is management
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Mehrnoush Momeni Roochi ◽  
Narges Hajiani ◽  
Sayna Nezaminia

A therapeutic challenge to maxillofacial surgeons is management of panfacial fractures, especially when treating multiple comminuted bone fractures. One of the most important goals in these fractures is achieve and stablish a correct occlusal relationship of the mandibular-maxillary unit in parallel with the proper positioning of the jaws with the skull base and other facial units. Also, it is important to prevent long-term sequelae such as facial asymmetry, enophthalmos, and mal- occlusion that could be caused by inadequate correction. To achieve all these goals some usual guides of management are proposed as follow: “Bottom to up”, “Top to down”, “outside to inside,” or “inside to outside”. We present 3 cases of Panfacial fracture and the proposed methods were based on different sequences of management with introducing “reference point” as the most intact area to determine the management concept & “confirming point” as the areas that should be reduced and fixed completely. These points act as an orientation aid during surgery and aid to successfully restore the entire face contour and maxillomandibular occlusion and also to improves surgical procedure.

Mobaraki K ◽  
Ahmadzadeh J ◽  

Epidemiology is a scientific discipline, sometimes called “the basic science of public health”. According to what it has done in the last 200 years, epidemiology is the science and practice. One of the areas that are less addressed in the literature is the important role of epidemiology in health management. The authors believed that one of the areas that epidemiologists can work is management debate.

Benjamin Mueller ◽  
Nils Urbach

AbstractIn our research, we suggest a process theory for explaining the strategy assessment process and its effect in information systems (IS) planning. The proposed theory is derived from an analysis of practitioners and the practices they employ. Based on a multiple-case study design, we look at the IS management teams of three corporate IS departments and how they prepare for strategy development. The analysis of the projects reveals a stable pattern of activities employed by the three teams to assess their departments’ strategic positions and existing strategy. Along with this procedural understanding, our research also produces a detailed look at the outcomes of these managerial practices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 280-284
Nure Naznin ◽  
Shamima Islam Nipa

Clinical reasoning is the thinking and decision-making processes associated with cognitive process and clinical practice of the health professionals. The main purpose of the study is management of case with aphasia by the three-track reasoning. Clinical reasoning is central to effective, efficient clinical practice and professional autonomy. Health professionals are accountable for their decisions and service provision to various stakeholders, including patients, caregivers, health sector managers, policy-makers and colleagues. An important aspect of this responsibility is the ability to clearly articulate and justify management decisions in a manner appropriate to the audience. However, clinical reasoning is not a skill that can be simply explained, understood and recalled because of its rapid, complex and often subconscious nature. For providing diagnosis and providing intervention as well as socially rehabilitate to the patient three reasoning is very important.

2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 331-333
Phillip H. Phan

Zbigniew Lukasik ◽  
Aldona Kuśmińska-Fijalkowska ◽  
Sylwia Olszańska

Reverse logistics differs significantly from such fields as management of waste, of which the goal is, above all, efficient and effective collection and processing of waste. Therefore, it can be said that reverse logistics refers to such streams of flows in which it is possible to recover the value from discontinued products and situation, in which solution is contribution to a new supply chain. Therefore, in this aspect, the fundamental pillar is transport, in which the crucial element is management of transport process, above all, planning of changes improving this process to better control the degree of their execution. In this article, the authors examined transport process in a real object in the context of improvement. As a result, practical aspects of planning and control of organization of transport were presented.

Viktor Levytskyi

The article considers the main problems of forming an integrated system of social-adaptive management of the organization.  It is determined that integrated social-adaptive management is management, the concept of which is aimed at reconciling the needs, capabilities and interests of employees, consumers, organizations and society.  The article also highlights the main elements of the system, which allowed to understand its construction and in parallel explored its structural and functional connections and relationships based on the mechanism of reconciling the needs and interests of customers, business and society as a whole.  In addition, we propose the principles and model of external and internal infrastructure of the integrated system of social-adaptive management of the organization based on international and domestic standards of interaction between organization and society, taking into account global, national, regional and corporate features of external and internal environment  and mutual development in the future.

