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Published By Universitas Islam Madura

2549-7642, 2354-9424

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (02) ◽  
pp. 01-10
Mujiburrahman Mujiburrahman ◽  
Umar Faruq

Pendidikan karakter sendiri sempat digadang-gadangkan menjadi salah satu program prioritas kepemimpinan Presiden Joko Widodo yang saat itu masih didampingi Jusuf Kalla sebagai wakil presiden. Gagasan PPK (Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter) dirumuskan dan kemudian gulirkan pada tahun 2016. Hal ini sebagai upaya pembenahan dan solusi untuk mengatisi carut-marut kondisi pendidikan indonesia. Pada hakikatnya al-Qur’an merupakan sumber utama rujukan  ajaran Islam oleh karenanya, pada masa pembinaan pendidikan agama Islam di Makkah Rasulullah mengajarkan al-Qur’an. Dari kilas balik fakta sejarah diatas kita ketahui Nabi Muhammad SWA hanya dengan bermodalkan al-Qur’an sebagai materi pembelajarannya berhasil mengubah karakter bangsa arab yang sebelumnya sangat identik dengan penyimpangan menjadi bangsa dan masyarakat yang berbudaya, beradab dan berlembaga. Pendidikan karakter qur’ani secara garis besar memuat tiga dimesi nilai utama yang berorentasi pada aspek akhlak, diataranya: Akhlak terhadap Allah, sesama manusia dan alam semesta. Tiga aspek akhlak tersebut menjadi inti pendidikan karakter qur’an

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (02) ◽  
pp. 38-45
Dwi Darsa Suryantoro ◽  
Ainur Rofiq

Pengertian nikah itu ada tiga, yang pertama adalah secara bahasa nikah adalah hubungan intim dan mengumpuli , seperti dikatakan pohon itu menikah apabila saling membuahi dan kumpul antara yang satu dengan yang lain, dan juga bisa disebut secara majaz nikah adalah akad karena dengan adanya akad inilah kita dapat menggaulinya. Kedua, secara hakiki nikah adalah akad dan secara majaz nikah adalah Wat’un (hubungan intim) sebalinya pengertian secara bahasa, dan banyak dalil yang menunjukkan bahwa nikah tersebut adalah akad seperti yang dijelaskan dalam al-Quran dan Hadist. Hukum perkawinan itu asalnya mubah (boleh), dalam artian tidak diwajibkan tetapi juga tidak dilarang Dengan berdasarkan pada perubahan illatnya atau keadaan masing-masing orang yang hendak melakukan perkawinan, maka perkawinan hukumnya dapat menjadi sunnah, wajib, makruh, dan haram

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (02) ◽  
pp. 46-54
Ummu Kulsum

Strategi merupakan langkah untuk menyiapkan suatu program atau konsep agar apa yang sudah direncanakan berhasil dengan baik sesuai dengan tujuan yang diinginkan. Demikian halnya dalam strategi pembelajaran  dalam mengelola kelas dibutuhkan beberapa pendekatan antara lalin, pendekatan modifikasi perilaku, pendekatan iklim sosial emosional, eendekatan proses kelompok dan pendekatan eklektik. Beberapa pendekatan tersebut perlu disesuaikan dengan mata pelajaran yang diingikan, contoh mata pelajaran pendidikan agama Islam, maka diperlukan strategi pembelajaran dengan menggunakan pendekatan dari salah satu dari beberapa pendekatan itu. Untk lebih maksimalnya capaian hasil akhir dari proses pembelajaran di kelas maka menggunakan outcome based educatin (OBE), karena tujuan akhir dari OBE ini siswa dituntun meniliki kompetensi dan skill sesuai dengan ranah kognitif, ranah afektif dan ranah psikomotor dalam pembelajaran di kelas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (02) ◽  
pp. 30-37
Ahmad Ahmad ◽  
Atnawi Atnawi ◽  
Sitti Mukamilah

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mendeskripsikan peningkatan keterampilan menulis teks Exposisi siswa kelas X MA Al-Huda Sumber Nangka Duko Timur Pamekasan, (2) mendeskripsikan keterampilan menulis teks exposisi berbasil system pembelajaran  blended  learning . Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Penelitian kuantitatif yaitu berupa analisis nilai dari hasil tes menulis teks exposisi. Penelitian kualitatif berupa analisis data dari hasil nontes melalui observasi, angket, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil tes menulis teks eksposisi dengan menggunakan system pembelajaran blended learning diperoleh hasil bahwa nilai rata-rata siswa kelas X MA Al Huda mengalami peningkatan, hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan hasil penelitian pada prasiklus siswa mendapatkan nilai rata-rata kelas 41,07. Pada siklus I nilai rata-rata kelas siswa meningkat menjadi 63,75. Dari prasiklus kesiklus I nilai siswa mengalami peningkatan dengan selisih nilai 22,68. Pada pembelajaran siklus II siswa mendapatkan nilai rata-rata kelas sebesar 67,70 dan pada siklus III nilai rata-rata kelas siswa meningkat menjadi 80. Dari pembelajaran siklus I ke siklus II meningkat dengan selisih nilai 3,95 sedangkan antara siklus II kesiklus III meningkat dengan selisih nilai 12,03. Hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa hasil menulis paragraph persuasif siswa mengalami peningkatan dari prasiklus, siklus I, siklus II, dan siklus III dengan kategori baik.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (02) ◽  
pp. 21-29
Moh. Soheh ◽  
Ummu Kulsum

