flame height
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Panit Kamma ◽  

The partially premixed flame was modelled using an open-source software based on finite volume method (FVM) of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), called OpenFOAM. The assessment of the tabulation dynamics adaptive chemistry (TDAC) algorithms for facilitating the computation was of interest. A total of seven models were performed, consisting of six models of the TDAC framework application and a direct computation model without TDAC. Simulation results were validated by comparing against the thermal flame height (HT) of Irandoost et al. [28]. The heat released rate was established from simulation results to identify the flame front and HT. This is a novel technique to illustrate the flame front, which agreed well with the experiment. Subsequently, it was found that all but one of the reduced mechanism methods agreed well in predicting the HT. The exception was DRGEP. Particularly, the CFD results were optimal. It was discovered that the TDAC based on the mechanism reduction called element flux analysis (EFA) was the second-fastest but optimal choice to solve the partially premixed flame model.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 8266
Aravind Muraleedharan ◽  
Jithin Edacheri Veetil ◽  
Akram Mohammad ◽  
Sudarshan Kumar ◽  
Ratna Kishore Velamati

Characteristics of microjet hydrogen diffusion flames stabilized near extinction are investigated numerically. Two-dimensional simulations are carried out using a detailed reaction mechanism. The effect of burner wall material, thickness, and thermal radiation on flame characteristics such as flame height and maximum flame temperature are studied. Results show that the flame stabilizes at lower fuel jet velocities for quartz burner than steel or aluminum. Higher flame temperatures are observed for low conductive burners, whereas the flame length increases with an increase in thermal conductivity of the burner. Even though thermal radiation has a minor effect on flame characteristics like flame temperature and flame height, it significantly influences the flame structure for low conductive burner materials. The burner tip and its vicinity are substantially heated for low conductive burners. The effect of burner wall thickness on flame height is significant, whereas it has a more negligible effect on maximum flame temperature. Variation in wall thickness also affects the distribution of H and HO2 radicals in the flame region. Although the variation in wall thickness has the least effect on the overall flame shape and temperature distribution, the structure near the burner port differs.

Buildings ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 396
Ru Zhou ◽  
Zhihao Chen ◽  
Yinke Fan ◽  
Zhengjiang Yu ◽  
Jianan Qian ◽  

An experimental study was conducted to determine the characteristics of the flame spread and droplets of metal-polyethylene (PE) sandwich panels during combustion. The mass-loss rate, average flame height, temperature, and fire spread rate were investigated. The results showed that the fire spread rate, mass change of the droplets, average flame height, and temperature increased with an increase in the sample length, except for the mass loss rate of the 40 cm-long sample. The time interval between the droplets decreased, and the flame pulsation frequency increased. The relationship between the flame height and sample length was determined. During the combustion process, bending deformation and top flame phenomena occurred due to the shrinkage of the PE, which increased the fire risk. The distance between the outer surface of the expanded metal aluminum layer and the insulation panel increased with an increase in the panel length. A schematic diagram of the fire spread of the metal sandwich panel was established based on the observations and theoretical analysis. The mechanism and combustion behavior of the metal sandwich panels were determined to provide references for the construction of metal sandwich panels of exterior walls.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 459-466
Sukri Sukri ◽  
Mega Nur Sasongko ◽  
Teguh Dwi Widodo

Biofuels from waste cooking oil (WCO) represent a sizable opportunity not only in terms of energy production but also as a way for sustainable development despite their low yield, higher viscosity, lengthy production time and cost. Alternatively, biodiesel can be blended at an appropriate blending ratio with convention diesel oils. The biodiesel and its blends is proved to give better emission characteristics than conventional diesel oils. This study aims to experimentally investigate the effect of the fuel blend on the combustion characteristics of WCO biodiesel. The characteristic are the droplet size, flame height, flame width and temperature distribution. In this study, the blended fuel are B0 (Solar), B10, B20, B30, B40 and B100 (WCO biodiesel). Measurement and visualization of the combustion flame for each variation of the fuel mixture was were tested at different pressures, namely 4 bar and 5 bar. The experimental results show that the droplet size increases with increasing WCO concentration in the fuel; on the other hand, visualization and calculations show that the height and width of the flame of the fuel mixture decreases Observation on the temperature distribution shows that the WCO biodiesel mixture has the potential to increase the fire temperature at certain points

Fire ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 43
Maryam Ghodrat ◽  
Farshad Shakeriaski ◽  
David James Nelson ◽  
Albert Simeoni

Fire whirls are a particular case of flame behaviour characterized by a rotating column of fire driven by intense convective heating of air close to the ground. They typically result in a substantial increase in burning rate, temperature, and flame height. Fire whirls can occur in any intense flame environment, including urban areas, particularly within combustible structures, and in wildland or forest fires. Recently, investigations on the creation of fire whirls have attracted much attention. However, most analyses are focused on fire whirl structure, formation, and controlling their unique state. In effect, revisiting the available experimental techniques and numerical simulations used in analyzing fire whirls has received less attention. In this paper, experimental arrangements including empirical set ups and employed fuels are presented in detail. Subsequently, major research progress focused on experimental studies and their laboratory setup is fully discussed, followed by the available numerical simulations, including combustion and turbulence models. Applied methodologies and chosen software in the recent numerical studies are also reviewed exclusively. Finally, the latest findings are featured, and prospective pathways are advised.

