symbolic world
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Aleksandr Andreyevich Polonnikov ◽  
Natalya Dmitriyevna Korchalova ◽  
Dmitriy Yuryevich Korol

The authors of the article focus on changes related to education. Education is considered as a communicative construct arising from the process of symbolic interaction between individuals who establish meanings when coordinating their statements. The communicative generation of situations and orders of knowledge is interpreted as educational semiosis. Analyzed is the discourse of modern humanities which are competing with each other in determining the current socio-cultural situation. Highlighted is the research tendency, asserting the point of changing the cultural morphogenesis by means of its visualization processes. Based on this, the hypothesis of a gap between culture and education is put forward. According to this hypothesis, cultural relations are increasingly mediated by figurative participation, while educational practices appeal to verbal and textual forms of the situational mediation. Within the relations between actors in education, this is reflected in the dominance of legitimate (metanarrative) samples, the transmission model of educational knowledge, the communicative preference for orderliness, the desire for unambiguity, the clarity and completeness of logocentric forms of thinking, and so on. The change of the mediation form in the organization of educational interaction and the transition from the verbocentric order to the ocular-centric one, is suggested as a step in the development of modern education. It must affect the way educational relations (educational communication) function, the way words (speech) and images (vision) are inter-related, the principles of students’ orientation in their attitudes to the sign-symbolic world, their partners in interaction, and to themselves. In the first case, the point is to organize educational communication based on the principles of paradoxicality, paralogicality, and disproportionality of statements and images of the situation. Here the most important educational objective is to make the participants of the educational interaction consider their differences in their interpretations of the world, their styles of utterance, and their discursive positioning. In the second case, the educational objective is the liberalization of vision, which emerges in the course of perceptual work emancipated from the primary procedures of interpretation and comprehension of the visible and relying on the action of the image as the context of the statement. The third case is about worldview constants, radical changes in the position of the educational subject, acquiring the experience of self-detachment in learning. In the final analysis, this provides an opportunity for differentiation and diversification of the worlds of human presence.

András Cieger

Aksara ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-24
Sarwo Ferdi Wibowo ◽  
Hasina Fajrin R. ◽  
Puji Retno Hardiningtyas

AbstrakElemen seksual dalam novel Saman karya Ayu Utami masih sering dijustifikasi melalui nilai-nilai kesusilaan yang merupakan bagian dari dunia simbol. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang membahas karya tersebut dalam perspektif psikoanalisis-historis Slavoj Žižek. Metode psikoanalisis historis digunakan untuk melihat elemen seksual dalam karya Ayu Utami secara berbeda. Data dikumpulkan melalui pembacaan secara teliti dan berulang terhadap novel Saman untuk menemukan frasa, kalimat, paragraf, dan wacana yang memuat kualitas-kualitas subjek dialektis Slavoj Žižek. Data tersebut kemudian direlasikan untuk menentukan posisi subjek sebagai subjek radikal atau sebaliknya berdasarkan konsepsi pembentukan subjek radikal Žižek, yaitu konstruksi dunia simbolik-momen kekosongan-tindakan radikal-terbentuknya subjek radikal. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tokoh dalam novel Saman, yaitu Laila dan Wisanggeni memiliki hasrat seksual yang lepas dari dominasi simbolik sehingga melakukan tindakan radikal. Melalui aktivitas seksual yang didorong hasrat yang murni tersebut, kedua tokoh tersebut memasuki momen kekosongan. Proses tersebut menyebabkan tokoh Laila dan Wisanggeni menjadi subjek radikal yang telah keluar dari dunia simbolik. Oleh karena itu, keberadaan subjek radikal dalam sebuah novel dapat dikatakan sebagai sebuah retakan dunia simbolik seksualitas yang secara ontologis konsisten. Kata kunci: seksualitas, tindakan radikal, psikoanalisis-historis  Abstract The sexual element in “Saman” by Ayu Utami frequently is justified by the value of decency which becomes a part of the symbolic world. This study is descriptive research that discusses the novel from Slavoj Žižek’s historical-psychoanalysis perspective. The historical-psychoanalysis method consents to uncover the sexual element in the novel by Ayu Utami differently. Data collected through reading carefully and respectively of Saman novel are done to find out the phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and discourses that contain qualities of Slavoj Žižek’s dialectic subject. Collected data are then related to determining subject position as the radical subject or otherwise considering the construction of the symbolic world-ex nihilio- radical act-radical subject. The result of this research reveals that Laila and Wisanggeni characters in the novel of Saman have a sexual desire separated from symbolic dominance, and its practice becomes a radical act. Through sexual activity driven by passion, they enter the moment of the void. The process caused the figure of Laila and Wisanggeni to be a radical subject that has been out of the symbolic world. Therefore, the existence of a radical subject in a novel can be said to be a maligned symbolic world of sexuality ontologically consistent. Keywords: sexuality, radical act, historical-psychoanalysis 

