Jurnal Kajian Media
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Published By Dr. Soetomo University


2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Rizzy Andika Al Fathan ◽  
Amin Aminudin

This study aims to see how the strategy of the indozone.id visual team in designing infographics on Instagram social media. The research statement proposed is how the strategy of the indozone.id visual team in designing infographics on Instagram social media? In this study using a qualitative descriptive method based on the constructivist paradigm. The research subjects were the Visual Team, Editors, and Followers of the indozone Instagram account. With the data collection techniques of observation, interviews and documentation conducted through key-information and informants, this study uses the Media Ecology theory from MC. Luhan. In its implementation, online media owners produce various elements in the news they make. Online news agencies are always prone to convey unverified information to the wider community which results in misperception and misinterpretation of news that has facts. Therefore the focus of this research is the strategy of the indozone.id visual team in designing infographics on social media Instagram. The results of this study can be seen that the strategies implemented by indozone.id include making infographics easy to understand, interesting titles, looking for news to be used as infographics, obstacles when making infographics. This strategy was carried out by the visual team in presenting the infographic. Keywords: Strategy, Online Media, Infographics, Instagram

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Zamroni

The present digital era is marked by the emergence of computer technology and other technologies that support electronic access to information. Various digital media that are connected to each other form a new media that is more compatible, easily and quickly accessed, which is then called media convergence. During its development, this has led to various changes in the mass media on how information is presented to the public. In this regard, the television media is no exception, which has undergone several changes due to media convergence. YouTube is a platform that is considered to be one of the most compatible forms of media convergence with television characters. This research focuses on how audiences or television viewers enjoy Indonesian television programs on the YouTube platform, which is analyzed from the number of viewers to see the viewing patterns and measure the impact of media convergence on television. The results of this study can provide an up-to-date picture of how Indonesians watch television and what steps have been taken by television stations in dealing with these impacts. Keywords: media convergence, television, YouTube, digital, information.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Prawinda Putri Anzari ◽  
Nadya Pramudiana Fariza

This article purpose is to observe the news framing about the arrest of Indonesia’s Social Affairs Minister Juliari Batubara in pandemic aid corruption case published in Kompas.com. This research is a qualitative descriptive research in which the used method are three news from Kompas.com published in December 2020 by Robert N. Entmant analysis framing model. There are four main components in Entmant framing analysis: define problem, diagnose causes, make moral judgement and treatment recommendation.. the result shows that Kompas.com tried to make a positive image for Social Affairs Ministry. Kompas.com also tried to highlight another side of Juliari Batubara such as focusing in his personal wealth and his achievement prior to serving as Social Affairs Minister. There is no detail and specific news about his arrest. Kompas.com point of view is maybe influenced by third parties, one of which is the interest of media conglomerate in Indonesia. They often made ambiguous and unclear words in corruption case news to please the stakeholders.Keywords: framing analysis, corruption case news, juliari batubara, online media

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Christina Christina ◽  
Natasha Richie Vallerie ◽  
Rustono Farady Marta

Beautiful woman standards cannot be separated from the media construction of the meaning of beauty. The media displays the standard of beauty that is consumed every day by the people of Indonesia through content and also advertising. An advertisement cannot be separated from a visual character that is built in such a way that it can be an inspiration or can represent the product or service advertised, not only that the visual character in the ad also shows other aspects such as social values and norms, images and lifestyle. This aspects standard certainly affects the views of Indonesian women on beauty. Nivea realizes that every woman is beautiful and has their own potential, so Nivea creates an Nivea extra care for extra women ad. This study aims to determine the myth of extra female beauty from the Nivea Extra Care for Extra Women ad. His research methods are qualitative, Roland Barthes's semiotics and Oswald's semiotic marketing, related to beauty myths. The object is the Nivea Extra Care for Extra Women ad on Youtube.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Daniel Susilo ◽  
Teguh Dwi Putranto

The COVID-19 outbreak had succeeded in making the holding of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games postponed. This became heartbreaking news when Japan was almost ready to host the 32nd Olympic Games. This was the second in Japan during the Olympic Games, which was held in the 1940 Olympic Games but had to be canceled because Japan was still at war with China since 1937. This research aims to find out the discourse of the Japanese government on 2020 Olympic Games in the mid of COVID-19 outbreak after postponed. The method used in this research is the analysis of van Dijk's critical discourse on online news in japantimes.co.jp after the implementation of the tokyo 2020 Olympic Games was finally announced on March 24, 2020 to be postponed. The findings in this study are that during the postponement of the 2020 Olympic Games the Japanese government tried to use the time to stabilize economic conditions in the midst of the 19th COVID outbreak and use the time to make the Tokyo Olympic Games become the greatest Olympic Games event of all time.Keywords: Olympic Games 2020; Discourse; Japanese Government; COVID-19; Postponed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Aida Fitri ◽  
Indah Suryawati

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Delmarrich Bilga Ayu Permatasari ◽  
Fitria Widiyani Roosinda

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Nurul Fauziah ◽  
Ratna Puspita

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membongkar makna simbol atau bahasa verbal dan nonverbal dalam iklan Pond’s Edisi WOW! untuk mengetahui praktik komodifikasi perempuan pada iklan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian lainnya, yakni mengetahui makna realitas, makna representasi, dan makna ideologi dalam iklan Pond's Edisi WOW! Featuring Maudy Ayunda (2019). Komodifikasi perempuan pada iklan ini menunjukkan bahwa praktik femvertising (female advertising) bukan berarti tidak menempatkan perempuan sebagai objek. Alih-alih melakukan pemberdayaan perempuan, praktik femvertising justru membuat perempuan semakin terpinggirkan dalam teks media. Perempuan dicitrakan beragam hanya pada persoalan gaya berpakaian, dan warna kulit, bukan pada hal-hal subtansial seperti kerja keras, independensi, dan determinasi. Penelitian ini beranggapan bahwa praktik femvertising bukanlah strategi memberdayakan perempuan dengan mengkonstruksikan pesan-pesan yang membangun. Praktik femvertising hanyalah kedok kapitalisme untuk membungkus iklan dengan daya tarik tertentu sehingga perempuan memberikan perhatian. Perhatian perempuan kepada suatu produk akan mengantarkannya kepada keputusan membeli, yang pada gilirannya akan mendatangkan keuntungan bagi produk. Kata kunci:komodifikasi, perempuan dalam iklan, semiotika, john fiske

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Eko Pamuji

Today, advances in information and communication technology are rapidly showing that technology can make sustainable change for society and create diversity in the media. This is evidenced by changes in the availability of media that are historically scarce and limited access to the availability of outlets or media that are abundant. New media options are offered to audiences to channel their emotions. Citizen journalism, which is never as difficult as in the digital era, has become more diverse in terms of expression from citizens, such as the presence of hate speech. This term is being channeled through social media into the digital public space by people. So, enliven the digital public space before the information is inevitably disrupted. The current situation is changing from public satisfaction to group or individual satisfaction from joint hearings. Researchers see this empirical phenomenon as very important to study. Its purpose is to reveal how hatred is expressed in the digital age. The aim of this research is to express hatred in social media. This research shows that social media, a global public space, has been used by people to communicate their thoughts in several attempts. There is a community journalism philosophy, and there are common reasons for voicing hatred.Keywords: hoax; public sphere; digital; social media

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