maximum inclination
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2021 ◽  
pp. 103-106
Roman Vladimirovich Shkrabak

The article describes the problem associated with the loss of stability of means of mechanization of agro-industrial processes by machine-tractor units (transport, stealing, automobile and automobile trains, combines, and lifting cranes). It is noted that this circumstance leads to overturns, accidents, injuries, fires, often accompanied by fatalities. In support of the above, information is summarized on the number of injuries among women and men in the country's agro-industrial enterprises (including lethal ones). It is noted that this is due to the fact that these units are not equipped with devices that signal, automatically notify operators operating in conditions of irregularities in the terrain of fields and roads (mountainous areas) about the achievements of maximum inclination angles, the excess of which leads to overturns. In order to eliminate these situations, a device is justified and based on extensive research, automatically signalling and visually and soundly about reaching the limit angles (for a given machine) of stability in order to take measures by the operator to prevent overturning. Equipping these machines with the proposed innovative device will eliminate the possibility of overturns and related accidents, injuries, fires, providing a socio-economic effect.

Publika ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 307-320
Yeni Wulansari ◽  
Indah Prabawati

Ketersediaan aksesibilitas digunakan untuk mencapai kemudahan dan kesejahteraan bersama terlebih bagi penyandang disabilitas. Fasilitas yang memadai sangat penting bagi penyandang disabilitas untuk dapat merasakan kemudahan tanpa adanya rasa diskriminasi sesama pengguna fasilitas. Bangunan publik seperti Stasiun Kereta Api nampaknya dapat menjadi perhatian penting dalam menyediakan aksesibilitas fasilitas bagi penyandang disabilitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan kriteria pengukuran keberhasilan implementasi menurut Ripley dan Franklin, yaitu tingkat kepatuhan ketentuan yang berlaku, adanya kelancaran rutinitas dan tidak ada masalah, dan aspek terwujudnya kinerja serta dampak yang dikehendaki. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data dengan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Stasiun Malang Kota Baru telah menyediakan fasilitas bagi penyandang disabilitas berupa toilet dengan tanda-tanda/signage, ramp/tangga landai, dan pos kesehatan. Namun terdapat aksesibilitas yang belum diberikan yaitu tempat parkir khusus disabilitas, ruang tunggu khusus difabel, elemen pada tangga landai disabilitas, tangga landai/ramp yang maksimal dengan kemiringan 10°, teras stasiun pada pintu masuk yang masih terdapat lubang/cekukan, dan belum menyediakan tangga khusus untuk naik atau turun kereta untuk difabel. Saran dari penelitian ini adalah penyediaan aksesibilitas lebih dimaksimalkan agar dapat memudahkan bagi penyandang disabilitas dalam melakukan kegiatan di stasiun sebagaimana hak mereka atas kesamaan perlindungan sebagai penyandang disabilitas. Kata Kunci: Implementasi, Aksesibilitas, Penyandang Disabilitas.     The availability of accessibility is used to achieve mutual convenience and welfare especially for people with disabilities. Adequate facilities are very important for people with disabilities to able for experience convenience without a sense of discrimination among facility users. Public buildings such as as Railway Stations seem to be an an important concern in providing accessibility to facilities for people with disabilities. This research uses the criteria for measuring the success of implementation according to Ripley and Franklin, namely the level of compliance with applicable regulations, the existence of a smooth routine and no problems, and aspects of the realization of the desiredperformance and impact. This research uses a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. This research uses data collection techniques with literature study. The results showed that Malang Kota Baru Station had provided facilities for people with disabilities in the form of toilets with signage, ramps, and health post. However, there is accessibility that has not been given, namely a special parking area for people with disabilities, a special waiting room for people with disabilities, elements on the ramps for people with disabilities, a ramp with maximum inclination of 10°, the station terrace at the entrance that still has a hole, and has not provided a special ladder to climb or get off the train for people with disabilities. The suggestion of this research is that the provision of accessibility is maximed so that it can make it easier for people with disabilities to carry out activities at the station as their right to equal protection as people with disabilities. Keyword: Implementation, Accessibility, People with Disabilities.

