Russian journal of resources conservation and recycling
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Published By Publishing Company World Of Science Llc


Kseniya Reznikova ◽  
Valery Maximov ◽  
Dmitry Popov

Together with the fourth industrial revolution Industry 4.0 in the field of shipbuilding came the concept of Shipbuilding 4.0. Despite its separation from Industry 4.0, the concept also implies the automation of production and implementation of the most advanced technologies. Such technologies include cloud computing, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, augmented reality and blockchain. Today, all these technologies are heard and familiar to a huge number of people. They continue to be actively developed and implemented in various industries and areas of human life. Heavy industry, namely shipbuilding, was no exception. This article examines the concept of Shipbuilding 4.0 and information technology, it characterizes. Examples of the implementation of the above technologies in the shipbuilding industry are given: at shipyards, in design. Applications in logistics and shipping have also been studied. This work considers such a problem of the Russian shipbuilding industry as poorly developed digitalization. With a high probability, these technologies will soon be actively consolidated in this area and will start everywhere, including at Russian shipyards. The use of innovative developments will improve competitiveness and strengthen positions in the state and market economy. Maritime activity is a very responsible field, where the slightest mistake can lead to bad consequences on a colossal scale. Therefore, the advanced technologies considered in the work have yet to be brought to perfection. However, they already have the potential and direction of development.

Marina Treyman

The study provides information on the features of strategic management at water supply and sewerage enterprises, which consists of creating long-term strategies in various areas of the enterprise's activities. A resource-supplying enterprise is a complex multifunctional production and economic system that is aimed at providing the city's population with water supply and sanitation services, as well as focused on the interests of the consumer. It is possible to achieve the main goals of the enterprise only with the construction of long-term goals and assessment of development prospects. The study provides an analysis of the weaknesses and strengths in the course of the activities of the enterprise SUE "Vodokanal of St. Petersburg" and reflects its long-term goals and assesses the prospects for achieving these goals and objectives. Further, the article reflects the matrix of prospects for building complex strategies that allow you to evaluate and plan the activities of the water supply and sewerage enterprise. The article was prepared as part of the author's dissertation research. Strategic guidelines and, in particular, the matrix contains the main elements of the organization's activities, which include: the general direction of the enterprise's activity, interaction along the "consumer" – "enterprise" chain, production, social, environmental strategies of the organization's activities, investment and tariff strategies. In summary, the presented mechanism reflects the fact that the water supply and sewerage enterprise will develop in the direction of reducing the negative impact on the environment, the ways of innovative development of the enterprise, the enterprise also plans to receive investments from external sources and allocate internal financing for development and projects within the organization. Considerable attention will be paid to the development of production processes, i.e. reduce losses and costs, the most efficient use of enterprise resources, improve the quality of provided services. Special attention will be paid to the field of "working with consumers", which will improve communication between employees of the enterprise and direct subscribers of the organization. Thus, the water supply and sewerage enterprise has prospects in the development of its activities, but the beneficial development depends on external and internal factors and the correct construction of a system of strategic guidelines.

Irina Rubleva ◽  
Igor Lopin ◽  
Alexey Gorelov ◽  
Alexander Kanunnikov

Over the past several years, the reform of the waste management industry has been gaining momentum in the Russian Federation, in which a growing number of key players are involved. The active development of this industry is dictated not only by the necessity to maintain sustainable development, but also by a number of social, environmental, and economic factors. To confirm the prospects of the Russian waste management system, both from the point of view of private business and from the point of view of the government, the approximate capacity of the waste disposal market has been identified by the authors of the article. More than seven and a half billion tons of production and consumption waste is generated in Russia annually, and there is a steady upward trend in this indicator. The analysis of the waste management scenarios carried out in the article shows that in the meantime both landfilling and utilization account for an almost equal share of waste – about 50 %. At the same time, there are incentives for an annual increase in the share of waste sent for utilization. In the process of estimating the capacity of the waste disposal market, the average cost of disposal of one ton of waste in Russia has been pointed out. High capacity of the promising market for waste disposal in the Russian Federation anticipates an increase in demand for high-tech national equipment in the analyzed industry. The authors also revealed an opportunity for Russian enterprises to save large amounts of financial resources as a result of the transition from landfilling to waste utilization. The high growth potential of the national waste management industry, as well as ample opportunities for additional savings by reducing the cost of payments for negative impact on the environment, confirms the attractiveness of the waste management industry in the Russian Federation for the government, the citizens, waste-generating enterprises and companies producing waste utilization equipment and providing waste management services.

