Journal of Educational Method and Technology
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Published By Universitas Negeri Manado - Lembaga Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

2622-8467, 2622-8459

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
J Tuilan

This study intends to find out the effectiveness of using picture as teaching media in teaching WH-Question. The Subject consisted of 10 young aged students attending SEKAMI during the period November 2018 – February 2019. The data were collected through objective test pre-experimental design of one group pre-test post-test. The data were analyzed based on descriptive statistics, in which the mean of pre-test was compared to the mean of post-test. The finding shows that students improved their achievement after being treated with picture. The mean of post-test is higher than the mean of pre-test (X2 is higher than that of X1 = 82.5 > 61.5). This indicates that the use of picture as a teaching media was interesting and made the students easy to understand the situation that had been explained to them. Keywords: WH-Question, Young learners, teaching through picture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Y Taher

The purpose of this research are: 1) to know work ethics counselor from the aspect of implementation of tasks SMA service   in Manado City. 2) To know the effort / how to tutor students develop ethics and morals in SMA Negeri Manado. 3) To know professional commitment counselor in the running  task in this school . 4) To determine the factors that inhibit a tutor increase work ethic and professional commitments. 5) To know the efforts have been made by a professionals tutor to overcome barriers to the implementation of the ministry in SMA Negeri of Manado City. This research uses qualitative approach. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The main instrument in qualitative research is that the researchers themselves in the data collection are: 1). Observation 2). Interview, .3). Documentation. Data analysis technique used qualitative analytical technique. Teacher of professional counsellor to overcome barriers to the implementation of the ministry in SMA Negeri Manado? "According to the informant that the effort to overcome the implementation of the ministry in SMA Negeri in Manado City is still limited, namely seminars relating to the program counselling, either at regional and national level. Based on the results of the research and the discussion outlined above, it can be concluded that the work ethic and professional commitment of senior high school mentor teachers are in the category of enough, and who are still low, and each school has a Different obstacles. Keywords: Work Ethic; Commitment; Supervisor; professional.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
P R Tuerah

This study aims to determine the effect of interpersonal communication, work ethics and leadership style on teacher’s performance in the city of Tomohon. The sample of this study used 195 respondents. Data were collected from four variables which were examined and analyzed using correlation and regression techniques. The results of this study indicate that (1) Interpersonal communication has a positive influence on performance, (2) Work ethic has a positive influence on teacher performance, (3) Performance has a positive influence on teacher job satisfaction and (4) Interpersonal communication, work ethics and leadership styles together have a positive influence together on teacher performance. These variables show that there is a positive relationship to teacher performance and thus all hypotheses in this study were accepted. Keywords: Interpersonal communication; work ethics; leadership; teacher’s performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
A C Mamentu

English for Banking subject is offered to the students as an optional subject. This subject is offered to the students in order to anticipate the alumni that will be accepted in the banking related jobs. The aim of this research was to identify the role of English for Banking subject toward students’ readiness in work fields. This research used qulitative method and linear regression analysis with sixteen students as total respondents who are the student of the fourth semester of Language and English Literature Study Program Faculty of Language and Arts UNIMA. The result of this research was the English for Banking has positive influential toward students’ readiness to enter the banking realted job. The subject is suggested to be given in the Language and English Literature Study Program. This shows that the role of English for Banking subject is recommeded as an obligatory subject and not only as an optional subject.Keywords: English for Banking, Role of English

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Daryanto Daryanto ◽  
Taryudi Taryudi ◽  
J D Ticoh

Authentic leadership and school culture are essential factors influenced the acceptability of information and communication technology (ICT) for school management. This study aims to determine the effect of authentic leadership on the acceptance of ICT for school management. This study was conducted using a casual survey with proportional random sampling technique. A total 191 respondents were agreed to join in this study. Data were analyzed using path analysis with Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. The results of this study showed that authentic leadership has a positive and significant impact on ICT acceptance. In conclusion, authentic leadership influenced directly and indirectly perceptions of ICT use, easy use, attitude to use, and actual ICT.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
H M L Pandi

This study aims to gain an in-depth understanding of educational values in the novel Madogiwa No Totto-chan by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi with a qualitative approach that includes educational values in terms of the structure of the novel. Research methods. This research is a library research or library research that uses a qualitative approach with content analysis techniques. Conclusion of research findings: The main theme of this novel is EDUCATION, education that frees students to be creative, while the sub-theme is education must be adjusted to the development of the child's personality. The credentials found are: A mother must be wise in educating and caring for her children with special needs. A school principal or a teacher should be a leader who is brave to act in accordance with their respective beliefs and life principles. The educational values in this novel can be used as examples of learning in schools to help children with problems (special needs). An educator should be fun and not scold his students because educating children is not with anger but with advice, praise, and trust. Make kids confident, responsible, love each other, and help each other, introduce them to nature because nature stores various sources of knowledge. Educational values found are educational values related to religious education values, moral education values, social education values, and beauty education values. Recommendation: Madogiwa No Totto-chan's autobiographical novel (Totto-chan Little Girl in the Window) can be used as a learning tool for character education in schools in Indonesia because this Japanese novel has raised educational values that contain a number of noble values. One of the noble values is the value of education in the novel that abstracts the reality of Japanese society's life. Education in Japan can be applied to education in Indonesia. Keywords: Novel; Educational Values

