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Published By Kharkiv State Academy Of Physical Culture


2021 ◽  
pp. 39-49
G. Ogar ◽  
M. Olkhovsky

Purpose: to determine the influence of the experimental training program for qualified mixed martial arts fighters of 18-19 years old on their special physical fitness when performing shock actions. Material and methods. The study involved seven athletes 18-19 years old (all athletes - KMSU) department of mixed martial arts ODYUSSH «Dinamovets» in Zhitomir. A training program for qualified junior mixed martial arts fighters was developed using interval and interval-circular training methods with a wide range of general, special and competitive training means. The training program is designed for 15 weeks (may 17 - august 27, 2021) in the preparatory period of the macrocycle, therefore its predominant focus was towards physical fitness. Research methods: analysis of scientific theoretical sources, conversations with specialists, pedagogical observations, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: the dynamics of special physical readiness of qualified fighters was investigated, under the influence of an experimental training program, when performing percussion technique. The study of the dynamics of special physical readiness when performing a series of punches with hands showed significant positive shifts in the total force of punches with hands during the execution of an 8-second series (t=3,02; p˂0.05) and a 40-second series of punches (t=7,69; p˂0,001). The result of the average force of strikes (t=2,21; p˂0,05) in a 40-second series of strikes also noticeably improved. The study of the dynamics of special physical readiness when performing a series of strikes with the dominant leg revealed positive changes in the total force of strikes in the 8-second (t=3,33; p˂0,01) and 40-second (t=5,39; p˂0,001) tests. The high-speed component of the striking technique did not undergo significant positive changes, although there is a tendency towards positive dynamics (p>0,05). Conclusions. It was determined that the introduction of an experimental training program into the educational and training process of 18-19 year old mixed martial arts fighters made it possible to improve the special physical fitness of the fighters when performing specific striking techniques. In five studied indicators, a significant positive trend was obtained, confirmed by mathematical calculations. Significant positive changes in the total strength in the series of punches with the hands and the dominant leg were determined both in the 8-second and in the 40-second tests (p˂0,05 - p˂0,001). We also found a significant positive dynamics in the average force of punches in the 40-second test (p˂0,05). Keywords: mixed martial arts, qualified fighters, special physical training; interval training method; Interval-circular training method; training aids.

2021 ◽  
pp. 50-59
G. Ogar ◽  
A. Shevchenko

Purpose: to develop and experimentally substantiate the effectiveness of the methodology for teaching the basic technique of free-style wrestling in combination with physical training. Material and methods. The study involved 16 young athletes, 8-9 years old, a group of initial training, the first year of training, who were engaged in the department of free-style wrestling KZ «KDYUSSH №4» in Kharkov. The boys were divided into two equal groups (experimental and control), according to the results of testing the level of development of physical abilities (p>0,05). An experimental methodology of basic technical training for young freestyle wrestlers of the initial level of training was developed, which consisted not only of means and methods of teaching certain elements of wrestling techniques, but also a large number of preparatory, special exercises, games and game tasks, different in coordination complexity. It was on the basis of versatile coordination training, which was solved mainly by the game method, that the experimental methodology of the basic technical training of young athletes was built. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological sources; generalization of the practical experience of practitioners; pedagogical observations; pedagogical experiment; pedagogical testing; method of expert assessments; methods of mathematical statistics. Results: the advantage of young wrestlers in the experimental group was determined by almost all the studied indicators. A regularity was noticed, with an increase in the complexity of the exercise, the difference in the quality of its fulfillment by young wrestlers from the experimental and control groups increased. In special exercises, these are running to the subdominant side (t=6,20; p˂0,001), and throwing off the legs from the passage (t=3,27; p˂0,01), in the study of the quality of performing techniques in the stalls - a coup coasting (t=3,33; p˂0,01) in the study of technical readiness in a standing position - an incline throw with a hold of the legs (t=3,68; p˂0,01) knocking down with a hold of the legs (t=3,24; p˂0,01), as well as maneuvering (t=3,37; p˂0,01). There was no significant difference in the quality of performance of technical actions between the experimental and control groups, only in four of the sixteen studied indicators (p>0,05). Conclusions. The effectiveness of the experimental methodology of basic technical training of young wrestlers, used in the group of initial training, has been proved. According to most of the studied indicators, the advantage of young wrestlers in the experimental group was determined (p˂0,05-p˂0,001). The following tendency is observed, with an increase in the coordination complexity of the studied technical actions or movements, the probability of differences between the quality of this action fulfillment by young athletes of the experimental and control groups increases, in favor of the former. Only in simpler, in terms of coordination structure, movements, the advantages of the experimental group under study, confirmed by mathematical calculations, were not revealed (p˂0,05). Keywords: freestyle wrestling, young wrestlers, initial training groups, basic technical training, coordination development.

