لســـانـنــا (LISANUNA) Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab dan Pembelajarannya
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Published By Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

2549-2802, 2354-5577

Uci Handayani ◽  
Suhaimi Suhaimi ◽  
Fajriah Fajriah

The purpose of this research is to find out the efforts of Arabic language teachers to improve students' ability in mastering vocabularies. The research method used is descriptive analysis. The data collection technique used is interview with Arabic language teachers. The data analysis techniques in this study use the theory of Miles and Humberman including: Data Collection, Data Reduction, Data Presentation and Drawing Conclusions. Arabic teachers' efforts to improve students' ability in mastering vocabularies consist of three aspects: (1) The use of strategies in vocabularies learning such as teaching vocabularies and making students listen to it, instructing students to repeat vocabulary, displaying pictures to understand the meaning of vocabularies, teaching vocabularies with appropriate songs on certain materials and repeating vocabulary at each class hour (2) The use of methods in vocabulary learning such as giving examples or the teacher displays something in accordance with the vocabularies to understand the vocabularies, playing simple roles, repeating the reading, using a vocabulary command and chain message game. (3) The use of media in vocabulary learning such as printed drawing media, blackboards and textbooks.

Rina Rahmayanti ◽  
Qusaiyen Qusaiyen ◽  
Safariah Safariah

Darul Ulum is one of the Islamic Boarding School which accentuated the learning of “Balaghah”. This lesson is taught for Second grade students of Senior High School. However, some students are difficult to understand the lesson when teachers explain the material, especially “Ilmu ma’ani” material.  The mentioned problem was caused by the ineffective and inappropriate methods used by the teachers in Arabic Language learning especially “Balaghah” learning. In accordance to that, this research is purposed to know the effect of applying learning model known as “Giving question and getting answer” toward the improvement of students’ ability to understand “Balaghah” for students of Darul Ulum Modern Boarding School, Banda Aceh. The research method used in this research was Pre- Experiment Method with One Group Pre Test Post Test model. The data collection method used in this research was test, pre test and also post test. The population in this research is all of X grader students at Darul Ulum Modern Boarding, Banda Aceh, with total 99 students. The research sample is students of class X/C with total 33 students. The result of the research showed that students’ response toward the implementation of “Giving Question and Getting Answer” learning model was very good. This was showed by the result of Rank Test with Asympt value Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 which is smaller than 0.05. Therefore, the implementation of “Giving Question and Getting Answer” learning model is effective in improving the ability of understanding “Balaghah” lesson for Darul Ulum Modern Boarding School students, Banda Aceh.

Fachrur Ridha Abdillah ◽  
Ismail Muhammad Muhammad ◽  
Safariah Safariah

Some teachers still use conventional learning, as well as in media use, still use books, blackboards and rarely use audiovisual media, which causes students to feel bored, and make learning more monotonous, the emergence of this problem is caused by the many teachers who do not use audiovisual media, the purpose of this consideration is to describe the results of research using audiovisual media in learning Arabic, with the literature review method. by describing the results of research using audiovisual media in learning Arabic. The results of this research are that the use of audio visual media that from the Maharah Lughawiyah aspect is very important, and the use of audiovisual media from its effectiveness aspect, that the use of audiovisual media in learning is very effective. The implication of not using audiovisual media is that Arabic learning is more monotonous and boring and can affect student outcomes.

Mira Urmila ◽  
Hamdiah Hamdiah ◽  
Fajriah Fajriah

Listening is one of the most important skills in learning arabic. Listening skill is the ability to listen to arabic words or sentences arabic and express them back from whas was heard. According to the observation result, the students at MAN 3 Aceh Selatan are weak in the learning of listening. The purpos of this study is to find out how the efforts teachers to increase the ability of students in listening skill. The research method used in this research is method qualitative-analysis. Data collection technique is to conduct interviews.The research subject was arabic language teachers at MAN 3 Aceh Selatan. As for the data analysis techniques in this study using Miles and Hubberman’stheories, are data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclution of data. The results of this study are the efforts of teachers in improving students listening skills at MAN 3 Aceh Selatan are by giving vocabularies to memorize making it easier for students to understand the material, and using the variety of learning methods, learning models and media so as to improve students attention in learning listening skills. The teacher uses the listening and revealed method and the teacher uses the media including songs, chain murders, cards, pictures, and cartoon films. The teachers gives motivation to students to increase enthusias and interes students.

Nur Fadhillah Mukarrami ◽  
Qusaiyen Qusaiyen ◽  
Salma Hayati

The background of this meta-analysis is because there are still many teachers and lecturers who have not used or developed learning media especially for Arabic education. So it is necessary to analyze the articles from the results of previous studies to be able to understand the right media for learning Arabic. The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) Types of research related to Arabic learning media and their effects; (2) Effect size of Arabic learning media based on education level / level; (3) Effect size of Arabic learning media by year; (4) Effect size of Arabic learning media based on the material used as learning content; (5) Effect size of Arabic learning media based on the type of media. The method used in this study is meta-analysis with the formula of (Glass, 1981). The population in this study is 30 research articles related to the discussion of this study. The research sample is 17 research articles. The results showed that: (1) The type of research related to Arabic learning media include R&D (2,38) included in the effect size category with a high influence; (2) Effect size of Arabic learning media based on the best education level, namely at Junior High School (1.95), (3) Effect size of Arabic learning media based on the best year around 2015-2017 (4.49), (4) Effect size of Arabic learning media based on the best material on dhamir (3.95), (5) Effect size of Arabic learning media based on the best type of media that is on the computer (3.95).

