Humanities journal
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Published By National Aerospace University - Kharkiv Aviation Institute

2663-2357, 2073-803x

2020 ◽  
pp. 66-71
Charles O. Nwarukweh

Conflict is an inevitable phenomenon in any human society. Conflicting parties should be given equal opportunity to express their views. Good speaking skills are important in all aspects of our lives, especially in conflict resolution. Peaceful wording means the use of subtle wording and diplomacy to persuade the parties to the conflict to cease hostilities and aggression and to agree on a peaceful settlement of their disputes or misunderstandings. In order to strengthen and strengthen the peaceful atmosphere in a particular society, we need to use and use the language of reconciliation to restore peace in a conflict area. In this regard, mediators and observers are sent to conduct an operational procedure aimed at restoring peace and a peaceful atmosphere.When people communicate or interact in a peaceful language, the negative effects of the conflict are reduced and the positive outcome for the parties increases. A vital aspect of managing social conflicts is that language can turn a potentially devastating aspect of conflict into an opportunity for creativity and productivity. It can change and correct the imbalance caused by conflict; can restore relations between warring parties.Conflict management and resolution largely depend on the language, efficiency, communication and media used to convey messages. Information sharing helps dispel rumors, doubts and suspicions. Effective communication and good language are crucial in managing and managing conflicts. Conflicting parties should be given equal opportunity to express their views. Communication is more than just sharing information. It is about understanding the emotions and intentions underlying the information.

2020 ◽  
pp. 72-79
Добридень Оксана

According to the World Health Organization, the major health threats to the planet’s population are air pollution, non-infection diseases, vaccine refusal, antibiotic resistance, etc. Taking into account the whole complexity of the systemic links in the range of these issues, the discussion intensity on health will continue. That’s why, there’s no wonder the safety of human life as a whole and the philosophical reflection on the phenomenon of health are the subject of critical analysis of many modern researchers.The extent, to which a social subject’s health-preserving activity is effective, depends on a number of factors. The end result of health preserving activity is determined not only by the mental and volitional qualities of the person who puts it into practice. It is also a matter of the dialectical interaction of form and content of a personality’s health preserving culture, without which it is impossible to imagine a holistic vision of this problem under the current conditions.Health preserving activity of a social subject under the contemporary consumerism acquires specific features, the form and content of which are predetermined by traditional social practices that are inherent in a society of over-consumption.It is of utmost importance for every educated person to understand the real state of affairs in the interconnections between the elements of such complex mechanisms as a consumer society and health preservation. It means that the power of negative effects on the individual is being significantly increased, because it is not about demonstrating expenses on unnecessary clothes and accessories, which will harm only the consumer’s wallet, but about expending on health-preservation drugs, products and procedures. That is, the vitality of the human biological organism and the duration of their life are crucial.Personal responsibility to care about your own health will always go hand in hand with critical reflection on the information. Both personal responsibility and critical thinking are based on education. The more educated a person is, the greater his or her vitality and readiness to meet the challenges of today are.Thus, as a result of the lack or the absence of competent information on contents, false origin and consequences of the consumption of preparations, foods, goods and procedures, the content of the health-preserving activity is being distorted, and the form, while preserving external segments, becomes illusory in its essence.

2020 ◽  
pp. 130-139
Олена Научитель ◽  
Юрій Гулий ◽  
Геннадій Садіков

The aim of the study. Identify the features of the structure of professional «I-concepti» of military personnel in accordance with the type of their professional identity (TPI).Research methods. Conversation method, testing.Sample description. The study involved 100 military personnel with different TPI.Conclusions. Summarizing, we can state both similar trends and differences in the characteristics of the structural elements of the professional «I-concept», the nature of the relationship between these components.Cognitive component (professional orientation). Among all possible career orientations, military personnel emphasize that work and place of residence must be stable and important for them, a sense of personal safety, both in professional activity and in personal space.Behavioral component (self-efficacy). The components of the cognitive and behavioral components of the professional self-concept are in feedback. But it should be borne in mind that according to the TPI of military personnel are different professional orientations.There is no correlation between the metrics of all three components of the professional self-concept. There is only a link between the components of its cognitive and emotional components.TPI identifies certain differences in all structural elements of the professional self-concept.Cognitive component (professional orientations). There are no «diffuse» and «pseudo-identity» military personnel from the TPI who are seeking a career. Autonomy at work and in its actions dominates among the military personnel with a «pseudo-identity» TPI compared to their counterparts with a premature TPI. The desire to be a leader is a motivating factor for military personnel with a TPI «moratorium» compared to their counterparts with a TPI «pseudo-identity». For military personnel with diffuse TPI, the most important is the desire for stability and safety at work, than for military personnel with TPI «pseudo-identity».Behavioral component (self-efficacy). Only military personnel with a TPI «moratorium» have an adequate assessment of their self-efficacy. All other TPIs have a clear tendency to diminish their capacity for self-efficacy. There is a feedback of professional orientation (cognitive component) and self-efficacy (behavioral component of professional self-concept). However, it should be borne in mind that according to the TPI of military personnel are different professional orientations.Emotional component (self-esteem). Adequacy of understanding and emotional perception of the value of one’s personality is more often manifested in military personnel with premature and diffuse TPI than their counterparts with TPI «pseudo-identity». Military personnel with diffuse TPI are more aware of and emotionally perceived the value of their personality than their counterparts with the TPI «moratorium».The presence of the relationship between the components of the cognitive and emotional component of the professional "I-concept", depending on the military personnel’s TPI is determined both by the different nature and heterogeneity of these components.

