target culture
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Henrieta Kuzderová ◽  
Klaudia Bednárova-Gibová

This paper addresses the translator’s role from an ideological standpoint and seeks to show that the actions of translators are not completely arbitrary and may be influenced by a wide array of factors and especially ideologies. The basic assumption is that translators can detach texts neither from the ideologies of the source nor the target culture. This study results from qualitative research, namely a critical conceptual analysis of the selected theories of translation studies (Baker, 2006; Lefevere, 1992; Venuti, 1995). The conceptual reflection implies that translations serve as an infinite source of culture and history, serving the target but not the source culture. The critical discourse analysis of English translations of two selected novels that contain the ideologies of socialist and post-socialist era, and the Nazi ideology, suggests that the tendencies in translation strategies vary depending on diffusion of the languages, and awareness of the target culture and history.

2022 ◽  
Dana Sulaiman AlSuhaim

This qualitative quantitative descriptive-analytical study aimed to describe the non-obligatory shifts employed in three English Disney animated films dubbed into MSA by applying Toury’s (1995/2012) normative model and shifts introduced in the course of his applied case studies. The researcher described and analyzed preliminary, initial and operational norms (non-obligatory shifts) employed on the level of three textual segments: the lexical-semantic, the stylistic, and the prosodic. The researcher compared those shifts with the original choices in the English versions of three selected Disney animated films. In the light of Toury’s theory (1995/2012), the current study investigated the hypothesis that the accepted socio-cultural, ideological, and linguistic norms of the Arabic culture directed the choices of the non-obligatory shifts chosen by the Arabic dubbers of English Disney animations dubbed into MSA. This investigation was conducted in application to three case studies, namely, Tangled (2010), Frozen (2013) and Big Hero 6 (2014). In order to decide the most frequently used shifts in the process of dubbing, the frequency rate of each non-obligatory shift was calculated to determine the highest frequently used shift. The study came to the conclusion that there is a direct relationship between the non-obligatory shifts (operational norms) applied during dubbing on the one hand and the socio-cultural, ideological, and linguistic norms imposed by the target culture on the other hand. Those target culture norms governed not only the operational choices but also the preliminary choices of the three selected Disney animated films dubbed into MSA. Affected by the preliminary and operational norms, Arab dubbers’ tendency towards producing acceptable rather than adequate translations decided the initial norms.

Nadia Khumairo Ma'shumah ◽  
Aulia Addinillah Arum ◽  
Arif Nur Syamsi

This study explores the translation of cultural-specific terms in the literary text as the translation process connects cultural differences between the source and target languages. Using Eco's notion of "translation as negotiation"; Bassnett's "translators as a mediator of cultures", and Newmark's cultural categorizations of terms as the framework and this qualitative study analyzed two Indonesian versions of the novel The Secret Garden by Francess Hodgson Burnett (1911). The first translated version was published in 2010 under the title "Taman Rahasia", whereas the second translated version was published in 2020 under the same title as the original version. This study has shown the complexity in closing the cultural gap between the source text and target text. As the impact, both translators used different forms of negotiation to accommodate readers' expectations and to functionally create optimal target texts in the target culture, which differentiate into five categories (i.e., ecological, material culture; social culture, social, politic, and administrative organizations; and gestures and habits).

Nor Fitriansyah ◽  
Masni Usman ◽  
Surono Surono

This study explores the cultural content represented in the English Textbook used by the deaf students at disable senior high school or SMALB (Tuna Rungu). This book was published by Kemendikbud of Indonesia in 2016. This study was categorized as Descriptive qualitative research. The method used in this study is textbook content analysis. To collect the data, the writers selected the text, pictures and activities presented in each unit of the textbooks. Meanwhile, to analyze the data, the writers adapted two different frameworks. The first framework was used to explore what cultures are represented in the textbook (types of culture). The second framework was used to explore how the cultures were represented in the textbook (sense of culture). There are 157 cultural contents found in the Tunarungu Bahasa Inggris SMALB Grade XI 2016 book. By Type of Culture, the 157 cultural contents were divided into 60 Source Culture, 94 Target Culture and 3 International culture. Meanwhile, in terms of Sense of Culture, the 157 cultural contents were divided into 5 Aesthetic Senses, 3 Sociological Senses, 59 Semantic Senses and 90 Pragmatic Senses. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 462-477
Klaudia Bednárová-Gibová

