Jurnal Disprotek
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Published By Centre For Research And Community Development - Islamic University Of Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara

2088-6500, 2548-4168

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 88-92
Esti Wijayanti ◽  

Badan Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Asset Daerah Pati (BPKAD) a government agency that serves the public in a manual way that requires its employees to remember the queues that previously walked. So automatic painting for bpkad queue system pati regency takes a lot of time because only relying on employees and humans can also be wrong or forget expected with the computerized system reduces errors in long queues because without remembering the previous queue. Therefore, a bpkad queue system must be applied in Pati Regency. The Software is a system for Printing Queues. Because typing the number is still manual so the creation of this application because it feels less effective. In this application the author uses Netbeans in its creation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-87
Purwanto Purwanto ◽  
Rudi Yuniarto Adi ◽  
Arum Yumastuti ◽  
Farah Diena Amelia

SCGC Concrete (Self Compacting Geopolymer Concrete) has the advantage of being easier and more effective in casting, so it can be applied to strengthening building structures, including the Concrete Jacketing method and voute / haunch beam. This reinforcement method is a form of composite concrete application with different concrete ages, which consists of existing structures with conventional concrete material and jacket or haunch section with SCGC concrete material. This study aims to determine the characteristics in the form of direct tensile strength, flexural tensile strength, and pull off tests (bond test) to test the strength of adhesion between concrete joints. Making specimens consists of 4 x 4 x 16 (cm) flexural tensile test beams, and 15 x 15 x 60 (cm) pull off specimens, and direct tensile specimens in the form of numbers 8. The principle of making test specimens is done by casting twice The first casting is done on the first half of the mold, then wait until the concrete age is 28 days. Then a second casting is carried out in the next half, until the concrete age is 28 days. So that the total age of concrete in making connection test specimens is 56 days. From the results of this study it was found SCGC concrete has a higher adhesion than conventional concrete so that SCGC concrete can be applied for structural reinforcement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-66
Ajie Dwihastadi ◽  
Agus Mulyanto ◽  
Muhammad Galih Wonoseto

Yogyakarta is one of the most visited regions in Indonesia that is most visited by tourists. Almost every year there are always new tourist objects that have sprung up in Yogyakarta. The problem is the limited time that tourists have to visit Yogyakarta. Therefore, with limited time for tourists, it is difficult to determine which attractions they will visit. This study aims to create a decision support system for tourism object selection in the Special Region of Yogyakarta using the TOPSIS method. In its calculations, the criteria considered are distance, tourist ticket prices, facilities, ease of transportation, the beauty of tourist attractions, cleanliness, and security of tourist attractions. Based on system usability testing, the results show that 37.2% of respondents strongly agree, 58.8% of respondents agree, 3.3% of respondents are neutral, 0.5% of respondents disagree, and 0.0% of respondents strongly disagree with the results of the recommendations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-117
Ariyanto Ariyanto ◽  
Alamsyah Noor Ahmad

The development of roads in the City of Jepara continues to increase and the width of the road is insufficient to accommodate the traffic capacity causing flow obstruction and the road has an existing structural decline, causing the sections to be bumpy and potholes. It is necessary to do an analysis study on the improvement of the Mantingan-Ngabul road / Sultan Hadlirin road, Jepara Regency in order to solve this problem. From the analysis results obtained as follows: The ideal road widening for this road is at least 6 m. The analysis for calculating the pavement thickness index (ITP) for a 20 year plan age is Laston MS 744 with a thickness of 10 cm, Broken Stone Class A (CBR100%) with a thickness of 20 cm, and Sirtu Class A (CBR70%) with a thickness of 25.4 cm. The results of the geometric analysis of the highway where 5 S-S bends are obtained, with details of bend 1 requiring side freedom of 2.75 m, bend 2 of 3.17 m, bend 4 of 2.80 m, bend 5 of 3.11 m and bend widening is not required. For bend 3 requires side freedom of 13,725 m and a bend widening of 1 m is required from the original width of 7 m. According to the analysis, the road capacity of the Mantingan - Ngabul / Sultan Hadlirin road, Jepara Regency, obtained an average traffic growth rate of 2.6% and the number of LHR per year as follows: In 2020 4440 the number of vehicles / day. In 2025, there are 5048 vehicles / day. In 2030, there are 5739 the number of vehicles / day. In 2035, it is 6525 the number of vehicles / day. In 2040, 7419 the number of vehicles / day.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-77
Aldi Yoga Pradana ◽  
Widya Setiafindari ◽  