2021 ◽  
pp. 88-97
I. Chertov ◽  
N. Boychenko ◽  
K. Ohanov

Purpose: to analyze the indicators of the competitive activity of judokas in light weight categories during the World Championship among adults in 2021. Material and methods. During the work, the following research methods were used: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature; timing; analysis of protocols and video recordings of fights of highly qualified judokas in weight categories up to 60 and 66 kg, methods of mathematical statistics. 49 fights of judoists in the weight category up to 60 kg and 61 fights in the weight category up to 66 kg during the World Judo Championship among adults 2021 (Hungary, Budapest) were analyzed. Results: the analysis of the received comments of highly qualified judokas of light weight categories shows that most of the comments were received by the athletes for not wrestling (up to 60 kg – 35 %; up to 66 kg – 36 %), for avoiding capture (up to 60 kg – 21 %, up to 66 kg – 27 %), the use of false attacks (up to 60 kg – 16 %, up to 66 kg – 13 %) and for fighting in a defensive position (up to 60 kg – 4 %, up to 66 kg – 6 %). The analysis of technical actions of highly qualified judokas of light weight categories made it possible to reveal the total number of effective actions. So, in the weight category up to 60 kg, athletes performed 59 effective technical actions, including 48 (81 %) in a standing position and 11 (19 %) in a parterre and lying position. Moreover, in the stand, 36 (75 %) actions were assessed by the judges for «Vasari», and 12 (25 %) for «Ippon». In the parterre and lying position - 3 (27 %) for «Vasari», 8 (73 %) for «Ippon». In the weight category up to 66 kg, athletes performed 57 effective technical actions, including 50 (87 %) in a standing position and 7 (13%) in a parterre and lying position. 38 (76 %) actions in a standing position were assessed by the judges for «Vasari», 12 (24 %) for «Ippon». In the parterre and lying position - 1 (14 %) for «Vasari», 6 (86 %) for «Ippon». Also, the main effective technical actions were identified, which are most often used by athletes in a standing position, a parterre position and lying down. So, for athletes in the weight category up to 60 kg, these are: throw over the back from their knees (19 %), grab (11 %), grab from the inside (11 %), unbalance by pushing back (11 %), elbow lever (46 %), hold on top (36 %), hold across (18 %). In the weight category up to 66 kg, the most often performed such effective technical actions were pick-up from the inside (14 %), unbalance with a push back (12 %), throw over the back from the knees, through the chest with a deflection (8 %), hold across, hold from the side heads (29 %). Conclusions. It has been established that athletes of light weight categories in most cases conduct reconnaissance battles, use defensive positions, false attacks in order to catch an opponent on a mistake. When conducting fights in this manner, they most often receive comments on not fighting, avoiding capture, using false attacks and for fighting in a defensive position. It was revealed that the struggle of athletes of light weight categories mainly takes place in the standing position. Technical actions in the parterre position and lying are more effective. Sportsmen of two weight categories used the following technical actions in a standing position more: throws over the back (from the knees, grabbing an arm on the shoulder), grabs, holds, unbalance by pushing back. In the parterre position and lying position, athletes of two weight categories used different types of holdings and the elbow lever more. Keywords: judo, athletes, competitive activity, indicators, highly qualified, light weight categories.