This paper offers a meta-reflection of contemporary translation studies (TS) through tracing its polydisciplinary tensions which are approached as both formative forces as well as hindrances. Taking a form of an argumentative essay employing the methods of a reflexive introspection, synthesis and evaluation, the principal aim is to address the potentials and controversies in present-day TS which are connected to its polydisciplinarity. This is a result from the aftermath of Snell-Hornbys integrated approach (1988/1995), TSs cultural and ideological turns as well as cognitive, sociological, anthropological, technological and economic twists. Four major strands of the consequences of the polydisciplinarity in TS are addressed: (a) the clash between the focus on the epistemological core of TS as an antidote to the expanding boundaries of the meta-discipline and embrace of reciprocal interdisciplinarity; (b) the tension between academia as Ivory Tower and practice-minded language industry; (c) the diffusion of the outer boundaries of TS and erasure of its inner boundaries; (d) a multitude of different conceptualizations of TS foregrounding either the abstract or practical. Following TSs inward orientations, two outward turns are suggested, i.e. promoting its relevance to other disciplines and reaching out to translation practice, in tune with Zwischenbergers approach (2019). A continuation of the outward turns may be seen in Gentzlers post-translation studies focusing on the study of pre-translation culture and after-effects of translation in the target culture. Although the paper does not tend to conceptual extremes, it suggests that authentic transdisciplinary TS should be mindful of a constructive and mutually enriching dialogue with donor disciplines and interlacement between theory and practice, with a focus on real-world issues, becomes imperative in order to make TS viable.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-265
Dana Sulaiman AlSuhaim

This qualitative quantitative descriptive-analytical study aimed to describe the non-obligatory shifts employed in three English Disney animated films dubbed into MSA by applying Toury’s (1995/2012) normative model and shifts introduced in the course of his applied case studies. The researcher described and analyzed preliminary, initial and operational norms (non-obligatory shifts) employed on the level of three textual segments: the lexical-semantic, the stylistic, and the prosodic. The researcher compared those shifts with the original choices in the English versions of three selected Disney animated films. In the light of Toury’s theory (1995/2012), the current study investigated the hypothesis that the accepted socio-cultural, ideological, and linguistic norms of the Arabic culture directed the choices of the non-obligatory shifts chosen by the Arabic dubbers of English Disney animations dubbed into MSA. This investigation was conducted in application to three case studies, namely, Tangled (2010), Frozen (2013) and Big Hero 6 (2014). In order to decide the most frequently used shifts in the process of dubbing, the frequency rate of each non-obligatory shift was calculated to determine the highest frequently used shift. The study came to the conclusion that there is a direct relationship between the non-obligatory shifts (operational norms) applied during dubbing on the one hand and the socio-cultural, ideological, and linguistic norms imposed by the target culture on the other hand. Those target culture norms governed not only the operational choices but also the preliminary choices of the three selected Disney animated films dubbed into MSA. Affected by the preliminary and operational norms, Arab dubbers’ tendency towards producing acceptable rather than adequate translations decided the initial norms.

