situational factor
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2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 1550-1568
Eugene Cheng-Xi Aw ◽  
Norazlyn Kamal Basha ◽  
Siew-Imm Ng ◽  
Jo-Ann Ho

Webrooming, a practice whereby consumers research for products online prior to making their final purchase offline, represents a prevalent form of shopping behavior in the current retailing landscape. This study aims to explore the determinants for and against the adoption of webrooming behavior among Millennials. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were employed to collect data. Data were analyzed through theoretical thematic analysis. Results unveil a number of important themes, categorized based on consumers- (i.e., need for touch, need for interaction, price-comparison orientation, and product knowledge), channel-related factors (i.e., online search convenience, perceived usefulness of online reviews, perceived helpfulness of in-store salespeople, immediate possession, perceived risk), situational factor (i.e., product category), as well as experiential outcome (smart-shopping perception) that arose from webrooming. Considering the limited research on webrooming, this study advances the theoretical understanding on the determinants of webrooming, and offers managerial insight for retailers to deal with this popular shopping phenomenon.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Brandon del Pozo ◽  
Emily Sightes ◽  
Jeremiah Goulka ◽  
Brad Ray ◽  
Claire A. Wood ◽  

Abstract Background Policing shapes the health risks of people who use drugs (PWUD), but little is understood about interventions that can align officer practices with PWUD health. This study deploys the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to understand what influences police intentions to make discretionary referrals to treatment and harm reduction resources rather than arrest on less serious charges. Methods On-line surveys integrating TPB constructs and adapting an instrument measuring police intentions to make mental health treatment referrals were completed by police employees in Indiana, Massachusetts, and Missouri. They also included items about stigma towards PWUD and attitudes and beliefs about opioid addiction, treatment, and recovery. Findings Across the sites, 259 respondents perceived control over their decision to arrest for misdemeanors (69%) and confiscate items such as syringes (56%). Beliefs about others’ approval of referrals to treatment, its ability to reduce future arrests, and to increase trust in police were associated with stated practices of nonarrest for drug and possession and making referrals (p ≤ .001), and nonarrest for syringe possession (p ≤ .05). Stigma a towards PWUD was negatively associated with stated practices of nonarrest (p ≤ .05). Respondents identified supervisors as having the most influence over use of discretion, seriousness of the offense as the most influential value, and attitude of the suspect as the most important situational factor. The 17 Likert scale items analyzed had a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.81. Conclusion The TPB offers untapped potential to better understand and modify police practices. In designing interventions to improve the health outcomes of police encounters with PWUD, further research should validate instruments that measure the relationship between these variables and discretionary intentions, and that measure role-relevant police stigma towards PWUD.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 288-305
Tom Rosman ◽  
Martin Kerwer ◽  
Anita Chasiotis ◽  
Oliver Wedderhoff

Munro (2010, found that individuals, when confronted with belief-disconfirming scientific evidence, resist this information by concluding that the topic at hand is not amenable to scientific investigation—a scientific impotence excuse. We strived to replicate this finding and to extend this work by analyzing other factors that might lead to scientific impotence excuses. As a person-specific factor, we analyzed the role of epistemic beliefs, and as a situational factor, we focused on the contradictoriness of the evidence at hand. Three sets of hypotheses were preregistered. In an experimental 2 × 3 online study drawing on a general population sample of N = 901 participants, we first assessed our participants’ prior beliefs on the effects of acupuncture versus massaging (pro acupuncture vs. no opinion). One experimental group then read fictitious empirical evidence claiming superiority of acupuncture, another group read evidence speaking against acupuncture, and a third group read conflicting evidence (i.e., a mix of pro- and contra-findings). Scientific impotence excuses were measured by a newly developed questionnaire. Our first hypothesis, which suggested that participants believing in the superiority of acupuncture would make stronger scientific impotence excuses when confronted with belief-disconfirming findings, was confirmed. A second hypothesis suggested that scientific impotence excuses would be stronger when individuals were confronted with evidence exhibiting a “nature” that contradicts their topic-specific epistemic beliefs. This hypothesis was partially supported. A third hypothesis suggested that individuals confronted with conflicting evidence would make stronger scientific impotence excuses, and this was again confirmed. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 217-224
Anggun Nindy Fatliana ◽  
Naniek Utami Handayani ◽  
Manik Mahacandra ◽  
Utaminingsih Linarti

Waste is an environmental problem that hasn’t been resolved until now. This problem can be overcome with the waste bank program. The success of the waste bank is supported by the high level of community participation. Currently, the level of community participation in Bantul Regency is still low, which is below 50%. The purpose of this research is to investigates what factors that can increase people’s intention and behavior of  participating in waste  bank activities at Bantul Regency. This research using factors from Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) model. Besides of factors from Theory of Planned Behavior this research added other factors like knowledge of how and what, knowledge of the consequences and situational factors used as a measurement tools. The research used 300 samples. The target respondents for this research are members who actively participate in the waste bank activities. The sampling technique is purposive sampling, regression analysis methods is using on this research. The analysis results showed that attitudes, subjective norms, knowledge of how and what, knowledge of consequence and situational factor have a significant effect on the people’s intention to participate in the waste bank programs. Meanwhile the perceived control behavior variable has no significant effect on the people’s intention to participate in the waste bank program. All the factors togethers can explain the intention of 44.7%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 226
Isnaeni Anggun Sari ◽  
Muhammad Zulfa Alfaruqy

Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi respon psikologis dan dinamika pengambilan keputusan menikah saat pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian yang didesain dengan metode kualitatif eksploratif ini melibatkan 266 subjek yang menikah saat masa pandemi. Data digali dengan kuesioner open-ended dan dianalisis dengan analisis konten. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa respon psikologisketikadihadapkan pada pandemi meliputi respon afektif (58,7%), kognitif (19,9%), psikomotorik (8,6%), dan netral (8,6%). Keputusan menikah saat masa pandemi didasari pertimbangan faktor teknis (alokasi sumber daya, kesiapan acara), faktor sosial-psikologis (kesiapan personal, dukungan keluarga, agama), dan faktor situasional (ketidakpastian kapan pandemi berakhir). Tantangan terbesar yang dialami ialah perihal teknis penyelenggaraan resepsi, diikuti ketidakhadiran keluarga besar, pengurusan administrasi, dan pembatasan sosial. Penelitian ini berimplikasi pada kebijakan publik yang mendorong kesiapan materi maupun psikologis calon suami-istri apabila menikah saat pandemi.This study aimed to explore the psychological response and the dynamics of marriage decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is an exploratory qualitative method that involved 266 subjects who were married during the pandemic. The data were collected with an open-ended questionnaire and analyzed with content analysis. The results showed that the psychological responses toward marriage during the pandemic included affective (58.7%), cognitive (19.9%), psychomotor (8.6%), and neutral (8.6%) responses. The decision to marry during a pandemic is based on technical factors(allocation of resources, event readiness), social-psychological factors (personal readiness, family support, religion) and situational factor (uncertainty about when the pandemic will end). The biggest challenges are about organizing a reception, following the presence of a large family, administrative management, and social management. This research has implications for public policies that encourage psychological and material readiness of married couples during the pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 123-128
M. Yusuf Effendi ◽  
Dyah Astorini Wulandari

Psychological distress is a harmful condition that can affect individuals directly or indirectly over time and affect physical health conditions and mental conditions. This study aims to determine the description of psychological distress in converts. This type of research is qualitative research with a phenomenological model and data collection methods carried out by in-depth interviews and documentation. The informants of this study were three people, one man was 59 years old and had converted to Islam for 36 years and two women, the first was 40 years old and had converted to Islam for 18 years, the second was 66 years old and had converted to Islam for 41 years. The results of this study indicate that the religious conversion experienced by the informant has a relationship with psychological distress, where the process follows the interpersonal and situational factors shared by the informant. The informant decides to convert to Islam. The interpersonal factors experienced by the informants occurred in the second stage of religious conversion, namely, the phase of unease. In this phase, religious teachings are believed to bring peace no longer or cause psychological distress to him. Informants make comparisons from the previous instructions to the teachings of Islam. The peak was the situational factor he experienced, namely the stage of religious conversion (mualaf) because the teachings in Islam are considered the right way and are more capable of bringing life satisfaction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Rani Candra Kurniawati ◽  
Anggara Wisesa

The entire economy in Indonesia experienced turmoil and decline due to the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Likewise, the event organizer industry also experienced a decline. All event organizer companies are having a hard time. Employee motivation at work is affected by internal and external factors, caused by dispositional factor or internal, such as personality trait, effort, mood, judgment, ability, motive, belief and situational factor or external, such as world’s phenomenon, other’s people attitude, time of day, task difficulty, and luck. This study analyzes employee motivation affected by dispositional and situational factors and influences employee performance while working in Event Organizer during Covid-19 Pandemic. This study uses a qualitative approach with attribution theory and phenomenological method. Researcher conducts semi-structured interviews with three employees of the EventX company. The result of this study is the understanding of the factors that significantly influence the employee motivation of EventX through two approaches, dispositional and situational. The researcher found that there are changes in motivation and affect performance during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study will become a reference to increase motivation levels, especially for event industry amid the Covid-19 situation and enhance employee performance.

Media Wisata ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Hari Rachmadi

The travelling decision model reflects the Characteristics and type of travel. It differentiates and compares the tendencies of decision-making behaviour in different situational. The Travelling decision is established by the different motives of each individualand group. Where the situational factor affects the behaviour of decision making.  Most of the decision-making processes require the involvement of behaviour in using the information like in contemporary decision making. one of the examples is the decision to travel. The logical decision making is the decision made through clear steps that reflects the different characteristics of behaviour in specific decision situations which the values are related and chosen tourist destination are suitable and desirable

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 299-302
Benyu Feng ◽  
Yu Yuan

ABSTRACT Introduction The paper investigates burnout causes and relevant affecting factors of juvenile trampolinists. Objective With 93 participants aged U10-16 of 2019 National Juvenile Trampoline Championship as investigation objects, to improve the current situation of juvenile burnout, exploring the methodology to alleviate and eliminate it, enhancing the sense of achievement in training and competition and providing a theoretical basis for coaches to train and cultivate athletes. Methods Questionnaire survey, semi-structured interview, mathematical statistics. Results The burnout level of the trampolinists is below the moderate level, and the overall burnout level of athletes is not high; the sense of achievement decrease> negative evaluation of sports>emotional/physical exhaustion; the correlation between the overall level of burnout of athletes and different genders, training age, education stage and athlete level is not significant; in terms of burnout, there are very significant positive correlations(P<0.01) between overload factor, personal factor, and situational factor, and emotional/physical exhaustion, sense of achievement decrease and negative evaluation of sports respectively. Conclusions Strengthen the communication with trampolinists, improve their self-regulation ability in various ways, master the methods to alleviate burnout, and increase social support for them. Level of evidence II; Therapeutic studies - investigation of treatment results.

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