleonora Topino ◽  
Alessio Gori ◽  
Marco Cacioppo

The diffusion of the internet and technological progress have made gambling on online platforms possible, also making it more anonymous, convenient, and available, increasing the risk of pathological outcomes for vulnerable individuals. Given this context, the present study explores the role of some protective and risk factors for problematic gambling in online gamblers by focusing on the interaction between alexithymia, dissociation, and family functioning. A sample of 193 online gamblers (Mage = 28.8 years, SD = 10.59; 17% females, 83% males) completed the South Oaks Gambling Screen, Twenty-Items Toronto Alexithymia Scale, Dissociative Experience Scale-II, and Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales-IV through an online survey. MANOVA, ANOVA and moderated mediation analyses were carried out to analyse the data. Significant differences in cohesive family functioning, alexithymia and dissociation have been found between online gamblers with problematic, at-risk or absent levels of gambling disease. Furthermore, the results showed a significant and positive association between alexithymia and problematic online gambling, partially mediated by dissociation, with the moderation of cohesive family functioning. Such data may have relevant clinical implications, highlighting the interaction of some core personal and environmental variables that may be involved in the etiology of online pathological gambling and could be kept in mind to tailor preventive interventions.

Maria E. Bellringer ◽  
Nick Garrett

Recent research investigating changes in gambling behaviors during periods of COVID-19 social restrictions, such as enforced lockdowns, are somewhat limited by methodology, being generally cross-sectional in nature and with participant samples recruited via online panels. The present study overcame these limitations via a secondary analysis of data collected in 2012 and 2015 from a New Zealand (NZ) longitudinal gambling study, with questions related to gambling behaviors due to COVID-19 lockdown periods included in an additional data collection, of participants who had previously scored as a risky gambler, during 2020/21. Almost one-quarter of online gamblers increased their gambling during lockdown with this most likely to be on overseas gambling sites, instant scratch card gambling and Lotto. The only sociodemographic risk factor for increased online gambling was higher education. Behavioral risk factors included being a current low risk/moderate risk/problem gambler, a previously hazardous alcohol drinker or past participation in free-to-play gambling-type games. These past behaviors could act as trigger points for health services or family and friends to monitor a person’s gambling behaviors during lockdown, or future stressful periods when usual terrestrial gambling opportunities are curtailed or unavailable, and to support safer gambling practices.

Legal Studies ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-19
Szilárd Gáspár-Szilágyi ◽  
Abigail Pearson

Abstract The recent advances in information technology now allow millions of people to trade and invest in an array of financial assets with the help of online brokerage platforms. This allows retail investors to have more control over their own financial well-being, arguably a positive development. Nevertheless, trading and investing with real money comes with serious risks, especially for vulnerable people. The current UK framework for the regulation of online trading in financial assets overlooks vulnerable groups, such as children, disabled adults, and vulnerable women. By drawing a parallel between online gambling and online trading, the negative effects of online trading can be minimised. The UK regulatory and policy framework surrounding online gambling could provide valuable solutions to tackle the existing lacunae in the protection of vulnerable groups in the online trading environment.

Maris Catania ◽  
Mark D. Griffiths

AbstractOnline gambling is a growing business with many stakeholders. Due to the fact that a small proportion of gamblers develop problems, responsible gambling (RG), player protection, and harm minimization have become core areas for gambling regulators. The present study replicated a previous one carried out by Bonello and Griffiths in 2017 to determine whether there had been any significant changes by leading gambling operators due to increased regulatory pressures over the past few years. Fifty leading online gambling operators were audited in relation to their RG practices as well as engaging with their customer services by posing as a problem gambler. Results indicated that overall RG practices appeared to have improved in the past 3 years based on the information in dedicated RG webpages, the increase in RG tool availability, and the communication with customer services. Despite the fact that RG practices appear to have improved, there were still areas for improvement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 2179
Annisa Gista Elfaza

AbstractProfessional sports are sports that are organized to get income from a skill. One of the most popular sport is football. In Indonesia, the Local Government Budget is not allocated to the professional football club. So, the professional football club establishes sponsorship collaboration with other agencies. For example, in league 1 2020 Indonesia’s football competition, there was a cooperation between a professional football club with an initial “PSKB” and an online gambling site with an initial “S” as a sponsorship partner. Reviewed by a criminal law aspect, it can cause a problem because there’s an indication violates a positive law in Indonesia. The result of the study research showed that the club’s action potentially violates Article 27 paragraph (2) Law Concerning Information and electronic transactions because the club promoted a thing aim to information about online gambling. Criminal responsibility can be imposed on the club as a corporation and/or director.Keywords: Professional football club; Online Gambling site; Sponsorship; Social Media; Corporation.AbstrakOlahraga professional merupakan olahraga yang diperuntukan untuk memperoleh pendapatan dalam bentuk uang atau lainnya atas kemaharian berolahraga. Kepopularitasan sepakbola sebagai salah satu olahraga yang digemari. Di Indonesia pendanaan sepak bola professional tidak diperoleh dari APBD, sehingga klub sepak bola professional mendapatkan dana dengan salah satu cara yaitu menjalin kerjasama sponsorship dengan pihak lain. Sebagai contohnya pada penyelenggaraan Liga 1 tahun 2020 sebagai kompetisi sepak bola, adanya kerjasama sponsorship yang dijalin antara klub sepak bola professional berinisial “PSKB” dengan situs judi online berinisial “S”. Hal tersebut apabila ditinjau dari aspek hukum pidana dapat menimbulkan permasalahan dimana terdapat indikasi atau potensi melanggar aturan hukum positif di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian penulis menunjukan Perbuatan klub tersebut dapat berpotensi melanggar ketentuan Pasal 27 ayat (2) UU ITE, dikarenakan klub tersebut mempromosikan hal yang mengarah pada informasi yang memuat perjudi online. Serta, pertanggungjawaban pidananya dapat dibebankan kepada pengurus dan/atau korporasi. Kata Kunci: Klub Sepak Bola Profesional; Situs Judi Online; Sponsorship; Sosial Media; Korporasi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Samantha Tessier ◽  
Lucia Romo ◽  
Oulmann Zerhouni

Background: Few studies on problematic gamblers have focused on how environment and personality interact in gambling behavior. The aim of this research is to investigate how social support, dimensions of personality, and advertising campaigns are associated with gambling among problematic or moderate-risk gamblers and recreational gamblers and associated with online gambling (i.e., sport and poker).Methods: One hundred nine participants (45% problematic or moderate-risk gamblers) answered an online survey including social support, five factor models of personality, typology of gamblers, and several sociodemographic variables.Results: We found that problematic and moderate-risk gamblers were significantly more sensitive to gambling advertisements compared to light players. Social support was significantly lower among online gamblers compared to offline gamblers, but no association was found between social support and type of gamblers. Problematic and moderate-risk gamblers presented lower levels of extraversion compared with recreational gamblers. Notably, when the onset of gambling is before 18 years old, participants had more chances to recall more gambling advertisements as adults.Conclusion: We propose that future longitudinal research should focus on characteristics of online gamers particularly regarding social support to understand this low level of adequacy compared to offline gamblers.

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