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Published By Publishing House Helevetica


Lubov Lipych ◽  
Oksana Khilukha ◽  
Myroslava Kushnir

Due to the limited safety of pedestrians, as well as the ability to direct their movement according to the established infrastructure, the analysis of the impact of factors consistent with the concept of push/pull, seems justified and useful. The aim of the article is to try to apply the concepts of push / pull in terms of the impact of logistics infrastructure on the nature of pedestrian traffic. The components of the logistics infrastructure related to the movement of the population are public roads, roads of cities and other settlements, departmental (technological) roads, roads in private areas, providing access to external and internal vehicles and passengers. The nature of pedestrian traffic is determined by the decision-making process of a certain person when moving along a certain route. It is proved that the form and result of this process are influenced by psychological and social mechanisms. It is established the main psychological and social characteristics of pedestrian traffic: maintaining personal space, as a result of which people prefer to «move for», keeping a distance of ten or several tens of centimeters; avoidance of direct impact of discomfort (psychological and physical), ie «movement from» different intensities, depending on the scale of the projected threat; minimization of efforts that cause «movement against» the shortest way; conformism (tendency to succumb to group behavior and attitude to novelty, different levels of which determine belonging to groups of innovators, early followers, early majority, late majority and conservatives); cultural norms (modification of behavior based on the influence of learned principles). The article presents models of simple situations of pedestrian traffic, which in practice demonstrate the influence of determinants of push/pull factors. It is substantiated that simulation of pedestrian traffic allows to increase its safety. Pedestrian safety issues are particularly important due to the high risk of accidents and their impact on other transport processes. However, the current state of knowledge about the determinants of the push / pull system does not yet allow such a free and comprehensive modeling.

Olga Tsapko-Piddubna

The primary intension behind this study is to assess and compare policies that deliver inclusive outcomes to economic growth and development across economies of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The EU and Norway (the most inclusive country in 2018) were added into the study as a benchmark countries. As a result of the comparative analysis based on the World Economic Forum Inclusive Growth Policy and Institution Framework, we argue in favor of policies that would increase broad-based human economic opportunities and consequently both equality, and economic well-being of CEE economies. Positive strong influence on inclusive growth and development is associated with the employment and labor compensation policy that allows people directly increase their incomes; the basic services and infrastructure policy which is a necessary ground for present and future human and economic development; the asset building and entrepreneurship policy should provide diminishing inequality and rising economic opportunities by fostering medium and small business creation and enlarging possibilities of home and other asset ownership. In addition, an effective and inclusive redistribution state system of CEE economies should accentuate on supporting broad-based economic opportunities (like productive employment possibilities, asset building and entrepreneurship possibilities), along with infrastructure and human basic services development, rather than solely on social fiscal transfers.

Taras Vasyltsiv ◽  
Olga Mulska

The article focuses on the problematic aspects and negative effects of increasing the external migration in Ukraine. The necessity of improving the modern migration policy is substantiated. The directions of the economic instrument of regulation of external migration are offered: slowing down of rates of external migration at the expense of improvement of an employment policy and creation of new workplaces; development of the micro and small business sector using the potential of external labour migrants; increasing the level of readiness of migrants for re-emigration by improving institutional capacity and assisting in the establishment of problematic social, labour and other aspects of migrants abroad; increase in investments in the economy at the expense of external labour migrants; preservation of human potential using the regulation of external educational migration. It is proved that the implementation of state policy measures (creation of conditions for legalization of sectoral labour markets by a high level of informal employment; support of non-standard forms of formal legal employment, development of the intermediary sector in the labour market; initiation of development and implementation of employment programs; preparation of ‘turnkey businesses’, implementation of programs to improve the availability of financial and credit resources for micro and small businesses, the creation of urban venture funds to invest in creative, innovative and technological business projects, start-ups of micro and small business, organizational and resource support for organizations specializing in maintaining ties with the diaspora, grants to NGOs to create and support the operation of Internet platforms, stimulating the creation of special bank deposit programs for migrant workers, resource which is used as a guarantee of financial and credit support for micro and small businesses; introduction of grant programs to support entrepreneurship for certain groups of the population – migrants, internally displaced persons, youth) would minimize risks, control the process of intensification of external migration flows in Ukraine.

