AT-TIJARAH: Jurnal Penelitian Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah
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Published By Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Islam - IAIN Lhokseumawe

2745-5696, 2721-5482

Muhammad Syafril Nasution ◽  
Ramadhan Razali

This research discusses the concept of zakat in Abu Ubaid's Kitab Al-Amwal. The purpose of this study is to analyze the existence of social justice in zakat. The research method that I use is a qualitative method with a literature review method. The result of this research is that zakat according to Abu Ubaid has esoteric values of social justice. Zakat instruments can alleviate poverty and stabilize state finances. To create social justice, the zakat instrument provides space for those in need. The space is not only a treasure. But also capital that can be used to start a business. In addition, in order to optimize zakat, the government must take part in maximizing the potential of zakat.

Ahmad Fauzul Hakim Hasibuan ◽  
Fuadi Fuadi ◽  
Angga Syahputra

This study aims to determine the influence of the Sharia Supervisory Board and the Board of Commissioners on the Financial Performance of Islamic Banks in Indonesia. This study used secondary data from 12 banks.The sampling technique used is the purposive sampling technique. The method of data analysis used is multiple linear regression.The results partially show that the sharia supervisory board and board of commissioners positively and significantly influence the financial performance of Islamic banks in Indonesia. Simultaneously,the board of commissioners and the sharia supervisory board positively and significantly influence the financial performance of Islamic bank

Jureid Jureid

The outbreak of Covid-19 in Mandailing Natal has caused several problems in the economic, educational and social fields. The problems that occur certainly really need the role of Baznas in overcoming them. The purpose of this research is to find out how the distribution of zakat in the process of preventing Covid-19 in Mandailing Natal and to know the perspective of maqashid sharia on this distribution. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method in the review of maqashid sharia. The results of the research show that the zakat distribution mechanism is carried out by means of Baznas actively engaging the community to call for zakat, it is even recommended to the public to take part in paying without having to be visited by Baznas or other policies including the muzakki's own workplace. Zakat distributed is not only in the form of money or food but is adjusted to the needs of the people affected by Covid-19 and is distributed periodically and Baznas is actively monitoring and evaluating the program. Zakat as an Islamic fiscal instrument has helped ease the burden on people affected by Covid. Consumptive zakat or productive zakat can be a mental solution and make the mustahik prosperous. Zakat together with its derivatives has brought enormous benefits to affected communities or other mustahiks. Zakat can guarantee the continuity of life in various aspects including maintaining life, property, religion, reason and of course zakat is the main object of maqashid sharia towards a prosperous society

Syaeful Bakhri ◽  
Mohammad Rana ◽  
Anez Yuniar Pradini

As a product that has just been listed on the stock exchange, this Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) has attracted the attention of various lines of capital market investors. ETF is known as one of the mutual fund product innovations as a follow-up to POJK No. 49/POJK.04/2015. This study is a descriptive study of this product with all the features and advantages and uniqueness it has as a form of diversification of existing mutual fund products. This study also seeks to explore the strengths and weaknesses of ETFs both internally and externally. Interestingly, this descriptive study presents data on investor enthusiasm for ETF products. One of the main attractions of this product is that apart from being traded on the stock exchange, the price is also very cheap. Not only explaining in terms of products and their uniqueness, but this study also discusses the review of Islamic law on ETF transactions on the stock exchange. When compared with the practice of buying and selling, there are many similarities. And there are several other interesting factors to observe regarding the considerations of investors in choosing mutual fund instruments, especially ETFs as an alternative to new investments in the capital market.

Marliah Maulina ◽  
Ismaulina Ismaulina

The development of the Islamic economy began to attract the world's attention through the systems and principles and concepts of Islamic banking which are often referred to as the Islamic Banking System. This study aims to analyze the effect of the level of trust, knowledge, and the level of banking services on the preferences of students of the Islamic Economics and Business Faculty of IAIN Lhokseumawe on saving in Islamic banking. The research was conducted using quantitative methods. Sampling using the Slovin formula involving 67 students as respondents. The results of data processing with multiple linear regression testing concluded that the t test for the level of trust (X1) and service (X3) had no effect on students 'saving preferences, while Knowledge (X2) partially had a positive and significant effect on students' saving preferences. Furthermore, the simultaneous test for the three variables above does not have a positive and significant effect on student saving preferences, this is as seen in the F test table.