Production on May 2019, PT X produced 29,159 kg of Tortillas to be marketed domestically and abroad. The large amount of production shows the high consumer interest in Tortilla, which makes PT X produce large quantities in 1 month. Production of 29,159 kg was completed in 3 weeks with 3 shifts in 7 working days in the first and third week, and 6 working days in the second week. Inaccurate production planning makes Tortilla production exceed warehouse capacity, indicating that the production process is still running even though the number in June is as much as 17,346 kg and 26,835 kg in July resulting in overproduction of 6% in May 2019 and 15% in June 2019 so that there was an increase in July 2019 to 50%. The implementations of the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) method based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) using the Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing Algorithm (SAHC) areoptimize the final mean flow time by 51%, reduction in makespan by 0.5 in MayJune and 0.1 in July, and a reduction in lateness by 13% after reprocessing results in an optimization that can overcome the problem of overproduction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-101
Khotibul Umam ◽  
Nur Hidayati ◽  
Yayan Adi Saputro ◽  
Dwika Fatimatuz Zaroh

Safety work management system at the company is very influential in preventing work accidents. Low awarness of workers level of law enforcement provided by the government, it can cause the application of regulations is not optimal, so that it can cause a high level of work accident. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct further studies on the safety work manajemen system. and do the analysis to determine the effectiveness of safety work management and occupational accident in a company. this research was conducted on PLTU Tanjung Jati B unit 5&6 development project. This reseacrh uses questionnaires to collect the data. the data is processed using the SPSS application with linear regression analysis.The results from this reseach is safety work manajemen system have a influance on the level of occupational accidents if applied simultaneously. The results of the simulation test are F count = 3,24 ≥ 3,09 F table, and occupational accidents that occur have no relationship with the safety work management system and the safety work program. The result in anova table have a velue Sig = 0,291 = 29,1 % > 5 % is nonlinear and multiple correlation analysis T = 0,25, there is no strong relation. Accidents that often occur can be categorized in human factor theory.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-40
Muhammad Nas Tain

ABSTRAK Penelitian pada UMKM Succes Creativ ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis tingkat kepuasan pelanggan terhadap produk yang dihasilkan, penelitian ini dilakukan karena sering terdapat keluhan pelanggan terhadap produk yang telah dibelinya contohnya pada bulan desember 2019 terdapat 18 keluhan pelanggan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Customer Satifaction Index dan Kano Model yang merupakan metode digunakan untuk menganalisis tingkat kepuasan pelanggan secara menyeluruh dengan melihat kepentingan atribut-atribut dari suatu produk, kemudian mengkategorikan atribut-atribut tersebut berdasarkan seberapa baik suatu produk mampu memuaskan kebutuhan pelanggan UMKM Succes Creativ. Penggunaan metode ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan konsumen dan memberi usulan perbaikan kualitas dari karakteristik produk yang dihasilkan UMKM Succes Creativ. Hasil perhitungan menggunakan metode Customer Satisfaction didapatkan nilai prosentase kepuasan pembeli sebesar 75,36%. Hasil perhitungan tersebut terdapat diantara range 71%< X ≤77%, karena hasil perhitungan diantra range tersebut maka kualitas produk dikatakan couse for concern sehingga produk yang dihasilkan perlu dilakukan perbaikan untuk memenuhi kepuasan konsumen atau pembeli. Dari perhitungan Kano Model didapatkan angka kepuasan pembeli yaitu 0,393 yang lebih kecil dari angka ketidak puasan terhadap produk yaitu 0,405. Perlu dilakukan perbaikan kualitas dari produk untuk memenuhi kepuasan dari konsumen. UMKM Succes Creativ sebaiknya mengutamakan peningkatkan kualitas karakteristik produk yang diinginkan konsumen diantaranya daya tahan atau keawetan produk, model produk, bahan baku produk, kerapian pengecatan atau warna produk, kemsan produk yang baik, bentuk produk yang rapi dan menarik, dan finishing atau hasil pengerjaan produk yang rapi. Kata Kunci: Kualitas Produk, Customer Satifaction Index, Kano Model

