forest monitoring
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2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 388
Zhihao Wei ◽  
Kebin Jia ◽  
Xiaowei Jia ◽  
Pengyu Liu ◽  
Ying Ma ◽  

Monitoring the extent of plateau forests has drawn much attention from governments given the fact that the plateau forests play a key role in global carbon circulation. Despite the recent advances in the remote-sensing applications of satellite imagery over large regions, accurate mapping of plateau forest remains challenging due to limited ground truth information and high uncertainties in their spatial distribution. In this paper, we aim to generate a better segmentation map for plateau forests using high-resolution satellite imagery with limited ground-truth data. We present the first 2 m spatial resolution large-scale plateau forest dataset of Sanjiangyuan National Nature Reserve, including 38,708 plateau forest imagery samples and 1187 handmade accurate plateau forest ground truth masks. We then propose an few-shot learning method for mapping plateau forests. The proposed method is conducted in two stages, including unsupervised feature extraction by leveraging domain knowledge, and model fine-tuning using limited ground truth data. The proposed few-shot learning method reached an F1-score of 84.23%, and outperformed the state-of-the-art object segmentation methods. The result proves the proposed few-shot learning model could help large-scale plateau forest monitoring. The dataset proposed in this paper will soon be available online for the public.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 3
Inggit Lolita Sari ◽  
Christopher J. Weston ◽  
Glenn J. Newnham ◽  
Liubov Volkova

Over the last 18 years, Indonesia has experienced significant deforestation due to the expansion of oil palm and rubber plantations. Accurate land cover maps are essential for policymakers to track and manage land change to support sustainable forest management and investment decisions. An automatic digital processing (ADP) method is currently used to develop land cover change maps for Indonesia, based on optical imaging (Landsat). Such maps produce only forest and non-forest classes, and often oil palm and rubber plantations are misclassified as native forests. To improve accuracy of these land cover maps, this study developed oil palm and rubber plantation discrimination indices using the integration of Landsat-8 and synthetic aperture radar Sentinel-1 images. Sentinel-1 VH and VV difference (>7.5 dB) and VH backscatter intensity were used to discriminate oil palm plantations. A combination of Landsat-8 NDVI, NDMI with Sentinel-1 VV and VH were used to discriminate rubber plantations. The improved map produced four land cover classes: native forest, oil palm plantation, rubber plantation, and non-forest. High-resolution SPOT 6/7 imagery and ground truth data were used for validation of the new classified maps. The map had an overall accuracy of 92%; producer’s accuracy for all classes was higher than 90%, except for rubber (65%), and user’s accuracy was over 80% for all classes. These results demonstrate that indices developed from a combination of optical and radar images can improve our ability to discriminate between native forest and oil palm and rubber plantations in the tropics. The new mapping method will help to support Indonesia’s national forest monitoring system and inform monitoring of plantation expansion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 5084
Daliana Lobo Torres ◽  
Javier Noa Turnes ◽  
Pedro Juan Soto Vega ◽  
Raul Queiroz Feitosa ◽  
Daniel E. Silva ◽  

The availability of remote-sensing multisource data from optical-based satellite sensors has created new opportunities and challenges for forest monitoring in the Amazon Biome. In particular, change-detection analysis has emerged in recent decades to monitor forest-change dynamics, supporting some Brazilian governmental initiatives such as PRODES and DETER projects for biodiversity preservation in threatened areas. In recent years fully convolutional network architectures have witnessed numerous proposals adapted for the change-detection task. This paper comprehensively explores state-of-the-art fully convolutional networks such as U-Net, ResU-Net, SegNet, FC-DenseNet, and two DeepLabv3+ variants on monitoring deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. The networks’ performance is evaluated experimentally in terms of Precision, Recall, F1-score, and computational load using satellite images with different spatial and spectral resolution: Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2. We also include the results of an unprecedented auditing process performed by senior specialists to visually evaluate each deforestation polygon derived from the network with the highest accuracy results for both satellites. This assessment allowed estimation of the accuracy of these networks simulating a process “in nature” and faithful to the PRODES methodology. We conclude that the high resolution of Sentinel-2 images improves the segmentation of deforestation polygons both quantitatively (in terms of F1-score) and qualitatively. Moreover, the study also points to the potential of the operational use of Deep Learning (DL) mapping as products to be consumed in PRODES.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (23) ◽  
pp. 11348
Huaqiao Xing ◽  
Jingge Niu ◽  
Chang Liu ◽  
Bingyao Chen ◽  
Shiyong Yang ◽  