Tomohisa Yamamoto ◽  
Atsushi Sakuma

Abstract Among human sensations, tactile perception has an important role in physics and in living comfortably. It is already known that surface roughness greatly affects the feel of solid objects, but the mechanics of the relationship between feeling and physics, as well as their effects, are difficult to determine. This study, aims to clarify the numerical relationship between elastic tactile perception and surface roughness of a rigid body by designing various products with surfaces comfortable to touch. The finite element method (FEM) has been adopted for this clarification, and a numerical model of human skin with 3 layers, epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous, has been developed to discuss the mechanical effects of touch movement. This skin model is used to evaluate the distribution of skin deformations during the process of touch movement, and the analysis of the tactile perception is done by discussing the distribution change due to touching objects. The change in distribution of deformation is mainly discussed in terms of pressure under the epidermis, and various patterns of distribution are inspected by changing the diameters and pitch ratio of a uniformly spread ball used as a plain surface. By comparing the relationship between distributions of rigid and elastic surfaces, similar distributions of pressure in the skin model were observed, and the relationships of the distribution are summarized to solve the mechanics of touch feeling. In this summarization, the maximum pressure and the maximum gradient of pressure distribution are adopted as parameters for the analysis. The analysis shows that it is numerically possible to represent the elasticity recalled by the rigid surface from its relationship with the elastic surface when they have the same maximum pressure and maximum inclination of pressure. The importance of maximum inclination of pressure for touch feeling is also shown here.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 681-691 ◽  
Robert Menke ◽  
Nikola Vasiljević ◽  
Kurt S. Hansen ◽  
Andrea N. Hahmann ◽  
Jakob Mann

Abstract. The wake of a single wind turbine in complex terrain is analysed using measurements from lidars. A particular focus of this analysis is the wake deficit and propagation. Six scanning lidars (three short-range and three long-range WindScanners) were deployed during the Perdigão 2015 measurement campaign, which took place at a double-ridge site in Portugal. Several scanning scenarios, including triple- and dual-Doppler scans, were designed to capture the wind turbine wake of a 2 MW turbine located on one of the ridges. Different wake displacements are categorized according to the time of the day. The results show a strong dependence of the vertical wake propagation on the atmospheric stability. When an atmospheric wave is observed under stable conditions, the wake follows the terrain down the ridge with a maximum inclination of -28∘. During unstable conditions, the wake is advected upwards by up to 29∘ above the horizontal plane.

2018 ◽  
pp. 51-65
Vesna Vidmar ◽  
Gregor Petkovšek ◽  
Dušan Žagar

We simulated liquid sloshing in a circular road tanker during two typical manoeuvres, namely steady-turn and lane change. A quasi-static pendulum, a modified dynamic pendulum with adjustable rod length, and the SPH (Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics) model Tis Isat were applied to simulate liquid oscillations. A simplified vehicle-tanker overturning model was developed and applied in order to determine the overturning threshold for the first manoeuvre. The agreement of liquid oscillations between the applied methods was better in the second manoeuvre, while the maximum inclination of the liquid gravity centre was successfully simulated in both cases. Both dynamic methods, the SPH and the dynamic pendulum, show a significantly lower overturning threshold, while all methods show similar overturning behaviour for a vehicle with liquid cargo. The threshold computed using the SPH model is slightly higher than with the dynamic pendulum due to wall-particle and particle-particle interactions. The results and comparisons confirm the suitability of the SPH method for simulating sloshing in road tankers and also show the method’s advantages: realistic description of the non-linear free surface in real-time, along with a consideration of mixing and friction processes within the fluid.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 172988141877390 ◽  
Yue Zhu ◽  
Jiangming Kan ◽  
Wenbin Li ◽  
Feng Kang

As to the complicated terrain in forest, forestry chassis with an articulated body with three degrees of freedom and installed luffing wheel-legs (FC-3DOF&LW) is a novel chassis that can surmount obstacles. In addition, the rear frame of FC-3DOF&LW is regarded as the platform to carry equipment. Small inclination angle for rear frame contributes to stability and ride comfort. This article describes the strategy of traversing obstacles and simulation for FC-3DOF&LW that drives in forest terrain. First, key structures of FC-3DOF&LW are briefly introduced, which include articulated structure with three degrees of freedom and luffing wheel-leg. Based on the sketch of luffing wheel-leg, the movement range of luffing wheel-leg is obtained by hydraulic cylinder operation. Second, the strategy of crossing obstacles that are simplified three models of terrain is presented, and the simulation for surmounting obstacles is constructed in multibody dynamics software. The simulation results demonstrate that the inclination angle of rear frame is 18° when slope is 30°. A maximum 12° decrease of inclination angle for rear frame can be acquired when luffing wheel-legs are applied. For traversing obstacles with both sides, the maximum inclination angle of rear frame is about 1.2° and is only 3° for traversing obstacles with single side.