A.V. Emelyanov

The article deals with examples of symbolic, virtual artifacts as part of the social reality of the modern world. The author analyzes the influence of symbolic reality on a person, the transformation of forms of perception, reflection of the world. The symbolic world, the world of simulacra is considered as an instrument of influence on various spheres of society. Examples of symbolic structures involved in various forms of social life, the involvement of symbolic forms of reflection of the world in the mechanisms of perception, decision-making are given. We consider the relationship between the conditionally real and conditional virtual worlds, their interweaving, reciprocity. The article shows the relationship between the symbol and the simulacrum as a more modern and more complex form that characterizes the state of current social reality, various phenomena of post-modern types of societies, and their historical variability. The ethical aspects of the expansion of symbolic human spaces, the reasons for their appearance and development, and the consequences of their existence for human civilization are considered.

2021 ◽  
Vol XII (1 (34)) ◽  
pp. 149-166
Janusz Gajda

This paper - as stated in the title - covers theory, research and practice of cultural pedagogy in Poland, especially at the beginning of 3rd decade of 21st century. It consists of 2 parts concerning the following issues: History until the end of 20th century Tradition, origin, subject and philosophical assumptions Cultural pedagogy in the interwar period in Poland Cultural pedagogy as a humanistic pedagogy after 2nd World War 2. Return of cultural pedagogy after 1995 and it’s further development Cultural pedagogy, it’s humanistic-anthropological character Important publications and academic centers which popularize cultural pedagogy Summary Connecting theory and practice is a requirement for effective education and development of humanistic-anthropological cultural pedagogy which is open to „real world” and „symbolic world”. The last statement, justified in the Summary, is the main thesis of this paper.

Skhid ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-42
Liudmyla Ovsiankina ◽  
Tetiana Kuprii

The article is dedicated to revealing the specific features of fashion as a system of cultural and aesthetic values, as well as a contradictory social phenomenon which plays an important role as a symbolic regulator of mass society. The purpose of this article is to study the mechanism of creation of the sign and symbolic world of fashion, new models and patterns of behavior, evident and hidden functions of fashion in the era of globalization.  Attention is focused on the fact that fashion, as one of the central phenomenon of the modern world, has become an industry based on the principle of rationality, for the production of original trends, in line with the trends and challenges of modern times. It reflects social reality, and people who actively contribute to changing its fashion patterns set in motion models of social reality. It is the sociological study of fashion that can contribute to its most adequate description and explanation. This is due to the fact that the process of spreading and changing fashion patterns is characterized by the value attitude of people both to things and to other people. The result of such an attitude is the social division of people into groups. A fashionable thing, which is desirable for a person, at the same time becomes for him a desirable image of the social status and interpersonal relations to which a person aspires. The article analyzes modern fashion in terms of symbolic conditionality and symbolic reality characterized by features of sociality, temporality, ambivalence and spectacularity.  The main attention of authors of the study is devoted to the analysis of the specific behavior of a human-consumer, for whom the sign and symbolic world of fashion is not only a means of self-expression, but also an opportunity to fill the spiritual vacuum and feel a lost sense of stability.  Attention is also focused on the importance of solving the problem of ethics of responsibility of modern fashion, which is the determinants of all relations in the sphere of contemporary consumer society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-121
Dorina Szente

In the first half of the twentieth century, photography allowed families and groups to capture important moments. In the 1920s and 1930s, cheaper and simpler cameras appeared on the market, which became available to many people. It was the Kodak revolution. The intimate family spaces opened; the everyday life of the schools became visible. The Fortepan visual database is a collection of such photographs taken between 1900 and 1990. As a cultural imprint of the time, the photograph has become a new source for researchers to observe a symbolic world we know little about. The oldest communication medium is the human body, so its movement in space can take cultural anthropological and pedagogical anthropological research to a whole new level. Rituals interarm everyday life, forming a transition between past, present, and future. It creates community, order. School celebrations are a good way to see hidden content that settles social conditions. The research looks at how school dances appeared in the 1920s and 1930s and how school dances changed to different social influences, and what ritual elements appear in them.

Charlotte Jones

This chapter shifts attention from reference in space to reference in time, in order to extend the argument about realism and metaphysics to a consideration of genres as ideological formations which must both engage with recognizable circumstances and possess an innate desire to defamiliarize, even contravene, the givens of the cultural symbolic world. The social problem novel highlights this paradox, because it can only imagine possible futures through extrapolation from present conditions. The future acts as another boundless context against which realist representation must be pivoted. Chapter 4 explores this temporal paradox in the novels of H. G. Wells, whose background in evolutionary biology and investment in performative socialist politics means he depicts contemporary society as already, in a sense, prescient. The conclusions drawn about the operation of temporality in Wells’s fiction—particularly his use of tenses and the odd, recurrent topos of metanarrative intrusion—are used to think through some of the implications for ‘condition of England’ writing as an oracular and dialectical tradition within realism.

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