2021 ◽  
pp. 98-106
M. Chobotko ◽  
I. Chobotko

Purpose: to analyze the impact of the use of digital technology in judging to correctly identify the winner in judo competitions. Material and methods. The following methods were used during the research: theoretical analysis and generalization of literature sources and data of the Internet, analysis of video recording, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: based on the recordings of 42 fights of the final block of the European Championship and the Ukrainian Junior Judo Championship on video hosting (You Tube), the analysis of the impact of video replays on the referee's decision was conducted to correctly identify the winner in the competition. In 22 bouts of the European Championship and in 24 bouts of the Ukrainian Championship, the referees made decisions that did not require revision or change. In the other 20 fights of the European Championship and in 18 fights of the Ukrainian Championship, video replays were used. A comparison of the average rates of fights in which digital replays were used or not used with the help of digital technologies showed a statistically significant difference in the performance of refereeing at the European Championship and the Ukrainian Judo Championship among juniors (<0,05). Since t (0,051) < tgr (1,98) the analysis of the refereeing of the European Championship and the Ukrainian Junior Judo Championship can be considered statistically significant. As a percentage of the total number of 42 fights, of which 20 fights – 47,6 % of international judges use video replays and 22 fights – 52,3 % of international judges did not use video replays. Analyzing the championship of Ukraine with a total of 42 fights, of which 18 fights – 42,8 % of judges use video replays and 24 fights – 57,1 % of judges did not use video replays. Conclusions. Analysis of existing digital technologies used in judo refereeing has revealed a set of programs that assist in the competition. The use of digital technologies provides an opportunity to improve the quality of refereeing at various ranks of the competition. The percentage of using video views and the percentage without video views at the European Championship and the Ukrainian Championship is almost the same. This speaks to the quality of judging at these events. This is because the refereeing of the final block allows more qualified judges who did not make mistakes during the refereeing or these mistakes were minimal. Keywords: judo, digital technologies, video replays, YouTube, European Championship, Ukrainian Championship, judges.

2021 ◽  
pp. 71-87
Y. Tropin ◽  
Y. Myroshnychenho ◽  
I. Holovach ◽  
I. Chornii ◽  
M. Latyshev

Purpose: to conduct a comparative analysis of the indicators of the competitive activity of the strongest fighters of men and women of mixed martial arts MMA from the TOP-10, regardless of weight. Material and methods. The research used the following methods: analysis of scientific and methodological information and Internet sources; generalization of best practical experience; analysis of protocols and videos of the competitive activity of men and women fighters from the TOP-10, regardless of weight; methods of mathematical statistics. The performance output of the strongest male and female MMA fighters is taken from the UFC website. Results: the analysis of the strongest fighters of women and men from the TOP-10, regardless of weight, showed that the average age of women is 32,7±3,74 years, and of men – 33,2±2,75 years. The average fight time for women is 16,25±3,43 minutes, and for men – 12,76±3,05 minutes. The TOP-10 strongest female fighters, regardless of weight, include representatives of six countries (four fighters from the United States, two representatives from Brazil and one athlete each from Kyrgyzstan, China, and the Netherlands), and the TOP-10 strongest male fighters regardless of weight also includes representatives of six countries (four fighters from the USA, two representatives from Russia and one athlete each from France, Nigeria, Brazil, Australia). It was found that male fighters from the TOP-10, regardless of weight, during their sports careers won 204 fights and lost 17 fights. For female fighters, these results are worse – 151 wins and 35 losses. Conclusions. Comparative analysis of the indicators of the competitive activity of the strongest fighters of women and men from the TOP-10, regardless of weight, showed that fighters of women and men deliver the same number of punches per minute (4,52 punches), and women fighters miss more punches (3,36 punches) than male fighters (2,60 strokes). The greatest number of punches was carried out by women and men in a standing position (women – 66,9 %; men – 64,6 %), then on the ground (women – 19,0 %; men – 21,6 %) and in a clinch (women – 14,1 %; men – 13,8 %). The largest number of blows are in the head (women – 60,2 %; men – 68,4 %), then on the body (women – 20,9 %; men – 18,3 %) and on the legs (women – 18,9 %; men – 13,3 %). The strongest fighters, women and men, defend against takedowns more efficiently (women – 77,5 %; men – 81,6 %) than against punches (women – 56,8 %; men – 59,8 %). The number of takedown attempts in 15 minutes is greater (women – 1,53 times; men – 1,86 times) than performing a submission in 15 minutes (women – 0,55 times; men – 0,53 times). Keywords: competitive activity, mixed martial arts MMA, TOP-10, indicators, fighters, men, women.

