station point
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Peri Gunalp ◽  
Elizabeth R. Chrastil ◽  
Mary Hegarty

AbstractResearch on spatial perspective taking has suggested that including an agent in the display benefits performance. However, little research has examined the mechanisms underlying this benefit. Here, we examine how an agent benefits performance by examining its effects on three mental steps in a perspective-taking task: (1) imagining oneself at a location (station point) within in the array, (2) adopting a different perspective (heading), and (3) pointing to an object from that perspective. We also examine whether a non-agentive directional cue (an arrow) is sufficient to improve performance in an abstract map-like display. We compared a non-directional cue to two cues for position and orientation: a human figure (agentive, directional) and an arrow (non-agentive, directional). To examine the effects of cues on steps 2 and 3 of the perspective-taking process, magnitude of the initial perspective shift and pointing direction were varied across trials. Response time and error increased with the magnitude of the imagined perspective shift and pointing to the front was more accurate than pointing to the side, or back, but these effects were independent of directional cue. A directional cue alone was sufficient to improve performance relative to control, and agency did not provide additional benefit. The results overall indicate that most people adopt an embodied cognition strategy to perform this task and directional cues facilitate the first step of the perspective-taking process, imagining oneself at a location within in the array.

Vladimir Gorbulin ◽  
Evgeniy Kotyashov ◽  
Vladimir Chernyavskiy ◽  
Nikolay Gruzdev

The active lifetime of orbital facilities in the geostationary orbit (GSO), which include stationary artificial earth satellites (SAES) for various purposes, can be more than 15 years. At the same time, in modern conditions of orbital grouping increment, the number of space debris, including those on the GSO, also increases: SAES, which have finished its active lifetime and were not transferred to disposal orbit for some reasons, shards of SAES appeared from collision with meteors or accidents. This leads to the increase of probability of collisions with active SAESs. The listed factors determine the need of considering not only the problem of keeping SAESs in vicinities of position, but also the task of avoiding collisions with space debris objects (SDO), while the costs of the working fluid should not increase. A great attention is being paid to rational power units placing during the projection of new space shuttles, especially those with long useful lifetime. In this article, it is assumed that SESs are equipped with several correction motors, which make it possible to create control accelerations in only several directions, without changing the orientation of the SES itself. In other words, in this task it is assumed that the corrections of the parameters of the AES orbit do not affect the orientation of the SAES itself. This condition is a severe limitation in the synthesis of the SES’s control system. In the considered methodological approach, the costs of the working fluid are set as a functionality from control, which are necessary to perform the next correction, after which the SAES will not have dangerous distances and approaching in projection horizon’s interval. This makes it possible to avoid situations when the decision on control is being made after the SES leaves the vicinity of the station point, and first of all, the approach to the SDO at a distance less than a liminal one. This article provides the results of modeling, which indicate the effectiveness of the proposed solutions. An important advantage compared with the existing methods is the consideration of the movement of the SAES relatively not only to the stationary point, but also to several other objects located in its vicinity, both controlled and uncontrolled. Moreover, there can be any given number of objects.

Sakbir Sakbir ◽  
Rusly Abdurahman Idji

This study aims to determine the implementation of the subsidized fuel oil (BBM) policy in Gorontalo City. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques used interview techniques and focus group discussion (FGD). The results showed that the communication of the implementation of the subsidized fuel policy in the city of Gorontalo was well implemented. The socialization was carried out through coordination with all relevant stakeholders, the unfolding of notification banners related to the Subsidized Fuel policy at each gas station point. Resources, in order to support the implementation of the subsidized fuel policy in Gorontalo City, are not sufficient. It can be seen from the minimal number of gas stations that distribute subsidized fuel and the low volume of fuel supplied for each subsidized fuel. The attitude of the implementer/disposition towards the subsidized fuel policy in Gorontalo City is not very good. It can be seen from the attitude of the government and other stakeholders that they do not care about the distribution of subsidized fuel to non-target groups, as in this case it is given to retailers only. The bureaucratic structure does not work optimally, it can be seen from the absence of officers from either the government, Pertamina or other stakeholders at each gas station point who should be in charge of controlling and supervising the distribution of Subsidized Fuel.