Dian Adi Perdana

Abstrak Realisasi zakat fitrah selalu berjalan di bulan Ramadhan setiap tahun, yang hal ini merupakan kewajiban serorang muslim tanpa memandang agama, suku dan ras dari mana dia berasal. Zakat menjadi salah satu pondasi Islam yang tercantum dalam Rukun Islam yakni ketiga, yang dengan ini tanpa terkecuali wajib dilaksanakan dengan aturan dan syariat yang telah ditentukan dalam Islam. Zakat fitrah menjadi penolong bagi mereka yang tergolong dalam 8 asnaf, sebagai sumber kebahagiaan dalam menyambut hari raya Idul Fitri. Indonesia sebagai negara berpenduduk muslim terbesar di dunia telah menjadi contoh dalam mengimplementasikan pengelolaan zakat fitrah sebagai upaya dalam pengentasan kemiskinan dan pembatas antara si kaya dan si miskin, sehingga setiap orang dapat merasakan rejeki yang telah dititipkan walau melalui orang lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran fenomena pengelolaan zakat di desa Molalahu, Kecamatan Pulubala, Kabupaten Gorontalo yang dilaksanakan di masa pandemi covid-19 ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan melihat fakta-fakta sosial, dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data yakni observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data yang telah diperoleh, kemudian dianalisa agar dapat disajikan berupa kesimpulan yang optimal. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa di desa Molalahu terdapat pengelolaan yang tidak terinduk di pemerintah desa dan didapati perbedaan pendistribusian zakat fitrah ke pada mustahik di salah satu dusun. Kata Kunci: Fenomena Sosial, Manajemen, Zakat Fitrah Abstract The realization of zakat fitrah always runs in the month of Ramadan every year, which is the obligation of a Muslim regardless of religion, ethnicity and race where he comes from. Zakat is one of the Islamic foundations listed in the three pillars of Islam, which hereby, without exception, must be carried out according to the rules and sharia prescribed in Islam. Zakat fitrah is a helper for those who belong to the 8 asnaf, as a source of happiness in welcoming Eid al-Fitr. Indonesia as the country with the largest Muslim population in the world has become an example in implementing the management of zakat fitrah as an effort to alleviate poverty and limit the rich and the poor, so that everyone can feel the fortune that has been deposited even though through other people. This study aims to describe the phenomenon of zakat management in Molalahu Village, Pulubala District, Gorontalo Regency which was carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses descriptive qualitative method by looking at social facts, using data collection techniques namely observation, interviews and documentation. The data that has been obtained are then analyzed so that they can be presented in the form of optimal conclusions. The results of this study show that in the village of Molalahu there is management that is not registered in the village government and there is a difference in the distribution of zakat fitrah to mustahik in one of the hamlets. Keywords: Social Phenomenon, Management, Zakat Fitrah

Md Subhan Alam

The aim of this project report is to form a sensible umbrella which may cut back human effort to its practicality and may target the market to its distinctive style, is basically vital in trendy society in danger of rain and wind while not coverage the aim of this project is to form such associate umbrella that's extremely sensitive within the incidences of rain and daylight at domestic and market level. Specifically, in summer season the ground of open areas gets thus heat to sun lightweight that produces problem for operating. This umbrella covers the whole hall throughout the rain and daylight. This umbrella operates with the assistance of various sensors like temperature sensors, water sensors and wind sensors. The gap and shutting of umbrella is being controlled through a motor. Motor will provides a fast and instant response to the shaft so shaft will play a significant role of power transmission for gap and shutting of umbrella. Motor provides needed rate to the shaft. Whenever temperature of the atmosphere goes on top of 28°, temperature device sends signal to Arduino that is management unit box. Then Arduino sends signal more to the motor so motor might activate and deliver needed rate to the coupling shaft. This project could be a cost-efficient method of providing machine-controlled controlled shade from high intensity daylight and rain. So, the issues of open and large areas is solved by mistreatment such kinds of machine-controlled umbrellas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 307-314
Upik Elok Endang Rasmani ◽  
Warananinngtyas Palupi ◽  
Jumiatmoko Jumiatmoko ◽  
Nurul Shofiatin Zuhro ◽  
Anjar Fitrianingtyas

The success of managing early childhood education institutions is determined by management aspects such as curriculum, infrastructure, marketing, students, supervision and educators. One of the most important management is management that regulates education personnel because this management determines how educators provide facilities to develop children's abilities so that they can achieve the expected educational goals. This study aims to improve PAUD (Early Childhood Education) Management by identifying institutional problems. This study used a qualitative descriptive research model. The research sample was teachers in Kindergarten AULIA Surakarta. The results showed that the observation, attention, communication, personality of the teacher and the child was good and the teacher always conducted consultations on children's problems. It showed that the average AULIA Surakarta kindergarten teacher had done their job well.

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