Haryani Haryani ◽  
Asrida Asrida ◽  
Iskandar Aziz ◽  
Chairul Bariah

This study aims to analyze the effect of convenience, profit, safety simultaneously and partially on the public's interest in using the rahn product of Bank Aceh Syariah in Bireuen Regency. This research is a quantitative study using multiple linear regression analysis method with a total of 31 respondents. The results of this study indicate that the perception of convenience, the perception of profit and the perception of security simultaneously have a significant effect on the interest of micro entrepreneurs in using the rahn products of Bank Aceh Syariah in Bireuen Regency. The perception of convenience has a significant influence on the interest of micro entrepreneurs in using Bank Aceh Syariah rahn products in Bireuen Regency. Perceptions of profit have a significant influence on the interest of micro entrepreneurs in using Bank Aceh Syariah rahn products in Bireuen Regency. Perceptions of security have a significant influence on the interest of micro entrepreneurs in using Bank Aceh Syariah rahn products in Bireuen Regency.   Keywords: Perception, Interests, Rahn, Profits, Security, Ease     Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kemudahan, keuntungan, keamanan secara serempak dan parsial terhadap minat masyarakat menggunakan produk rahn Bank Aceh Syariah di Kabupaten Bireuen. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode analisis regresi linier berganda dengan total responden sebanyak 31 orang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa persepsi kemudahan, persepsi keuntungan dan persepsi keamanan secara serempak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap minat pengusaha mikro dalam menggunakan produk rahn Bank Aceh Syariah Di Kabupaten Bireuen. Persepsi kemudahan mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap minat pengusaha mikro dalam menggunakan produk rahn Bank Aceh Syariah di Kabupaten Bireuen. Persepsi keuntungan mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap minat  pengusaha mikro dalam menggunakan produk rahn Bank Aceh Syariah di Kabupaten Bireuen. Persepsi keamanan mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap minat  pengusaha mikro dalam menggunakan produk rahn Bank Aceh Syariah di Kabupaten Bireuen.      Kata kunci: Persepsi, Minat, Rahn, Keuntungan, Keamanan, Kemudahan

Ali Muhayatsyah ◽  
Ali Muhayatsyah

Al-Ghazali's views on economy and business are not limited to philosophical plains, but are a combination of real conditions that occur in society with philosophical values, accompanied by logical arguments. Al-Ghazali in his thoughts about business economics is based on the Sufism approach which he wrote in his book Ihya 'Ulum al-Din. As a matter of fact, there are still many practices of tadlis (unknown to one party), namely violating the principle of “an taraddin minkum”. The practice of tadlis occurs because of four things, namely quantity reduction of the scale; quality, namely the concealment of object defects; price engineering takes advantage of market price ignorance; uncertainty of delivery time, namely the seller does not know for sure the goods will be delivered to the buyer. In addition, we often encounter market engineering practices. Al-Ghazali paid considerable attention to economic and business activities in society, including the utility hierarchy and its characteristics in the corridor of social obligations to social welfare (maslahah). In addition, al-Ghazali views the ultimate goal is salvation. Work is part of worship is evidence of the work ethic created through extrarelgious efforts. That the intention of someone's behavior in accordance with Divine rules in every economic activity can be of worship value. Al-Ghazali has a view of market ethics that emphasizes truth and honesty, which can be applied to market evolution and the role of money based on the ethics and morals of the perpetrators. Al-Ghazali argued that the state must create security conditions to enhance prosperity and economic development. The existence of state institutions, to monitor adverse market practices. Al-Ghazali stated that trade activities are essential to the functionalization of the economy, the need for secure and safe trade routes, and the state should provide protection so that markets can expand and the economy can grow.   Keywords: Islamic Business Ethics, Maslahah, Work Ethics.     Abstrak Pandangan al-Ghazali mengenai ekonomi dan bisnis tidak terbatas pada dataran filosofis, melainkan perpaduan antara kondisi riil yang terjadi dalam masyarakat dengan nilai-nilai filosofis, disertai argumen yang logis. Al-Ghazali dalam pemikirannya seputar ekonomi bisnis didasarkan pada pendekatan tasawuf yang beliau tuangkan dalam karyanya kitab Ihya ’Ulum al-Din. Sebagaimana fakta yang terjadi praktek bisnis masih banyak terjadi praktek tadlis (unknown to one party) yaitu melanggar prinsip “an taraddin minkum”. Praktek tadlis terjadi karena empat hal, kuantitas yaitu pengurangan timbangan; kualitas yaitu penyembunyian kecacatan obyek; rekayasa harga memanfaatkan ketidaktahuan harga pasar; ketidakpastian waktu penyerahan yaitu penjual tidak mengetahui secara pasti barang akan diserahkan kepada pembeli. Selain itu juga sering kita jumpai praktek rekayasa pasar. Al-Ghazali memberikan perhatian yang cukup besar terhadap aktivitas ekonomi dan bisnis dalam masyarakat, termasuk hierarki utilitas dan karakteristiknya dalam koridor kewajiban sosial terhadap kesejahteraan sosial (maslahah). Selain itu al-Ghazali memandang tujuan akhir adalah keselamatan. Bekerja merupakan bagian dari ibadah merupakan bukti etos kerja yang diciptakan melalui upaya ekstrarelgius. Bahwa niat perilaku seseorang yang sesuai dengan aturan Ilahi dalam setiap aktivitas ekonomi dapat bernilai Ibadah. Al-Ghazali mempunyai pandangan tentang etika pasar yang menitikberatkan pada kebenaran dan kejujuran, yang dapat diaplikasikan pada evolusi pasar dan peranan uang berdasarkan etika dan moral para pelakunya. Al-Ghazali berpendapat negara harus menciptakan kondisi keamanan untuk meningkatkan kemakmuran dan pembangunan ekonomi. Eksistensi kelembagaan negara, untuk mengawasi praktek-praktek pasar yang merugikan. Al-Ghazali menyatakan bahwa kegiatan perdagangan merupakan hal yang esensial terhadap fungsionalisasi perekonomian, perlunya rute perdagangan yang terjamin dan aman, serta negara seharusnya memberikan perlindungan, sehingga pasar dapat meluas dan ekonomi dapat tumbuh.   Kata kunci: Etika Bisnis Islam, Maslahah, Etos Kerja.

