comparison data
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2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-53
Elmi Hidayah

This classroom action research (CAR) aims to improve the learning outcomes of class II TBP SUPM N Sorong through the STAD type learning model. For the outline, there are four stages of CAR, namely (1) planning, (2) implementation, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. This research was conducted in 3 cycles, cycle 1 as comparison data for cycles 2 and 3. The number of students who were active in this study was 30 students. The results showed that the STAD type of cooperative learning model can provide better learning outcomes. This can be seen by the average value acquisition in cycle 1 38.06 and learning completeness score 16.6% then an increase in the average value in cycles 2 and 3 with cooperative learning type STAD, namely, cycle 2 class average value of 73.3 with a percentage of completeness learning 76.6% and cycle 3 class average value of 74.16 with a percentage of learning completeness 90%. Likewise with student activity has increased.

2021 ◽  
Vol 936 (1) ◽  
pp. 012031
Surya Alief Ramadhan ◽  
Akbar Kurniawan ◽  
Imam Satria Yudha ◽  

Abstract Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG) is a government agency engaged in the field of Geospatial Information (IG). BIG provides several services that can be accessed by the general public and related to IG. One of the services provided by BIG is the Indonesia Continuously Operating Reference System (InaCORS). InaCORS is divided into various services, as Rinex data services, Online Post-Processing, RTK NTrip, and Mobile InaCORS. This study aims to determine the effectiveness and accuracy of InaCORS services for GNSS surveys using the Rapid Static method and Network RTK. The rapid static survey data is processed using online post-processing services and Network RTK (iMax, Max, and Nearest) will use InaCORS points as a base reference. This study also uses the results of the Total Station tool as comparison data. The results showed that the average value of the difference between the rapid static coordinates and the TS observations was dN = 0.353 m dE = 0.180 m and dZ = 0.233 m, while the Network RTK and TS coordinates were dN = 0.408 m dE = 0.184 m and dZ = 0.176 m.

David Issa Mattos ◽  
Érika Martins Silva Ramos

AbstractThis article introduces the R package (Bayesian Paired Comparison in Stan) and the statistical models implemented in the package. This package aims to facilitate the use of Bayesian models for paired comparison data in behavioral research. Bayesian analysis of paired comparison data allows parameter estimation even in conditions where the maximum likelihood does not exist, allows easy extension of paired comparison models, provides straightforward interpretation of the results with credible intervals, has better control of type I error, has more robust evidence towards the null hypothesis, allows propagation of uncertainties, includes prior information, and performs well when handling models with many parameters and latent variables. The package provides a consistent interface for R users and several functions to evaluate the posterior distribution of all parameters to estimate the posterior distribution of any contest between items and to obtain the posterior distribution of the ranks. Three reanalyses of recent studies that used the frequentist Bradley–Terry model are presented. These reanalyses are conducted with the Bayesian models of the package, and all the code used to fit the models, generate the figures, and the tables are available in the online appendix.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 4558
Ethan E. Wright ◽  
Mark A. Bourassa ◽  
Ad Stoffelen ◽  
Jean-Raymond Bidlot

Buoys provide key observations of wind speed over the ocean and are routinely used as a source of validation data for satellite wind products. However, the movement of buoys in high seas and the airflow over waves might cause inaccurate readings, raising concern when buoys are used as a source of wind speed comparison data. The relative accuracy of buoy winds is quantified through a triple collocation (TC) exercise comparing buoy winds to winds from ASCAT and ERA5. Differences between calibrated buoy winds and ASCAT are analyzed through separating the residuals by anemometer height and testing under high wind-wave and swell conditions. First, we converted buoy winds measured near 3, 4, and 5 m to stress-equivalent winds at 10 m (U10s). Buoy U10s from anemometers near 3 m compared notably lower than buoy U10s from anemometers near 4 and 5 m, illustrating the importance of buoy choice in comparisons with remote sensing data. Using TC calibration of buoy U10s to ASCAT in pure wind-wave conditions, we found that there was a small, but statistically significant difference between height adjusted buoy winds from buoys with 4 and 5 m anemometers compared to the same ASCAT wind speed ranges in high seas. However, this result does not follow conventional arguments for wave sheltering of buoy winds, whereby the lower anemometer height winds are distorted more than the higher anemometer height winds in high winds and high seas. We concluded that wave sheltering is not significantly affecting the winds from buoys between 4 and 5 m with high confidence for winds under 18 ms−1. Further differences between buoy U10s and ASCAT winds are observed in high swell conditions, motivating the need to consider the possible effects of sea state on ASCAT winds.

A. E. Antoniuk

The article considers the issue of individual manner of conducting freestyle wrestling. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodical literature, questionnaires of trainers, observation of fights, video recordings, expert assessment. The observational stage of the experiment was completed in the study. Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature and questionnaires of coaches, the most widely used technical and tactical actions of freestyle wrestlers have been established. The individual manner of conducting the fight was studied and the distribution of wrestlers according to these characteristics was carried out. A 120-point system for assessing the dynamics of changes in technical and tactical readiness has been formed. The system includes a set of special modules. These modules will be used in further work. Two groups of wrestlers were formed for further research - a control group and an experimental group The initial data of indicators of technical and tactical combinations of freestyle wrestlers of both groups are received. The article presents comparison data between the two groups before the main experiment. Modern wrestling is aimed at developing strength and endurance, agility, the ability to make quick decisions in difficult conditions, the desire for fair play and victory. Wrestlers are required to actively improve themselves, constantly expand the system of acquired knowledge, practical skills and master new applied competencies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 108 (Supplement_7) ◽  
Ross Manson ◽  
Tracy Tallo ◽  
Isabell Robertson ◽  
John Anderson ◽  
Praveen Sharma ◽  