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Inaaratul Chusna Ichda Purwanto ◽  
Yohanes Anton Nugroho ◽  
Suseno Suseno

PT Adi Satria Abadi (ASA) is a company engaged in the processing of leather, especially sheep skin and goat skin, which is used for the manufacture of golf gloves. The problem faced by the company is the production process that exceeds the due date to other customers who order products at PT ASA. From the research, it is known that the cause is a company scheduling method that has not been organized so that the production sequence is concurrent. Selection of methods Harmony Search algorithms in scheduling are caused by delays. The Harmony Search algorithm can provide a better makespan value than the company method. The results of the company method obtain 0.9 months makespan average, the Harmony Search Algorithm method produces an average 0.8 months makespan. In addition, the use of the Harmony Search Algorithm method can reduce the average value of 0.1 months makespan. The results of the study in three months experienced time savings of 0.6 months, 0.6 months and 0.1 months respectively.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Aldi Yoga Pradana

Produktivitas merupakan salah satu penentu hasil produksi dalam suatu industry mulai dari UMKM hingga perusahaan. Pada UMKM Sanggar Batik Jumputan Maharani yang memproduksi batik jumput menggunakan teknik tradisional untuk menjaga kualitas membutuhkan waktu 149 jam. Proses memproduksi satu kain batik biasanya membutuhkan waktu satu minggu. Oleh karena itu diperlukan peningkatan produktivitas, salah satu metode yang pas untuk masalah ini adalah metode Lean dan Kaizen. Metode Lean yang focus pada identifikasi waste kemudian dilanjutkan metode Kaizen untuk dilakukan peningkatan yang berkelanjutan. Pertama identifikasi awal dilakukan pada peta produksi untuk melihat terdapat waste. Kedua, jumlah produksi batik jumputan setiap bulan untuk mengetahui seberapa banyak jumlah produksi setiap bulan. Ketiga, data work in process pada pembuatan satu kain batik. Setelah didapat hasil 3 tahap tersebut kemudian dilakukan pengolahan menggunakan metode Lean dan Kaizen. Hasil dari pengolahan dua metode ini dapat meningkatkan jumlah produksi setiap minggu dan pengurangan beban kerja pada karyawan yang sebelumya membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk menyelesaikan satu kain.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-53
Gun Sudiryanto ◽  
Suharto Suharto

Pengolahan kayu untuk industry di Jepara juga menghasilkan banyak limbah. Jenis limbah sangat bermacam, dari mulai penebangan, saat kayu log masuk penggergajian, pengolahan hingga pengamplasan akhir sebelum dilakukan finishing. Banyaknya jenis limbah tersebut perlu dikaji jumlah dan jenisnya sehingga dimasa yang akan datang setelah ada identifikasi jenis dan jumlahknya. Untuk mendata dan menganalisa jenis limbah kayu yang digunakan dalam industry mebel di Jepara. Selain mendapatkan data jenis limbah kayu, penelitian ini juga mengkaji jumlah perkiraan limbah kayu yang ada di Jepara. Maka untuk menganalisa jenis dan jumlah limbah kayu di Jepara penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis karena dirasa cocok untuk mengetahui fenomena yang saat ini sedang berlangsung. Industri furnitur di Jepara ternyata menghasilkan limbah yang tidak sedikit. Dari perhitungan peneliti ternyata limbah kayu yang digunakan di Jepara dapat mencapai 58,85%. Hal ini bila dinilai dari pohon hidup yang kemudian ditebang, sehingga menghasilkan limbah mencapai separuh lebih. Apabila perhitungannya mulai saat penggergajian pembelahan hingga proses akhir yang dalam perhitungan peneliti limbahnya mencapai 37,08%. Jadi bahan yang dapat digunakan dari kayu Perhutani mencapai 62,92%. Sementara bila produk tersebut tanpa ukiran maka limbah yang dihasilkan adalah 34,21% dan kayu yang digunakan untuk pembuatan mebel mencapai 65,79%. Kata Kunci: Jumlah, Jenis, Limbah dan Furniture.

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