Passive Remote Study of the Aerosol in the Upper Atmosphere of the Earth
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Published By Scientific Research And Community Ltd

2634-8845, 2634-8845

Chukwu C Ben ◽  
Ovua D Hope

Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) was used to evaluate the effect of lithology on aquifer transmissivity and conductivity in parts of Rivers State, Nigeria. A total of 10 Vertical Electrical Sounding were conducted at ten locations. The VES data were collected using ABEM terrameter SAS 300B and processed using Win-Resist Software and Microsoft Excel Sheet. The effect of the lithology on aquifer transmissivity and conductivity were analyzed. Result from the Vertical Electrical Sounding revealed a four to six geoelectric layers. The aquifer resistivity values range from 39.40Ωm to 17290.7Ωm. Results of the aquifer conductivity values range from 0.005 to 2.538cm/s with the highest value dominating in the central part of the study area suggesting large grain sands that can permeate groundwater flow while the transmissivity values range from 0.22587cm/s2 to 132.487 cm/s2 with average of 19.1587cm/s2. Area with high transmissivity is identified with high groundwater potential permeable with groundwater flow is seen in the central part of the study area with range of 110 to 135 cm/s2 indicating a thick sandy aquifer. Result from the nearby borehole in correlation with the VES point showed an agreement with the VES data at Ogale Eleme and Elelenwo location. The result of the study can be applied in ground water resources management, hydrological studies and provides valuable information for town planner.

Seemaa Ghate ◽  

Low light survivor house plants were assessed for their formaldehyde removal capacity from indoor environment. Low ventilation leading to poor air circulation in indoor environment has become a matter of grave concern as it leads to health issues. Phytoremediation technology is being studied in such situations. The capacity of plants in absorbing indoor pollutants can be enhanced through use of bacteria helping phytoremediation process. The gaseous formaldehyde of about 5 ppm was released into the static chamber of volume 1 m3 . Selected test plants were Aglaonema commutatum, Chlorophytum comosum, Sansevieria trifasciata and Epipremnum aureum. Medium in which plants were growing was inoculated with Pseudomonas chlororaphis, which helps the process of phytoremediation. Activated charcoal was also added in the medium, to increase the absorptive surface. The exposure given was for 24 hours. Experiment was replicated for three times. Air quality in the chamber was monitored on advanced Formaldehyde meter, at the start of the experiment and after 24 hours. Leaves of the plants were analysed by DNPH on LCMS method for quantification of Formaldehyde. Quantification of Formaldehyde from leaves ranged between 0.03–4.7 ppm. Formaldehyde meter showed reduction in formaldehyde quantity ranges from 1.999 to 0 ppm in 24 hours. This clearly indicates that selected plants have enhanced limited capacity of formaldehyde absorption in synergy with Pseudomonas chlororaphis.

BO Sander ◽  
Lai Lai ◽  

This study assesses the interactive nature of rice and climate change in the context of Myanmar, one of the largest rice-producing countries. In the first section, special emphasis is given to the current situation of Myanmar’s rice production as affected by climate change alongside with possible adaptation strategies. Since only a small share (23.6 %) of the rice area is irrigated, low precipitation climate extremes directly translate into either drought problems due to limited access of water in case of drought or flood problems due to limited drainage. Moreover, more than half of the national rice production derives from the Ayaryewady delta, so that Myanmar’s food security is very susceptible to impacts triggered tropical cyclones such as “Nargis” in 2008. The scope of adaptation to climate change is elaborated at different levels ranging technical options for increasing resilience of the rice crop to policies that alleviate risks for farmers.

Izdihar Ali Ammar ◽  

The biological structure of the Syrian marine environment still shows a rapid and steady increase in the number of warm water species, many of which have become dominant and invasive. In the latest field data during 2020-2021, the presence of the black sea urchin Diadema antillarum (Philippi, 1845) was recorded for the first time in several locations in Latakia and Ras al-Bassit coast, and its massive spread at depths of 5-8 m, accompanied by invasive species of macroalgae, sponges, crustaceans and mollusks.. It is noteworthy that this species is one of the most widespread and important species of sea urchins in some tropical areas, and this is the first record in the Mediterranean Sea and the Syrian coast It is important as it prey on macroalgae and has an effective role in the health of some of the most important areas of biodiversity in the world.

