Ali Muhayatsyah ◽  
Ali Muhayatsyah

Al-Ghazali's views on economy and business are not limited to philosophical plains, but are a combination of real conditions that occur in society with philosophical values, accompanied by logical arguments. Al-Ghazali in his thoughts about business economics is based on the Sufism approach which he wrote in his book Ihya 'Ulum al-Din. As a matter of fact, there are still many practices of tadlis (unknown to one party), namely violating the principle of “an taraddin minkum”. The practice of tadlis occurs because of four things, namely quantity reduction of the scale; quality, namely the concealment of object defects; price engineering takes advantage of market price ignorance; uncertainty of delivery time, namely the seller does not know for sure the goods will be delivered to the buyer. In addition, we often encounter market engineering practices. Al-Ghazali paid considerable attention to economic and business activities in society, including the utility hierarchy and its characteristics in the corridor of social obligations to social welfare (maslahah). In addition, al-Ghazali views the ultimate goal is salvation. Work is part of worship is evidence of the work ethic created through extrarelgious efforts. That the intention of someone's behavior in accordance with Divine rules in every economic activity can be of worship value. Al-Ghazali has a view of market ethics that emphasizes truth and honesty, which can be applied to market evolution and the role of money based on the ethics and morals of the perpetrators. Al-Ghazali argued that the state must create security conditions to enhance prosperity and economic development. The existence of state institutions, to monitor adverse market practices. Al-Ghazali stated that trade activities are essential to the functionalization of the economy, the need for secure and safe trade routes, and the state should provide protection so that markets can expand and the economy can grow.   Keywords: Islamic Business Ethics, Maslahah, Work Ethics.     Abstrak Pandangan al-Ghazali mengenai ekonomi dan bisnis tidak terbatas pada dataran filosofis, melainkan perpaduan antara kondisi riil yang terjadi dalam masyarakat dengan nilai-nilai filosofis, disertai argumen yang logis. Al-Ghazali dalam pemikirannya seputar ekonomi bisnis didasarkan pada pendekatan tasawuf yang beliau tuangkan dalam karyanya kitab Ihya ’Ulum al-Din. Sebagaimana fakta yang terjadi praktek bisnis masih banyak terjadi praktek tadlis (unknown to one party) yaitu melanggar prinsip “an taraddin minkum”. Praktek tadlis terjadi karena empat hal, kuantitas yaitu pengurangan timbangan; kualitas yaitu penyembunyian kecacatan obyek; rekayasa harga memanfaatkan ketidaktahuan harga pasar; ketidakpastian waktu penyerahan yaitu penjual tidak mengetahui secara pasti barang akan diserahkan kepada pembeli. Selain itu juga sering kita jumpai praktek rekayasa pasar. Al-Ghazali memberikan perhatian yang cukup besar terhadap aktivitas ekonomi dan bisnis dalam masyarakat, termasuk hierarki utilitas dan karakteristiknya dalam koridor kewajiban sosial terhadap kesejahteraan sosial (maslahah). Selain itu al-Ghazali memandang tujuan akhir adalah keselamatan. Bekerja merupakan bagian dari ibadah merupakan bukti etos kerja yang diciptakan melalui upaya ekstrarelgius. Bahwa niat perilaku seseorang yang sesuai dengan aturan Ilahi dalam setiap aktivitas ekonomi dapat bernilai Ibadah. Al-Ghazali mempunyai pandangan tentang etika pasar yang menitikberatkan pada kebenaran dan kejujuran, yang dapat diaplikasikan pada evolusi pasar dan peranan uang berdasarkan etika dan moral para pelakunya. Al-Ghazali berpendapat negara harus menciptakan kondisi keamanan untuk meningkatkan kemakmuran dan pembangunan ekonomi. Eksistensi kelembagaan negara, untuk mengawasi praktek-praktek pasar yang merugikan. Al-Ghazali menyatakan bahwa kegiatan perdagangan merupakan hal yang esensial terhadap fungsionalisasi perekonomian, perlunya rute perdagangan yang terjamin dan aman, serta negara seharusnya memberikan perlindungan, sehingga pasar dapat meluas dan ekonomi dapat tumbuh.   Kata kunci: Etika Bisnis Islam, Maslahah, Etos Kerja.

Afrika Focus ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 19 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 43-67
Kristof Titeca

Political patronage and political values: The developmental role of political patronage and its impact on shaping political values in rural Uganda. This article points out the importance of neo-patrimonial theories in understanding local socio-political dynamics. Through the analysis of a case study in Western Uganda, it is firstly shown how within 'formal' state institutions, there is an 'informal' logic of competing political camps. These political camps, and their subsidiary networks of political patronage, have adverse effects for development. Secondly, this system has a profound impact on how people perceive the service-delivery functions of the state: people on the ground do not expect the state to be there for everyone, but only for the people of their 'political camp' or network. Also the role of the state is seen as strongly personalised, as the 'big men' are perceived to have taken over the service provision activities of the state.