2021 ◽  
pp. 60-70
V. Romanenko ◽  
S. Demin

Purpose: improve the methodology for preparing junior kickboxers for sports fights due to the development of specific perceptions. Material and methods. The following scientific methods were used in this study: theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical observations; instrumental method; pedagogical testing; pedagogical experiment; mathematical and statistical research methods. Results: а set of tests for tablet computers (Ashanin V.S., Romanenko V.V., 2015) was used to test specific perceptions, such as «Sense of pace», «Sense of change in the size of the object», «Accuracy of reproduction of a given line». An instrumental method, namely video computer analysis, was used to estimate time slots. To determine the time intervals, as a parameter that displays the quality of the equipment, it was proposed to perform a technical-tactical combination (TTC): «Jeb» (direct hand, near) - «Punch» (direct hand, far) - «Side-kick» (side kick). Based on the study of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observations, conversations with trainers, pedagogical tests were selected to evaluate the investigated indicators and a set of special exercises was developed to improve the quality of sports duels of junior kickboxers. The results of the pedagogical experiment indicate that the use of the exercises of the proposed complex of special exercises positively affects the development of specific perceptions such as a feeling of pace, a feeling of distance, an opponent's feeling, a feeling of impact, etc. Increasing the level of manifestation of specific perceptions positively affects the quality of technical and tactical actions, which allows you to receive winning points in a sports match. Conclusions. It was determined that at the end of the pedagogical experiment, the time intervals of athletes of the experimental group are statistically significantly shorter (p<0,01) than the time intervals of athletes of the control group. The difference between the indicators of special physical fitness in athletes of the study groups at the end of the pedagogical experiment is not statistically reliable (p>0,05). Analysis of the results of determining the sense of pace indicates that the indicators of athletes of the experimental group are statistically significant (p<0,01) different from those of athletes of the control group. Statistically significant improvement of tempo sense (p<0,01) and accuracy of reproduction of a given line (p<0,05) is the cause of positive changes in sensory, motor mechanisms of motion control. These changes caused a decrease in time intervals and improved accuracy of striking in a technical and tactical connection. A comparative analysis of the results of control fights showed that athletes of the experimental group performed technical and tactical actions better and earned more winning points than athletes of the control group (W=29,5; p<0,05). Keywords: kickboxing, specific perceptions, technical and tactical compounds, competitions, fight.

2021 ◽  
pp. 15-25
V. Vorona ◽  
I. Skripka

Purpose: identify the socio-historical foundations of the formation and main directions of development of Grappling in Ukraine. Marterials and methods. The following methods were used in the study: analysis of literary and informational digital sources, normative documents; historical method; method of analogies; system analysis; comparative-historical method. Results: the analysis of literature sources and normative documents on the conditions of formation and development of Grappling in Ukraine is carried out. It has been found that martial arts such as Kyokushin Kaikan karate, VTKA kickboxing, mixed martial arts (MMA), Ukrainian belt wrestling, hopak hand-to-hand combat, taekwondo, and beach wrestling have been officially recognized as sports over the last decade. Among the recognized sports since 2017 is grappling. The formation and development of grappling in Ukraine are directly related to the activities of the Federation of Pankration of Ukraine. Mainly thanks to this organization, the grappling federation of Ukraine was created. In recent years, a powerful National Grappling Team has been formed, which currently numbers 64 people. The development of normative documentation on the sport ensured the holding of competitions and the opening of grappling branches in children's youth sports schools. The planned funding for training camps and competitions for 2021 has increased almost threefold compared to 2020. Conclusions. The following main socio-historical principles of formation and development of Grappling as a sport in Ukraine are determined: active development of this sport in the world; active work of international organizations, such as Submission Fighting World Federation, United World Wrestling, NAGA, Grapplers Quest, International Amateur Wrestling Federation, International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles and others; creation of the Federation of Pankration of Ukraine and inclusion of grappling as an amateur discipline in the program of competitions in pankration; close cooperation of the Grappling Federation of Ukraine with the International Organization UWW; creation of a grappling federation in Ukraine and its branches. Among the main areas of Grappling development in Ukraine should be noted competitive activities and education. The development of grappling is evidenced by the growth of financial support from the state. Keywords: Grappling international organizations, pankration, Grappling Federation of Ukraine.

2021 ◽  
pp. 4-14
K. Bugaevsky

Purpose: to study the issue of the reflection of kickboxing in a variety of collectibles, such as philately, faleristics and numismatics. Material and methods. This study was conducted in September-October 2021. During the research work, the method of in-depth literary-critical analysis of available scientific sources of information was used using reference books, encyclopedias, catalogs, specialized periodicals, Internet resources. Results: this study provides information on the popularity of kickboxing as reflected in collectibles. The following collectibles are presented - philately, faleristics and numismatics. The obtained data and their analysis indicate that in the collectibles, in a fairly complete volume, materials are presented that tell about the popularity and place of this type of martial arts, among other, similar sports, as well as about competitions of various levels, in kickboxing, held in the world. Kickboxing is most actively represented in foreign philately, commemorative and award medals, on badges. Conclusions. According to the results of the study, it was determined that for many years, in the world's collectibles, such a type of martial arts as kickboxing has been actively promoted, with the reflection in philately, numismatics and faleristics, the most important sporting events in the world of this sport, as at the level of a separate state , and championships of the continent, the world. Modern collectibles are capable, in a fairly complete, accessible, colorful and informative way, to convey all the necessary information about the events taking place in this type of martial arts, taking place all over the world. Modern collecting, primarily thematic, is one of the most effective means of expanding the sphere of knowledge in the studied issue and, in a very non-standard way of presenting interesting additional information. Keywords: kickboxing, collecting, philately, faleristics, numismatics

