Volume 3: Coal, Biomass, Hydrogen, and Alternative Fuels; Cycle Innovations; Electric Power; Industrial and Cogeneration; Organic Rankine Cycle Power Systems
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Published By American Society Of Mechanical Engineers


Keishaly Cabrera Cruz ◽  
Paolo Pezzini ◽  
Lawrence Shadle ◽  
Kenneth M. Bryden

Abstract Compressor dynamics were studied in a gas turbine – fuel cell hybrid power system having a larger compressor volume than traditionally found in gas turbine systems. This larger compressor volume adversely affects the surge margin of the gas turbine. Industrial acoustic sensors were placed near the compressor to identify when the equipment was getting close to the surge line. Fast Fourier transform (FFT) mathematical analysis was used to obtain spectra representing the probability density across the frequency range (0–5000 Hz). Comparison between FFT spectra for nominal and transient operations revealed that higher amplitude spikes were observed during incipient stall at three different frequencies, 900, 1020, and 1800 Hz. These frequencies were compared to the natural frequencies of the equipment and the frequency for the rotating turbomachinery to identify more general nature of the acoustic signal typical of the onset of compressor surge. The primary goal of this acoustic analysis was to establish an online methodology to monitor compressor stability that can be anticipated and avoided.

Gordon E. Andrews ◽  
Aysha Irshad ◽  
Herodotus N. Phylaktou ◽  
Bernard M. Gibbs

Abstract A modified cone calorimeter for controlled atmosphere combustion was used to investigate the gases released from fixed bed rich combustion of solid biomass. The cone calorimeter was used with 50 kW/m2 of radiant heat that simulated a larger gasification system. The test specimen in the cone calorimeter is 100mm square and this sits on a load cell so that the mass burn rate can be determined. Pine wood was burned with fixed air ventilation that created rich combustion at 1.5–4 equivalence ratio, Ø. The raw exhaust gas was sampled using a multi-hole gas sample probe in a discharge chimney above the cone heater, connected via heated sample lines, filters and pumps to the heated Gasmet FTIR. The FTIR was calibrated for 60 species, including 40+ hydrocarbons. The hydrogen in the gas was computed from the measured CO concentration using the water-gas shift reaction. The exhaust gas temperature was also measured so that the sensible heat from the gasification zone was included in the energy balance. The GCV of the pine was 18.8 MJ/kgpine and at the optimum Ø the energy in the rich combustion zone gases was 14.5 MJ/kgpine, which is a 77% energy conversion from solid biomass to a gaseous fuel feed for potential gas turbine applications. This conversion efficiency is comparable with the best conventional gasification of biomass and higher than most published conversion efficiencies for coal gasifiers. Of the energy in the gas from the rich combustion 35% was from the CO, 20% from hydrogen, 35% from hydrocarbons and 10% sensible heat. Ash remained in the rich burning gasification zone. As the biomass is a carbon neutral fuel there is no need to convert the gasified gases to hydrogen, with the associated energy losses.

Dennis Toebben ◽  
Tobias Burgard ◽  
Sebastian Berg ◽  
Manfred Wirsum ◽  
Liu Pei ◽  

Abstract Combined cycle power plants (CCPP) have many advantages compared to other fossil power plants: high efficiency, flexible operation, compact design, high potential for combined heat and power (CHP) applications and fewer emissions. However, fuel costs are relatively high compared to coal. Nevertheless, major qualities such as high operation flexibility and low emissions distinctly increase in relevance in the future, due to rising power generation from renewable energy sources. An accelerated start-up procedure of CCPPs increases the flexibility and reduces the NOx-emissions, which are relatively high in gas turbine low load operation. Such low load operation is required during a cold start of a CCPP in order to heat up the steam turbine. Thus, a warm-keeping of the thermal-limiting steam turbine results in an accelerated start-up times as well as reduced NOx-emissions and lifetime consumption. This paper presents a theoretical analysis of the potential of steam turbine warm-keeping by means of hot air for a typical CCPP, located in China. In this method, the hot air passes through the steam turbine while the power plant is shut off which enables hot start conditions at any time. In order to investigate an improved start-up procedure, a physical based simplified model of the water-steam cycle is developed on the basis of an operation data set. This model is used to simulate an improved power plant start-up, in which the steam turbine remains hot after at least 120 hours outage. The results show a start-up time reduction of approximately two-thirds in comparison to a conventional cold start. Furthermore, the potential of steam turbine warm-keeping is discussed with regards to the power output, NOx-emissions, start-up costs and lifetime consumption.

