Veritas (Porto Alegre)
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1984-6746, 0042-3955

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. e42184
Otávio Bueno

Pyrrhonism involves the inability to defend claims about the unobservable world, or, more generally, about what is really going on beyond the phenomena (SEXTUS EMPIRICUS, 1994). As a result, the Pyrrhonist is not engaged in developing a philosophical doctrine, at least in the sense of defending a view about the underlying features of reality. The issue then arises as to whether the Pyrrhonist also has something positive to say about our knowledge of the world, while still keeping Pyrrhonism. In this paper, I develop a positive neo-Pyrrhonist attitude, indicating that we can use this attitude to make sense of important aspects of science and empirical knowledge. To do that, I explore the connection between this revived form of Pyrrhonism and contemporary versions of empiricism, in particular constructive empiricism (VAN FRAASSEN, 1980, 1989, 2002, 2008). Although constructive empiricism is not a form of skepticism, there are important elements in common between constructive empiricism and Pyrrhonism. The resulting form of Pyrrhonism suggests that there is something right about the original stance articulated by Sextus Empiricus, and that suitably formulated it provides an insightful approach to think about empirical knowledge (PORCHAT PEREIRA, 2006, for the original inspiration behind neoPyrrhonism).

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. e41521
Jody Azzouni

Moore’s “Proof of an external world” and his “Four forms of scepticism” have long puzzled commentators. How are these adequate responses to sceptics? How, for that matter, is the so-called proof of an external world even pertinent to the challenge of scepticism? The notion of relativized burdens of proof is introduced: this is a burden of proof vis-à-vis one’s opponent that one takes on when trying to convince that someone of something. The relativized burden of proof is a making explicit (in the topic of rational discourse) the truism that if you argue with someone with the intent of trying to convince that someone of something, and if you fail to, you have not met your own conversational goal. Assuming Moore is implicitly relying on the notion of relativized burdens of proof illuminates his approach in these papers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. e41824
Maria José Varandas

Neste artigo apresentamos as principais linhas de determinação da abordagem estética de Arnold Berleant, assim como as objeções que lhe são lançadas pelo filósofo ambiental Holmes Rolston III. Tratando-se de uma perspetiva emotivista, a conceptualização de Berleant não faculta a compreensão de uma estética da natureza de significado ético, penalizando, deste modo, o diálogo entre a apreciação estética e a ação. No entanto, a nosso ver, a dimensão sensitiva do apreciante aqui retratada, constitui uma valiosa perspetiva sobre a multidimensionalidade da experiência estética da natureza e, logo, um contributo fundamental que deve ser integrado e afirmado na correlação entre a estética e a ética ambientais.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. e42186
Berit Brogaard

The evidential role of experience in justifying beliefs has been at the center of debate in philosophy in recent years. One view is that experience, or seeming, can confer immediate (defeasible) justification on belief in virtue of its representational phenomenology. Call this view “representational dogmatism.” Another view is that experience confers immediate justification on belief in virtue of its relational phenomenology. Call this view “relational dogmatism.” The goal of this paper is to pit these two versions of dogmatism against each other in terms of their ability to account for ampliative, or non-deductive, inferential justification. I will argue that only the representational view can provide a plausible account of this type of justification.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. e40279
Nicholas Hiromura

Carl Schmitt (1888-1985) spent much of his life arguing against human rights. While this may not come as a surprise, a closer examination of The Concept of the Political reveals that Schmitt’s critique of Liberal humanitarianism is itself rooted in a concept of the humanum as a sphere of substantive moral and political conflict. As an analysis of Schmitt’s concept of the enemy shows, this humanum serves as an argument for the necessity of a juristic distinction between enemy and foe. For, only by distinguishing between the relativized enemy and the absolute foe, Schmitt argues, will we be able to distinguish create a space for particularly political action. Having revealed the framework of mediated moral conflict, in which Schmitt conceives of political action, I then turn to consider Schmitt’s minimalist proposal for a positive definition of a “universal jus commune” and assess its significance for a discussion of human rights.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. e40224
Carlota Salgadinho Ferreira

O objetivo deste artigo consiste em responder à questão de saber se, na filosofia de Hume, o padrão para determinar o valor de verdade dos proferimentos sobre valores morais e estéticos pode ser considerado genuinamente objetivo. Para tal, começo por esclareço três posições que se pode adotar sobre a questão de saber se este padrão é ou não genuinamente objetivo, a saber, subjetivismo, intersubjetivismo e objetivismo (I e II). Em seguida, explico a pertinência da interpretação cognitivista e por que razão a interpretação realista de David Norton falha (III). Por fim, e à luz de uma distinção entre objetividade no sentido forte e fraco (ou quasi-objetividade), concluo que na filosofia de Hume, o padrão para os proferimentos sobre valores é quasi-objetivo (IV).

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. e39851
Italo Lins Lemos


2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. e40578
Marcos Fanton ◽  
Walter Valdevino Oliveira Silva


2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. e41472
John Greco

Anti-reductionism in the epistemology of testimony is the thesis that testimonial knowledge is not reducible to knowledge of some other familiar kind, such as inductive knowledge. Interest relativism about knowledge attributions is the thesis that the standards for knowledge attributions are relative to practical contexts. This paper argues that anti-reductionism implies interest relativism. The notion of “implies” here is a fairly strong one: anti-reductionism, together with plausible assumptions, entails interest relativism. A second thesis of the paper is that anti-reductionism in the epistemology of testimony creates significant pressure toward attributor contextualism (a version of interest relativism). Even if anti-reductionism does not strictly entail attributor contextualism, the most powerful motivations for anti-reductionism also motivate attributor contextualism over alternative positions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. e41217
Jonas R. Becker Arenhart ◽  
Raoni Wohnrath Arroyo

Scientific realism is typically associated with metaphysics. One current incarnation of such an association concerns the requirement of a metaphysical characterization of the entities one is being a realist about. This is sometimes called “Chakravartty’s Challenge”, and codifies the claim that without a metaphysical characterization, one does not have a clear picture of the realistic commitments one is engaged with. The required connection between metaphysics and science naturally raises the question of whether such a demand is appropriately fulfilled, and how metaphysics engages with science in order to produce what is called “scientific metaphysics”. Here, we map some of the options available in the literature, generating a conceptual spectrum according to how each view approximates science and metaphysics. This is done with the purpose of enlightening the current debate on the possibility of epistemic warrant that science could grant to such a metaphysics, and how different positions differently address the thorny issue concerning such a warrant.

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