JPMI (Jurnal Pembelajaran Matematika Inovatif)
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Published By IKIP Siliwangi Bandung

2614-2155, 2614-221x

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 385
Muhamad Diky Fadillah ◽  
Gagan Aditya Fauzan ◽  
Wahyu Setiawan

This study aims to determine the effect of GeoGebra software on junior high school students' mathematical communication skills. The method used is the quasi-experimental method. This research was conducted at Pasundan Rongga Middle School. With class VIII A as an experimental class with 28 students and class VIII C as a control class with 28 students. This study uses instruments that have been tested and declared valid and reliable. The instrument was adjusted to the indicator of mathematical communication skills with the number of questions tested as many as 5 questions to obtain pretest and posttest data in both the experimental class and the control class. Data testing is done using normalized n-gain formula so that the n-gain data obtained is processed using the SPSS 20 application to perform parametric statistical tests. The results showed that the mathematical communication skills of students who learned using GeoGebra software were better than students who learned without using GeoGebra software.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 415
Usep Rahayu Mulyana ◽  
Aflich Yusnita Fitrianna

The study was conducted to analyze the relationship of learning motivation to the mathematical problem solving ability of 7th grade students. The research method is correlation. The research subjects consisted of 32 7th grade students at SMPN 3 Purwakarta. Test test instruments and non-test instruments are the methods used in data collection. The test given was in the form of 5 problem solving abilities in the form of essays and non-learning motivation scale with Likert scale. The normality test, the correlation test, the determinant coefficient, the significance test to see the correlation between the variables of learning motivation and the variables of mathematical problem solving ability are the steps taken. The conclusion from the results of the study there are 12.18% the relationship between learning motivation and problem solving abilities of junior high school students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 401
Dea Rosmayanti ◽  
Luvy Sylviana Zanthy

This research is development research. This study aims to develop VBA Powerpoint based learning media on SPLDV material for class VIII junior high school students. Samples for this research are taken from one of junior high school in Bandung. This study refers to the ADDIE development model which includes five stages, namely: Analysis (Analysis Phase), Design (Design Phase), Development (Development Phase), Implementation (Implementation Phase), and Evaluation (Evaluation Phase). The instrument of this research is in the form of assessment sheets for material experts, media experts, teachers and students. Based on the analysis of learning media through the instruments given to material experts, media experts, teacher and students obtained the following results, material experts stated that the product was very valid with an average value of 3.64 and media experts stated that the product was valid with an average value of 3.06. While the results of teacher responses can be concluded that the product is very valid with an average value of 3.50 and from the results of student responses can be concluded that the product is valid with an average value of 3.18.1

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 379
Ani Ainun Masruroh ◽  
Yusuf Faturohman ◽  
Wahyu Hidayat ◽  
Euis Eti Rohaeti

SMA/SMK was the last high school before going to College. High school students/CMS are at the stages of adolescent age. The World Health Organization (1974) set the age limit of 10-20 years as a teenage limit (Sarwono,2008). Based on a review of the theory of progression, the age of adolescence is a time of onset of rapid changes, such as physical changes, changes in fundamental aspects of cognitive, emotion, social and achievement. Teens experiencing instability from time to time and they try to adopt new behavior from the previous development phases (Soetjiningsih,2004).  Teens often have problems because of her unstable and still has not been formed in cooked. The attitude of the labile affected the level of confidence, such as the fearless try and there are times when his minder with her own. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 371
Dara Puspita Dewi ◽  
Dinar Mediyani ◽  
Wahyu Hidayat ◽  
Euis Eti Rohaeti ◽  
Tommy Tanu Wijaya

The skill to think critically and mathematics is the basic essential mathematic skills and need to owned by students who study math. This research method use qualitative descriptive research which aims to analyze the student’s mistakes when they do mathematic critical thinking questions on the discussion of circle and flat side geometry. This research subject is 8th grade student who study at one of public junior high school in the city of Purwakarta, Indonesia. The test instrument was 5 essay questions. The research result show that more students have their own difficulties when they do question number 2,3 and 5.  I suggested the learning strategy which can upgrade their mathematics critical thinking skill should be used as the learning process.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 361
Agung Nugraha ◽  
Irpan Mulyana ◽  
Masta Hutajulu ◽  
Asep Ikin Sugandi