2020 ◽  
pp. 124-129
Charles O. Nwarukweh

Language is the bearer of human thoughts and reasoning. Culture should become an integral part of teaching and learning foreign languages. Both society and its culture change over time. The language of this culture is being invigorated by new elements. Effective integration will help the teacher professionally present the content of his lesson by selecting appropriate cultural tools that will facilitate teaching and learning.Language and culture are inseparable, so any change in language threatens culture. Because language is a means of preserving the culture of the people, promoting social interaction and unity of both. Use of language means the transfer of people’s culture. Language expresses, preserves, and transmits the entire set of patterns, behaviors, beliefs, traditions, and customs of the thinking patterns of one group of people different from another.It has been repeatedly found that many students who have studied Russian and have visited Russia have differed significantly from those who did not have the opportunity. A foreign language learner also learns the cultural knowledge and skills necessary to be competent in learning a foreign language. Therefore, it is considered necessary to include culture in a foreign language curriculum, as this helps to avoid the stereotypical notion that language is not part of culture.Teaching culture creates awareness of the geographical environment, the historical or political development of a foreign culture, its customs and the literary achievements of its members. The task of the teacher is to stimulate students’ interest in the target culture and to promote the creation of a foreign language class. Love for one’s language is an aspect of cultural consciousness. Everything that a person thinks is expressed in language and embodied in our lives. The main purpose of teaching culture in a foreign language class is to raise students’ awareness and develop their interest in the target culture on their own.

2020 ◽  
pp. 140-147
Віктор Северин ◽  
Надія Северин

Under today’s conditions in Ukraine a process of a new information-driven society creation is observed, where design plays a prominent role. Design appeared at the intersection of science, technology and art; it is implemented in different social systems and conforms to social and natural laws. Under today’s circumstances design is creativeness, which always has its place in people’s activity and is defined as an important cultural phenomenon, performing different cultural functions. The aim of the article is the definition of artistic-expressive means role in the artistic image creation in design, determination of Design Olympiad role for creative thinking cultivation and occupational skills in future specialists.The holding of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on Design in Ukrainian higher educational establishments has already become a constant, important, time-consuming event. Such an event contributes to revealing of students’ professional abilities, establishing creative and friendly relations among art educational establishments of Ukraine, enables to decide the winners among the most talented participants and, thus it helps to select students for participation in International Olympiads on Design. Since 2012 on the basis of Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Fine Arts, which became the main establishment, the All-Ukrainian Olympiad on Design has been held, gaining popularity and significance: more and more educational establishments are involved, the number of participants is growing together with the quality of their creative efforts. The Olympiad programme consists of two stages and determines each of them. In 2019 the purpose of this event was the knowledge evaluation, skills and students’ design thinking level as well as their creative manner. The task was aimed at new creative solutions, activation and imagination in student designers of different specialties, enrichment of design culture, outlook broadening with the objective of original and perspective innovative design conceptions generation.  Whereas art higher educational establishment teachers’ task is to help the modern youth see beauty and direct their activity to create magnificent and eternal images.