2021 ◽  
pp. 26-38
L. Korobeynikova ◽  
Y. Tropin ◽  
G. Korobeynikov ◽  
Go Shenpen

Purpose: to establish links of cognitive functions from special training of qualified boxers. Material and methods. Preceding victorious methods have been used: analysis of scientific-methodical information and dzherel to the Internet; chronodynamometry; psychophysiological methods of education; methods of mathematical statistics. There were 26 qualified boxers in bulo, 18-24 years old. According to the index of creatine phosphate preceding of all boxers, there were two different groups. The first group with a high level of performance (from 200 and above conventional units) and a group with a low level of special performance (below 200 conventional units). Before the first group, 12 individuals were consumed, before the other – 14 athletes. Results: on the basis of the analysis of scientific-methodical information, the Internet connection and communication of the advanced practical information in the field of sports was established, and the structure of sports martial arts, and especially boxing, is characterized by the call of synchronization between the two sportsmen and the conversion For an effective reception of information, analysis and acceptance of the solution of a similar response to the supernatural, it is necessary to activate cognitive functions, such as: verbal and non-verbal intelligence and memory. A correlation analysis was carried out for the development of the peculiarities of the links in the special prasezdatnost and the cognitive characteristics. Conclusions. The results of a correlation analysis between special training and indicators of the cognitive test «Establishing Regularities» allowed for the emergence of reliable links among boxers because of the high level of precision of special performance indicators and efficiency. Boxers due to the decrease in the level of special praise rate help to achieve a reliable correlation without being an indicator of productivity. An analysis of the results in the field of special training and indicators of the cognitive test «Correspondence of numbers» has shown the prevalence of correlation in boxers due to the high level of special training. Boxers due to the decrease in the level of special performance help to promote the appearance of reliable links due to the indicators of efficiency, latency and stability. Carrying out a correlation analysis between special training and indicators of the cognitive test «Memory for words» has shown in the absence of one basic connection between special training and performance indicators among boxers due to low reduction. Boxers from the highest level of special prazdatnosty reliable correlation links in the tests are not possible. Keywords: boxing, cognitive functions, special performance, qualified athletes, correlation analysis.

2021 ◽  
pp. 60-68
T. Sidorova ◽  
S. Kotliar ◽  
V. Gorinа

Purpose: to reveal the peculiarities of teaching students of higher educational institutions of specializations of sports games and martial arts ski training. Material and methods. To solve the set tasks, we conducted a study in the 2020/2021 academic year with students of the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture in the amount of 45 people, aged 18-20 years, for three weeks. Students were taught skiing techniques both according to the traditional system (control group) and according to the methodology developed by us (experimental groups). The time for learning the technique of skiing in both groups was the same 15 classes of classical style and 15 classes of skating style for 90 minutes each (according to the work program of the discipline), but the teaching methods in the experimental groups differed. The following methods were used during the research: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature sources, working curricula and practical experience of teachers; analysis of information on the Internet; pedagogical observations; method of expert assessments; pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical statistics. Results: as a result of the study, it was found that students of the experimental group (E1) received significantly better scores than the control group for performing the technique of movement in the classical style, the average score - 6.30, and the control group - 5.68 points (t=3,6; p<0,01), for performing the technique of skating style score (E1) was 6.18 points, and the control group – 5,25 points (t=5,2; p<0,01). Students of the experimental group (E2) for performing the technique of classical movement style received an average score of 5.93, compared with the control group - 5.68 points, no significant difference was found (p>0,05), the average score of the group (E2) for performing skating style was 5.90 points, and the control group – 5,25 points, which is significantly better (t=3,8; p<0,01). Conclusions. The use of different teaching methods, taking into account sports specializations, as well as the development of leading motor skills, has improved the learning outcomes of students of higher education specializations in sports games and martial arts ski training. As a result of the use of simulation and special training exercises without skis and on skis at the beginning of classes on the technique of classical and skating skiing, students of the group significantly improved the mastery of ski training on all indicators (p<0,01–0,05). Keywords: ski training, educational process, students, sports games, martial arts, motor abilities.

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