AbstractThis research is based on the problem of the low mathematical problem solving ability of students who have a relationship with someone's success in solving a problem that they face. In this case, to overcome this, a class of research was conducted using an open ended approach and ordinary learning. In addition, this research is a quasi-experimental. The population in this study were students of class X MA in Bandung in 2018/2019 academic year. The research sample is all Class X students in one MA in Bandung. Quantitative analysis was performed using the two-difference test and descriptive qualitative analysis was also carried out. The results showed that the ability to solve mathematical problems using the open ended approach was better than those using the usual approach.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 355
Ali Syamsuri ◽  
Ika Wahyu Anita ◽  
Heris Hendriana

This research aims to finding out and study the achievement and improvement off critical thinking skill off junior high school student with Problem Based Learning approach and using ordinary approach. The method used is an experimental method that involves two classes chosen at random selected classes i.e. VII A class using the Problem Baseed Learning and class VII B using a regular learning approach. The instrumen using is critical thingking skill. The results test analysis of postes data the value sig (2-tailed) is 0.002, while the test results of the difference of two average data gain, sig value (2-tailed) is 0.003. The findings in this studi were the achievement and improvement of the mathematical critical thinking skills of junior hiigh school students using the Problem Based Learning better than those using the usual approach

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 337
Muhamad Yadin ◽  
Euis Eti Rohaeti ◽  
Luvy Sylviana Zanthy

This investigate is motivated by the low ability to comprehend the mathematical concepts of SMP students in KBB, so a learning approach is needed to decipher these problems. Alternative approaches are applied, namely the contextual approach. The method make use of in this investigate is an experimental method with a control group design pretest posttest. The population in this research were all junior high schools in KBB while the school sample was Kahuripan Lembang Middle School which was chosen based on school randomization. Sample class were taken randomly from the 4 classes of class 7 of Kahuripan Lembang Middle School, class 7-2 as the tentative class and class 7-4 as the control class. The tentative class uses contextual learning while the ordinary learning control class. The reason for taking class VII is because with deliberation in the semester one there are topics in the Triangle and Quadrangle that will be used in the study. The instrument in this investigation was a package of five test questions. The researcher can conclude that the achievement and repair of the capability of understanding The mathematical concept of SMP students who use a contextual approach is better than those using ordinary learning.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 323
Mukti Ratnasari ◽  
Marchasan Lexbin

This study aims to examine student learning outcomes using the type of snowball throwing learning towards student learning outcomes in mathematics subjects at MTs Islam Al-Maziyyah cianjur. The use of the method in this study is quasi-experimental with pretest and posttest equivalent to the control group design. Students of class VII Islamic MTs Al-Maziyyah cianjur which amounted to 3 classes were used as the population for this study while the research sample was class VII A as an experimental class that was treated with snowball throwing learning and VII C as a control class received normal learning treatment. The research instrument was in the form of student training experiments. The results showed that the influence of the relevant use of the type of snowball throwing learning was influenced on student learning outcomes from those using the usual approach.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 315
Akbar Hanipa

This study was conducted to analyze the learning interest of class VIII MTs students in mathematical learning through Geogebra application. The research method used descriptive qualitative with a population of all MTs students in West Bandung Regency. The sample used was 28 students of class VIII-A MTs Al-Barry. The instrument used is the Learning Interest Scale with 20 statements that have positive and negative responses about learning using the Geogebra application. The learning interest scale is used to look for responses from respondents to the learning interest of junior / MTs students in statistical material whose learning uses Geogebra applications. The results of this study indicate that students' interest in learning in statistical material with Geogebra application media shows positive results with average responses showing a strong category with a percentage of 69,46%. The average is obtained from data on each indicator of student learning interest.

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