vitality diagnosis
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Aniello Maiese ◽  
Fabio Del Duca ◽  
Paola Santoro ◽  
Lavinia Pellegrini ◽  
Alessandra De Matteis ◽  

In forensic practice, the pathologist is often asked to determine whether a hanging was committed as suicide or as a simulated hanging (when a dead body is suspended after death). When exterior evidence of violence is absent and the crime scene investigation fails to identify useful proof, it is nearly impossible to tell whether the dead body was suspended or not. As a result, determining whether the ligature mark was created during life or not should rely on the research and demonstration of vital reactions on the ligature mark. The main purpose of this review article is to provide a summary of current knowledge about the histological and immunohistochemical characteristics of vitality in hanging. The authors also aim to identify the most significant vitality markers on ligature marks for further scientific validation and to propose a standardized diagnostic protocol for hanging. The study was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review (PRISMA) Protocol. Relevant scientific papers were found from PubMed up to April 2021, using the following keywords: hanging AND skin AND vitality. Three main points were studied: ligature mark dehydration, immunological response to mechanical injury, and apoptosis induction as a result of the previous points. An increase in apoptosis is evident in the ligature mark (due to physical and chemical processes involved), as demonstrated by FLICE-inhibitory protein (FLIP) depletion. Immunohistochemical detection of Aquaporin 3 (AQP3) and increase in the concentration of different electrolytes rely solely on ligature mark dehydration. Also, microRNAs (MiRNAs) could become reliable forensic biomarkers for ligature mark vitality diagnosis in the near future. To ensure high reliability in court cases, forensic investigation in hanging should rely on modern and proven markers, even a mix of several markers.

Languages ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Federico Gobbo

Despite experiencing a relatively positive revival in the digital age, Esperanto and the assessment of its language vitality is often problematic and prone to gross errors; therefore, a theoretical reflection is required. Unlike other lesser-used languages, Esperanto is intergenerationally transmitted mainly outside the family, and so Fishman’s GIDS and subsequent scales such as the EGIDS cannot be applied straightforwardly for language vitality diagnosis and estimation. In particular, it is the social movement of language activists who have guaranteed Esperanto’s vitality and development for more than a century. A key aspect is the digital domain, where, paradoxically, the relatively good positioning of Esperanto in terms of new users does not imply a parallel increase in the number of activists. This paper critically assesses the digital language vitality of Esperanto on the basis of its language ideology and other sociolinguistic data as a starting point for a discussion to overcome the limits of Blanke’s (2006) scale of language vitality of Esperanto and its rivals (in the sense of Garvía 2015). This assessment eventually leads to a more general reflection on the role of ‘coolification’, i.e., positive effects on language attitudes and development due to digital visibility, its limits and the issue of placing it in the context of language vitality in general.

Federico Gobbo

while enjoying a relative positive revival in the digital age, Esperanto and the assessment of its language vitality is often problematic and prone to gross errors, and therefore a theoretical re-flection is required. Unlike other lesser-used languages, Esperanto is intergenerationally trans-mitted mainly outside the family, and so Fishman’s GIDS and subsequent scales such as the EGIDS cannot be applied straightforwardly for language vitality diagnosis and estimation. In particular, it is the social movement with its language activists who guarantee its vitality and developing, for more than a century. A key aspect is the digital domain, where the relatively good positioning of Esperanto does not reflect in a parallel increase in the number of activists. This paper critically assesses the digital language vitality of Esperanto on the basis of its language ide-ology and other sociolinguistic data as a starting point for a discussion to overcome the limits of Blanke’s (2006) scale of language vitality of Esperanto and its rivals. This assessment eventually leads to a more general reflection on the role of ‘coolification’, i.e., the positive effects on language attitudes and development thanks to digital visibility, its limits and the issue of placing it in the context of language vitality in general.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. e40891211351
Adriana Lemos Mori Ubaldini ◽  
Mariana Elias Queiroz ◽  
Margareth Calvo Pessutti Nunes ◽  
Hélio Hissashi Terada ◽  
Mirian Marubayashi Hidalgo ◽  

Maintenance of pulp functional integrity should be aimed by the treatment of trauma affected immature permanent teeth. The prognosis of vital pulp therapies (VPT), when well indicated and correctly performed, not only preserves pulp vitality but also provides the immature root development. This case reports the treatment of a patient with a crown fractured immature maxillary right central incisor. Clinical examination, radiographic inspection and sensitivity tests confirmed tooth vitality. In spite of the superficial micro abscess presence, pulpotomy was the treatment of choice according to the pulp vitality characteristics found during the undergoing surgery. Root development and apical closure were verified at the 1st year radiographic control. After 3 years of follow-up, even with the occurrence of 3 new traumatisms, the treated tooth showed radiographic sound characteristics. Nevertheless, on the fourth-year return, the conventional endodontic treatment had to be carried out due to radiographic signal of initial root obliteration. It was concluded that pulp vitality diagnosis step and clinical-radiographic follow-up are extremely important for the pulpotomy outcome.  This conservative approach resulted in success since it induced root development and apical closure, permitting the posterior execution of the endodontic therapy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 136-154 ◽  
Christopher M. Milroy ◽  
Jacqueline L. Parai

Fat embolism is common following trauma and is a common autopsy finding in these cases. It may also be seen in non-traumatic cases and is seen in children as well as adults. In comparison fat embolism syndrome (FES) only occurs in a small number of trauma and non-trauma cases. Clinical diagnosis is based on characteristic clinical and laboratory findings. Fat embolism exerts its effect by mechanical blockage of vessels and/or by biochemical means including breakdown of fat to free fatty acids causing an inflammatory response. Fat embolism can be identified at autopsy on microscopy of the lungs using fat stains conducted on frozen tissue, including on formalin fixed but not processed tissue. With FES fat emboli can be seen in other organs including the brain, kidney and myocardium. Fat can also be identified with post-fixation staining, typically with osmium tetroxide. Scoring systems have been developed to try and determine the severity of fat embolism in lung tissue. Fat embolism is also common following resuscitation. When no resuscitation has taken place, the presence of fat on lung histology has been used as proof of vitality. Diagnosis of fat embolism syndrome at autopsy requires analysis of the history, clinical and laboratory findings along with autopsy investigations to determine its relevance, but is an important diagnosis to make which is not always identified clinically. This paper reviews the history, clinical and laboratory findings and diagnosis of fat embolism and fat embolism syndrome at autopsy.

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