2020 ◽  
pp. 6-16
Володимир Копилов ◽  
Олександр Панфілов

The article deals with the research of axiological nature of the theory and practice of modern education. The problem is relevant in that education can be the key to solving the global problems of the modern world. The more popular the knowledge of people, their experience, abilities, skills, their professional and personal qualities in social development, the more important education is. Improvement and modernization of national education systems is becoming the leading direction of the sustainable development strategy of many states of the modern world. Consequently, the philosophical understanding of the educational process, in particular the definition of the values of education is relevant.The authors substantiate that, given the diversity of educational values, they can be divided into two main groups: the values of maintaining the existing order of things and the values of its transformation.In various worldview systems, the problem of the values of education is resolved in different ways. The article gives the basic ideas of representatives of such systems: classical realism, essentialism, perinalism, analytical philosophy, experimentalism, existentialism, neo-Freudianism.Analyzing the views of researchers, the authors of the article attribute free ideological self-determination to the cardinal values of education as the main mission, which provides the conditions for the free self-determination of each person in the worldview world to accept their own values in the form of life goals, main motives and interests, aspirations, needs, principles, etc.It is substantiated that the axiological guidelines of education should be associated primarily with the orientation of education towards the interests of the individual – a free, creative person, capable of self-realization. The mission of education is to find an individual approach to a person, to contribute to the realization of his personal potential, internal, unconscious, even irrational needs (otherwise this culturally unrealized potential can become destructive for both the individual and society). Thus, education should be aimed at the formation of fundamental foundations that will allow a person to solve worldview problems, make a moral, legal or ideological choice, navigate in the modern sociocultural situation.The authors emphasize that in a modern dynamic society, value-semantic variability and the influence of the accelerated development of education on the formation of social innovations are necessary. The dynamically changing conceptual field of modern educational practices, the desire and attempts to humanize education are favorable factors for the creation and implementation of the concept of modern education. The humanization of education is aimed at creating a sustainable and flexible value attitude to the world. The universal value horizon, the idea of universal values are not reflected in modern cultural practices. On the one hand, culture becomes value-oriented, its phenomena become subject to assessment, its values are structured and organized, on the other hand, obvious value pluralism, poly-paradigmalism, relativism and simplification of values as such.Thus, the analysis of theoretical studies on the value aspects of education, and the study of the possibilities that arise as a result of the humanization of education, allow us to state: only as a result of changes in the content of education in the context of its humanization it is possible to talk about the transition to understanding a specialist as a harmoniously developed personality, which is the ultimate purpose of education. The primary task is to eliminate the discrepancy between the generally accepted and declared values, on the one hand, and their implementation, primarily in the minds of participants in the educational process, on the other.

2020 ◽  
pp. 49-55
Ольга Проценко

The article deals with the problem of place and role of etiquette in the culture of behavior and communication in the life of the individual and society as a whole. A philosophical and ethical analysis of etiquette as a sociocultural phenomenon is presented, covering a wide range of problems related to the logical and linguistic consideration of the term and notion of "etiquette" and its manifestations.The purpose of the article is to identify the extent of etiquette presence in the broadcast of the morally valuable, which reduces itself to the system of sociocultural communication. It is stated that etiquette imperativeness permeates all spheres of everyday and exclusive activity of people, turns spontaneous behavioral acts into a single sacrament of moral culture. The structural components of etiquette, its functional assignment in the organization and ordering of social relations, collective and individual behaviors are analyzed. The place of etiquette in the formalization of cultural standards and civilized stereotypes of moral relations, formation of ideas about proper relations are stated.To sum up, etiquette is considered as a socio-cultural product being a part of a system of ethical discursive practices aimed at spreading peace, understanding, tolerance, as well as coordination in actions of people to preserve the moral and psychological climate of society

2020 ◽  
pp. 26-38
Абдулалі Абдуллаєв

The article analyzes structural reforms in Azerbaijan as part of the effectiveness of democratic governance. It is underlined that a new judicial system was created under the leadership of the national leader Heydar Aliyev; constitutional control; institutions empowered by human rights, based on the principle of democratic justice; the activities of law enforcement agencies have been improved; media activities have been expanded; effective safeguards have been put in place to ensure citizens’ rights.Keeping up reforms in the direction of human capital development in Azerbaijan is vital for improving the quality of education and creating a flexible mechanism for managing relations «science – education – production».The principle of paralleling economic, political and legal reforms over the last 10 years is a fundamental basis for the process of democratization in Azerbaijan and the adaptation of liberal values of society.Progressive development measures include enhancing the country’s economic potential, developing the non-oil sector, creating the conditions for workplaces, developing entrepreneurship, increasing substantially the volume and focus of social services, poverty reduction, etc.The depth of reforms in Azerbaijan, the progress made in combatting corruption, the larger scale of the institutional changes and the measures taken to fight against corruption lead to the fact that Azerbaijan scores higher in the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI).Azerbaijan has increased the pace of transition to an innovative society with better cultural achievements as a democratic country and preserving the development of a rich cultural heritage, taking into account the tendencies of the development of world civilization.