Charles L. Keesee ◽  
Bing Guo ◽  
Eric L. Petersen

Abstract New laminar flame speed experiments have been collected for multiple alternative liquid fuels. Understanding the combustion characteristics of these synthetic fuels is an important step in developing new chemical kinetics mechanisms that can be applied to real fuels. Included in this study are two synthetic Jet fuels: Syntroleum S-8 and Shell GTL. The precise composition of these fuels is known to change from sample to sample. Since these are low vapor pressure fuels, there are additional uncertainties in their introduction into gas-phase mixtures, leading to uncertainty in the mixture equivalence ratio. An in-situ laser absorption technique was implemented to verify the procedure for filling the vessel and to minimize and quantify the uncertainty in the experimental equivalence ratio. The diagnostic utilized a 3.39-μm HeNe laser in conjunction with Beer’s Law. The resulting spherically expanding flame experiments were conducted over a range of equivalence ratios from φ = 0.7 to φ = 1.5 at initial conditions of 1 atm and 403 K in the high-temperature, high-pressure constant-volume vessel at Texas A&M University. The experimental results show that both fuels have similar flame speeds with a peak value just under 60 cm/s. However, it is shown that when comparing the results from different data sets for these real fuels, equivalence ratio is not necessarily the best parameter to use. Fuel mole fraction may be a better parameter to use as it is independent of the average fuel molecule or fuel surrogate used to calculate equivalence ratio in these real fuel/air mixtures.

Ting Wang ◽  
Henry A. Long

Abstract Around 50% of the world’s electrical power supply comes from the Rankine cycle, and the majority of existing Rankine cycle plants are driven by coal. Given how politically unattractive coal is as an energy resource in spite of its high energy content, it becomes necessary to find a way to utilize coal in a cleaner and more efficient manner. Designed as a potential retrofit option for existing Rankine cycle plants, the Integrated Mild/Partial Gasification Combined (IMPGC) Cycle is an attractive concept in cycle design that can greatly increase the efficiency of coal-based power plants, particularly for retrofitting an old Rankine cycle plant. Compared to the Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC), IMPGC uses mild gasification to purposefully leave most of the volatile matters within the feedstock intact (hence, yielding more chemical energy) compared to full gasification and uses partial gasification to leave some of the remaining char un-gasified compared to complete gasification. The larger hydrocarbons left over from the mild gasification process grant the resulting syngas a higher volumetric heating value, leading to a more efficient overall cycle performance. This is made possible due to the invention of a warm gas cleanup process invented by Research Triangle Institute (RTI), called the High Temperature Desulfurization Process (HTDP), which was recently commercialized. The leftover char can then be burned in a conventional boiler to boost the steam output of the bottom cycle, further increasing the efficiency of the plant, capable of achieving a thermal efficiency of 47.9% (LHV). The first part of this paper will analyze the individual concepts used to create the baseline IMPGC model, including the mild and partial gasification processes themselves, the warm gas cleanup system, and the integration of the boiler with the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). Part 2 will then compare this baseline case with four other common types of power plants, including subcritical and ultra-supercritical Rankine cycles, IGCC, and natural gas.

Marco Astolfi ◽  
Giulio Guandalini ◽  
Marco Belloli ◽  
Adriano Hirn ◽  
Paolo Silva ◽  

Abstract A key approach to large renewable power management is based on implementing storage technologies, including batteries, power-to-gas and compressed air energy storage (CAES). This work presents the preliminary design and performance assessment of an innovative type of CAES, based on underwater storage volumes (UW-CAES) and intended for installation in the proximity of deep water seas or lakes. The UW-CAES works with constant hydrostatic pressure storage and variable volumes. The proposed system is adiabatic, not using any fuel to increase the air temperature before expansion; a sufficient TIT is instead obtained through a thermal energy storage system which recovers the compression heat. The system includes (i) a set of turbomachines (modular multi-stage compressor, with partial intercooling; expansion turbine); (ii) a thermal energy storage (TES) system with different temperature levels designed to recover a large fraction of the compression heat, allowing the subsequent heating of air prior to the expansion phase; (iii) an underwater modular compressed air storage, conceived as a network of rigid but open tanks lying on the seabed and allowing a variable-volume and constant pressure operation. The compressor operates at variable loads, following an oscillating renewable power input, according to strategies oriented to improve the overall system dispatchability; the expander can be designed to work either at full load, thanks to the stability of the air flow rate and of the TIT guaranteed by the thermal storage, or at variable load. The paper first discusses in detail the sizing and off-design characterization of the overall system; it is then simulated a case study where the UW-CAES is coupled to a wind farm for peak shaving and dispatchability enhancement, evaluating the impact of a realistic power input on performances and plant flexibility. Although the assessment shall be considered preliminary, it is shown that round trip efficiency in the range of 75%–80% can be obtained depending on the compressor section configuration; making the UW-CAES a promising technology compared to electrochemical and pumped-hydro storage systems. The technology is also applied to perform peak-shaving of the electricity production from a wind park; annual simulations considering part load operation result in global round trip efficiency around 75% with a 10 to 15% reduction in the average unplanned energy injection in the electric grid. The investigated case study provides an example of the potential of this system in providing power output peak shaving when coupled with an intermittent and non-predictable energy source.