2018 ◽  
Robert Menke ◽  
Nikola Vasiljević ◽  
Kurt Hansen ◽  
Andrea N. Hahmann ◽  
Jakob Mann

Abstract. The wind turbine wake of a single turbine in complex terrain is analysed using measurements from lidars. A particular focus of this analysis is the wake deficit and propagation. Six scanning lidars, three short-range and three long-range WindScanners, were deployed during the Perdigão 2015 measurement campaign which took place at a double-ridge site in Portugal. Several scanning scenarios, including triple- and dual-Doppler scans, were designed to capture the wind turbine wake of a 2 MW turbine located on one of the ridges. Different wake displacements are categorised according to the diurnal cycle. The results show a strong dependence of the vertical wake propagation to the atmospheric stability. When a terrain-induced gravity wave is observed under stable conditions, the wake follows the terrain down the ridge with a maximum inclination of −28°. During unstable conditions, the wake is advected upwards by up to 29° above horizontal.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Edward Suhartono ◽  
G Soeharsono ◽  
Danardono Agus Sumarsono

Abstract: A residential dump transport to a temporary garbage disposal medium using a human-powered dump cart is not humane. An electrical-powered propulsion system can be one of the eco-friendly system which can be implemented to the cart, thus substitutes the human’s role to do so. This propulsion is analyzed by using vehicle dynamic analysis. Vehicle dynamic analysis which is conducted, discuss tractive effort which overcomes resistances during vehicle’s movement and accelerates the vehicle, and specification of drive train, used to drive it. Based on analytical result, it is obtained an electric dump cart model which can move at a 25 km/h maximum velocity, 20° maximum inclination while it is empty loaded, and 10° maximum inclination while it is fully loaded. 

Novrianti Novrianti ◽  
Rycha Melisa ◽  
Rafhie Adrian

Well X is a development well which is directionally drilled. Directional drilling is choosen because the coordinate target of Well X is above the buffer zone. The directional track plan needs accurate survey calculation in order to make the righ track for directional drilling. There are many survey calculation in directional drilling such as tangential, underbalance, average angle, radius of curvature, and mercury method. Minimum curvature method is used in this directional track plan calculation. This method is used because it gives less error than other method.  Kick-Off Point (KOP) and End of Buildup (EOB) analysis is done at 200 ft, 400 ft, and 600 ft depth to determine the trajectory design and optimal inclination. The hole problem is also determined in this trajectory track design. Optimal trajectory design determined at 200 ft depth because the inclination below 35º and also already reach the target quite well at 1632.28 ft TVD and 408.16 AHD. The optimal inclination at 200 ft KOP depth because the maximum inclination is 18.87º which is below 35º. Hole problem will occur if the trajectory designed at 600 ft. The problems are stuck pipe and the casing or tubing will not able to bend.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 167
Kazuhiko Nitto ◽  
Yasufumi Uekita ◽  
Benyan Jiang ◽  
Shigeo Oodaira ◽  
Koji Sato

<p class="1Body">In recent years, wooden structures have been being gradually replaced by reinforced concrete and brick buildings. Although a conservation system has been established in Indonesia, specific conservation and repair guidelines for traditional wooden buildings have not been well-regulated. This paper takes the <em>omo sebua</em> as a research subject, aims to clarify the deterioration, deformation and their causes, and to propose guidelines for its conservation.</p><p class="1Body">The results of the deterioration and deformation investigation are as following: the maximum inclination of the short pillars is 5/100, and the most common inclination is 2/100. The significant sinkage of the foundation stones reaches 56 cm and the average sinkage is 20~30 cm. The maximum inclination of side pillars is 4/100, and the most common inclination is 2/100. Besides, the corruptions of the roof frame concentrate on the gable wall and termite damages can be seen in the whole building.</p><p class="1Body">Basing on the investigation result, our proposals are as following: 1) conduct a dismantling restoration; 2) recycle the used materials as much as possible to maintain the authenticity of the building; 3) use new materials that are the same as the original ones; 4) rethatch the roofing by sago palm leaf; 5) conduct a structural diagnose, reinforce the structure against an earthquake; 6) include electrical equipment and disaster management in a restoration.</p>

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