2020 ◽  
pp. 80-96
Михайло Міаніє (Дюкарев)

In a modern democratic society there are a lot of various problems. However, there is no social theory describing a model of society that is more perfect than democracy, free of its problems. Therefore, this article presents the key provisions for solving this extremely important problem for science: the development of a new social theory, the development of a model of society that is more perfect than democracy.For this purpose, the following tasks were considered and solved:1. Modern social theories and all sorts of other ideas about the more perfect society in the future have been analyzed. Their general key points have been singled out. The main ones are the following: “The more perfect people and laws are, the more perfect society will be”.2. The requirements for the theory being developed are formulated. Many of them are of a standard type (completeness, validity, consistency, practicality). But, besides them, this theory should model the levels of development of society following democracy, determine the root cause of existing problems and ways to resolve them, give new opportunities and prospects.In accordance with these requirements, a new Basic Model of society has been developed and introduced (Knowledge – People – Interactions – Result) and a change in this model (and all its components) has been modeled according to the development levels. This allowed us to simulate the 3rd level of society, the society of Spiritual Renaissance (1st level is the monarchy, 2nd level is democracy).The basis of the 3rd level of the society development is the solution of all the basic spiritual and moral issues. The key ones are as follows: spiritual and moral standards, the formation of a person of high quality, the morality of laws, etc.3. The issues for practical application of this theory have been considered, that is the essence and sequence of reforming key areas of the society in accordance with spiritual and moral values.At the moment, from the point of view of the Author, the theory presented is the only full-fledged scientific theory that is describing a way of social organization more perfect than democracy.The basis of this organization is the solution of all basic spiritual and moral issues, which ultimately should lead to the formation of more perfect power, elite, people and laws. It is clear that the detailed description of this theory should be carried out in further works.

2020 ◽  
pp. 97-108
Людмила Васильєва ◽  
Світлана Чмихун

The article explores the phenomenon of public action as social coercion in modern media practices, whereby shaping the required behavior personal demonstrativeness and representation becomes a compulsory monad of a public person. It is argued that in a public environment, human identity is largely subject to manipulative influence and becomes a target of overt social coercion. If under the dominance of classical social philosophy the question could arise only about the determinants of the social essence of a person: an individual from society (E. Durkheim) or a society from individuals (M. Weber), the modern post-classical philosophy points to a new mode of existence of a social system – its complete domination of human consciousness.The coercion in one way or another has always been an element of social organization. Thus, in pre-class society, it was based on the authority of elders, tribal leaders, etc., and in the class society – on the authority of the state. Nowadays, the coercion is realized through the availability of mass communication and the imposition of certain communicative and public forms of personal representation. At the same time, the existence of a person with their own kind is always subject to established rules, which are the basic component of lifestyle. However, there remain many unsolved problems regarding the phenomenon of social coercion. Especially in terms of the behavior of the modern public person, which is focused on all and no one. For such a person, the public space becomes a large screen, on which it demonstrates a pseudo-identity, which quite easily and quickly overcomes the boundaries of privacy and even intimacy. The large part of today’s public informatization accounts for the Internet space, as an accessible space of social coercion, which, due to its constant updating and development, remains new, unexpected, and unusual. Corporal symbolism in public communication becomes biased exchange material, forms a clear system of necessary coded characters, marked by unification and excessive social demand. It is constantly remodeled in different combinations without losing the primary bodily "tracing paper", and is imposed exponentially by the same public space.The complete theoretical justification for the phenomenon of public action is associated with a specially organized drama theater, which originates in antiquity, liturgical drama, or miracle. Social coercion becomes that specific act of being, which has its own spatio-temporal boundaries, is revealed through behavior, consciousness and human activity, and just like publicity is revealed through things, objects, works, language forms, symbols and signs.The author argues that public demonstrative media practices, like modus of any coercion, are formed precisely in global public practices, integrally demonstrating public actions – the organization of political power, the legal and moral norms of society, socio-cultural values, while the nature of these trends is sometimes far-fetched, beneficial in communicative confrontation.There is an eternal opposition between internal and external in consideration of public action at the level of coercive practices: uniqueness, originality, standardization, cliche and openness, mass character, publicity, unification, standardization, pluralism, diversity. For a person, the primary discourse is non-public, a kind of internal, intellectual, moral, mysterious habitat, and only its secondary discourse can be associated with the public sphere, which is expressed in a person’s realization of their material and spiritual needs and values.Public actions of a public person become more and more asynchronous, pseudo-cyclical, non-linear, shifting ethical boundaries towards personal gain, social similarity, and social coercion. The corporal symbolism, as a technique of social coercion, becomes a biased exchange material and forms a clear system of necessary coded public signs, which are distinguished by their uniformity and excessive social demand. The Internet, as a space BETWEEN, draws the viewer into a large-scale performance in which a person feels their involvement in a certain group, which increases the sense of self significance, self-confidence, security. Public virtuality becomes a gallery of images of forced communicative play. And, such a game has a completely different character than in real life, it develops specific stereotypes of superficial behavior.

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