Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczo-Humanistycznego w Siedlcach. Seria: Administracja i Zarządzanie
Latest Publications





Published By Siedlce University Of Natural Sciences And Humanities


Sylwester Kozak ◽  
Seweryn Gajdek

Cryptocurrencies have become an important element of the global financial system and a frequent investment tool in the last decade. The aim of this paper is to compare the efficiency of investments in the cryptocurrency market with investments in global capital markets. The study used the quotations of the analyzed instruments in the years 2011-2020. The investment efficiency was estimated using Sharpe and Sortino ratios. Research has shown that investments in cryptocurrencies were the most effective. They brought, on average, the highest daily rates of return, but on the other hand, they were characterized by the highest risk. Such a result could have been significantly influenced by the widespread persistence of ultra-low interest rates and a decline in the attractiveness of debt securities. The best results were obtained for investments in bitcoin and ethereum, which have the largest share of cryptocurrency market capitalization.

Ola Bareja-Wawryszuk ◽  
Tomasz Pajewski

Direct selling is one of the most common local activities in the agri-food sector. Contemporary trends in the production and consumption of food indicate a duality of food systems, in which the concept of industrialization of the agri-food sector is simultaneously developing together with a concept of local food systems. In this article, it was noticed that the direct sale of agri-food products is in a line with the contemporary trends in the agri-food sector, and that it is important to analyze its spatial patterns. Taking into account the spatial concentration of direct selling entities, it has been proved that their distribution is random and does not show clustering patterns.

Anna M. Rak

The principal purpose of the study is to identify the individual risk factors of young people becoming the NEET generation on the Polish labour market. The first part of the paper comprises a literature-based overview of definitions of the NEET category based and a presentation of the risk factors of young people becoming NEET. The second part presents the results of empirical analyses conducted employing a questionnaire on a group of 120 individuals, aged 15 through 30, who met all criteria of the NEET definition set forth by the Employment Committee of the EU. The research demonstrates that among the major determinants of young people becoming NEET are financial hardship of their households, low motivation to continue formal education or change professional qualifications, and low level of job-seeking activity.

Monika Amramowska
Case Law ◽  

This article attempts to answer the question of whether abandoned property existed in Warsaw after the entry into force of the Decree on Warsaw Lands. Contemporary case law is consistent in the position that within the territory of the capital of Poland, after the entry into force of the Decree on Warsaw Lands, there was no abandoned property given the categorical wording of Article 1 of the Decree that on the date of entry into force, all Warsaw lands are transferred to the municipality of the Capital City of Warsaw. However, post-war doctrine is of the opinion that for the transfer of ownership it was necessary to enter the new owner in the land and mortgage register.

Artur Jacek Kożuch

Contemporary management concepts in public organisations emphasize the adaptation and implementation of selected management methods tested in commercial sector organisations. They are used to improve the processes of providing public services and to ensure savings, especially in terms of the level of costs. One such instrument is variable cost accounting, which, through the gross margin value, allows to assess both the ability of an organisation to provide specific services and to ensure the widest possible range of services, as well as to identify those who are responsible for the functioning of selected responsibility centres. The study attempts to present an algorithm of conduct ensuring the effective use of variable cost accounting in the process of improving the operation of public organisations.

Marek Nocoń ◽  
Magdalena Różycka

The aim of this article is to research the effectiveness of pro-social actions in the building of a brand image and if it really might be an effective determinant of marketing actions – which has an influence on consumer choices: chosen aspects of pro-social actions used in the strategies of NIVEA and Rossmann drugstores are explored here. In addition, analyzes of pro-social actions during pandemic was carried out. It is proved that companies which took a part in relief efforts during the crisis were appreciated by consumers; which helped when it came to creating brand value. The most important question seems to be not “Whether to invest in CSR?” but “How to invest?” This issue is sure to become the subject of numerous research projects and analyzes in the future.

Iwona Koza

Innovativeness is the subject of numerous studies in which researchers look for its conditions, causes and effects. The innovation process begins even before the commencement of scientific research in the enterprise, at the stage of creating an idea, and ends with the implementation of innovation and its dissemination. It is better to construct a wide range of indicators relating to the conditions or the determinants of functioning of innovative companies, including issues, such as, entrepreneurship, technological development and diversity. Particularly interesting can be a specification of these aspects in relation to Eastern Poland - a region with unfavorable conditions for business development because of insufficiently developed economic base, as well as underdevelopment of transport, economic and human resources infrastructure and local market.

Anna Owczarczyk ◽  
Joanna Lazurek

The term e-services refers to such services that are delivered over the Internet and their rendition is frequently automated and remote. Apart from the Internet, an e-service may also be provided by means of mobile devices or television. The wider and wider range of e-services is offered by institutions from the public administration sector, striving to anticipate their client's expectations (especially those of the younger generation) and using the ongoing digitisation process. This study aims at presenting the role and opinions of e-service in one of the social insurance institutions, i.e. Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) where numerous electronic tools have been implemented facilitating work and enabling clients to make contact, get information, send and receive documents. All these efforts are made so as to increase accessibility for prospective and current clients as well as to make the institution's operations more efficient. To achieve this, the following research methods were used: a critical analysis of the literature, an analysis of statistical data, an analysis of survey results (conducted by ZUS), and a survey questionnaire (own research).


Due to its specific nature, the provision of medical services is associated with considerable risk; and it is extremely important to diagnose and manage this same risk. Healthcare entities should be covered by appropriate instruments that reduce risk and support quality. In addition to legal regulations that must be met by entities providing such services, there are systemic solutions that are being implemented by more and more healthcare entities. The article analyses the risk that occurs in the management of a health care unit. In the first part of the article, the literature on the topic is reviewed, whereas what follows thereafter analyses risks in the management of a healthcare unit, including risk factors and risk allocation. The conclusion points to the risks which play the greatest role in the management of medical service providers; and enumerates some of the most important issues of risk management in medical entities.

Michał Krawczyk

Starting from April 2016, the Polish government introduced a new type of social benefit - the child-rearing benefit. Initially, it was granted to the second and subsequent children, and in the poorest families, to the first one. The Act of 26 April 2019 amending the Act on State Assistance in Upbringing Children as well as certain other acts extended, from 1 July 2019, the validity of the "Family 500 +" programme to every child under 18 years of age, regardless of the family income criterion. The study analyses the underlying assumption and aim of the reform, and also attempts to answer the question: to what extent has broadening of the Family 500+ programme brought the expected results?

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