The article analyzes the macrohistorical perspective of the study of sovereignty in the framework of political theory represented by a world-system analysis, the war-taxation theory of the state and political Marxism. The relevance of the approach proposed by macro-political theories for studying the current state of sovereignty is considered. The theoretical prerequisites for the formation of these theories are investigated, which were caused by the search for fundamentally new approaches in the 1970s. in analysis of modern political and state institutions, attention is focused on the influence of the creative heritage of M. Weber in the process of conceptualization of macrohistorical political theories. The basic theoretical approaches of world-system analysis (I. Wallerstein, J. Arrigi), the war-taxation theory of the state (Ch. Tilly, W. McNeill, M. Mann) and political Marxism (R. Brenner, P. Anderson, B. Teschke) to the process of formation and development of states during the Modern era are analyzed. In this article the problem of sovereignty is examined through an analysis of the prerequisites for the formation of basic state institutions in a historical perspective, which is the main approach of macrohistorical political theories. It is revealed that, despite the differences in approaches, the world-system analysis and the war-taxation theory of the state can be compared as the external and internal contours of the sovereignty problems in the historical process of the formation and development of European states during the Modern era, special attention is paid to the role of economically determined social transformations of Modern era in the framework of the theoretical approach that is offered by political Marxism. The similarities are noted in the approaches of the analyzed theories to the process of formation of modern type of states, which are specified in the following positions: modern type of states as a unique phenomenon in Western Europe, the special role of capitalism in the process of socio-political and economic transformations of Modern era, a successful configuration of factors in the historical process that led to the emergence nation state, achieving a balance between the interests of diverse groups, structural socio-political and economic changes as a response to external and internal challenges, the interdisciplinary nature of theories.

Ch. Yarmaki ◽  
V. Yarmaki

It is provided the concept and features of police supervision; its correlation with administrative supervision is considered; the supervision of the behavior of previously convicted persons and legal acts regulating its implementation are analyzed. Given the central role of supervision in shaping police agency outcomes, the purpose of this paper is to understand ratings of supervisor performance overall and on several distinct dimensions. The description of the police as the strong arm of the State oversight reflects their authorization to enforce laws and policies defined by State institutions. It is concluded that there is a necessity to amend the Law of Ukraine "On the Administrative Supervision of Releases from Prison", other legal acts regulating the issue of supervision and probation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 1-19
Marek Górka ◽  

The cybersecurity issue discussed in the paper is seen from the perspective of political science with the indication that the subject under discussion concerns the multifaceted nature of the state’s actions, which consists of political, economic, social, and cultural factors. At the same time, the work also intends to prove that cybersecurity is not only a domain of technology because it is the mentioned aspects that shape the conditions of stable development of the state and its citizens in a space dominated by cyber technology in a much more decisive way. Given the growing role of cybertechnology in almost all areas of human life, its importance also forces and inspires political science to question the shape and model of modern policy, which is significantly evolving under the influence of new technologies. On the one hand, emerging cyber threats reveal the weakness of the state and the dependence of state institutions on cybertechnologies, but on the other hand, existing cyber incidents may also motivate many governments to take action to increase the level of cybersecurity.

Giuseppe D'Angelo ◽  
Jlia Pasquali Cerioli

SOMMARIO: 1. Una collocazione non casuale - 2. Mutazioni, crisi, emergenze. Valori-fini dell’ordinamento e rilettura in continuità del “microsistema costituzionale” del diritto ecclesiastico - 3. Il duplice significato della dimensione pubblica del fenomeno religioso. Ambiguità e contraddizioni nel diritto ecclesiastico pre-pandemico - 4. Le conferme della pandemia. I limiti della libertà religiosa (e gli spunti per la valorizzazione del suo apporto costruttivo) - 5. Il rafforzamento e l’estensione del paradigma collaborativo - 6. La nuova fase della ripartenza e il binomio collaborazione-sussidiarietà - 7. Riepilogo e rilancio - 8. Note di discussione: i pregi (prospettici) - 9. (segue) i difetti (potenziali). The pandemic emergency and the ecclesiastical law of the State: advantages (in perspective) and (potential) defects in considering the public dimension of religion. ABSTRACT: Despite the pandemic emergency, religion is still placed among the elements that contribute to the material and spiritual progress of society. Particularly, the perception of the role of religion is assuming a greater consideration by State institutions and politics as well among the scholars. In this sense, the emergency law is an opportunity to reflect on the public dimension of the religious factor and a good chance to test its merits (in perspective) and (potential) defects.