2020 ◽  
Kang Yanyan ◽  
Li Haochen ◽  
Xia Jiangjiang ◽  
Zhang Yingxin

<p>    Weather forecasts play an important role in the Olympic game,especially the mountain snow projects, which will help to find a "window period" for the game. The winter Olympics track is located on very complex terrain, and a detailed weather forecast is needed. A Post-processing method based on machine learning is used for the future-10-days weather prediction with 1-km spatial resolution and 1-hour temporal resolution, which can greatly improve accuracy and refinement of numerical weather prediction(NWP). The ECWMF/RMAPS model data and the automatic weather station data(AWS) from 2015-2018 are prepared for the training data and test data, included 48 features and 4 labels (the observed 2m temperature, relative humidity , 10m wind speed and wind direction ). The model data are grid point, while the AWS data are station point. We take the nearest 9 model point to predict the station point, instead of making an interpolation between the grid point and station point. Then the feature number will be 48*9 in dataset. The interpolation error from grid point to station is eliminated,and the spatial distribution is considered to some extent. Machine leaning method we used are SVM, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting Decision Tree(GBDT) and XGBoost. We find that XGBoost method performs best, slightly better than GBDT and Random Forest. It is noted that we did some feature engineering work before training, and we found that it’s not that the more features, the better the model, while 10 features are enough. Also there is an interesting thing that the features that closely related the labels values becomes less important as the forecast time increases,such as the model outputed 2m temperature, 10m wind speed and wind direction. While some features that forecasters don’t pay attention to become more important in the 6-10 days prediction, such as latent heat flux, snow depth and so on. So it’s necessary to train the model based on dynamic weight parameters for different forecast time. Through the post-processing based on the machine learning method, the forecast accuracy has been greatly improved compared with EC model. The averaged forecast accuracy of 0-10 days for 2m relative humidity, 10m wind speed and direction has been increased by almost 15%, and the temperature accuracy has been increased by 20%~40% ( 40% for 0-3 days, and the accuracy decreased with the forecast time ). </p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 481 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-18 ◽  
G. Poretti ◽  
F. Morsut ◽  
F. Pettenati

AbstractThe permanent GNSS station located at the Everest Pyramid Laboratory of EvK2CNR recorded its position coordinates during the earthquakes at the Gorkha (25 April 2015) and Ghorthali zones (12 May 2015) at an interval of every 30 s. The data recorded over three days prior to and after the earthquakes were analysed and the movement indicated a shifting of the GNSS station point from its original position every 30 s. From an accurate analysis of the coordinates of the station determined using GNSS Bernese software, it is possible to detect the movements of the station during the seismic events.The shifts in the GNSS point were summed to provide an integral function (PIF, Pyramid Integral Function) that can be computed for each of the three components. Comparing them with the displacement record of the GURALP broadband seismic station (IO-EVN) of the OGS (Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, OGS, Trieste), located at the Pyramid, it is possible to establish a correlation, particularly with the vertical and north components; the maxima of the PIF coincide with the time of occurrence of the earthquakes.

Matheus Souisa ◽  
Paulus R. Atihuta ◽  
Josephus R. Kelibulin

Ambon City is a region consisting of hilly areas and steep slopes with diverse river characteristics. Research has been carried out in the Wae Ruhu watershed in Ambon City which starts from upstream (water catchment) to downstream. This study aims to determine the magnitude of river discharge and sediment discharge in the Wae Ruhu watershed. This research was conducted in several stages including, secondary data collection, research location survey, preparation of research tools and materials as well as field data retrieval processes which included tracking coordinates at each station point and entire watershed, calculation of river flow velocity, river geometry measurements, and sampling sediment. The results showed that the average river discharge in the Wae watershed in the year 2018 was 1.24 m3 / s, and the average sediment discharge was 6.27 kg / s. From the results of this study and the field observations proposed for flood prevention and the rate of sediment movement are the construction of cliffs with sheet pile and gabions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (11) ◽  
pp. 353
Miguel A. Osejos-Merino ◽  
Martin V. Merino-Conforme ◽  
Monserrate C. Merino-Conforme ◽  
Medardo A. Saltos-Bury ◽  
Rocío J. Cano-Andrade

<p style="text-align: justify;">This research entitled: " Acoustic pollution and its incidence in population health around bus station perimeter in Jipijapa city - Ecuador. " was carried out during 2017. The methodology used in this work was: observation prior determination of monitoring place, the application of survey, tabulation and interpretation of results. The monitoring was done during the two-month period. The monitoring was carried out on working days (Monday and Tuesday) and non-working (Sunday) at three key points of the perimeter of the bus station. Point 1 (front), point 2 (entry), point 3 (exit). After having monitored the noise pollution, the results were: The highest level of noise was presented in the month of June on Monday afternoon rush hours (12:30 pm to 1:00 pm) at point 1 (front side) ) of the perimeter of the terrestrial terminal with a maximum monthly average of 79.8 decibels dB (A). The month of July presented a higher level of noise pollution in point 1, with a maximum monthly average of 79.9 decibels dB (A), these levels exceed the permissible limits that is 55 decibels dB (A) in a mixed commercial zone according to TULSMA. The main source that generates noise is the horn of rural and provincial buses, cars, motorcycles with defective exhaust pipes, motor vehicles in poor condition, among others. The possible damages caused by the exposure of noise pollution in inhabitants of this area with physiological and psychological effects are: headache, stress, irritability and aggressiveness, hearing loss, nervous system alterations. In addition, the respondents said they do not agree that drivers make unnecessary noises with the horn of their vehicles and agree that noise control standards should be applied; the noise that bothers most is generated by the buses. It also presents a proposal that contributes to finding solutions in noise pollution and its effects on the health of the inhabitants.</p>

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