Journal of Management Research
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Published By "Macrothink Institute, Inc."


2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 20
Rumana Afroze ◽  
Sujana Shafi

This study’s purpose and strategies are to unwrap factors for the adoption of digital marketing strategies in the success of e-recruitment in Bangladesh. It also focuses on organizational perception, brand value, candidate and employer e- recruitment decisions in Bangladesh. In order to achieve the research objectives, a quantitative research has been done. A total of 138 human resource professionals from eleven prestigious job sectors in Bangladesh were contacted to participate in this study’s survey. To conduct the research, a structured questionnaire was used. The collected data was analyzed using statistical analysis. Statistical tests like, descriptive analysis, reliability correlations, factor analysis and regression test were used to pursue the objective of analysis. The result has proved that adoption of digital marketing has significant impact on e- recruitment effectiveness. This study has practical implications for especially human resource departments and marketing managers and, such as the implementation of an integrated digital marketing and communication strategy with successful HR e-recruitment. This research incorporates digital marketing insights into well-established HRM fields.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 1
Ming-Ling Chuang ◽  
Alexandra Galli-Debicella ◽  
Xiaoqi Han

Leaders have a significant role in teams and groups, as they affect employee performance, motivation, and productivity. Given the significant position that leaders occupy in teams and group projects, this paper argues that it is important to simultaneously examine how trust in a leader, team interactions, and team performance interact with each other. Specifically, we formulated three hypotheses: First, we predicted a positive relationship between the level of trust that team members have in their team leader and the level of team performance; second, we predicted a positive relationship between the level of trust in a leader and the level of team interactions; last, we predicted that increased trust in a leader will increase team interactions and team performance. To test the model, we utilized data from 112 MBA students engaged in a web-based simulation game wherein students develop and execute the strategies for manufacturing and distributing a product. We used structural equation modeling to test these hypotheses. Our results support the importance and value of leader trust in team interactions. The results also indicate that team interaction positively influences team performance. However, they do not support our hypothesis that trust in a leader will positively influence team performance. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 1
Jean Michel CHAPUIS

When confronting discriminations during the buying process, the consumers may perceive unfair transactions and some untrustworthy providers.  Price steering is a common manipulation of listing offers tailored to a customer’s request. The consumers receive a same-products list in a different order for the same query on e-shop. The study questions whether its performance is related to discrimination among consumers. This paper mobilizes the theory of Justice to explore perceptions of fairness and trust in the practice of price steering. The proposed framework states that the post-purchase stage reveals perceptions intervening in the effect of price steering on willingness to pay.An experiment with a total 883 respondents is simulating an online shopping. The list of options shown online is manipulated. This study documents the main effect of price steering such as a higher willingness to pay and driving online purchasers toward certain choices. This effect is found to generate up to 20% of extra revenue. The analysis also finds a negative influence on perceptions with no difference between the discriminated segments of the market. Implications for researchers and managers: the pricing schemes should be carefully tailored to maintain fairness, as well as profitability, by considering rate parity across online channels and purchasing experiences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 35
Md Atiqur Rahman Sarker ◽  
Tariq Salameh Alharfi Al-Bluwi

Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) is booming in Malaysia and this sector also has many challenges. SME becomes sustainable and successful venture when the innovation and creativity are considered largely in doing the business. Soft skills are essential in this regard since it requires human relations in every business transaction. The objective of this research is to explore the role of various soft skills and their relations with innovation in the SME sector in Malaysia. For the methodology, the research used the inductive approach by performing six In-depth Interviews following Yin (2003). The results of this research have identified that communication, teamwork, leadership, critical thinking, positive attitudes, flexibility, and adaptability are the most used soft skills that help the entrepreneurs to be innovative and being successful in SME sectors in Malaysia. The results of this study will help the entrepreneurs in Malaysia to understand the essential soft skills for them to push towards innovative results. This one of the few qualitative research that comprehensively explores the relation between soft skills and innovation in Malaysia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 18
Hossein Jamshidi ◽  
Emeka Dunu ◽  
Guy Posey

This empirical study deals with integration of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with multi-item inventory management using Part-Period Algorithm. Among many variables which affects inventory systems, this study considers the variables of lot-sizing rules, sequencing, demand pattern, coefficient of variations, and change over cost. AHP is used to pick a sequencing rule and performance criteria. This study describes the application of AHP methodology in the form of multiple tables that will assist production managers in a Group Technology environment, to minimize employee and machine idleness. It will help managers make decisions on production order quantity, the sequence in which jobs should enter work centers, and in the determination of uniform production cycle times.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 70
Raw A Hijazi

