education production
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2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Tonui Elijah ◽  
Ruth Nyambura ◽  
Peterson Oigara

The study sought to assess the influence of teaching skills and training methodology on the performance of learners with visual impairment in public primary schools in Narok West Sub-County, Kenya. The study analysed past theories related to the topic under the theoretical review that is Education Production Function (EPF) theory. The researcher used a descriptive research design to capture the information on the influence of teaching skills and training methodology. The findings indicated that teaching skills and training methodology influence the performance of learners with visual impairment in public primary schools in the Narok West Sub-County

Vladyslav Kashuba

The purpose of the article is to research the development of modern circus arts education in Ukraine, the o and creative structure of the training process, its features and functions, and the quality of education. Methodology. The research is based on the empirical data - archival information about the activities of the Kyiv Municipal Academy of Variety and Circus Arts (KMAVCA). This determines the methods’ choice: historical-factographic – to reconstruct the facts in the circus school’s development; structural-functional approach – for consideration of the organizational and creative structure of the training process and its functions; comparative method – to distinguish the disadvantages and advantages of circus education; systematization, etc. Scientific novelty. For the first time the organizational and creative aspects of the modern circus school in Ukraine are highlighted in their structural and functional context, and the circus education’s advantages and disadvantages are covered. Conclusions. Ukrainian Circus Academy is one of the leading schools of circus arts worldwide and it constantly increases its educational and qualification levels. An indicator of the effectiveness of the School is the frequent winning of its graduates and students at international contests, the high demand for Ukrainian circus performers abroad. The main advantages of the Ukrainian Circus Academy are comprehensive, multi-vector, and maximally applied-oriented training, orientation to international recognition, students’ access to prestigious performance stages. Among the weaknesses, there are: underfunding, lack of couches for some rare circus genre, lack of proper training premises, excessively high students’ workload exposure, and the future employers’ non-engagement into students’ graduation projects. The main functions of the circus arts school are professional education, production of circus art acts and performances, career guidance (enrollees’ attraction), popularization of circus arts and training, presentation of Ukrainian circus arts and School abroad, Ukrainian circus arts actors and products promotion.

2021 ◽  
Vladimir V. Klimuk ◽  
Andrejs Lazdins ◽  

Research goal: discover the importance of the innovation process in the context of education - science and production. Research tasks: describe the theoretical elements of the innovation process in relation to the Belarusian experience; to develop a model of innovation implementation science - education – production. Research methods: methods of situation description and process systematics were used in the research; statistical and modelling method of data. The most important competitive advantage of industrial enterprises, especially in the current situation - the coronavirus crisis, are innovations formed in the product concept, technological vector, management tactics and the general strategy of the organization. To bring an idea to the market requires its detailed feasibility study, testing, commercialization, scaling, and re-innovation. Successfully passed the stages of approbation and implementation of new innovations create a basic complex of competitive advantages of the industry, and its new orts of development. The role of scientific and educational potential, the introduction of a cooperative model of resource use to achieve economic and social effect has been determined. The paper proposes a toolkit for assessing the effectiveness of a neo-industrialization strategy in the direction of enhancing the innovative activity of industrial business entities, analysing the calculated results, including using the proposed visualization toolkit. Types of neo-industrialization strategies with a set of key components of the impact on the level of development of the sector are presented. Research innovation: a stage model for the introduction of useful innovations from science - education to production has been developed.

