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Published By Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh

2715-7865, 2085-2541

Muhammad Syafril Nasution ◽  
Husni Kamal

The Purpose of this study is to compare the differences between the development of Islamic banking performance and conventional banking performance in the previous few months before and after the covid-19 pandemic. this analysis contrasts the finding of previpus studies with the two formas of banking that were not related to the covid pandemic in the preceding year. Multiple financial ratios were used in previous studies to determine the financial efficiency of banks. Based on previous research, there are several ratios used to see the performance of both Islamic banking and conventional banking, including liquitdy ratios, profitability ratios, solvency ratios, and efficiency ratios.

Yoni Hendrawan ◽  
Zainuddin Zainuddin

This article examines the review of economic fiqh on working capital financing (KUR) through murabahah at PT BRISyariah in terms of contracts and margins. KUR Mikro Syariah uses a murabahah contract on a margin that describes the amount of profit or profit sharing that is determined at the submission of KUR Mikro Syariah. The government provides a margin subsidy, which is the difference between the margin level and the margin burden from KUR Mikro Syariah distributors to KUR Mikro Syariah recipients. How is the implementation of murabahah on working capital financing at PT BRISyariah? and how does the Economic Fiqh review on the implementation of the murabahah? This type of research uses field studies and literature studies. This research method will be analyzed qualitatively, based on the perspective of Economic Jurisprudence, as stated in the Qur'an, Sunnah and fiqh books and / or fatwas. The results of this study found that the implementation of murabahah in working capital financing at PT BRISyariah was carried out by providing murabahah (working capital) financing to customers for purchasing building materials with a margin percentage determined by Islamic banks. This margin is subsidized by the government based on the financing ceiling with a standard margin of 6%. Murabahah financing transactions are only valid once, even though the purchase of goods is made repeatedly. According to the Fiqh of Economics working capital financing (KUR) murabahah at PT. BRISyariah which uses a murabahah contract with the provision of working capital in the form of money is not right. Because, providing working capital in the form of money is more appropriate to use a mudharabah contract.

Edy Saputra

This article contains a thematic study of Ahkam's hadith on the ontology of riba. This study is included in the library research category. The study method used is descriptive analytical. Primary data in this study came from nine primary hadith books, namely Al-Kutub Al-Tis'ah consisting of Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Daud, Sunan Al-Tirmizi, Sunan Al-Nasa'I, Sunan Ibn Majah. , Muwatha 'Malik, Sunan Al-Darimi, and Musnad Ahmad. As for data collection techniques, the author uses the android application "Jami 'Al-Kutub Al-Tis'ah" from the Arabia for Information & Technology institute. The results of this study indicate that riba can be mapped into two classifications; riba al-Ba'i and riba of al-Duyun. The categorization of riba into these two types is a simple and simple division. If riba occurs in a buying and selling transaction, it is called riba al-Ba'i. Furthermore, if riba occurs in accounts payable transactions, it is called riba al-Duyun. Then not all buying and selling occurs riba, and not all accounts payable transactions are considered riba.

M. Ikhwan ◽  
Imroatus Solihah

This paper explains the Islamic economic system which is believed to be not only an alternative economic system but can be a solution to various economic problems including the family economy. To explain this will explain the definition, genealogy and comparison of Islamic economics with conventional economic systems, and the last explained the Islamic economic solution to the economic resilience of the family economy. This paper uses a qualitative method to narrate the concept of Islamic economics as a solution to the family economy with a philosophical and normative approach and refers to secondary research sources such as books, journals and other scientific articles. From the observations that have been made, the economic resilience of the family starts from applying the Islamic economy in household life, then being simple/modest, abandoning usury practices, giving zakat, the spirit of work, avoid asking for solicitation and addressing the government properly.

Asy'ari Asy'ari

Jumhur ulama tidak menerima kesaksian wanita dalam perkara pidana, pendapat mereka didasarkan kepada nash serta jumhur ulama memandang bahwa wanita memiliki sifat pelupa dan ragu-ragu dan lazimnya wanita tidak kuat menyaksikan peristiwa kriminal. Keraguan tidak bisa dijadikan argument karena dikhawatirkan merugikan orang lain. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemikiran Muhammad al-Ghazali tentang kesaksian wanita dalam perkara pidana. Muhammad al-Ghazali membolehkan kesaksian wanita dalam perkara pidana sesuai dengan batasan saksi di dalam al-Qur’an. Pendapat Muhammad al-Ghazali yang berbeda dengan jumhur ulama didasarkan oleh cara pandang dan metode yang dia gunakan. Kata kunci: Kesaksian Wanita, Perkara Pidana, Muhammad al-Ghazali Abstract Most scholars do not accept the witness of women in criminal cases, their opinions are relied on nash and they consider that women are forgetful and doubt and generally women are not strong enough to witness any criminal events. Doubt cannot be used as an argument because it is feared to harm others. This goal of this article analyzing Muhammad al-Ghazali’s concept on witness of woman in criminal cases. Muhammad al-Ghazali, allows the witness of women in criminal cases in accordance with the limitations of witnesses in the Qur'an. This Muhammad al-Ghazali's opinion differs from the scholars based on the perspective and method he used Keywords: witness of women, criminal cases, Muhammad al-Ghazali

Vicky Azhari ◽  
Zainuddin Zainuddin

This article examines the economics viewpoint of buying and selling goods ordered by household by order in Nagari Tungkar, Lima Puluh Kota Regency. The problem is the mismatch between the goods ordered and the original request from the buyer in buying and selling orders. However, because the goods have arrived at the place of the orderer, he must accept them for various reasons even though they are not in accordance with his wishes. This research is a field research with a descriptive qualitative approach. The data sources in this study are housewives who purchase household goods by order and sellers of goods. Based on the results of the research, according to the economics science review of the sale and purchase of household goods by order carried out by housewives in Nagari Tungkar, Simona District, Fifty cities in accordance with the principles of Economic Fiqh. As for the inadequacy of the goods and the order, there is a communication error between the seller and the buyer. The seller does not accept the return of the goods because there is an initial agreement with the buyer, while the seller has spent a lot of money in the process of making the goods. The seller and the buyer have agreed in advance on the terms promised at the beginning of the contract and the sale and purchase is valid according to Economic Fiqh.