2021 ◽  
Vol 114 ◽  
pp. 103912
Kun He ◽  
Xudong Cheng ◽  
Ying Zhen Li ◽  
Haukur Ingason ◽  
Zhicheng Shi ◽  

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (15) ◽  
pp. 4627
Pengcheng Qin ◽  
Mingnian Wang ◽  
Zhanwen Chen ◽  
Guanfeng Yan ◽  
Tao Yan ◽  

A fire can pose a significant threat to a building’s occupants and leads to property damage. The burning characteristics usually determine the severity of the accident. Environments in high-altitude areas feature low oxygen content and ambient pressure, which can influence the burning characteristics of combustibles. In this paper, a series of field experiments were conducted to investigate the burning characteristics of gasoline at different altitudes considering heat release rate (HRR), flame height, and smoke release rate. Results show that the combustion process can be divided into three stages: initial stage, stable stage, and attenuation stage. Lower oxygen content and ambient pressure reduce the HRR; for example, the HRR at an altitude of 4150 m is nearly half at an altitude of 500 m, contributing to a lower smoke release rate. The HRR is proportional to 1.3 power of atmospheric pressure, and a fitting equation was brought out in this paper. Flame height increases with the increase in altitude due to the demand for more oxygen during the combustion process since the oxygen content is low in high-altitude areas.

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 812
Madeleine A. Grant ◽  
Thomas J. Duff ◽  
Trent D. Penman ◽  
Bianca J. Pickering ◽  
Jane G. Cawson

Shrub encroachment of grassland and woodland ecosystems can alter wildfire behaviour and threaten ecological values. Australian fire managers are using mechanical mastication to reduce the fire risk in encroached ecosystems but are yet to evaluate its effectiveness or ecological impact. We asked: (1) How does fuel load and structure change following mastication?; (2) Is mastication likely to affect wildfire rates of spread and flame heights?; and (3) What is the impact of mastication on flora species richness and diversity? At thirteen paired sites (masticated versus control; n = 26), located in Victoria, Australia, we measured fuel properties (structure, load and hazard) and floristic diversity (richness and Shannon’s H) in 400 mP2 plots. To quantify the effects of mastication, data were analysed using parametric and non-parametric paired sample techniques. Masticated sites were grouped into two categories, 0–2 and 3–4 years post treatment. Fire behaviour was predicted using the Dry Eucalypt Forest Fire Model. Mastication with follow-up herbicide reduced the density of taller shrubs, greater than 50 cm in height, for at least 4 years. The most recently masticated sites (0–2 years) had an almost 3-fold increase in dead fine fuel loads and an 11-fold increase in dead coarse fuel loads on the forest floor compared with the controls. Higher dead coarse fuel loads were still evident after 3–4 years. Changes to fuel properties produced a reduction in predicted flame heights from 22 m to 5–6 m under severe fire weather conditions, but no change in the predicted fire rate of spread. Reductions in flame height would be beneficial for wildfire suppression and could reduce the damage to property from wildfires. Mastication did not have a meaningful effect on native species diversity, but promoted the abundance of some exotic species.

2021 ◽  
Dongsheng Zheng ◽  
Xin Hui ◽  
Xin Xue ◽  
Weitao Liu

Abstract The synergistic effect of soot formation refers to the interaction between different fuels during soot forming processes, which results in higher soot formation than any individual fuels. The present study experimentally investigates the synergistic effect of soot formation in co-flow diffusion flames of propane/ethylene fuel mixtures. The total carbon mass flow rate of the propane/ethylene mixture was kept constant at 0.5 mg/s, and the propane carbon ratio (RC) was defined as the ratio of carbon mass flow rate of propane to the total carbon mass flow rate. The laser-induced incandescence (LII) and light extinction (LE) techniques were applied to measure the soot volume fractions (SVF) at pressures of 0.1–0.5 MPa. The results showed strong synergistic effect in propane/ethylene mixtures at atmospheric conditions; however, increasing pressure weakens the synergistic effect. The LII intensity contours showed that the soot formation zone extends when synergistic effect occurs at RC = 0.1 and 0.2 for 0.1 and 0.3 Mpa. The normalized peak SVF showed that synergistic effect monotonically becomes weak with increasing pressure from 0.1 to 0.3 Mpa; meanwhile, the it still stayed strong at 0.2 Mpa when using normalized maximum soot yield, and then turned to be weaker as pressure increases. Further comparison analysis of the SVF profiles between RC = 0 and 0.1 revealed that the synergistic effect occurs at the two-wing area of the sooty flame at low axial flame height, and then gradually becomes stronger with increasing axial flame height in the soot zone for 0.1–0.3 Mpa. To illustrate the pressure effects on synergistic soot formation, numerical analysis in homogeneous closed reactor was conducted and it was found that The PAHs formation competition between C3H3 pathway and HACA mechanism results in the different soot formation phenomenon of ethylene/propane flames.

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