Jinwei Chen ◽  
Shengnan Sun ◽  
Jingxuan Li ◽  
Huisheng Zhang

Abstract Fuel supply system, the regulation system for fuel delivery to fuel cell, is one of the most important auxiliary systems in a solid oxide fuel cell-gas turbine hybrid system. It plays a significant role in the dynamic performance and safety. Commonly, the fuel supply system is always simplified as a linear system which means that the relationship between valve opening and fuel flow rate is linear. However, the servo actuator and metering valve have some nonlinear characteristics such as hysteresis, dead zone, relay, and saturation. These nonlinear characteristics can directly affect the dynamic performance of the hybrid system. In this paper, a 328kW SOFC-GT hybrid system was taken as a research object. Firstly, a fuel supply system model considering the nonlinear characteristic was combined with the hybrid system. Then, the effect of dead zone-relay characteristic of servo amplifier was analyzed. The results show that the dead zone width has a great effect on the dynamic performance of the hybrid system. When the dead zone width is too small, the fuel flow rate will be oscillating causing unstable of the electrical characteristics in SOFC. The hybrid system will be stable with the increase of dead zone width. However, the larger dead zone width causes the hysteresis and the increase of the dynamic response time. At an improvement method with a two-dimensional fuzzy compensation was proposed. The results show that the fuzzy compensation can solve the oscillation problem caused by the dead zone-delay effectively. Finally, a servo actuator experiment system is developed based on an electro-hydraulic servo actuator facility and a software component of fuzzy compensator. The test rig was conducted an experiment to validate the simulation result. The results show that the experiment results match well with the simulation results.

Simone Giorgetti ◽  
Diederik Coppitters ◽  
Francesco Contino ◽  
Ward De Paepe ◽  
Laurent Bricteux ◽  

Abstract The growing share of wind and solar power in the total energy mix has caused severe problems in balancing the electrical power production. Consequently, in the future, all fossil fuel-based electricity generation will need to be run on a completely flexible basis. Micro Gas Turbines (mGTs) constitutes a mature technology which can offer such flexibility. Even though their greenhouse gas emissions are already very low, stringent carbon reduction targets will require them to be completely carbon neutral: this constraint implies the adoption of post-combustion Carbon Capture (CC) on these energy systems. To reduce the CC energy penalty, Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) can be applied to the mGTs increasing the CO2 content in the exhaust gas and reducing the mass flow rate of flue gas to be treated. As a result, a lower investment and operational cost of the CC unit can be achieved. In spite of this attractive solution, an in-depth study along with a robust optimization of this system has not yet been carried out. Hence, in this paper, a typical mGT with EGR has been coupled with an amine-based CC plant and simulated using the software Aspen Plus®. A rigorous rate-based simulation of the CO2 absorption and desorption in the CC unit offers an accurate prediction; however, its time complexity and convergence difficulty are severe limitations for a stochastic optimization. Therefore, a surrogate-based optimization approach has been used, which makes use of a Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) model, trained using the Aspen Plus® data, to quickly find operating points of the plant at a very low computational cost. Using the validated surrogate model, a robust optimization using a Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA II) has been carried out, assessing the influence of each input uncertainty and varying several design variables. As a general result, the analysed power plant proves to be intrinsically very robust, even when the input variables are affected by strong uncertainties.

Oleg Baturin ◽  
Aleksandr Krivtsov ◽  
Daria Kolmakova ◽  
Grigorii Popov

Abstract The paper presents the results of numerical simulation of air flow through a modernized variant of the inlet filter unit (IFU) of the gas compressor unit GPA-Ts-16. A feature of the IFU design is that to reduce the load on the filter unit, it is proposed to be as compact as possible, which determines its complex shape. The goal of the study is to study the hydraulic losses and to develop the measures to reduce them, since it is found that every 100 Pa of losses in the inlet unit increases the consumption of fuel gas by 2.5 kg/h or reduces the engine power by 10.5 kW. Calculations of hydraulic losses in IFU are carried out for cases of absence or presence of wind with a velocity from 0 to 35 m/s, blowing from 5 main directions (0°, 45°, 90°, 135°, 180°). Studies are also carried out on the effect of the weather shield shape, presence of baffles under it, and the rack in the shaft on the hydraulic losses. As a result of the research, recommendations are provided for designing (changing the shape) of the inlet filter unit that eventually allow to propose a design that will reduce the hydraulic losses in IFU by 15% relative to the originally suggested variant.

Deepak Thirumurthy ◽  
Jose Carlos Casado Coca ◽  
Kanishka Suraweera

Abstract For gas turbines with free power turbines, the capacity or flow parameter matching is of prime importance. Accurately matched capacity enables the gas turbine to run at its optimum conditions. This ensures maximum component efficiencies, and optimum shaft speeds within mechanical limits. This paper presents the challenges, uncertainties, and opportunities associated with an accurate matching of a generic two-shaft aeroderivative HP-LP gas generator with the free power turbine. Additionally, generic performance trends, uncertainty quantification, and results from the verification program are also discussed. These results are necessary to ensure that the final free power turbine capacity is within the allowable range and hence the product meets the performance guarantees. The sensitivity of free power turbine capacity to various design variables such as the vane throat area, vane trailing edge size, and manufacturing tolerance is presented. In addition, issues that may arise due to not meeting the target capacity are also discussed. To conclude, in addition to design, analysis, and statistical studies, a system-of-systems approach is mandatory to meet the allowed variation in the free power turbine capacity and hence the desired gas turbine performance.

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