Mariia Bahorka ◽  
Iryna Kadyrus ◽  
Nataliy Yurchenko

The article conducts a study to determine the place of marketing in crisis management of the enterprise, established the role of the main aspects of crisis marketing in modern enterprises; mastered the mechanism of marketing anti-crisis management of enterprises, the purpose of which is to form a strategy for overcoming the crisis and eliminate the consequences of crisis phenomena. In the author's sense, crisis management should cover all subsystems of enterprise management: operational, technical, financial, and, especially, strategic, marketing, personnel. In the author's sense, crisis management should cover all subsystems of enterprise management: operational, technical, financial, and, especially, strategic, marketing, personnel. It is recognized that marketing in crisis management is not just one of the subsystems of the enterprise, but the basis that ensures the sustainability of all its other units. Anti-crisis marketing involves the prompt change of all components of marketing in accordance with changes in the environment, which helps to maintain maximum competitiveness of the company in market conditions. In the crisis of the organization or to prevent it, the same marketing tools are used as in stable conditions, but the goals and objectives of marketing activities change, which acquire new specific features, the main of which is the marketing anti-crisis program. The anti-crisis marketing program should ensure the production and sale of such goods that are in steady demand in the market and bring the company's main profit. The mechanism of anti-crisis marketing in the enterprise as a management system involves the presence of the object (crisis phenomena) and the subject of management, the formation of targeted management processes, subsystem monitoring environment and forecasting: determination of the stage, parameters, volumes and scales of the crisis phenomenon, development, implementation and control of anti-crisis strategies, etc.), choice of means and methods of management, creation of a clear system of adjustment and feedback. The end result of marketing anti-crisis management of the enterprise is the formation and implementation of marketing anti-crisis strategy.

Olena Radchenko ◽  
Tetiana Voichenko

The article examines the features of pricing in the transport market, which is one of the key factors of the market economy; the process of establishing the optimal price for transport services is considered – the only element of traditional marketing, the value of which depends on the economic state and competition in the market and ensures the real income of the enterprise. The problems of modern pricing have been updated; identified the most important external factors that should be considered by transport companies in the pricing process. The analysis showed that despite the ordered and structured classification of pricing methods, there are no systematic methodological approaches that would allow them to adapt to real market conditions. Each of the methods presented in the scientific and methodological literature has a significant drawback – the ability to solve only a particular, separate and narrowly focused problem. Thus, the development of a pricing mechanism that will allow continuous and comprehensive control of this process, taking into account any changes in the current market, is relevant and in demand in the production practice of transport enterprises. New approaches to the pricing of transport services using marketing tools are considered. Taking into account the factors affecting the pricing, a mechanism was proposed for determining the optimal price of a transport company for the services provided, consisting of five consecutive stages and assuming a continuous, regular pricing process aimed at increasing the stability of the company in the market, the formation of its positive dynamics and profit growth. The examples of the step-by-step calculation of the indicators of the company's price attractiveness and the services provided for the formation of optimal prices in the transport market are given. This pricing mechanism develops the methodological foundations of the analysis of the financial and economic activities of a transport company and expands the toolkit for its pricing in market conditions.

