complicated process
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2022 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-51
Ghasaq abdulsalam Fadhil ◽  
Abbas M. Burhan

Construction is a complicated process that takes place in an almost uncontrollable environment. Although projects can be carefully planned in advance in principle, there is a chance that unforeseen events and crises can disrupt these plans, affecting project development. Because the initial investment expenditures in construction projects are so large, they may be quickly influenced by crises, resulting in significant financial losses. The 2014 financial crisis was one of the most prominent crises that Iraq faced, which significantly impacted various activities in general and the construction industry in particular. Despite the importance of crisis management systems, the researchers found a great lack of local studies looking at crisis management, specifically in the basic stages chosen for its development, which are before, during, and after a crisis. Therefore, an effective crisis management system has been developed consisting of 20 critical success factors with devising 59 actions that can be taken for each proposed criterion for each of the three stages of crisis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Moh Bashori Alwi Almanduri

<p>This article critically examines why the dualism of the Islamic model occurs in Southeast Asia. This article uses a historical approach with the literature method to identify how is the map of the distribution of majority and minority Islam in Southeast Asia, what causes the dualism of the Islamic model in Southeast Asia, and how the minority model occurs in the minority Islamic countries. The results show that Islamic syncretism in the archipelago is a logical consequence of the complicated process of struggling religious reflection. His entity also received many challenges from local Indigenous. The majority of Islam is largely determined by the success of harmonizing Islam with political, social and cultural conditions. On the other hand, poor harmonization with the rulers, military invasion, and colonialism cause Muslim minorities. Islamic minority models can be classified into three parts: First, Separatists, such as the Moro Philippines Muslim Separatist movement. Second, accommodating Pattani Muslims in Thailand and Singapore. Third, Genocide happened to Rohingya Muslims in Burma and Khmer Muslims in Cambodia. Furthermore, research on each minority model can be carried out further to enrich the treasures of Islamic studies in Southeast Asia.</p><p><em>Artikel ini menelaah secara kritis mengapa terjadi dualisme model Islam di Asia Tenggara. Artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan historis dengan metode kepustakaan akan mengidentifikasi: Bagaimana peta persebaran Islam mayoritas dan minoritas di Asia Tenggara, apa yang menyebabkan dualisme model Islam di Asia Tenggara, dan bagaimana model keminoritasan yang terjadi pada negara-negara Islam minoritas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Sinkretisme Islam di Nusantara merupakan konsekuensi logis dari proses pergulatan refleksi keagamaan yang rumit. Entitasnya pun banyak mendapatkan tantangan dari Indigeneous lokal. Islam mayoritas sangat ditentukan oleh keberhasilan harmonisasi Islam dengan kondisi politik, sosial, dan budaya. Sebaliknya harmonisasi yang kurang baik dengan penguasa, invasi militer, dan kolonialisme menjadi faktor penyebab minoritas Islam. Model-model minoritas Islam dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi tiga </em><em>bagian: Pertama, Separatis, seperti gerakan Separatis Muslim Moro Philipina. Kedua, Akomodatif, muslim Pattani di Thailand dan Singapura. Ketiga, Genosida, terjadi kepada muslim Rohingya di Burma dan Muslim Khmer di Kamboja. Selanjutnya penelitian terhadap masing-masing model minoritas bisa dilakukan untuk semakin memperkaya khazanah studi Islam di Asia Tenggara.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 63-66
Denis Kravchuk

Currently, there are only two invasive methods available for measuring blood glucose: the first, the most common method, requires blood to be drawn, which is then transported and analyzed to a clinical laboratory, applying the blood to a glucometer test strip. Sampling blood, especially in children, is a rather complicated process, in addition, the results of clinical trials take time. Therefore, non-invasive, continuous monitoring of glucose by optoacoustic method is quite promising. We used an optoacoustic method with a high spatial resolution, which makes it possible to measure the concentration of glucose in the blood. Experimental measurements were carried out in porcine blood at various glucose concentrations

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 301-316
Tomasz Kasprzak

“Blind football” was initiated in the last century. What has significantly contributed to its development are newly established organizations, the primary goal of which was to manage various forms of activating people with visual impairment. Popularisation of “blind football” is a long-term, complicated process, in which a plethora of factors are involved. The aim of this article is to reflect on “blind football”, especially on the problems with spreading it. Most of all, the article is an attempt to define the mechanism of the functioning of “blind football” in the sphere of meanings of contemporary culture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4(62)) ◽  
Iegor Kartuzov

The object of this research is a quick recap to assess barriers on startups evolution in Ukraine after acquiring an independence 30 years ago and those developed of today. The paper aims to analyze an impact of political, historical and other factors affecting startups evolution and to understand how it decelerates an efficient functioning of technology transfer process nowadays. If one wants to establish a successful and fast-growing business, then you may need to create your own startup. The experience and practice show that it is a rather complicated process, which follows a few factors and conditions that determine its success and/or failure at the end. Being based on previously proposed efforts devoted to succinct analysis of historical, political and other premises jeopardizing transfer in Ukraine, this one is to scrutinize startups as an effective tool for such a transfer. The result of this endeavor makes a solid background for further debates in terms of political science, legal regulations and export control associated with startups and technology transfer. They highlight that startups' and DUs’ status quo implies that a global economy undergoes a number of changes related to demographic trends, technological advances, accelerated innovation and globalization. This study employs qualitative methodology and being under an umbrella of descriptive research design to accord on historical, technical, political, and other implications for startups origin as the effective mechanism for technology transfer and state’s security. This descriptive research portrays a rather accurate profile of present situation around Ukrainian startups. This design offers a profile of described relevant aspects of the problem from author's individual perspective.

