Revista de Educación Básica
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Published By ECORFAN


2020 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Jesús Alberto García-García ◽  
Larissa Osornia-Ramón ◽  
José Ricardo Ramírez-Cerecero ◽  
Gabriela Morán-Delgado

The objective of this article is to analyze the dimensions of school violence and its impact on the health-related quality of life of primary school children at social risk in the city of Saltillo, Coahuila. The methodology used is quantitative, observational, cross-sectional, prospective and descriptive. The information was collected through two instruments, CUVE3-EP to measure School Violence and KIDSCREEN-27 for Health-Related Quality of Life, where 416 children aged 5 and 6 were taken as a sample. Primary education. The sampling method used is convenience sampling. The statistical techniques used were descriptive, correlational and comparative. The contribution of the study starts from the identification of the different types of school violence and its association with the quality of life of primary school children. Being verbal violence between students a factor that decreases psychological well-being, as well as their autonomy and relationship with parents.

2020 ◽  
pp. 31-40
Marisol Arroyo-Almaguer ◽  
Alejandra Cisneros-García ◽  
Sergio Salvador Tafoya-Ramírez ◽  
María de Jesús Rodríguez-Vargas

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is behavioral, usually detected from the age of 7, with a chronic nature, presenting difficulties of sustained attention, working memory, inhibition and self-regulation processes, cognitive flexibility, among others, interfering not only in academic performance but causing self-esteem problems, depression and anxiety in the child or adolescent. A support application was developed in the treatment of children with ADHD that integrate occupational and multisensory activities to stimulate their cognitive-behavioral development. It was implemented by applying an evolutionary development model, using several of the T.I. more current such as JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, PHP and MySQL. The results in children are encouraging when comparing the evaluation of their initial diagnosis before starting treatment, with those obtained after ten months of using the application. It was possible to capture and focus the children's attention, favoring memory, attention and teamwork, as well as a substantial improvement in their mood, motivation, relaxation and behavior.

2020 ◽  
pp. 19-30
Ma. Dolores Balderas-Mireles ◽  
Ma. Leticia Almaraz-Olguín ◽  
Irma Ramírez-Vaquera ◽  
Kathia María Antonieta Balderas-Mireles

The research was carried out through the systematization and control of a classroom experience from a qualitative approach with the implementation of techniques such as observation, recording, video recordings and photographs, the result of which would make preschool teachers aware of the importance from the field of exploration and understanding of the natural world, the preponderance of fostering in the child from three years of age skills such as observation, curiosity, inquiry, experimentation and the formulation of hypotheses, which requires the preparation of the teacher and a change attitude towards science teaching, as well as the commitment of preschool institutions to promote work in this field; The result of the intervention proposal impacted on skills beyond those considered, as the child advances as the conditions to do so are generated and his thought expands until he can argue based on what he knows and observes in relation to experiential experiences that the teacher generates for it.

2020 ◽  
pp. 8-18
Temístocles Muñoz-López ◽  
Rocío I. Ramos-Jaubert ◽  
Marta Nieves Espericueta-Medina ◽  
Vanessa Martínez-Sosa

This work is a study of children in the fourth, fifth and sixth years of primary school who carried out research projects for the 2018 science and creativity fair organized by the State Council of Science and Technology of Coahuila in coordination with CONACyT. The research was carried out with the purpose of having a profile of the research process that children carry out when they are asked to develop a project to present it at the fair. The results of the projects were evaluated by 17 evaluators and researchers selected by the State Council for Science and Technology with pre-established formats on Likert-type scales and classified into scientific, technological and citizen types. The original scales were transformed with a standardized method of the Spanish version of the SF-36 Health Questionnaire to work the data on a scale from zero to 100, in such a way that multivariate analyzes such as discriminant analysis and factor analysis could be performed. The results show a profile of child researchers where there are eight variables that constitute the basic structure as researchers and a complementary profile that refers to the information and communication of the results of their projects. These variables of his basic profile are: Identify problems, have Clarity about the Project, collect data appropriately, Make and record field observations, Plan and carry out an investigation in the local environment, with a defined purpose, relate their learning to the everyday life, uses reliable sources of information, and develops new knowledge.