Timothy L Porter ◽  
TR Dillingham ◽  

We have taken near-surface soil measurements of the gases CO2 , CH4 , H2 O and isoprene in several regions of the Coconino National Forest, Arizona, USA. Sets of measurements were taken both prior to the start of the seasonal monsoon season, in addition to while the monsoon season was underway. We have also compared the current monsoon season readings with readings taken at the same locations four years prior. For CO2, the relative level in the pristine forest soil is just under 3.7 percent lower than that measured in 2017, while the CO2 relative levels for the thinned and logged sites are lower by 13.5 and 5.4 percent, respectively. Even accounting for small increases in forest vegetation, these lower readings appear to be correlated to lower overall soil H2 O concentrations. The pristine CH4 relative concentration in 2021 is 9.6% higher and the thinned CH4 level is 19% higher. For the logged region, the measured methane level is over 70% lower than in 2017, but still approximately triple the methane level as seen in the other forest areas. We conclude that this result also may also be correlated to lower measured H2 O levels in the soils.

Ermira Milori ◽  
Stela Ruci ◽  

Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896, or as it is otherwise called blue crab, is an invasive species, which was reported for the first time to the Mediterranean Sea in 1949. It has been spread and adapted well to almost the entire Mediterranean and during the recent years even along the coast of the Adriatic Sea. Today it is considered as one of the worst invasive marine species in this region, with an impact on both biodiversity and socio-economic aspects. After a preliminary study on the distribution of blue crab in the Albanian coast, the aim of this study is to provide data on the presence and abundance of this species and to evaluate the population structure by measuring biometric parameters in the lagoon of Orikum. Blue crab observations and collections are conducted almost every month during the period 2012, 2014 and 2015 in the Orikum lagoon. Based on standard method of biometric parameters, measurements of weight, height and width of individuals collected during the study period in the Orikum lagoon were performed. During the study period questionnaires were distributed to local fishermen to collect information on the presence of the blue crab, asses its condition and its possible impact on other populations in the Orikum lagoon.

Arlene Oliveira Souza ◽  
Tathyna Rodrigues ◽  

Plants are natural resources essential for human survival, with which local populations establish important cultural relationships to meet their basic needs. Such relationships involve local knowledge that is little considered in the pedagogical practices of school education. As a result of this reality, this research focuses on the contribution of the approach of local knowledge of medicinal plants in the teaching of Botany content in a rural school, located in the municipality of Caroebe in Roraima, in 2017. To access the knowledge, we use questionnaires with students from a class of the 2nd year of high school and also, diversified didactic activities were carried out in the approach to the content. We proved that the development of the didactic sequence with local knowledge favored the understanding of the contents of Botany and contributed to the involvement of students in the proposed pedagogical activities.

Lazhar Bouchlaleg ◽  
Salah Belaidi ◽  

The aim in this paper of these work present two components analyses quantitative and qualitative which consisted in the development and evaluation of the first component quantitative and structure activity relationships (QSAR) for the prediction In fact, various compounds inhibiting photosynthesis constitute the largest class of commercial herbicides. All of those inhibitors, including ureas, triazines, bis carbamates and phenols, interrupt photosynthetic electron transport (PET) by binding to quinine-binding protein (D1-protein). Various physicochemical descriptors were used in multiple linear regressions method (MLR) to develop the theoretical models, than using a cross-validation with leave-one-out method to optimize the model as well as possible to fit with the biological data, the most common approach used to study. The second quality of the compound compared with criteria for their power, these rules Lu Propose the four basic characteristics that Lipinski has identified.

F A Abija ◽  

Microbes act as geochemical agents for the degradation of environmental contaminants hence their abundance and distribution influences ecological response to pollution stress in soils, sediments, and rivers systems and in environmental protection. In this paper seasonal variation in geomicrologicl abundance in the river water, sediments and adjoining soils have been assessed. The results indicate a higher microorganism count during the wet season. The presence of E. coli in 100ml of water implies that water is unsuitable for any domestic use without disinfection. The Faecal and Total Coliform counts also indicate that undesirable sources are contaminating the river and posing environmental health risk. However environmental self-remediation and possible absence of sources of the microorganisms was promoted during the wet season than the dry season.

Mazharul Islam Sajeeb ◽  

This research was conducted Bangladesh (BD) and revised as an especial task study and review perspective of the coastal conditions and the features thus determine and critical analysis of integrated coastal zone management (ICZM). The coast length of Bangladesh is 710 kilometers wide. The coastal and ecosystem and habitats of the different animals are mostly depend on the features of coastal ecology and data analysis of both countries which have different strategies and techniques for the conservation of coastal biodiversity which were focused and brought together. Bangladesh coast contains vast biodiversity which are supported by the shingle beaches & sand dunes. The main features of the physical characteristics are the creeks, a lot of channels with crossing line, deltas of Ganges tidal plan with very low topology and mangroves. Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in Bangladesh are greatly different because of variation in advanced and developed technology and the system of the creating legislative recommendations also varies; which could determine changes in sea level and coastal resources as well as habitats. This study targets to detect the background of coastal zone management (ICZM), scope, coastal development, challenges, environmental impacts, and necessary measures. Now, integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) is used for coastal development strategy in BD.

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