monday afternoon
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2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-13
Reinaldy T Y Darius ◽  
Tri Mulyono ◽  
Winoto Hadi

This research is a analysis of capacity and level of service at Jalan Raya Bogor segment Cisalak Market in existing condition with a purpose to optimize it based on rule that already assigned in Highway Capacity Manual (MKJI) year 1997. The result of analysis showed that capacity of Jalan Raya Bogor segment Cisalak Market can be optimize if its does not affect by market activity, from 3307 smp/hour to Jakarta become 3596,36 smp/hour. The direction to Bogor also having incresement from 2696,52 smp/hour become 3329,04 smp/hour.The degree of saturation and level of service direction to Jakarta can be upgraded from 0,47 (C) become 0,43 (B) at Sunday morning if its does not affect by the activity of the market, also in Monday morning which is restrained in LoS E with Ds 0,85 become 0,79 or in LoS D and in Monday afternoon with LoS D (0,76) become C (0,69). Meanwhile direction to Bogor can be upgraded in Saturday afternoon from LoS C (0,61) become B with the number of Ds 0,49, then in Sunday morning and afternoon also Monday morning respectively can be upgraded from C to B. Last but not least, in Monday afternoon into LoS C with number of degree of saturation is 0,62 from LoS D with 0,76.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 141
Aliudin Aliudin ◽  
Eneng Muslihah

This study aims to determine; 1) the implementation of the discussion method at the Attoyyibiyyah Islamic Boarding School, Cikande, Serang Regency 2) the implementation of the sorogan method at the Attoyyibiyyah Cikande Islamic Boarding School, Serang Regency 3) the contribution of the discussion and sorogan methods to improve the ability to read the book of fath al-qorib. 4) Comparison of the contribution of the discussion and sorogan methods to improve the ability to read the book of Fath al-qorib. This research is a mixed method research method. Respondents were 40 students, collecting data using questionnaires and tests to determine the contribution of increasing the ability to read the book of fath al-qorib. The qualitative data analysis technique used is the data triangulation technique, while the quantitative data uses statistical analysis. The results of this study are; 1) The discussion method is carried out three times a week, namely; every Saturday night, Monday night and Wednesday night at 20.00 WIB - 22.00, the book that is studied is the book "Fath Al-qorib" Implementation technique; first, the students sit in the majlis, the students who have the task of discussing the next step forward. second, begins with prayer, then reads the material to be delivered and the murody. Third, students are welcome to ask questions, then discussed, then the ustadz explains the material and finally ends with a prayer. 2) The sorogan method is carried out every Monday afternoon, the book that is studied is the book "Fath Al-qorib" Implementation technique; firstly, it was carried out by means of the students reading back the book that was read by Ustadz. second, the teacher listens to the students' reading and explanation of the material. 3) The contribution of the discussion method is 94% and the sorogan method is 40.96% 4) The contribution comparison of the discussion method and the discussion method sorogan has a greater contribution than the sorogan method.

Erica Conde Vázquez

Resumen: Entre el viernes 13 de octubre y la tarde del lunes 16 de octubre de 2017 se registraron ciento cuarenta y seis incendios en Galicia. Sesenta tan solo en la jornada de domingo y, veintiocho de éstos iniciados de madrugada, entre la medianoche y las nueve de la mañana. Dejando un balance de cuatro víctimas mortales y unos veinte heridos y provocando un desafío para la cobertura informativa de los medios de comunicación, concretamente en su función de mantener informado al ciudadano en situaciones de emergencia. Por ello, se propone el análisis del tratamiento informativo en dos diarios, uno de cobertura nacional y otro de cobertura autonómica, analizando el seguimiento y contenido de sus noticias, así como, el cumplimiento del decálogo de recomendaciones para medios y periodistas de sucesos de catástrofes emitido por el Colexio de Xornalistas. Además, se tendrá en especial consideración el que los citados medios incurran en la divulgación de Fake News durante el suceso.Palabras clave: fake news; sensacionalismo; gestión de crisis; incendios Galicia; medios de comunicación.Abstract: Between Friday, October 13 and Monday afternoon, October 16, 2017, one hundred and forty-six fires were registered in Galicia. Sixty on Sunday and twenty-eight of these initiates at dawn, between midnight and nine in the morning. Leaving a balance of four fatalities and some twenty wounded and a challenge for the media coverage of the media, specifically in its function of keeping the citizen informed in emergency situations. Therefore, the analysis of the information treatment in two newspapers, one of national coverage and another of regional coverage, analyzing the follow-up and content of its news, as well as compliance with the decalogue of recommendations for media and journalist of catastrophe events issued by the Colexio of Xornalistas. In addition, special consideration will be given to the fact that the aforementioned media incur the disclosure of Fake News during the event.Keywords: fake news; postruth; crisis management; forest fires; mass media.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (11) ◽  
pp. 353
Miguel A. Osejos-Merino ◽  
Martin V. Merino-Conforme ◽  
Monserrate C. Merino-Conforme ◽  
Medardo A. Saltos-Bury ◽  
Rocío J. Cano-Andrade