Irina Levakova ◽  
Eduard Arustamov

The article analyzes the implementation of a comprehensive system of solid municipal waste management within the framework of a federal project. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the lack of an integrated approach has led to severe environmental consequences for the environment of many regions of the country. The article discusses the main directions of the «garbage reform»: changes in legislation; changes in the system of payments for garbage collection; reorganization of the management system. The authors present the target indicators and results of the federal project. The article analyzes the results of the project implementation for ten months, presented by the Accounting Chamber, the opinions of the heads of coordinating state bodies, which indicate that the «garbage reform» does not yet give results. The Accounting Chamber notes the irrational use of the released budget funds. Non-payments for garbage collection are noted everywhere, and regional operators are unable to cope with the removal of solid municipal waste. The article concludes that the main reason for the lack of results of the «garbage reform» is the inefficient work of the relevant coordinating bodies.

Pyotr Burkovskiy ◽  
Artyom Yani

In article identifies the main reasons that constrain the efficiency of resource consumption on the example of land as a factor of production. The problem of reducing the culture of agriculture is indicated in a fairly high proportion of land affected by various degradation processes (wind erosion, wetlands, acidification), which requires coordination decisions to develop a strategic vector of action to improve the efficiency of land use as a factor of production. The authors propose to consider the adaptive-landscape system of productive use of land, which allows to increase fertility, qualitatively improve the organizational component of labor. The focus is on improving the quality of land resource consumption as a factor of production by implementing precision farming principles and automating the land efficiency monitoring process. Indicators for assessing the efficiency of land use as a production factor and the mechanism for structuring them for the automated software environment in determining the criteria for efficient resource consumption have been proposed. The need for an institutional framework for monitoring the efficient and targeted use of land and expanding the functional powers of the relevant coordinating bodies to ensure a coordination mechanism in assessing the efficient use of land is substantiated. The author's proposals to increase the efficiency of resource consumption of land as a factor of production based on the use of a comprehensive approach to the organization of production activities using resource-saving technologies of adaptive and landscape farming are presented. The emphasis is on the systemicity of the methods used to ensure the process of quality organization of the level of resource consumption. An attempt has been made to reflect the benefits of using resource-saving technologies to reduce various transaction costs and improve the environmental component of the reproductive process.

Olga Chelyapina ◽  
Eduard Arustamov

The article dedicated to the environmental exhibition and scientific conference in Ufa emphasizes the high relevance of the problem under consideration and calls for a transition from political confrontation, which is full of the historical development of the world, to peaceful coexistence that unites all countries and peoples of the world. The danger that has been hanging over humanity in recent years in the form of a global pandemic threat brings to the fore issues not of political confrontation and military confrontation between countries, but the problems of human survival in the conditions of a catastrophic accumulation of sources of environmental problems that lead to the pollution of vast territories and the impossibility of continuing life on them. To solve these issues, it is necessary to form an ecological worldview in people, which should begin from an early age, so that in all subsequent life the individual not only observes the conditions of environmentally sound behavior and life, but also is intolerant of various manifestations and situations of violation of harmonious existence with the surrounding natural environment.

Eduard Arustamov

The article according public and Executive bodies of the USA, as well as some environmentally-minded journalists, as well as ecologists, researchers, and workers in industries processing wastes are snippets of this sector of the economy, the positive and negative sides of this are important for the normal functioning of people and the environment of planet Earth, activities. In this article, we tried to dive into the modest problem of waste disposal and recycling at the dawn of research, which eventually turned into a worldwide problem, very dangerous for the life of both humans and all living things on earth.