Construction industry is crucial for the economy of any country. Learning from failure is important to reach effective quality performance in construction projects. This will, in turn, contribute to the development of the construction industry and the country as a whole. Although quality is an important criterion in the project management success, but it receives less attention than cost and time in project management literature. Moreover, critical success factors (CSFs) are identified more often than critical failure factors (CFFs) in construction literature. Hence, there is still a lack of attention on critical failure factors affecting quality performance in construction projects. Construction industry is full of uncertainties, especially in the current era of COVID-19 Pandemic. This adds to the necessity of studying critical failure factors in construction industry. This study aims to identify the critical factors that have adverse effect on quality performance in construction projects, address their relative importance, and suggest ways to attain good quality performance in construction projects. Based on literature review, an initial list of failure attributes of quality performance in construction projects was prepared. Then it was refined based on suggestions from experienced professionals in the construction industry in the Jordanian context. A questionnaire was distributed to experts in the construction industry. The responses were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The analyses used here are factor analysis and tests of its appropriateness. Using these analyses, the most critical factors that impede quality performance in construction were identified and ranked. The study revealed that the most influencing failure factors are the managerial factor, the culture and environment factor, and the contractor factor.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Solomon Abekah Keelson ◽  
Joseph Ahinful Johnson

Green marketing has been widely studied because of its importance in marketing theory. The purpose of this green marketing study unlike previous ones was to examine student’s awareness of how their green consumer behaviour impact environmental sustainability. A total of three hundred and seventeen (317) tertiary students from the Technical Universities of Ghana were used as respondents in a simple random sampling approach, using the internet survey method. Using the OpenBUGS Bayesian statistical technique, the findings of the present study showed an average level of awareness of green products; students consider the potential environmental impact of their actions when making purchase decisions, and as their purchase habits are affected by their concern for the environment. Thus, students are able to distinguish between green product and non–green product. Again, they know the benefits of green products, and would prefer buying green product as first option. Moreover, they believe green buying behavior can contribute to saving the environment because the study showed a direct relationship between buying behavior and the environmental concerns. Finally, the ANOVA results revealed that male students’ response to green product is positive compared to their female counterparts, whose response to green product are negative. The study recommended that institutions could include in their marketing curricula subjects that train students on consumer knowledge, awareness, values, attitudes, expectations, perceptions and concerns for the environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 22
Rebeca Moreno Caetano

Drawing on two datasets of companies, this paper investigates the underlying dynamics of corporate startup collaboration (CSC) in Brazil as well as the reasons why corporations engage with startup and vice versa. The authors have used several types of collaboration found in the literature and the reasons of collaboration, as the basis to support the research. It suggests that the search for a line of radical innovation and collaboration strategy and also be part of an ecosystem are associated with the significant increase in two years in number of companies, programs, and engagement, resembling international data on the subject. This search for innovation and collaboration strategy and be part of an ecosystem are likely to be driven by three industry sectors that most stand out. Matchmaking, Training & Mentoring and Pilot Project Contracting were the top three types of engagement. They are seen as partnership between corporation and startup, where both sides can learn and grow in this process, rather than an one-off transaction. The results offer insights into the emerging trend of corporate startup collaboration, especially companies and startups, that are not yet engaged with each other, can take results as a basis to start engaging and/or create a line of innovation and engagement strategy by understanding the nature of engagement and its programs. This study also shed lights on Brazilian startups and their collaboration with incumbents (local and international) as well as on industry sectors that most standout.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Chikashi Tsuji

This study examines the Japanese equity returns and return premia by focusing on firm size- and corporate operating profitability-sorted portfolios over the period from 1990 to 2020. As a result of our explorations, this study derives the following much beneficial findings. (1) The effects of corporate operating profitability and firm size are generally continuously seen in the Japanese equity market. More specifically, (2) the size effect is much stronger in our latter half sub-period; while the operating profitability effect is similarly seen in both our former half and latter half sub-periods. Furthermore, (3) we stress that this study employs the data in US dollars, and calculates several key statistics and measures for not only our full sample period but also many different sub-periods, in which economic and business circumstances are much different. Therefore, for both Japanese and international equity investors, our findings shall be highly useful for enriching and furthering the understanding of returns and return premia of Japanese equity portfolios.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Gajendra Sharma ◽  
Toshika Ojha

This study explores how the first-year undergraduate students in School of Engineering, Kathmandu University learns their very first programming language i.e. C programming. The students were requested to response to an online questioner, where they were asked about their perception about the programming language they are learning, their motivation on learning that particular language and their strategy on preparing for the subject. Student’s concept on C programming and their approach for preparing for the exam are categorized. Our results show what kind of different strategies they use to learn this particular programming language. Additionally, the insights of this paper point that learning theory of programming and practicing programming goes hand in hand in C programming course and the focus here is on learning difficult topics which involves investigating students perceptions and conceptions of causality in relation to learning difficulties (Berglund et al., 2009). This study is intended to be helpful for future teachers and students in programming courses in Nepal.

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