current drift
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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. P11032
Hao Liu ◽  
Chunhui Dong ◽  
XinYing Yang ◽  
Feng Cheng ◽  
Qingxian Zhang ◽  

Abstract A measuring circuit is designed based on the transimpedance amplifier. The methods of reducing parasitic capacitance and improving amplifier performance are introduced in detail. The influence of the parasitic capacitance generated by the feedback resistors on the bandwidth in the transimpedance amplification circuit is discussed. The circuit can measure the wide-dynamic-range low current ranging from 10-13 A to 10-5 A in four ranges. The circuit's bandwidth is up to 500 Hz when the circuit can normally work to measure a wide-range low current. The peak-to-peak amplitude of circuit noise is less than 0.22 pA. The current drift is less than 1.06 fA/∘C over a temperature range of 0∘C to 85∘C, and the integral nonlinearity is less than 0.25%.

2021 ◽  
Jaydeep Singh Parmar ◽  
Nawaz Shafi ◽  
Chitrakant Sahu

Abstract A comprehensive study of the drain current drift mechanism and hysteresis phenomena in fabricated p-channel junctionless ion-sensitive field-effect transistor (JL-ISFET) has been investigated for the first time. The drift measurements have been performed through transient analysis of drain current, under different pH and liquid-gate bias (Vlg). Further, time-dependent gate-capacitance (CG) has also been analyzed to see the effect of hydroxyl ions (OH-) in the sensing film (Al2O3). The hysteresis has also been investigated for different pH loop ( 7 → 3 → 7 → 11 → 7 and 7 → 11 → 7 → 3 → 7) and times (960s, 1500s, and 1920s). It has been observed that the drift of JL-ISFET occurs because of chemical modification of the sensing film, due to OH- . The proposed device exhibits a threshold voltage sensitivity of 58.2 mV/pH that is near to the Nernstian limit. Further, the hysteresis width and maximum drain current drift are measured as ~1.3 mV and 2.4 µA (~75%), respectively.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Paolo Luschi ◽  
Dogan Sözbilen ◽  
Giulia Cerritelli ◽  
Franck Ruffier ◽  
Eyup Başkale ◽  

Abstract The homing journeys of nine loggerhead turtles translocated from their nesting beach to offshore release sites, were reconstructed through Argos and GPS telemetry while their water-related orientation was simultaneously recorded at high temporal resolution by multi-sensor data loggers featuring a three-axis magnetic sensor. All turtles managed to return to the nesting beach area, although with indirect routes encompassing an initial straight leg not precisely oriented towards home, and a successive homebound segment carried out along the coast. Logger data revealed that, after an initial period of disorientation, turtles were able to precisely maintain a consistent direction for several hours while moving in the open sea, even during night-time. Their water-related headings were in accordance with the orientation of the resulting route, showing little or no effect of current drift. This study reveals a biphasic homing strategy of displaced turtles involving an initial orientation weakly related to home and a successive shift to coastal navigation, which is in line with the modern conceptual framework of animal migratory navigation as deriving from sequential mechanisms acting at different spatial scales.

José Emilio VALDÉS SANCHEZ ◽  

Laburpena: Artikulu honetan, Estatuko Administrazio Orokorrean 2018- 2028ko aldian egongo den langile-kopuruaren bilakaerari buruzko az- terketa kuantitatiboa egiten da. Bertan, plantillen gaur egungo zahar- tze-maila eta horien 2018tik 2028ra bitarteko proiekzioa jorratzen dira, Enplegu Eskaintza Publikoak eta barne-sustapenak urte horietan izan dezaketen eragina aintzat hartuta. Horretarako, Espainiako demografia- piramidetik abiatuta, hainbat grafiko aztertuko dira, hala nola Estatuko Administrazio Orokorrean lan egiten duten funtzionarioen gaur egungo egoera, beren batez besteko adina, inguruko beste administrazio ba- tzuekiko alderaketa, sisteman sartzeko eta hortik irteteko adinak eta Es- tatuko Administrazio Orokorreko enplegatu publikoen multzo kuantitati- boaren gaur egungo deribaren 2028rako proiekzioa. Azkenik, Estatuko Administrazio Orokorraren gaur egungo ereduari, bilakaerari eta bertan giza baliabideak kudeatzeko tresnei buruzko hausnarketa batzuk jaso- tzen dira, ondorio modura. Resumen: El siguiente artículo realiza un análisis cuantitativo de la evolución del número de efectivos en la Administración General del Estado 2018-2028, en el que trataremos el grado de envejecimiento actual de las plantillas y la proyección de las mismas de 2018 a 2028, con exploración de la incidencia que las Ofertas de Empleo Público y promoción interna pudieran tener esos años. Para ello, partiendo de la pirámide demográfica de España, se irá analizando distintas graficas desde la situación actual de los funcionarios destinados en la Adminis- tración General del Estado, su edad media, comparativa con otras ad- ministraciones del entorno, edades de entrada y salida en el sistema, y proyección a 2028 de la deriva actual en el conjunto cuantitativo de los empleados públicos de la Administración General del Estado. Final- mente, se concluyen algunas reflexiones sobre el modelo actual, su evolución y las herramientas de gestión de los recursos humanos en la Administración General del Estado. Abstract: The following article includes a quantitative analysis of the staffing evolution of the Spanish Central Government during 2018- 2028 focusing on the current aging of the staff and its projection from 2018 to 2028, exploring the incidence of Public Employment Offer and internal promotion during that period. For that purpose, taking the Spanish demographic pyramid as a starting point, different graphs will be analyzed, from the current situation of the staff assigned to the Central Government to their average age, comparison between this and other neighboring administrations, entry and exit ages to the sys- tem, and a projection to 2028 of the current drift in the quantitative set of public employees in the Central Government. To conclude, the article includes a number of afterthoughts on the current model, its evolution and the human resources management tools in the Central Government.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. S68-S74 ◽  
Sihyun Kim ◽  
Dae Woong Kwon ◽  
Sangwan Kim ◽  
Ryoongbin Lee ◽  
Tae-Hyeon Kim ◽  

2017 ◽  
Vol 249 ◽  
pp. 564-570 ◽  
Dae Woong Kwon ◽  
Sihyun Kim ◽  
Ryoongbin Lee ◽  
Hyun-Sun Mo ◽  
Dae Hwan Kim ◽  

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