Vladimir Khramov ◽  
Yakov Vishnyakov

The paper considers the priority areas of greening warehouse logistics, as well as modern methods for assessing the effectiveness of environmentally friendly measures for waste management. The importance of considering warehouse logistics as an element of the logistics chain is noted. Research area and implementation of the research results – identification of the primary source of waste generation in warehouse logistics and identification of the most dangerous element in order to search for methods to increase environmental and economic efficiency in waste management. The article discusses the efficiency of greening in the management of film waste through the creation of an operational cycle for the waste of stretch film, as a promising one. The expediency of a separate assessment of environmental and economic efficiency was also determined, for the latter, modern methods of assessing project management were used. In assessing the indicators of economic efficiency, the potential was determined from the use of indicators that take into account the cost of money over time, in order to balance the fairly estimated economic efficiency from the reverse use of polyethylene waste in cooperation. A method of summary, consolidated assessment of the obtained indicators is proposed for the possible distribution of additional balanced profit in equal proportions. The results, methods and approaches considered in the article reveal the additional potential of greening the warehouse logistics link as an element of the logistics chain, and also determine the priority importance of managing the turnover of film waste over other waste generated in warehouse logistics. The possibility of obtaining economic efficiency from the results of the transition to «green» solutions has been proven not only for a warehouse company, but also for adjacent interacting sectors of the economy.

Anna Smyshlyaeva ◽  
Kseniya Reznikova ◽  
Denis Savchenko

In the contemporary world, due to the rapid growth of cities and the population as a whole, the number of personal vehicles is increasing. But at the same time, the infrastructure, especially in the old areas of towns, is not being modernized, and in such areas parking is not provided at all or is not designed for an ever-increasing number of cars. Due to the lack of parking spaces, drivers often leave their cars on the edge of the roadway, thereby reducing even more the already small capacity of the road. Also, especially in large cities, a common reason for such parking is the high cost of parking, low level of service and security, and the long time of the vehicle parking process itself. This article examines the experience of foreign countries in solving the problem of parking along the roadway: what technologies are used to create parking lots, what tasks are set by designers to achieve the best result and improve the urban environment. The authors cite the works of Russian companies engaged in the design of parking lots, and note what tasks Russian companies set themselves. The differences between the approaches of Russian designers and their foreign colleagues to the problem of parking are also presented. The article analyzes the locations of objects that Russian design companies have worked on, the situation with parking in large cities and in smaller ones. Taking into account the peculiarities of parking design in Russia, the article suggests a way to improve the situation with spontaneous parking – the introduction of automated control systems. The advantages of implementing automated systems both on the part of the car owner and on the part of the parking lot owner are described.

Valery Maximov ◽  
Kseniya Reznikova ◽  
Dmitry Popov

There is practically no industry left where modern information technologies would not be used. Data mining approaches are very popular today. Using this technology allows to transform huge amounts of data into useful information. In the article, the authors present the definition of data mining technology and frequently used methods. Some of the popular data mining techniques include classification, clustering, machine learning, and prediction. The authors paid special attention to such a clustering method as the k-means. The algorithm’s essence is to distribute the dataset into clusters. The finished results can be visualized and detect the scatter by naked eye, which implies heterogeneity in the data. By further investigating these variations, the analyst can find errors and weaknesses in the study area according to the task at hand. Accurate and complete data is essential in maritime activities. In the field of shipbuilding data analysis and well-made operational decisions can affect the speed and quality of ship construction or even reduce production costs. In shipping and logistics, they can be used to optimize routes and improve the safety of seafarers. Effective use of data mining usually requires highly qualified database specialists and programmers. In this work, the authors have demonstrated a variant of using the Orange Data Mining software tool. This program does not require programming skills from the user, which makes it a useful tool for people far from writing program code. The article explores the application of the Orange Data Mining program for automated mining of marine data. The results obtained show that the program can be effectively used in maritime activities.

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