<p style="text-align: justify;">This research entitled: " Acoustic pollution and its incidence in population health around bus station perimeter in Jipijapa city - Ecuador. " was carried out during 2017. The methodology used in this work was: observation prior determination of monitoring place, the application of survey, tabulation and interpretation of results. The monitoring was done during the two-month period. The monitoring was carried out on working days (Monday and Tuesday) and non-working (Sunday) at three key points of the perimeter of the bus station. Point 1 (front), point 2 (entry), point 3 (exit). After having monitored the noise pollution, the results were: The highest level of noise was presented in the month of June on Monday afternoon rush hours (12:30 pm to 1:00 pm) at point 1 (front side) ) of the perimeter of the terrestrial terminal with a maximum monthly average of 79.8 decibels dB (A). The month of July presented a higher level of noise pollution in point 1, with a maximum monthly average of 79.9 decibels dB (A), these levels exceed the permissible limits that is 55 decibels dB (A) in a mixed commercial zone according to TULSMA. The main source that generates noise is the horn of rural and provincial buses, cars, motorcycles with defective exhaust pipes, motor vehicles in poor condition, among others. The possible damages caused by the exposure of noise pollution in inhabitants of this area with physiological and psychological effects are: headache, stress, irritability and aggressiveness, hearing loss, nervous system alterations. In addition, the respondents said they do not agree that drivers make unnecessary noises with the horn of their vehicles and agree that noise control standards should be applied; the noise that bothers most is generated by the buses. It also presents a proposal that contributes to finding solutions in noise pollution and its effects on the health of the inhabitants.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Larissa Fonseca