Husni Kamal ◽  
Arinal Rahmati

Islamic law has been stipulated by Allah is for human advantage, both in worldly life and in the hereafter. In order to prove that Islamic economics remains relevant whenever and  wherever the objectives of maqashid shariah is needed to be implemented for creating  innovative products. By doing so, shariah financial institutions are able to compete with the conventional,  and at the same time they stay true to Islamic teaching principles. This article aims firstly to examine the concept of maqashid shariah on new product development of Islamic financial institution, and secondly to explore the suitability of shariah banking product with the principles of maqashid shariah. In nature, the purpose of the implementation of Shariah transactional system is for seeking human benefit both in this life and hereafter. Hence, the concept of maqashid shariah should be able to be integrated into Shari’ah banking so that its products can be hopefully broader. In short, through maqashid shariah, it creates   innovative products of shariah financial institutions.   Keyword: Maqashid Shariah, Islamic Financial, Islamic Banking.     Abstrak Setiap hukum yang ditetapkan Allah kepada ummatnya terdapat kemashlahatan baik didunia maupun di akhirat, untuk menjawab bahwa ekonomi Islam sesuai dengan kondisi zaman maka maqashid syariah sangat diperlukan untuk menciptakan produk yang inovatif sehingga lembaga keuangan syariah bisa bersaing dengan produk lembaga keuangan konvensional dan tidak bertentangan dengan prisnsip-prinsip Islam. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji konsep maqashid syariah dalam pengembangan  produk lembaga keuangan islam, secara khusus, artikel ini juga melihat kesesuaian produk yang ditawarkan oleh perbankan syariah agar sesuai dengan konsep yang telah dituangkan dalam maqashid syariah, karena pada hakikatnya melakukan transaksi dengan sistem syariah bukan saja mencari keuntungan di dunia saja, namun juga untuk mencapai maslahah dunia akhirat, oleh karena itu, konsep maqashid syariah harus mampu di integrasikan kedalam perbankan syariah agar produk yang dihasilkan tidak kaku dan sempit sehingga terhambat terhadap perkembangan lembaga keuangan syariah. harapannya, dengan memahami konsep maqashid syariah maka diharapkan bisa menciptakan produk-produk inovatif di lembaga keuangan syariah.   Kata kunci: Maqashid Syariah, Keuangan Islam, Bank Syariah