Accurate and up-to-date forest monitoring plays a significant role in the country’s society and economy. Many open-access global forest datasets can be used to analyze the forest profile of countries around the world. However, discrepancies exist among these forest datasets due to their specific classification systems, methodologies, and remote sensing data sources, which makes end-users difficult to select an appropriate dataset in different regions. This study aims to explore the accuracy, consistency, and discrepancies of eight widely-used forest datasets in Myanmar, including Hansen2010, CCI-LC2015, FROM-GLC2015/2017, FROM-GLC10, GLC-FCS2015/2020, and GlobeLand30-2020. Firstly, accuracy assessment is conducted by using 934 forest and non-forest samples with four different years. Then, spatial consistency of these eight datasets is compared in area and spatial distribution. Finally, the factors influencing the spatial consistency are analyzed from the aspects of terrain and climate. The results indicate that in Myanmar the forest area derived from GlobeLand30 has the best accuracy, followed by FROM-GLC10 and FROM-GLC2017. The eight datasets differ in spatial detail, with the mountains of northern Myanmar having the highest consistency and the seaward areas of southwestern Myanmar having the highest inconsistency, such as Rakhine and the Ayeyarwady. In addition, it is found that the spatial consistency of the eight datasets is closely related to the terrain and climate. The highest consistency among the eight datasets is found in the range of 1000–3500 m above sea level and 26°–35° slope. In the subtropical highland climate (Cwb) zone, the percentage of complete consistency among the eight datasets is as high as 60.62%, which is the highest consistency among the six climatic zones in Myanmar. Therefore, forest mapping in Myanmar should devote more effort to low topography, seaward areas such as border states like Rakhine, Irrawaddy, Yangon, and Mon. This is because these areas have complex and diverse landscape types and are prone to confusion between forest types (e.g., grassland, shrub, and cropland). The approach can also be applied to other countries, which will help scholars to select the most suitable forest datasets in different regions for analysis, thus providing recommendations for relevant forest policies and planning in different countries.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1231
Angela Kezia ◽  
Angelica Monica Fortunata ◽  
Putri Claudia Victoria

This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing one area in Riau Province, precisely in Pekanbaru City, which experienced rapid forest degradation caused by illegal logging by criminals. This research was conducted using a normative approach that is related to the problems (legal issues) regarding illegal logging in Pekanbaru City. This type of approach focuses on the analysis of legal principles and theories of law and legislation that are appropriate and related to issues in legal research, and is carried out by examining secondary data in the form of books, journals, government publications related to the legal issues of this research. The results and discussion in this study regarding the implementation of the enactment of Law Number 18 of 2013 concerning Prevention and Eradication of Forest Destruction against individual legal subjects and business entities (corporations) that commit criminal acts in the area of Pekanbaru City. In terms of ensnaring the perpetrators of illegal logging, the existing policies are not sufficient to overcome the problem where the perpetrators of criminal acts are more sophisticated and the law enforcement against the perpetrators of criminal acts is low, so that it does not provide a deterrent effect for the perpetrators. In overcoming the problem, the participation of local communities in forest monitoring and management must be realized because it is not enough only with the law enforcement officers and in terms of regulations, specific regulations must be synchronized with general regulations so that they do not conflict with each other and create flaws in their application. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan yaitu menganalisis salah satu wilayah di Provinsi Riau tepatnya di Kota Pekanbaru, yang mengalami degradasi hutan cukup cepat diakibatkan oleh pembalakan liar oleh para pelaku tindak pidana. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan normatif yang bersangkut paut dengan pemasalahan (isu hukum) mengenai pembalakan liar di Kota Pekanbaru. Jenis pendekatan ini berupa analisis terhadap asas hukum dan teori hukum dan peraturan perundang undangan berkaitan dengan isu dalam penelitian hukum, dan dilakukan dengan cara meneliti data sekunder berupa buku, jurnal, publikasi pemerintah yang berkaitan dengan isu hukum penelitian ini. Hasil dan pembahasan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2013 tentang Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Perusakan Hutan terhadap pelaku tindak pidana perseorangan maupun badan hukum (korporasi) di wilayah Kota Pekanbaru. Dalam hal menjerat pelaku pembalakan liar, kebijakan yang ada belum cukup untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dimana pelaku tindak pidana lebih canggih serta rendahnya penegakkan hukum terhadap pelaku tindak pidana sehingga kurang memberikan efek jera bagi para pelaku. Dalam mengatasi permasalahan maka ikut andil masyarakat setempat dalam pengawasan dan pengelolaan hutan harus direalisasikan sebab tidaklah cukup hanya dengan aparat saja serta dalam hal peraturan, haruslah peraturan yang bersifat khusus disinkronisasikan terhadap peraturan yang bersifat umum agar tidak bertentangan antar satu sama lain dan menimbulkan celah dalam penerapannya.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (22) ◽  
pp. 7593
Alessandro Andreadis ◽  
Giovanni Giambene ◽  
Riccardo Zambon