2021 ◽  
Luc Arnault

<p>This thesis aims to explore the translation process through an in-depth analysis of a large corpus of texts: the works of two contemporary New Zealand poets, Anna Jackson and Robert Sullivan, which I translate into French. The work of both poses translation challenges particularly in terms of intertextual and cultural allusions. These are exacerbated where there are profound differences between source and target cultures. I argue that poetry translation problematises the concepts of equivalence and faithfulness. In resonance with Christiane Nord’s skopos theory and her focus on the principle of loyalty, I suggest that an ideal balance can be reached, emphasising the translator’s responsibility as a mediator between cultures, chiefly by way of techniques of compensation, borrowing, transposition or modulation, explicitation or implicitation of the underlying cultural or intertextual layers, and by resorting to creativity. This emphasis does not do away with pragmatism. On the contrary, I justify my choices when confronted with a range of specific challenges, for instance between domesticating and foreignising, or in Nord’s terms instrumental and documentary translations, on the basis of a case-by-case analysis, thus prioritising a heuristic and experimental approach. Translating New Zealand poetry into French shows that, while it may be crucial in literary translation studies, particularly with regard to poetry translation, the distinction between instrumental and documentary nevertheless needs to be transcended. The two types not only overlap but need to do so for a translated poem to function in the target culture. To translate both Jackson’s recurrent references to text and Sullivan’s to culture – or as an umbrella concept, to translate allusion – I show that it is best to think in terms of balance rather than equivalence. Balance not only highlights the need for the translator to be creative and measured, it is a central element in the harmonisation process inherent to poetry translation.</p>

2021 ◽  
Luc Arnault

<p>This thesis aims to explore the translation process through an in-depth analysis of a large corpus of texts: the works of two contemporary New Zealand poets, Anna Jackson and Robert Sullivan, which I translate into French. The work of both poses translation challenges particularly in terms of intertextual and cultural allusions. These are exacerbated where there are profound differences between source and target cultures. I argue that poetry translation problematises the concepts of equivalence and faithfulness. In resonance with Christiane Nord’s skopos theory and her focus on the principle of loyalty, I suggest that an ideal balance can be reached, emphasising the translator’s responsibility as a mediator between cultures, chiefly by way of techniques of compensation, borrowing, transposition or modulation, explicitation or implicitation of the underlying cultural or intertextual layers, and by resorting to creativity. This emphasis does not do away with pragmatism. On the contrary, I justify my choices when confronted with a range of specific challenges, for instance between domesticating and foreignising, or in Nord’s terms instrumental and documentary translations, on the basis of a case-by-case analysis, thus prioritising a heuristic and experimental approach. Translating New Zealand poetry into French shows that, while it may be crucial in literary translation studies, particularly with regard to poetry translation, the distinction between instrumental and documentary nevertheless needs to be transcended. The two types not only overlap but need to do so for a translated poem to function in the target culture. To translate both Jackson’s recurrent references to text and Sullivan’s to culture – or as an umbrella concept, to translate allusion – I show that it is best to think in terms of balance rather than equivalence. Balance not only highlights the need for the translator to be creative and measured, it is a central element in the harmonisation process inherent to poetry translation.</p>

Ирина Ивановна Ковалевская

В статье рассматриваются стратегии юридического перевода в дискурсивно-диалогической перспективе. К ним относятся форенизация и доместикация, направленные на десубъективизацию содержания дискурса; стратегии контроля и вербального уклонения, использующиеся для «сохранения лица»; а также адаптация темпоральных смыслов к принимающей культуре, реализующаяся посредством их точной, тождественной и гармоничной трансляции. The article consideres the strategies of legal translation in the discursive dialogic perspective. They include foreignizing and domesticating aimed at the desubjectivization of the discourse contents; control strategy and verbal communication avoidance strategy used to save face; as well as adaptation of temporal meanings to the target culture that is achieved through their accurate, adequate and harmonic communication.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. e52066
Zuzana Sándorová

There is general agreement among intercultural scholars that FL course-books as dominant teaching materials have considerable influence on FL learners’ attitudes towards the target culture, as well as on their overall intercultural communicative competences (ICC). Therefore, in order to equip FL learners with the necessary intercultural knowledge and skills, much greater attention should be paid to the content of this fundamental didactic tool. A number of checklists and models have been elaborated in order to help to decide whether the particular teaching material has the potential to develop FL learners’ ICC. The present paper aims at summarising the results of document analyses that served to fine-tune the research instrument applied in a course-book package analysis. However, the findings of the research also provide a list of aspects that be treated in FL classrooms in order to develop learners’ ICC.

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