V. Lysenko

The social order posed by the society to the training of highly qualified personnel for the strategic needs of the labor market is associated with the changes in the economy, including the processes of its computerization and digitalization. Transformations in the digital economy determine new requirements for specialists’ training, their competences and qualification. The rapid changes in socio-economic conditions cause the need to transform the system of vocational training in order to meet the demands for competencies that correspond to the current technologic trends and methods of production. The reforms of vocational education system can be significant in resolving contradictions between the quality of training, on the one hand, and public and employers’ demands, on the other hand. Close cooperation of professional educational institutions, employers and social partners through their joint design and development of teaching technologies and methods for advanced vocational training of qualified specialists can be considered as one of the most efficient factors and conditions for resolving the above mentioned contradictions. These new conditions have already been created in the Centers for Advanced Vocational Training (CAVT), which can be characterized as a new type of infrastructural solution to the problem of aggregation of advanced vocational training programs and material and technical resources owned by science, education, production. The article focuses on some features of interaction and cooperation among vocational educational institutions, employers and social partners (social and public-private partnerships, networking cooperation, educational and technological cluster), which are taken into account in the performance of the Center for Advanced Vocational Training of the Kemerovo region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (98) ◽  
pp. 607-626
Gustavo Matarazzo ◽  
Maurício Serva

Abstract Protected areas are the main instrument used for protecting and conserving nature (UN, 2018). In Brazil, these areas are called Unidades de Conservação (UCs), or Conservation Units in English, and despite their territorial coverage and the complexity of their problems, they have not been properly studied by the area of administration. As a result, in this article we aimed to broaden the understanding about the modes of existence, as well as about the management of a protected area in a particular territory. For this, we took a pragmatist epistemological approach, favoring action above all. The study material derives from ethnographic research using participant observation at a UC managed by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity (ICMBio). As results, we identified three distinct modes of existence of the organization, namely: environmental education; production of expertise; and protection and inspection of nature. The analysis of these modes of existence enabled a better understanding of how specific organizational configurations emerge that situationally position the actors in different ways, engendering collective action and its management. Finally, we forge arguments that highlight possible contributions of a pragmatist epistemology to the organizational analysis of UCs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 587-606
Manuel Morales Valero ◽  
Xavier Resa Navarro ◽  
Manuel Salas Velasco

Presentamos un estudio de producción educativa de carácter exploratorio en el contexto del sistema de formación profesional de grado superior español. Entendemos como outputs educativos las finalidades propias de la formación profesional consistente en responder a las demandas del mercado laboral y lograr una adecuada inserción sociolaboral de sus egresados. El objetivo es doble. Por un lado, analizamos la influencia de determinados inputs «no escolares» como la «personalidad eficaz» y la «clase social subjetiva». Por otro, comprobamos el grado de congruencia existente entre los distintos modelos evaluativos utilizados en los dos ámbitos en que se desarrollan actualmente estas enseñanzas: el educativo y el laboral. Para ello, utilizamos una muestra no probabilística por conveniencia de 374 estudiantes pertenecientes al segundo curso de distintos ciclos formativos de grado superior situados en centros educativos de la provincia de Barcelona (España). Se les administró un cuestionario informatizado donde se recogían las principales variables explicativas tomadas en consideración. El análisis se basó en un modelo econométrico logit ordenado. Los resultados obtenidos señalan como la «expectativa de éxito», en tanto dimensión del constructo «personalidad eficaz», y la «clase social subjetiva» determinan positivamente los resultados. En segundo lugar, podemos afirmar que no existe relación alguna entre los resultados medidos por las evaluaciones realizadas desde el ámbito educativo y laboral. De este modo, a falta de una mayor reflexión y evidencia científica, es posible que haya que replantear la política evaluativa del sistema de formación profesional dando un paso más hacia su necesaria integración. We present an exploratory education production study in the context of the Spanish higher vocational training system. We consider the educational outputs to be the very purposes of professional training, i.e., responding to the demands of the labour market and achieving adequate social and labour integration for graduates. This article pursues two aims. On the one hand, we analyse the influence of certain "non-school" inputs such as "effective personality" and "subjective social class". On the other hand, we check the degree of congruence among the different assessment models used in the two areas in which these teachings are currently developed: education and labour. To this end, we use a non-probabilistic convenience sample of 374 second-year students from different higher degree training cycles located in educational centres in the province of Barcelona, Spain. The students were administered a computerised questionnaire which included the main explanatory variables taken into consideration. The analysis was based on an ordered econometric logit model. The results obtained indicate that the "expectation of success", as a dimension of the "effective personality" construct, and the "subjective social class" determine the results positively. Furthermore, we can state that there is no relationship among the results measured by the assessments carried out in the areas of education and labour. Thus, in the absence of greater reflection and scientific evidence, the assessment policy of the vocational training system may have to be reconsidered, taking a further step towards a needed integration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (98) ◽  
pp. 607-626
Gustavo Matarazzo ◽  
Maurício Serva