Thomas Lickona, has a moral triangle in shaping good character, including moral knowledge, moral feelings and moral actions. The moral triangle is interconnected with one another, so that in its implementation it is able to shape the character of students better, if guidance is carried out continuously by the teacher. Besides that, the dynamics of the prophetic nature of Muhammad SAW, are able to be role models for students. Because by having 4 moral characters possessed by Rasulullah, As-Siddiq, Al-Amanah, At-Tabligh and Al-Fatanah, students can have good morals. The combination of the two can shape students into modest and responsible individuals and are increasingly aware of their role as students in facing their future. This can be realized if teachers and parents support each other and monitor everything students do either at school or at home. What is more important than this, students with self-awareness want to make changes in themselves by imitating the person of the Prophet Muhammad as a role model for the ummah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (02) ◽  
pp. 11-20
Atnawi Atnawi ◽  
Mafruhah Mafruhah

umat islam memiliki tempat ibadah sebagai tempat untuk menyembah-Nya. tempat ibadah orang Islam tidak hanya tempat shalat seperti surau, langgar, dan lainnya, namun yang utama adalah masjid. Masjid adalah sebagai tempat ibadah dan juga merupakan simbol persatuan umat islam yang sangat dinamis. Kaum muslimin berkewajiban untuk peduli terhadap masjid tidak hanya sekadar membangunnya, namun sangat penting untuk terikat dengan masjid dan selalu pergi ke tempat suci tersebut. Penelitian ini berjenis kualitatif dengan metode ilmiah yang substansnyai terletak pada paradigma dinamika terikat masjid. Dalam penelitian ini, ada implikasi dinamika konsep terikat masjid dengan kegiatan memakmurkannya. Orang yang memakmurkan masjid termasuk di antara golongan orang yang dijamin masuk surga. Bahkan, memakmurkan masjid memiliki banyak manfaat baik di dunia maupun di akhirat, khususnya bagi intelektual (akademisi). Berarti, dengan demikian berkontribusi membangun masjid dan memakmurkan masjid dapat memperoleh kebahagiaan di dunia dan di akhirat yaitu jaminan masuk surga.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-90
Abd. Ghoffar

The tug of war regarding the perception of Islam whether as a series of religious teachings or also at the same time a part of the state system that regulates the political power of the state has actually exposed the surface as a central issue since the end of the nineteenth century and entered the early twentieth century. This perception of Islam is very significant for the development of religious and political discourses which until now are still being discussed. From the discussion of this topic also was born a series of intellectual figures who had filled out the history sheet and carved gold ink through their ideas or concepts about religion and the state that reached the processor of our brain today. Through them we can transfer thoughts so that trans ideas occur. The discussion that is oriented towards Muslim intellectual thinking is very useful for us in order to reformulate our perceptions of religion and politics in order to be more applicable in Islamic and state-of-the-art insight.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-80
Ummu Kulsum

Seyyed Hossein Nasr is one of the thinkers of religious theology, the most prominent contemporary Muslim thinker in the international world, who pays much attention to the problems of modern humans. His criticism of modern humans is quite sharp. The problems presented about modern Islam with strong arguments in resolving the problems of the people are one of the solutions offered, namely building traditional Islam. As a formulation of the problem raised is What is the concept of Nasr's thinking about traditional Islam? 2) Why did Nasr reject modernist Islam? 3) What is the analysis of Nasr's thinking about traditional Islam? while the method used is method literacy with a qualitative research approach. The analysis used is content analysis and descriptive analysis. The results of the discussion revealed about traditional Islam are more directed towards parennial philosophy while in the approach of Islamic teaching more focused on Sufism teachings, namely by starting from sharia, tariqat, essence and makrifat as a step towards God.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-72
Siti Qoni’ah

The effort of the formation or establishment of spiritual intelligence on the students is done by planting Islamic religious values in PAI learning and character planting which then implemented in the form of daily behavior that reflects the character or identity of each individual learners and is supported by the religious program that have been compiled by the school institution. This study aims to (1) Describe and analyze the process of the formation of spiritual intelligence on students or learners (2) Describe and analyze the implementation of religious activity programs in shaping spiritual intelligence in learners (3) Describe and analyze the impact of the formation of spiritual intelligence in learners through the implementation of the religious program. This research uses qualitative research approach. The type of research used in this research is case study and case studies and multiple cases design. Data collection uses observation, interview and documentation. The results showed that in SD Plus NurulHikmah the formation of spiritual intelligence is done by planting the values of faith and pillars of Islam as well as the implanting of characters in learning PAI and applied through the program of religious activity and application of character, while in MIN Konang the formation of spiritual intelligence done by planting The prophet characteristics and the prophet`s story in learning PAI as well as the planting of characters applied in the form of religious activity and the application of character.The formation of spiritual intelligence in both schools can be concluded that overall spiritual intelligence in learners has been formed, it is known from attitudes, behaviors and religious activities always performed by learners at both school and at home, although the results have not reached one hundred percent, But both school is always working in terms of improving the strategy of the formation of spiritual intelligence in learners.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-59
Durhan Durhan

This research is a library research with a qualitative research approach. Data analysis used in the research is content and descriptive analysis. And the object of data tracking uses literature studies such as books, journals, articles and other literatures related with the materials in this study. In this research it is explained some cases related with Islamic education. So far Islamic education has been always identified with a forum that only offers and presents Islamic studies and it is considered allergic to general materials, one of them is the material of Democracy. So, in this research the researcher tries to raise the internalization of democracy in Islamic education. The research aims to contribute positively to Islamic education in Indonesia so that the practice of democracy in Islamic education can be running well.The conclusion of this research shows that the practice of democracy in Islamic education hasn't been perfect. As a comparison, in this study the researcher presents a form of education in abroad that has tried early to internalize the concept of democracy into Islamic education. There are three countries that have succeeded in internalizing democratic practices into Islamic education. They are Islamic education in Pakistan, Egypt and Turkey. These countries are proper to be comparison studies because the practice of democracy in education is running smoothly and perfectly.

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