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
W E Sekeh

 In French language, articles play an important role and one of the basic French skills is mastery of article usage. The objective of this study is to describe students’  performance and mastery of French articles. The research used descriptive research method. Data of the study were obtained by giving written tests of French language articles to French Language Education Program students enrolled in the 2018/2019 school year. The research instrument consisted of questions in the form of loose questions and questions in the form of text / short discourse. Data analysis used descriptive statistics analysis. Study result shows that students’ mastery of French article is quite low (Mean=48.28). However, there is difference in performance of each article type. Mastery of definite article is the highest (Mean=60.78)Keywords: definite article; indefinite article; partitive article; performance; mastery

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
R J Kapoh

This study aims to produce an overview of the needs of Japanese teaching materials at the Tomohon "Bethesda" Nursing Academy. The approach and method used is a mixed approach or a mixed method that is a research approach that combines qualitative and quantitative forms. Creswell, (2014: 5) Data obtained by observation, survey and interview techniques. By using a mixed method approach, the data collected in the form of text are described qualitatively. Likewise with data through a questionnaire, tabulated in percentage and subsequently described qualitatively. The results of the needs analysis show that both learners and instructors, all of them need teaching materials that the contents of the material in a variety of skills should be in accordance with the special field of expertise that is the field of nursing that is well-graded, and well designed too. Furthermore, in the learning process it should also be equipped with cassettes, videos, and sufficient practice questions and good evaluation. This study recommends that teaching materials be developed that reflect comprehensive needs in the area of health expertise, especially nursing. Keywords: Needs Analysis, Japanese Language Teaching Materials, School of Nursing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
D D W Kamagi

Student satisfaction as users of academic and administrative services has been evaluated to find out the extent of service delivery that has been carried out by the academic and administrative work units of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Manado. The level of student satisfaction with academic and administrative services has been measured using a linkert scale, and analyzed using the distribution of scores, then presented and served in tables or diagrams. Measuring the level of satisfaction of students to academic and administrative services covering six aspects, including tangibles, responsiveness, reliability, empathy, assurance and information systems. The six aspects are outlined in a question sheet with each aspect consisting of several question / statement items with the same score scale. Question points for all aspects of the assessment consisted of 42 items. The number of respondents amounted to 265 respondents. The measurement data is completely re-converted to get the level of student satisfaction with five categories, namely dissatisfied, less satisfied, quite satisfied, satisfied and very satisfied. The measurement results show that the level of student satisfaction with all aspects of academic and administrative services is 5.66% very satisfied, 23.02% satisfied, 38.11% quite satisfied, 24.91% less satisfied and 8.30% dissatisfied. While the level of student satisfaction with academic and administrative services for each aspect of service shows that only tangibles aspects are the percentage of satisfaction below 50% Keywords: Satisfaction; Academic and Administrative Services; FMIPA Students

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
R C Paat

This research is aimed to describe: 1) Form of Infix {um-} in Tondano dialect of Tolour Language, 2) in-the function of infix {-um-} in Tondano dialect of Tolour Language, 3) the meaning of infix {-um-} in Tondano dialect of Tolour Language. This research used quantitative methods. Data collection technique used for this research was trigger (basic technique) and interview (advance technique). Resea2rcher used list of questions that were related to infix problem in Tolour Language. Other than that, in obtaining supporting data, 3 (three) informants from Seretan Village were chosen. Ata analysis technique was undertaken by identifying finding of interview, combined to data from written source. The next step, the data of kind were classified and analyzed according to its form, function and the meaning, the cause of the attachment of infix in the basic form. At the end, the finding from data analysis showed that infix arrangement {-um-} at the basic form had experienced changes. The forms of infix {-um-} in Tondano dialect of Tolour Language cover: (1) if it was attached to the basic form which has vocal (a, i, u, e, o), so the assimilation and position change would happen, (2) if it was attached to the basic form preceded by bilabial phoneme /p,w/, change would happen which was infix {-um-}would move prefix position and the first phoneme in its assimilated form, (3) if it was attached to the basic preceded by consonant phoneme, there would be no change. Infix {-um-} is aimed to form transitive and intransitive verb from basic forms of varied categories either pre-category, nominal, adjective, and numerical. He purpose of infix attachment in its basic form changed according to the purpose of the basic from attached, which (1) means an action that would happen, (2) determines the purpose of an continuous action that related to what is said in the basic form, (3) determines the meaning of becoming like it in the basic form, and (4) determines the meaning of would become as said in the basic form. Keywords: Infix, Tolour Language.

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