Abstract Aims This study aimed to establish whether the initial lockdown resulted in a shift towards emergency surgery, changes in stoma formation and in rate of surgery with curative intent. Methods A retrospective data collection was performed. Patients were identified using a local database of all patients with stomas. Data was collected from 16/03/20 to 16/09/20. A comparison data set was taken (16/03/19 to 16/09/19). Data was collected on whether the case was performed as an emergency; the type of stoma formed and whether the operation was performed with curative intent. Results Seventeen patients were identified in the 2020 cohort (age: 51-84, mean age: 67.6, M:F 10:7). Fourteen cases (82.4%) were performed as emergencies, three electively (17.6%). Six (35.3%) had end colostomies, three (17.6%) had loop colostomies, one (5.9%) had a caecostomy, four (23.5%) had an end ileostomy and three (17.6%) had a loop ileostomy. Ten operations were for patients with cancer, three (30%) were performed with curative intent. 38 patients were identified in the 2019 cohort (age: 28-85, mean age: 63.0, M:F 17:21). 23 (60.5%) were emergencies, fifteen (39.5%) were performed electively. Nine (23.7%) had end colostomies, eight (21.1%) had loop colostomies, three (7.9%) had caecostomies, ten (26.3%) had end ileostomies and nine (23.7%) had loop ileostomies. There were nineteen operations for cancer, eight (42.1%) were with curative intent. Conclusions Cessation of elective activity caused a shift towards emergency operating, with an associated shift towards surgery with non-curative intent. The distribution of stomas formed has not changed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 108 (Supplement_7) ◽  
Sophie Green ◽  
Dominic Ronan ◽  
David Ralston

Abstract Aim The Covid-19 pandemic has seen various government restrictions on all aspects of daily life. We assessed whether these lifestyle alterations have affected the number, severity and presentation of burns seen at a Paediatric Burns Unit. Methods We looked at Paediatric Burns admissions to Plastic Surgery during the Covid-19 pandemic of March 2020 to Jan 2021 (DC), as well as comparison data prior to Covid-19 from April 2019 to February 2020 (PC). We also looked at specific periods of national lockdown. Using data from our electronic records we looked at varying aspects of a patient’s journey. Results In total 788 cases were admitted to the Burn’s team from April19 -January21. The mean age of patients both DC and PC were 4.7 years with the mean during the first lockdown of 5. The time to presentation PC was 2.6 days, DC was 1.79 days and 2.4 days during the first lockdown. This was not significant (p = 0.2). The median total body surface area (TBSA) was <1% in both PC and DC patients. Scalds made up 53% of the first lockdown injuries, this had no statistically significant difference as compared to PC and DC injuries (48% and 46% respectively). Conclusions Overall burns admissions during the Covid-19 pandemic did not significantly change as compared to the previous year. This contrasts published adult results, which demonstrates reduced burns admissions during Covid-19. We suggest this may be due to unchanged causative factors in paediatric burns which are predominantly found in domestic lockdown environments.

Chang-qing Dong ◽  
Chen Chen ◽  
Nver Ren ◽  
Jian-jun Cai

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Rusmiati Rusmiati ◽  
Sasi Gendro Sari ◽  
Karlina Rizki Amalia

Studies to compare the proximate content of durian fruit flesh and seeds have not been widely employing. Hence, this study aimed to analyze and compare this content in fruit flesh and seeds of three durian varieties from adjacent growing areas. The following methods used for proximate analysis were carbohydrates (by difference), protein (micro Kjeldahl), lipid (soxhlet), crude fiber (washing), moisture content (oven), ash content (furnace). In evaluating the difference in proximate content in these parts of three durian varieties, the resulting data were tested statistically using ANOVA =5%, followed by the DMRT test. In determining the difference in the proximate content between the fruit flesh and durian seeds, the independent samples T-test was used with =5%. All data collected were then compared with the USDA National Nutrient and the Directorate of Nutrition at the Ministry of Health databases. The results showed that three durian varieties from adjacent growing areas had significantly different protein and carbohydrate content (in fruit flesh), ash content, protein, and carbohydrates (in seeds). The flesh part of the three varieties of durian contains water, protein, fat, crude fiber, which is significantly different from durian seeds. This study is higher than the comparison data

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Kristi R. Griffiths ◽  
Leonor Aparício ◽  
Taylor A. Braund ◽  
Jenny Yang ◽  
Grace Harvie ◽  

High trait impulsivity is thought to contribute to the sense of loss of control over eating and impulses to binge eat experienced by those with binge eating disorder (BED). Lisdexamfetamine dimesylate (LDX), a drug approved for treatment of moderate to severe BED, has been shown to decrease impulsive features of BED. However, the relationship between LDX-related reductions of binge eating (BE) episodes and impulsivity has not yet been explored. Forty-one adults aged 18–40years with moderate to severe BED completed questionnaires and tasks assessing impulsivity at baseline and after 8weeks of 50–70mg of LDX. Twenty age-matched healthy controls were also assessed at two timepoints for normative comparison. Data were analysed using linear mixed models. BED participants exhibited increased self-reported motor, non-planning, cognitive and food-related impulsivity relative to controls but no differences in objective task-based measures of impulsivity. Food-related and non-planning impulsivity was significantly reduced by LDX, but not to normative levels. Individuals with higher baseline levels of motor and non-planning impulsivity, and loss of control over eating scores experienced the greatest reduction in BE frequency after 8weeks of LDX. Further, there were significant associations between the degree to which subjective loss of control over eating, non-planning impulsivity and BE frequency reduced after 8weeks of LDX. These data suggest that specific subjective measures of impulsivity may be able to predict who will have the greatest benefit from LDX treatment and that reductions in BE frequency may be moderated by concurrent reductions in non-planning impulsivity.

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