Fitria Rahmawati Rahmawati ◽  
Tarmizi Ninoersy ◽  
Fajriah Fajriah

The problem found by researcher in class V (B) MIN 23 Aceh Besar is that students are less interested in learning Arabic and make students not active in learning, so mastery in the vocabulary is low, as well the teacher does not use varied media in the learning process. Because of that the researcher tries to overcome these problems with applying cards sort media to improve students’ ability is mastering the vocabulary. The purposes of this research are to identify the effectiveness and student’s responses the application of card sort media to improve ability in mastering the vocabulary. The research method used by researcher is a pre experiment with “one group pre-test and post-test” design, and for data collection, the research used test and questionnaire. The researcher used percentage to analyze student’s responses and the T test to obtain the value of effectiveness. The results of T test to show that the application of card sort media is effective to improve the ability of students in mastering the vocabulary. The result of (T-Test) (-6.077) and the level of significance (sig) which the results. (.000) obtained meaning smaller than the value of the provisions (0.000) < (0.05).  And  the result of questionnaire showed that the students’ responses to the vocabulary learning by using card sort media is at a high level of 3,67.

Aburizal Agam Alfarizi ◽  
Salami Mahmud ◽  
Fajriah Fajriah

Reading skill is one of the foreign skills that must be mastered by students. The purpose of this research is to discover the problems faced by students of Ruhul Islam Anak Bangsa in studying Qira'ah. The data collection techniques used by researchers in this study were interviews and questionnaires. The data analysis techniques in this study are data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. And the results of this study are that there are two aspects of problems experienced by students in learning Qira'ah, namely: 1. Language aspects include the knowledge of the letters Arabiya, pronunciation, knowledge of Arabic Qawaid, and their lack of mastery of vocabulary. 2. Non-language elements include Islamic boarding school environmental factors, teachers, students, learning methods, learning media, motivation. The solutions provided by the teacher in learning Qira'ah are: The teacher explains the differences and the use between letters of the alphabet and hijaiyyah, the teacher reads the material beforehand and explains the language rules with famous examples, the teacher gives a general vocabulary which is often used in learning to be memorized after the lesson, provide motivation, use a variety of learning methods and media.

Salman Al Farisi ◽  
Syahminan Syahminan ◽  
Fadhilah Fadhilah

Translation is an important part of students in learning Arabic, because it will help them in the learning process. But most of them face difficulties when trying to translate reading texts from Arabic to Indonesian. Difficulties of students in translation will hinder the way of achieve a goal of learning. The purpose of this study is to determine the difficulties of students in translating Arabic to Indonesian. The results of this study indicate that the difficulties faced by students include the form of translation difficulties themselves in the form of difficulties in choosing the meaning, form, and rules. And also includes several factors in the form of linguistic, non-linguistic, internal, and external factors.

Khairi Fadhli. S ◽  
Qusaiyen Qusaiyen ◽  
Dara Mubshirah

Jauhar Al-Maknun is one Book in Balaghah that teach at Ma’had Baitusshabri. Some students difficult to understand it because it is written in syi’ir verse and has a little examples. In addition، teachers who teach in Class VI do not use Learning Media that makes it easy for students to understand their contents. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the use of Jauhar Al-Maknun Book by using the mind mapping to the mastery of Balaghah in the Insya Chapter '. The research method used in this study is the Experimental Method. And the sample in this study was Class VI students، amounting to 15 students. The result of the study indicate that the learning of Jauhar Al-Maknun Book by using mind mapping influences the mastery of Balaghah in the Insya Chapter '.

Jannatun Ma’wa ◽  
Salami Mahmud ◽  
Salma Hayati

National Standard Madrasas Final Exam (UAMBN) is an activity of measuring and evaluating the achievement of national competency standards for graduates aimed at mapping the quality of education and measuring their achievement. The UAMBN is a form of testing that is held for all students at the end of high school. As for the cognitive level is the level of ability of students individually or in groups that can be translated into three cognitive levels (LOTS, MOTS, and HOTS). The research methodology used in this study is a mixture of qualitative and quantitative methods. Then the data collection techniques in this study were obtained through the documentation of questions UAMBN 2017/2018 school year at the level tsanawiyah. Data were analysed in qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis (amount and percentage). Then the data were analysed descriptively by analysing in terms of cognitive level (LOTS, MOTS, and HOTS). The population in this study were all items of questions UAMBN 2017/2018 school year at the level tsanawiyah Arabic language which amounted to 40 question, and all populations were sampled for this study. The results of the cognitive level analysis research items UAMBN 2017/2018 school year at the level tsanawiyah there are 40 questions which all questions are multiple choice. In terms of quantitative questions for level LOTS found 8 questions (20%), then at level MOTS found 29 questions (72%), and at level HOTS found 3 questions (8%). As a whole the questions UAMBN Arabic language have not met the standards of good quality questions, because hey should be dominated by high level questions at this level (HOTS).

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