Sinopse: Em meio ao colorido de goiabas, batatas e flores mais que cheiros e sabores, descobrir pessoas. Agricultoras e agricultores que com suas histórias e lutas, estão representados nas varandas e nas mesas da cidade. Trazer a imagem não de uma feira, mas de cada pessoa que diariamente se dedica ao cultivo e à produção de alimentos. Encontrar o rosto e as escolhas de outros modos de fazer agricultura, de outros modos de se alimentar. De assentados e suas lutas pela preservação de sementes crioulas, de jovens universitários e sua determinação em permanecer no campo e de fumicultores aposentados dispostos a limpar suas terras dos venenos de mais 30 anos de cultivos agressivos, é feita a Feira Sabores da Terra. Feira da agricultura familiar do município de Canguçu, Rio Grande do Sul, que acontece todas as segundas-feiras à tarde e reúne cerca de 18 produtores. Em um pavilhão de madeira no centro da cidade são expostos doces coloniais, panificados, frangos congelados, farinhas, feijões, legumes, verduras, frutas e flores, em variedade conforme a estação do ano. Produtos que são vendidos entre boas conversas, rodas de chimarrão e é claro, uma melancia bem gelada ou uma deliciosa rapadura. Para a permanência e continuação da feira, que se realiza há pouco mais de um ano, os feirantes têm enfrentado e superado dificuldades. A distância de suas propriedades até a cidade, muitas das vezes são mais do que duas horas de viagem. A demanda, pelos consumidores, por produtos conforme padrões estéticos dos alimentos produzidos com veneno. O cansaço de mãos que, com mais de 40 anos de trabalho, ainda enfrentam a roça durante toda a semana e o frio, a chuva e o calor de uma feira praticamente ao ar livre. O conciliar o trabalho agrícola e a feira com os estudos, cujo acesso limitado pela distância das universidades, das oportunidades de estágios e pela dificuldade de ascender ao ensino público superior. Apesar de tão próximos, rostos e mãos muitas vezes invisíveis em escolhas alimentares. Gente que oportuniza uma alternativa à alimentação. Alimentação proveniente da relação de mulheres e homens com a terra, de suas sabedorias e ações. Feira Sabores da Terra, um ponto de aproximação entre o campo e a cidade, entre o cultivo e o alimento, entre o cuidado e o sabor. De agricultoras e agricultores e seus feijões, morangos e biscoitos. Este ensaio fotográfico é parte da agenda de pesquisa “Saberes e Sabores da Colônia”, desenvolvida no âmbito do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Alimentação e Cultura (GEPAC) e vinculada ao Bacharelado e ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Synopsis: In the middle of colored places with guava , potatoes and flowers more than smells of flavors, we discover people. Farmers, with your stories and struggles, are represented on the balconies and tables of the city. Representing the image of each person that daily is dedicated to the cultivation and food production, not just the image of a fair is much more than that. Find the face and choices of other ways of doing agriculture and others ways of feeding. From the land reform settlements and their struggles for the preservation of native seeds, of university students and their determination to remain in the field and retires tobacco growers willing to clear their land of the poisons of another 30 years of aggressive crops, is made the Flavors of the Earth Fair. Family Agriculture Fair, in the Canguçu City in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, of what happens on every Monday afternoon and brings together about 18 small farmers. In a wooden pavilion in Downtown city are exposed colonial sweets, bakery products, quick-frozen, flours, beans, vegetables, fruits and flowers in variety according to season. Products that are sold as God´s taste is of course chimarrão, and watermelon ice-cold or a delicious rapadura. For the permanence and continuation of the green fair, been held little more than a year ago, the small farmers have had and overcome difficulties. The distance of their properties of the Downtown , often last more than two hours of the trip. The consumer demand by products according to aesthetic standards of foods produced with venom. The fatigue of hands, still for more than 40 years of work, are still facing small farm during the days in a cool, rain and heat weather and the a fair still open. To reconcile agricultural work and the fair with studies, to which access is restricted by distances from universities, internship opportunities, and the difficulty of access to higher public education. Although close, often invisible faces and hands in food choices. People who offer alternative food. Food derived from the relationship of men and women to the land, of his wisdom and actions. Flavors of The Hearth Fair, a point of approximation between the countryside and the city, between the crop and the food, between care and taste. Of farmers and agriculturists and their beans, strawberries and biscuits. This photo essay is part of research agenda “Knowledge and tastes of the agricultural colony”, developed in the framework of the Group of the Studies and Researches in Food an Culture (GEPAC) and linked to the Bachelor’s and the Postgraduate Program In Anthropology of Federal University of Pelotas. Palavras-chave: Agricultura Familiar – Campesinato – Feira – Alimentação - Consumo Key-words: : Family Agriculture - Peasantry – Fair – Food - Consumption Ficha técnica: Direção: Larissa Fonseca Roteiro: Larissa Fonseca Fotografia: Larissa Fonseca Coordenação de Pesquisa: Renata Menasche Edição de Imagem: Larissa Fonseca e Hamilton Bittencourt Assessoria em Imagem: Claudia Turra Magni Credits: Author: Larissa Fonseca Photographs: Larissa Fonseca Direction: Larissa Fonseca Research Coordination: Renata Menasche Image Editing: Larissa Fonseca e Hamilton Bittencourt Image Consulting: Claudia Turra Magni.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-204 ◽  
Chuhan (Renee) Wang ◽  
Marketa Kubickova

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine factors affecting the engagement metrics of the hotel Facebook page. Such factors include time-of-day, day-of-week, age, gender and distance between the hotel and users’ origin of residence. Another purpose is to assess the impact of Facebook engagement on electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM), to better understand the importance of the engagement metrics within the hotel Facebook context. Design/methodology/approach This study uses secondary data from the Facebook page of a 147-room hotel in Northeast America. A total of 181 observations reflecting primary Facebook metrics are adopted via Facebook Insights between January 2014 and June 2014. Findings The number of daily-engaged users positively affects the number of daily people talking about the page (eWOM). Moreover, the number of engaged users differs significantly by the external factors (time-of-day, day-of-week, age, gender and distance). Practical implications Hotel Facebook developers should post the most important promotions on Monday afternoon, targeting females aged between 25 and 34 years living within 50 miles of the hotel. Posting on hotel Facebook a few hours before “traffic” to avoid competition and gain visibility is important. Marketers should focus on giving feedback during peak times. Originality/value This empirical study extends prior studies on social media metrics to the effects of external factors on the engagement metrics within the hotel Facebook context. Increasing the number of engaged users improves the effectiveness of eWOM for a hotel, which lacks empirical evidence.

Michael Kinch

The traffic was unusually heavy for a Monday afternoon. I left my office at the Yale University Center for Molecular Discovery, just four miles from the intended destination, and encountered a backup on I-95 North that was usually reserved for later in the week. Being a beautiful summer day, it seemed a few too many fellow commuters in New York City and western Connecticut had decided to call it an early day. Leaving the highway for the back roads, I pulled into the parking lot five minutes late....

Anthony Trollope

While these things were being done in Bruton Street and Grosvenor Square horrid rumours were prevailing in the City and spreading from the City west-wards to the House of Commons, which was sitting this Monday afternoon with a prospect of an adjournment at seven...

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