Forests play a fundamental role in preserving the environment and fighting global warming. Unfortunately, they are continuously reduced by human interventions such as deforestation, fires, etc. This paper proposes and evaluates a framework for automatically detecting illegal tree-cutting activity in forests through audio event classification. We envisage ultra-low-power tiny devices, embedding edge-computing microcontrollers and long-range wireless communication to cover vast areas in the forest. To reduce the energy footprint and resource consumption for effective and pervasive detection of illegal tree cutting, an efficient and accurate audio classification solution based on convolutional neural networks is proposed, designed specifically for resource-constrained wireless edge devices. With respect to previous works, the proposed system allows for recognizing a wider range of threats related to deforestation through a distributed and pervasive edge-computing technique. Different pre-processing techniques have been evaluated, focusing on a trade-off between classification accuracy with respect to computational resources, memory, and energy footprint. Furthermore, experimental long-range communication tests have been conducted in real environments. Data obtained from the experimental results show that the proposed solution can detect and notify tree-cutting events for efficient and cost-effective forest monitoring through smart IoT, with an accuracy of 85%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 78 (4) ◽  
Marco Ferretti

Abstract Key message Future international forest monitoring should build upon the existing pan-European programs. There is a renewed interest in the monitoring of European forests. Future monitoring systems should build upon existing international programs, making use of their strengths and solving their weaknesses. This approach will result into win–win solutions for both the existing and future systems. The UNECE ICP Forests has a number of characteristics that makes it a very good and strong basis for developing an advanced international forest monitoring system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 4516
Helen Blue Parache ◽  
Timothy Mayer ◽  
Kelsey E. Herndon ◽  
Africa Ixmucane Flores-Anderson ◽  
Yang Lei ◽  

Forest stand height (FSH), or average canopy height, serves as an important indicator for forest monitoring. The information provided about above-ground biomass for greenhouse gas emissions reporting and estimating carbon storage is relevant for reporting for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+). A novel forest height estimation method utilizing a fusion of backscatter and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data from JAXA’s Advanced Land Observing Satellite Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (ALOS PALSAR) is applied to a use case in Savannakhet, Lao. Compared with LiDAR, the estimated height from the fusion method had an RMSE of 4.90 m and an R2 of 0.26. These results are comparable to previous studies using SAR estimation techniques. Despite limitations of data quality and quantity, the Savannakhet, Lao use case demonstrates the applicability of these techniques utilizing L-band SAR data for estimating FSH in tropical forests and can be used as a springboard for use of L-band data from the future NASA-ISRO SAR (NISAR) mission.

2021 ◽  
Jan-Peter George ◽  
Tanja GM Sanders ◽  
Mathias Neumann ◽  
Carmelo Cammalleri ◽  
Juergen V. Vogt ◽  

European forests are an important source for timber production, human welfare, income, protection and biodiversity. During the last two decades, Europe has experienced a number of droughts which were exceptionally within the last 500 years both in terms of duration and intensity and these droughts seem to left remarkable imprints in the mortality dynamics of European forests. However, systematic observations on tree decline with emphasis on single species together with high-resolution drought data has been scarce so far so that deeper insights into mortality dynamics and drought occurrence is still limiting our understanding at continental scale. Here we make use of the ICP Forest crown defoliation dataset, permitting us to retrospectively monitor tree mortality for four major conifers, two major broadleaves as well as a pooled dataset of nearly all minor tree species in Europe. In total, we analysed more than 3 million observations gathered during the last 25 years and employed a high-resolution drought index which is able to assess soil moisture anomaly based on a hydrological water-balance and runoff model every ten days globally. We found significant overall and species-specific increasing trends in mortality rates accompanied by decreasing soil moisture. A generalized linear model identified previous-year soil moisture anomaly as the most important driver of mortality patterns in European forests. Significant interactions appeared between previous-year soil moisture and stand water regime in conifers, strongly suggesting that conifers growing at productive sites are more vulnerable under drought. We conclude that mortality patterns in European forests are currently reaching a concerning upward trend which could be further accelerated by global change-type droughts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 886 (1) ◽  
pp. 012100
Munajat Nursaputra ◽  
Siti Halimah Larekeng ◽  
Nasri ◽  
Andi Siady Hamzah

Abstract Periodic forest monitoring needs to be done to avoid forest degradation. In general, forest monitoring can be conducted manually (field surveys) or using technological innovations such as remote sensing data derived from aerial images (drone results) or cloud computing-based image processing. Currently, remote sensing technology provides large-scale forest monitoring using multispectral sensors and various vegetation index processing algorithms. This study aimed to evaluate the use of the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform, a geospatial dataset platform, in the Vale Indonesia mining concession area to improve accountable forest monitoring. This platform integrates a set of programming methods with a publicly accessible time-series database of satellite imaging services. The method used is NDVI processing on Landsat multispectral images in time series format, which allows for the description of changes in forest density levels over time. The results of this NDVI study conducted on the GEE platform have the potential to be used as a tool and additional supporting data for monitoring forest conditions and improvement in mining regions.

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