2020 ◽  
pp. 11-16
Karla Cecilia Apan-Araujo ◽  
Dulce María Soriano-Porras ◽  
Rubelia Isaura Martínez-Téllez ◽  
Gabriel Romero-Rodríguez

The present investigation shows the way to work the psychomotricity as a tool of the therapeutic game implemented in a Multisensory Stimulation Center (CEMS) which is located in the Universidad Politécnica de Amozoc, Puebla, Mexico. The objectives are: a) Determine the level of psychomotor development in preschoolers, b) Develop a plan of playful strategies that contribute to psychomotor development, c) Evaluate the psychomotor development of children once the activities have been implemented. For this, educational activities were designed with third year preschool children, where previously a group of children was assessed using a specific test to determine their level of psychomotricity according to their development, which were reported by their teachers. Subsequently, the population to work was selected and a series of activities supported by means of therapeutic play were established, in such a way that they potentiated their psychomotor development. Finally, the contribution of this research is to demonstrate the impact that is obtained in psychomotor development through therapeutic play in preschool children.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Saira Antonieta Vásquez-Gamboa ◽  
Irene García-Ortega ◽  
Felipe Rodríguez-Ramírez

Social inclusion represents incorporating into community life people who live and relate to each other, regardless of their origin, social condition or activity. It Categorically represents bringing it closer to a dignified life, and that it has basic services for appropriate and reasonable personal and family development, however, social inclusion is the tendency to enable people at risk of poverty or social exclusion to have the opportunity to participate fully in social life, and thus can enjoy an adequate standard of living. The objective of this work shows the analysis of the effects of the implementation of interactive software whose intention was to integrate information and communication technologies to learning activities, achieving self-determination and full integration of people with disabilities. Based on the adaptive skills assessment model for people with cerebral palsy.

2020 ◽  
pp. 23-37
Martha Susana Hernández-Larios ◽  
Alejandro Rodolfo García-Villalobos ◽  
Esmelda Barrios-García ◽  
José de Jesús Hernández-Berumen

As part of the institutional strategy to prevent failure and school dropout, seeking better academic performance by upper-secondary students, a project is established where the tutorial part is related to the use of technological tools and resources. A course in B-Learning is developed, developing strategies that modify their behavior and performance, said course consists of four units, where strategies are developed to improve attention, identify emotions and the strategies necessary for their concentration, allowing them to develop social-emotional skills achieving better academic performance.

2020 ◽  
pp. 17-22
José Luis Ortiz-Simón ◽  
Martha Aguilera-Hernández ◽  
Miguel Randall Murillo-Rodríguez ◽  
Daniel Olivares-Caballero

The cognitive abilities of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are different from those of children who do not have this characteristic. Parents, teachers, scientists, and therapists strive to develop neuropsychological systems, ludic software, and others systems that help children with ASD improve their attention to learn faster. According to the experience of experts from the Multiple Attention Center 51, a mechanical system that forces them to use their two cerebral hemispheres, as allowed by a pedaling system and with a specific protocol of tasks, will help them to focus their attention allowing them to learn basic tasks that allow them to integrate into conventional schools. There are not many Educational organizations focused on treating children with ASD so they need to improve and develop different learning conditions for infants with ASD to accelerate their integration into conventional schools. This article presents the evolution of a dynamic pedaling system that is used as a parallel complement to the education of a child with ASD, which we believe will accelerate the development of their abilities and the possibility of integrating more quickly into their social environment.

2019 ◽  
pp. 8-14
Agustín Francisco Gutiérrez-Tornés ◽  
Alejandro Canales-Cruz ◽  
Juana Inés Zambrano-Dávila

The present work is situated in the field of virtual distance education and more specifically in one of the technologies, whose use has increased exponentially. They are the recommendation systems, which are now used in education as a complementary support in the platforms designed to provide learning resources in a more personalized way. The way in which students perceive, codify, remember, understand and solve problems is different between each one. This task has proved a real challenge, both logistic and theoretical, and the arrival of new information technologies is emerging as the most promising option to project and carry it out. The investigations that have been carried out specifically in the subject show a very marked methodological problem. The way in which its effect has been evaluated, especially in relation to the learning process, has not been from any point of view, rigorous or exhaustive. In general, they only resort to obtaining opinions from students about how they perceive that the use of such systems benefited this process. It seems important to know in greater depth and precision the way in which learning is enhanced with this specific form of technology.

2019 ◽  
pp. 15-20
Luis Alberto Cordova-Osorio ◽  
Héctor Bernardo Ortega-Gines ◽  
Christian Galicia-Garcia ◽  
Juan Diego Escobedo-Garcia

The project has as main objective to use Alexa skills in order to generate more personalize experiences (intents) within a classroom in the English Language teaching creating voice commands. The programmed skills are meant to develop two out of four main abilities a student must acquire when learning English as a second language, Speaking and Listening. The first step in the development methodology was to select the topics the students find more difficult to learn, after that with the help of English teachers different conversation models were generated. In the third step the skills were programmed based on the conversations previously generated. Finally the skills were tested in a classroom by intermediate level students. This project has proved to make English class more interactive, it has also allowed students to develop speaking and listening skills in a more natural way.

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