Elvin Nurgulam Qurbani

Studies and research on Islamic economics have been growing again in recent decades. Many international forums on economics are held in various countries, such as conferences, seminars, symposiums, and workshops. Islamic economists in conventional economics and shari'ah, appear as speakers at these forums. M. A Mannan is one such thinker. This paper that discusses M. A Mannan's thoughts in Islamic Economics uses a research methodology based on library research. Starting with briefly discussing his life history, then this paper discusses Mannan's various thoughts on Islamic Economics. Then his views on consumption, production and income distribution. In addition, Mannan's thoughts on fiscal policy and spending in Islamic economics were also discussed, thoughts on zakat, and his thoughts on economic development planning in Islam.

Dian Adi Perdana

Abstrak Realisasi zakat fitrah selalu berjalan di bulan Ramadhan setiap tahun, yang hal ini merupakan kewajiban serorang muslim tanpa memandang agama, suku dan ras dari mana dia berasal. Zakat menjadi salah satu pondasi Islam yang tercantum dalam Rukun Islam yakni ketiga, yang dengan ini tanpa terkecuali wajib dilaksanakan dengan aturan dan syariat yang telah ditentukan dalam Islam. Zakat fitrah menjadi penolong bagi mereka yang tergolong dalam 8 asnaf, sebagai sumber kebahagiaan dalam menyambut hari raya Idul Fitri. Indonesia sebagai negara berpenduduk muslim terbesar di dunia telah menjadi contoh dalam mengimplementasikan pengelolaan zakat fitrah sebagai upaya dalam pengentasan kemiskinan dan pembatas antara si kaya dan si miskin, sehingga setiap orang dapat merasakan rejeki yang telah dititipkan walau melalui orang lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran fenomena pengelolaan zakat di desa Molalahu, Kecamatan Pulubala, Kabupaten Gorontalo yang dilaksanakan di masa pandemi covid-19 ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan melihat fakta-fakta sosial, dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data yakni observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data yang telah diperoleh, kemudian dianalisa agar dapat disajikan berupa kesimpulan yang optimal. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa di desa Molalahu terdapat pengelolaan yang tidak terinduk di pemerintah desa dan didapati perbedaan pendistribusian zakat fitrah ke pada mustahik di salah satu dusun. Kata Kunci: Fenomena Sosial, Manajemen, Zakat Fitrah Abstract The realization of zakat fitrah always runs in the month of Ramadan every year, which is the obligation of a Muslim regardless of religion, ethnicity and race where he comes from. Zakat is one of the Islamic foundations listed in the three pillars of Islam, which hereby, without exception, must be carried out according to the rules and sharia prescribed in Islam. Zakat fitrah is a helper for those who belong to the 8 asnaf, as a source of happiness in welcoming Eid al-Fitr. Indonesia as the country with the largest Muslim population in the world has become an example in implementing the management of zakat fitrah as an effort to alleviate poverty and limit the rich and the poor, so that everyone can feel the fortune that has been deposited even though through other people. This study aims to describe the phenomenon of zakat management in Molalahu Village, Pulubala District, Gorontalo Regency which was carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses descriptive qualitative method by looking at social facts, using data collection techniques namely observation, interviews and documentation. The data that has been obtained are then analyzed so that they can be presented in the form of optimal conclusions. The results of this study show that in the village of Molalahu there is management that is not registered in the village government and there is a difference in the distribution of zakat fitrah to mustahik in one of the hamlets. Keywords: Social Phenomenon, Management, Zakat Fitrah

Amrizal Hamsa

Mediation is an alternative solution for a case that has been developing in the society. Mediation is seen as an effective and correct in solving a divorce case within the Shari'ah Court. The challenge faced by this method is the existing of mileage parties involved, judges who are too young (inexperienced), understand only in the local language, influence from the third party, lack of mediation skills, limited room for mediation to take place, overwhelming number of divorce cases to be handled, limited time for mediation as we as a compulsion to abide to the the procedure.

Devi Mulia Sari

Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) memperoleh tingkat pendapatan yang berbeda-beda. Perbedaan pendapatan akan mempengaruhi perbedaan pola konsumsi masyarakat. Konsumsi masyarakat Kota Banda Aceh meningkat dari tahun ketahun. Peningkatan ini terjadi pada konsumsi makanan dan non makanan. Namun, konsumsi non makanan lebih tinggi dari pada makanan setiap tahunnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat pendapatan rumah tangga dosen dan tenaga kependidikan terhadap prilaku konsumsi pada dosen dan tenaga kependidikan UIN Ar-raniry. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Popolasi dalam penelitian ini merupakan Dosen dan Staff pada UIN AR Raniry Banda Aceh. Sampel ditentukan secara kebetulan yang ditemui dan masuk ke dalam kategori populasi (Incidential Sampling) yang berjumlah 92 orang. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh pendapatan rumah tangga terhadap pola konsumsi berpengaruh signifikan.

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