2019 ◽  
pp. 259-274
Agnieszka Janczuk-Gorywoda

Bitcoin—the first virtual currency based on blockchain technology—was born out of an anarcho-libertarian dream to create a monetary system that—by relying on ‘trustless trust’—would be completely independent of the state and established financial institutions. Today, there is no doubt that blockchain technology will transform payments, the financial industry, and many other areas. However, this chapter argues that in regard to payments, this transformation will be far from the libertarian ideal. Rather, blockchain (1) will enable the rise of new powerful intermediaries and (2) it will be embraced by established payment services providers, who will use blockchain to modernize their services. As a result, decentralized virtual currencies like Bitcoin will remain on the periphery of the mainstream payments landscape. Blockchain has focused too narrowly on providing a technological solution to the issue of scarcity and solving the double-spending problem. Yet, problems involved in monetary and payment systems are broader. In particular, payment systems provide for a broad range of mechanisms supporting circulation of money which, for the scale and complexity of a modern economy must be backed by the state. Money is a hybrid public–private institution and it seems naïve to think that technology alone could render the role of state institutions in monetary and payment systems obsolete.

2017 ◽  
Vol 67 (4) ◽  
pp. 557-583 ◽  
Annamária Artner

The article examines how the roles of state institutions and state owned enterprises have been changed in Ireland since its independence, with special regard to the role of state ownership and crisis management. The history of planning and social partnership, the courses of nationalisation and privatisation and the problem of damaging the state are discussed as well. The author concludes that the crisis has not resulted in the strengthening of the developmental or welfare role of the state, the evolution of a “developmental welfare state” has become less likely in Ireland in the course of crisis management. Another lesson is that the state can manage certain bad assets of the private sector in a way that yields a profit to the public. There are other costs of the crisis management, however, which are to be paid by the people and result in a decrease of state ownership and a shrinking of the welfare systems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 65
Aditya Bardawansyah

The Supreme Audit Agency is the institution that has the authority to calculate and determine state losses, but in its implementation, there are still requests for calculating state financial losses that have not been implemented. This study uses a normative juridical approach. Then it is analyzed qualitatively so that the results are obtained: First, the BPK-RI Representatives of Lampung Province have been given the trust by law enforcement officials to calculate and determine state losses, and the State Financial Loss Calculation Result Report submitted by BPK-RI is used as evidence in court as evidence regarding there is a state loss. Second, the methods used by BPK-RI in calculating state financial losses are by using several methods, namely the apple to apple comparison method, the production cost method, the comparison method between the contract value and the market price, the total loss, and the real cost method. The method used by BPK-RI Representatives of Lampung Province in calculating state losses is by using the simple cost method. This method is used by calculating the difference between the funds spent by the state to obtain goods/services from third parties, compared to the value of real expenditures incurred by the implementing party to provide goods/services to the state according to the agreed 

2018 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
pp. 498-518 ◽  
Marcus Power ◽  
Joshua Kirshner

This paper explores the role of electricity infrastructures in helping to create, expand or limit the contours of the state in post-colonial Mozambique. Through a focus on recent electrification campaigns and attempts to improve sustainable energy access, we argue that the extension of electricity infrastructures helps to counter the state’s ‘blindness’ and to provide a more permanent visibility for the state whilst potentially enhancing its capacity to order, arrange and ‘read’ its territory and citizenry (particularly in contested rural peripheries). We argue that the material and symbolic work of large-scale infrastructural works around rural electrification and grid extension constitute an important means through which the state performs and narrates its presence and role in order to gain meaning and importance in the lives of rural residents and to forge connections with them. Aside from extending the power and reach of state institutions and their territorial authority, we contend that the development of electricity infrastructures also helps to create neoliberal subjectivities and advance neoliberalisation whilst creating lucrative opportunities for elite accumulation. We examine the different forms of institutional, material and discursive power that influence why some ways of organising energy are privileged over others and reflect on the resulting implications for energy access inequalities and state–citizen relations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-18
Roman Ratusznyj ◽  
Bernard Wiśniewski ◽  
Gerald G. Sander ◽  
Peter Pantya

esearch conducted in the area of security sciences leads to the identification of many determinants of state security. Among them, a prominent place is occupied by a design determinant, namely the strategy. At the basis of considerations presented in this article lies an assumption that constant changes accompanying security of the state and the limited potential of state institutions designed to ensure it are associated with the need for a permanent quest for effective legal and organisational solutions to ensure undisturbed existence and possibility of the development of the state — permanent, because the interrelation between threats and challenges and state security will never be at least balanced. The problem can be resolved by constructing and then improving the strategy of state security. The introduction emphasises the multifaceted nature of security and its form, which is the safety of a particular organisation such as the state. Subsequently, on the basis of a review of representative scientific publications on management and security, the essence of the strategy was presented. It was necessary in order to identify similarities and differences in the commonly available definitions of the strategy formulated by recognised scientific authorities. In turn, this procedure provided a basis for the presentation of practical aspects of preparation and development of national security strategy, and the role of public administration in this regard. The study is crowned with conclusions summarising substantive and research issues of the presented content. In the process of research, the results of which are presented in this article, we implemented a method of examining the content of selected literature relating to the scientific problem reflected in the title of the paper that consisted in: analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalisation and inference.

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