tritium concentration
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2021 ◽  
Vincent Graber ◽  
Eugenio Schuster

Abstract ITER will be the first tokamak to sustain a fusion-producing, or burning, plasma. If the plasma temperature were to inadvertently rise in this burning regime, the positive correlation between temperature and the fusion reaction rate would establish a destabilizing positive feedback loop. Careful regulation of the plasma’s temperature and density, or burn control, is required to prevent these potentially reactor-damaging thermal excursions, neutralize disturbances and improve performance. In this work, a Lyapunov-based burn controller is designed using a full zero-dimensional nonlinear model. An adaptive estimator manages destabilizing uncertainties in the plasma confinement properties and the particle recycling conditions (caused by plasma-wall interactions). The controller regulates the plasma density with requests for deuterium and tritium particle injections. In ITER-like plasmas, the fusion-born alpha particles will primarily heat the plasma electrons, resulting in different electron and ion temperatures in the core. By considering separate response models for the electron and ion energies, the proposed controller can independently regulate the electron and ion temperatures by requesting that different amounts of auxiliary power be delivered to the electrons and ions. These two commands for a specific control effort (electron and ion heating) are sent to an actuator allocation module that optimally maps them to the heating actuators available to ITER: an electron cyclotron heating system (20 MW), an ion cyclotron heating system (20 MW), and two neutral beam injectors (16.5 MW each). Two different actuator allocators are presented in this work. The first actuator allocator finds the optimal mapping by solving a convex quadratic program that includes actuator saturation and rate limits. It is nonadaptive and assumes that the mapping between the commanded control efforts and the allocated actuators (i.e., the effector model) contains no uncertainties. The second actuator allocation module has an adaptive estimator to handle uncertainties in the effector model. This uncertainty includes actuator efficiencies, the fractions of neutral beam heating that are deposited into the plasma electrons and ions, and the tritium concentration of the fueling pellets. Furthermore, the adaptive allocator considers actuator dynamics (actuation lag) that contain uncertainty. This adaptive allocation algorithm is more computationally efficient than the aforementioned nonadaptive allocator because it is computed using dynamic update laws so that finding the solution to a static optimization problem is not required at every time step. A simulation study assesses the performance of the proposed adaptive burn controller augmented with each of the actuator allocation modules.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 3271
Giuseppe La Verde ◽  
Valeria Artiola ◽  
Vittoria D’Avino ◽  
Marco La Commara ◽  
Marianna Panico ◽  

The physical–chemical properties of water are closely linked to the geological nature of the site where they are located. This aspect becomes even more interesting when analyzing the natural radionuclides in the drinking water of a volcanic territory such as Campania in southern Italy. This study concerned the measurement of activity concentration of gross alpha and beta, radon, and tritium to evaluate their biological impact. The measurements were carried out using alpha spectrometry for alpha emitters, proportional counter for beta emitters, the electret system for radon in water, and finally liquid scintillation for the measurement of tritium concentration. The biological impact was assessed considering the indicative dose, if applicable, and the effective annual dose of radon. Although the results show that the values are below international and national references, the radiological characterization of drinking water is of fundamental importance to optimize the radiation protection of the population.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 99
K. Stamoulis ◽  
K. G. Ioannides ◽  
A. Vlachogianni ◽  
C. A. Papachristodoulou

The Radiochronology Center has been established in 1999 as a member of the Horizontal Laboratories network of the University of Ioannina. Recently it has added to its activities the development of a tritium measurements laboratory as part of the Radiochronology Center. The laboratory is equipped with a super low level background liquid scintillation counter, which is capable to measure very low concentrations of tritium for applications in radioprotection, dating and hydrology.For the aims of the present continuing study rainwater samples are collected monthly. Each sample is distilled and then it is passed through an electrolysis process to increase the tritium concentration. Five mL of the enriched sample are mixed with 15 mL of a scintillation cocktail, specially designed for tritium measurements and its beta activity is measured for 200 min. The LLD of tritium in the samples is estimated 3 Bq/L or 27 TU.Our preliminary results show that, during the measuring period tritium concentration increased with time. The tritium values are correlated with the cosmic ray neutron flux data at ground level, available for Greece in the same period. The measured tritium concentrations in rainwater, which range from 36 ± 8 to 64 ± 8 TU, may be used for local hydrology studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 3481
Volker Pasler ◽  
Frederik Arbeiter ◽  
Christine Klein ◽  
Dmitry Klimenko ◽  
Georg Schlindwein ◽  