Abstract Protected areas are the main instrument used for protecting and conserving nature (UN, 2018). In Brazil, these areas are called Unidades de Conservação (UCs), or Conservation Units in English, and despite their territorial coverage and the complexity of their problems, they have not been properly studied by the area of administration. As a result, in this article we aimed to broaden the understanding about the modes of existence, as well as about the management of a protected area in a particular territory. For this, we took a pragmatist epistemological approach, favoring action above all. The study material derives from ethnographic research using participant observation at a UC managed by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity (ICMBio). As results, we identified three distinct modes of existence of the organization, namely: environmental education; production of expertise; and protection and inspection of nature. The analysis of these modes of existence enabled a better understanding of how specific organizational configurations emerge that situationally position the actors in different ways, engendering collective action and its management. Finally, we forge arguments that highlight possible contributions of a pragmatist epistemology to the organizational analysis of UCs.

Julius Maiyo ◽  
Manasi Echaune

ABSTRACT This study sought to analyze teacher effects on high school academic achievement scores in Busia County, Kenya. The study was based on the education production function theory. A descriptive survey research design was employed. A sample of 236 teachers and 755 students was used. Self administered questionnaires were used to collect data and test re-test was used to ascertain reliability of the instrument. Descriptive statistics namely; percentages, frequencies, mean, and standard deviations were used to carry out preliminary data analysis. Inferential statistics specifically correlation and regression coefficients were then used to test hypotheses. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to model effect of selected teacher variables on school academic achievement scores. Findings of the study were presented in tables and figures. Findings of the study suggested that the number of teachers, teacher commitment and teachers covering missed lessons had statistically significant effects on school academic achievement scores. Key words: Teacher Variables, Academic Achievement Scores, Kenya

2021 ◽  
pp. 016237372098446
Long Tran ◽  
Seth Gershenson

Student attendance is both a critical input and intermediate output of the education production function. However, the malleable classroom-level determinants of student attendance are poorly understood. We estimate the causal effect of class size, class composition, and observable teacher qualifications on student attendance by leveraging the random classroom assignments made by Tennessee’s Student/Teacher Achievement Ratio (STAR) Project class size experiment. A 10-student increase in class size increases the probability of being chronically absent by about 3 percentage points (21%). For Black students, random assignment to a Black teacher reduces the probability of chronic absence by 3.1 percentage points (26%). However, naive mediation analyses suggest that attendance is not a mechanism through which class size and same-race teachers improve student achievement.

2021 ◽  
pp. 950-959
I. Zablotskyi ◽  
V. Pereimybida

The last decades have been characterized by the rapid development of computer technologies and its widespread use in various fields of science, education, production, etc. The sphere of law enforcement is no exception, including the use of these technologies for conducting expert research. At the same time, certain problems of digitalization (translation of information into digital form) of technical and forensic studies and, in particular, studies of handwriting studies, are still observed. The article deals with the issue of the possibility of using the computer system AutoCAD in determining the identification signs in the handwriting examination of signatures. Comparing the numerical values of handwriting features obtained for a number of samples and for the objects under study, at the stage of comparative research, it is possible to establish whether the resulting numerical values characterizing some individual graphic features of the signature under study do not go beyond the variability limits determined for samples of signatures of a certain person Perhaps, by deepening and developing this method, it will be possible to identify such parameters that are characteristic only of the signature of a certain person. It should be noted that the proposed method of numerical expression of some graphic features of signatures does not cover all the variety of these features. These are signs related to the shape of the movements, direction, curvature, sequence of execution, the method of beginning and ending movements, etc. Such incompleteness needs to be carefully refined and opens wide opportunities for further research.

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