Ihor Ponomarenko

The article focuses on the intense transformation of marketing in connection with the processes of digitalization and socio-economic transformations as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The features of using the main digital marketing tools as effective elements for establishing communications with the target audience are revealed. The expediency of introducing innovative approaches and technologies to increase the conversion rate has been proven. In the context of digital marketing, traffic generation involves the implementation of measures set that encourage potential customers to follow the company's links. The presence of an effective marketing strategy of the company in the digital environment involves the use of sales funnels, with the characteristics of the traffic involved at each stage. The focus of the company on generating organic and paid advertising traffic in accordance with the specifics of the company's functioning in the digital environment has been substantiated. The need for market research has been proven to create, on an ongoing basis, personalized content that will be in demand among the relevant groups of potential customers. It is not enough for modern subscribers to periodically provide access to thematic content, it is necessary to ensure the constant interest and desire of users to get acquainted with the materials, which is possible only with the implementation of flexible and original approaches. The necessity of using various digital marketing tools has been substantiated, since a large number of companies focus only on social media. The interest of large companies in creating specialized social media to promote specialized content increases competition and leads to the introduction of innovative products that can be used to increase the efficiency of formation and improvement of marketing strategies in the digital environment. The specificity of the machine learning algorithms application to improve the effectiveness of a company's marketing strategy in the digital environment is disclosed. Using a variety of data science approaches, it is possible to segment the target audience based on large amounts of data and increase the likelihood of increasing the level of potential customers loyalty.

Gabriella Loskorikh

The relevance of the article is justified by the growing indicators of the IT sector. Despite the quarantine restrictions, most IT companies are more profitable. However, the growth rate is lower than before quarantine. This requires special attention to the organization of information support of the management process, which would take into account the specific features of IT enterprises. The main purpose of the article is to determine the characteristics of IT companies that have a decisive influence on the organization of accounting in these companies. This goal is realized on the basis of the application of methods of observation, comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization. To harmonize the categorical apparatus, the essence of the concepts that are the result of the activities of the IT enterprise – IT service, IT product and IT product, from the standpoint of their reflection in the account. The impossibility of their identification is confirmed. They have different accounting implications for both the IT company and the customer depending on the terms of the contract and the purposes of further use. The specific properties of IT services are characterized, which include: the complexity of the IT service; low level of consumer involvement in the process; remote interaction between manufacturer and user. The influence of these features on the organization of accounting is described, in particular, the organization of analytical accounting and the development of management reporting. The need for deep knowledge of an accountant working in the IT field is substantiated. The mistakes made by accountants if their training in this area is carried out at an inadequate level are summarized. The main errors are incorrect classification of transactions, the presence of inaccuracies in accounting, overstatement of the tax base. Identified characteristics of IT enterprises (scalability, significant risks, high staff turnover) make additional demands on the organization of accounting. The areas that need the most attention to create the appropriate information support for the management of the IT enterprise are reflected. Prospects for further research are to reveal the impact of these features on the organization and methods of accounting in these enterprises.

Serhii Smerichevskyi ◽  
Svitlana Gura

The article shows the strategic role of cargo air transport in the economies of the world, related to the maintenance of foreign trade, urgent delivery of goods, their transportation over long distances, and so on. The determining factors of the development of cargo air transport in the global economy are systematized: organizational innovations, information technologies, new forms of cooperation of air carriers and logistics solutions. The contribution of air transport to the formation of cargo turnover in Ukraine is determined. The opposite dynamics of volumes of cargo transportation by air and other types of transport is revealed. The contradiction between the low share of air cargo traffic and their strong absolute and structural growth is quantitatively shown. Air freight is defined by a market of oligopolistic competition due to a limited number of economic entities, the dominance of one large and several medium-sized players, the presence of barriers to entry, which are financial-investment and technical-technological nature. The attractiveness of the air freight market for investments is shown given the predominant positivity of financial results and the growing share of profitable enterprises. The institutional forms of organization of cargo air carriers (classic, combined, hybrid) are generalized, their advantages and disadvantages are defined. The principles of functioning of transport chains and realization of multimodal transportations on the basis of cargo air transport are substantiated. The main information systems of booking and management of air cargo transportation, distribution, pricing, calculations, tracking of luggage by buyers and sellers are characterized. The requirements of the International Air Transport Association for the use of innovative e-freight technologies in aviation are summarized, recommendations for joining the subjects of the domestic air cargo market in terms of electronic document management and simplification of customs procedures are developed. The improvement of economic mechanisms of development of cargo air transport in Ukraine on the basis of special economic zones of port type is offered.

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