V. V. Degtyareva

Today in conditions of severe competition of commercial enterprises it is necessary to upgrade their work by using different methods, one of them is the development and introduction of innovation projects. However, when an innovation project is worked out each developer faces certain risks requiring high-quality and effective management. Risk management in innovation projects is a complicated process, which is connected with the high level of uncertainty typical of innovation projects. Therefore, to manager risks of innovation projects highlyqualified personnel with sufficient knowledge and information is essential. The author studied the notion ‘innovation project’, investigated the causes of innovation risk rising and provided their classification. Apart from that, innovation projects of the retail chain ‘Magnit’ were analyzed, key problems of managing risks of innovation projects were identified and recommendations on resolving such problems were put forward.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (22) ◽  
pp. 10923
Cho Yin Yiu ◽  
Kam K. H. Ng ◽  
Ching-Hung Lee ◽  
Chun Ting Chow ◽  
Tsz Ching Chan ◽  

Automation technologies have been deployed widely to boost the efficiency of production and operations, to trim the complicated process, and to reduce the human error involved. Nevertheless, aviation remains human-centred and requires collaboration between different parties. Given the lack of a collaborative decision-making training platform for air traffic operations in the industry, this study utilises the concept of cyber-physical systems (CPS) to formulate a system architecture for pilots and air traffic control officers training in collaborative decision making by linking and integrating the virtual counterparts of flights and air traffic control operations. Collaborative decision-making training and the corresponding intelligent automation aids could be realised and supported. A performance analysis via a flight task undertaken with different computational load settings was prepared to evaluate the platform’s latency and integrity. The latency is presented using its 95% confidence interval, and integrity is presented using the percentage of data loss during wireless transmission. The results demonstrated convincing performance and a promising system robustness in both domains.

Micheline Al Harrack

Ransomware attacks are on the rise and attackers are hijacking valuable information from different critical infrastructures and businesses requiring ransom payments to release the encrypted files. Payments in cryptocurrencies are designed to evade tracing the transactions and the recipients. With anonymity being paramount, tracing cryptocurrencies payments due to malicious activity and criminal transactions is a complicated process. Therefore, the need to identify these transactions and label them is crucial to categorize them as legitimate digital currency trade and exchange or malicious activity operations. Machine learning techniques are utilized to train the machine to recognize specific transactions and trace them back to malicious transactions or benign ones. I propose to work on the Bitcoin Heist data set to classify the different malicious transactions. The different transactions features are analyzed to predict a classifier label among the classifiers that have been identified as ransomware or associated with malicious activity. I use decision tree classifiers and ensemble learning to implement a random forest classifier. Results are assessed to evaluate accuracy, precision, and recall. I limit the study design to known ransomware identified previously and made available under the Bitcoin transaction graph from January 2009 to December 2018.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (21) ◽  
pp. 6885
Seongwon Im ◽  
Mo-Kwon Lee ◽  
Alsayed Mostafa ◽  
Om Prakash ◽  
Kyeong-Ho Lim ◽  

In a lab-scale bioreactor system, (20 L of effective volume in our study) controlling a constant temperature inside bioreactor with a total volume 25 L is a simple process, whereas it is a complicated process in the actual full-scale system. There might exist a localized temperature difference inside the reactor, affecting bioenergy yield. In the present work, the temperature at the middle layer of bioreactor was controlled at 35 °C, while the temperature at top and bottom of bioreactor was controlled at 35 ± 0.1, ±1.5, ±3.0, and ±5.0 °C. The H2 yield of 1.50 mol H2/mol hexoseadded was achieved at ±0.1 and ±1.5 °C, while it dropped to 1.27 and 0.98 mol H2/mol hexoseadded at ±3.0 and ±5.0 °C, respectively, with an increased lactate production. Then, the reactor with automatic agitation speed control was operated. The agitation speed was 10 rpm (for 22 h) under small temperature difference (<±1.5 °C), while it increased to 100 rpm (for 2 h) when the temperature difference between top and bottom of reactor became larger than ±1.5 °C. Such an operation strategy helped to save 28% of energy requirement for agitation while producing a similar amount of H2. This work contributes to facilitating the upscaling of the dark fermentation process, where appropriate agitation speed can be controlled based on the temperature difference inside the reactor.

Markus Kowalewski ◽  
Phillip Seeber

The installation of quantum chemistry software packages is commonly done manually and can be a time-consuming and complicated process. An update of the underlying Linux system requires a reinstallation in many cases and can quietly break software installed on the system. In this paper, we present an approach that allows for an easy installation of quantum chemistry software packages, which is also independent of operating system updates. The use of the Nix package manager allows building software in a reproducible manner, which allows for a reconstruction of the software for later reproduction of scientific results. The build recipes that are provided can be readily used by anyone to avoid complex installation procedures.

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