This work continues the development of a numerical model to simulate transient tritium transport on the breeder zone (BZ) level for the EU helium-cooled pebble bed (HCPB) concept for DEMO. The basis of the model is the open-source field operation and manipulation framework, OpenFOAM. The key output quantities of the model are the tritium concentration in the purge gas and in the coolant and the tritium inventory inside the BZ structure. New model features are briefly summarized. As a first relevant application a simulation of tritium transport for a single pin out of the KIT HCPB design for DEMO is presented. A variety of scenarios investigates the impact of the permeation regime (diffusion-limited vs. surface-limited), of an additional hydrogen content of 300 Pa H2 in the purge gas, of the released species (HT vs. T2), and of the choice of species-specific rate constants (recombination constant of HT set twice as for H2 and T2). The results indicate that the released species plays a minor role for permeation. Both permeation and inventory show a considerable dependence on a possible hydrogen addition in the purge gas. An enhanced HT recombination constant reduces steel T inventories and, in the diffusion-limited case, also permeation significantly. Scenarios with 80 bar vs. 2 bar purge gas pressure indicate that purge gas volumetric flow is decisive for permeation.

Ya. O. Malkova ◽  
V. V. Dolin ◽  
V. M. Bobkov

The article presents the analysis of diffusion-convective mass transfer processes and their parameters, defines hydrogeochemical criteria for evaluation of brine chemical composition formation in Dombrovskyi quarry of Kalush-Golynske deposit. It has been experimentally determined that the temperature gradient (20 °С) significantly affects the rate of mass transfer in the brines. This is probably due to convection-diffuse processes. The dynamics of processes occurring when fresh water enters the brine surface has been experimentally simulated. Analysis of these data from the point of view of formal kinetics for irreversible process allowed estimating the speed of convection-diffusion process. The rate of self-diffusion of water into saturated brine of galite (D=1,21·10-5 cm2/s) and hydrated (in tritium water) ions of Na+Cl- (D=6,62·10-6 cm2/s) were experimentally studied by the isotope method using the tritium label. According to the spatial dynamics of the half (from equilibrium) tritium concentration, the linear rate of self-diffusion of water into brine (6,56 cm/day) and diffusion of hydrated sodium chloride ions into water (1,10 cm/day) are calculated. At the same time, the change rate of position of half (from equilibrium) tritium concentration in the spatial plan is almost the same: (0,22 cm/day) and (0,23 cm/day), respectively. Mathematical models describing the dynamics of these processes have been constructed. The obtained data make it possible to calculate the rates of salts movement from the depth of the Dombrovskyi quarry to its surface. Estimated amount of fresh water (220 thousand tons), capable to indifundate within a year from the surface to a 100-meter depth in the lower layers of Dombrovskyi quarry brines and dissolve the salt-containing rocks in its sides and the bottom.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Katsumi Shozugawa ◽  
Mayumi Hori ◽  
Thomas. E. Johnson ◽  
Naoto Takahata ◽  
Yuji Sano ◽  

AbstractThere has been tritium groundwater leakage to the land side of Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plants since 2013. Groundwater was continuously collected from the end of 2013 to 2019, with an average tritium concentration of approximately 20 Bq/L. Based on tritium data published by Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings (TEPCO) (17,000 points), the postulated source of the leakage was (1) leaks from a contaminated water tank that occurred from 2013 to 2014, or (2) a leak of tritium that had spread widely over an impermeable layer under the site. Based on our results, sea side and land side tritium leakage monitoring systems should be strengthened.

Naofumi Akata ◽  
Masahiro Tanaka ◽  
Chie Iwata ◽  
Akemi Kato ◽  
Miki Nakada ◽  

The deuterium plasma experiment was started using the Large Helical Device (LHD) at the National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS) in March 2017 to investigate high-temperature plasma physics and the hydrogen isotope effects towards the realization of fusion energy. In order to clarify any experimental impacts on precipitation, precipitation has been collected at the NIFS site since November 2013 as a means to assess the relationship between isotope composition and chemical species in precipitation containing tritium. The tritium concentration ranged from 0.10 to 0.61 Bq L−1 and was high in spring and low in summer. The stable isotope composition and the chemical species were unchanged before and after the deuterium plasma experiment. Additionally, the tritium concentration after starting the deuterium plasma experiment was within three sigma of the average tritium concentration before the deuterium plasma experiment. These results suggested that there was no impact by tritium on the environment surrounding the fusion test facility.

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