Muhammad Al Mustafa

The each of financing has different levels of risk. In financing the risk is that the funds  provided are not returned, as a result the Bank will get deficit, and it will have an effect to customers who invest their capital, the risk that can cause such losses is that not all of customers are able to manage financing professionally. So that will cause many imbalances that have fatal consequences, both for customers and parties. Therefore to overcome this problem the bank have to do a policy of implementing the system of fine. This article aims to examine the fine policy on the financing of Islamic financial institutions, in particular, this article also takes a look at the application of fines because in essence doing a transaction with the sharia system is not just looking for the profit in the world, but also to achieve the prosperity of the afterlife, therefore, all Islamic Banking activities must be able to be integrated into the maqashid of sharia to achieve prosperity in transactions.   Keyword: The Amercement, Risk, Maqashid Syariah, Maslahah.     Abstrak Setiap pembiayaan mempunyai tingkat risiko yang berbeda-beda. Pada pembiayaan resikonya adalah tidak terkembalinya dana yang diberikan, akibatnya  Bank mengalami desifit, dan akan berefek kepada nasabah yang  menginvestasikan  modalnya, resiko yang bisa menyebabkan terjadinya kerugian tersebut adalah tidak semua nasabah mampu mengelola pembiayaan secara profesional, sehingga menimbulkan banyak ketimpangan yang berakibat fatal, baik bagi nasabah maupun pihak bank. Sehingga untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut pihak bank mengambil kebijakan menerapkan sistem denda. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji  kebijakan denda  pada  pembiayaan di lembaga keuangan islam, secara khusus, artikel ini juga melihat kebolehan penerapan denda karena pada hakikatnya melakukan transaksi dengan sistem syariah bukan saja mencari keuntungan di dunia saja, namun juga untuk mencapai maslahah dunia akhirat, oleh karena itu, semua kegiatan perbankan syariah harus mampu diintegrasikan kedalam maqashid syariah untuk mencapai kemaslahatan bertransaksi.   Kata kunci: Denda, Risiko, Maqashid Syariah, Maslahah.

Ubaidillah Ubaidillah ◽  
Tri Puji Astuti

This study aims to measure the performance of Islamic banks using the SCnP Model. The population of this study is all Islamic commercial banks registered with the OJK from 2017-2019. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, while the data analysis technique was descriptive. The SCnP model has two variables, namely Shariah Conformity with Islamic Income Ratio indicators, Islamic Investment Ratio and Profit Sharing Ratio and Profitability with Return On Assets (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE) and Profit Margin Ratio indicators. The analysis on the SCnP results is that Islamic banks are spread out in four quadrants (ULQ, LLQ, URQ and LRQ) and recommends a sample of research banks, namely subsidiaries of state-owned banks namely Bank Syariah Mandiri, Bank Negara Indonesia Syariah, Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah. The results of the study show that for three years, 2017-2019, the results show that Islamic banks are spread out in only two quadrants, namely the Lower Left Quadrant (LLQ) and the Upper Left Quadrant (ULQ).   Keywords: Financial Performance, Islamic Commercial Banks, Shariah Conformity and Profitability (SCnP) Model     Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kinerja bank syariah dengan menggunakan SCnP Model. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua bank umum syariah yang terdaftar di OJK dari tahun 2017-2019. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling, sementara teknik analisis data berupa deskriptif. Model SCnP memiliki dua variabel, yaitu Shariah Conformity dengan indikator Islamic Income Ratio, Islamic Investment Ratio dan Profit Sharing Ratio dan Profitability dengan indikator Return On Assets (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE) dan Profit Margin Ratio. Analisis pada hasil SCnP yaitu, bank syariah tersebar dalam empat kuadran (ULQ, LLQ, URQ dan LRQ) dan merekomendasikan sampel bank penelitian yaitu anak perusahaan dari bank BUMN yakni Bank Syariah Mandiri, Bank Negara Indonesia Syariah, Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan selama tiga tahun yaitu 2017-2019 menunjukkan hasil bahwa bank syariah tersebar dalam dua kuadran saja, yaitu Lower Left Quadrant (LLQ) dan Upper Left Quadrant (ULQ). Kata kunci: Kinerja Keuangan, Bank Umum Syariah, Shariah Conformity and Profitability (SCnP) Model

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