Ampera: A Research Journal on Politics and Islamic Civilization
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Published By State Islamic University Of Raden Fatah Palembang


Muhamad Sepriansyah ◽  
Yazwardi Yazwardi ◽  
Yulion Zalpa

The election of legislative candidates is a legitimate link between the people and the government in a democratic society. Political strategy is a political force that will occupy a power in the future, the strategy used is to use battle to win wars and aims to achieve peace. The purpose of this study was to determine the strategy carried out by M. Anwar Al Syadat in the 2019 legislative elections in the Palembang II electoral district. This research is field research or "field research" which is carried out in the real world. The results of field research show that the strategy carried out by M. Anwar Al Syadat in the 2019 legislative election uses a political marketing strategy, namely first, showing a political product which contains the vision and mission and excellent work programs of M. Anwar Al Syadat and the winning team. to be shown to the community in the 9 Districts where the campaign is. Second, this promotion is carried out by means of direct dialogue with the community and through social media such as Facebook and Instagram. Third, determine the price during the campaign, both in the campaign funding process and in building the image price of the legislative candidates. Fourth, the place for the campaign, which at that time was not only focused on 1 sub-district, but all sub-districts in the electoral district of Palembang II.

Bela Fitria ◽  
Otoman Otoman

ABSTRACTThis paper examines Traditional Leadership in the Simbur Cahaya Law (Case Study: Pajar Bulan Village, Tanjung Batu District, Ogan Ilir Regency). The background of the research problem because leadership is an essential thing which actually needs to be studied in various fields of knowledge. This study seeks to portray the history and forms of traditional leadership that have been applied in Pajar Bulan Village and the relevance of the Simbur Cahaya Law with current leadership. This type of research uses a qualitative research type with various procedures and stages that produce descriptive data. The data sources obtained are primary data and secondary data. Methods of data collection are carried out through interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique used was data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The conceptual and theoretical framework that the writer uses, namely the concept of leadership and the theory of authority put forward by Max Weber. The results showed that the leadership that had been applied in Pajar Bulan Village before the current leadership was traditional leadership that was based on the Simbur Cahaya Law. The traditional leadership that has been applied in Pajar Bulan Village is known as krio leadership. In which the selection of a krio was held by means of deliberation and consensus held by community leaders in Pajar Bulan Village. Furthermore, after the election of a krio, it was immediately announced to all levels of society in Pajar Bulan Village and the community immediately agreed to it. In this regard, the traditional leadership system has no influence in the current government leadership in Pajar Bulan Village. Furthermore, the rules of the Simbur Cahaya Law that are still used and have become a tradition in Pajar Bulan Village are some of the rules contained in Chapter 1 (one) of the Simbur Cahaya Law which regulates single, girl and marriage. As for the Simbur Cahaya Law, it is not a legislative product as its name suggests. Which, if viewed in terms of the relevance of the Simbur Cahaya Law to the current leadership of the village head, is the local customary law (pearaturan) that has become a tradition or in other words the customary law regulations from the Simbur Cahaya Law are used as guidelines and pointers. Keywords: leadership, traditional, simbur cahaya law

Afip Afip ◽  
Endang Rochmiatun ◽  
Nico Oktario Adytyas

ABSTRACT This study aims, firstly to determine the interaction of ulama with the government and political figures and second to determine the form of ulama involvement in winning the Regional Legislative Council Candidates for Electoral District VI in Sukacinta Village, Sungai Rotan District, Muara Enim Regency.  This research uses a qualitative method where the results of observations and some data related to the research are collected in order to interpret the study as detailed as possible, so that the results of the research are clear that the relationship between ulama and politics is not always caused by economic motives, dependence, or so on.  More than that, both of them also stand as two entities that can form contributive and solution partners in practicing the humanist values ​​of Pancasila.  Especially the implementation of the fifth principle, namely social justice for all Indonesian people.  Therefore, it would not be wiser if scholars and politics were only seen tendentiously and excluded their potentialities which could significantly change the benefit of the people.   Keywords: Ulama, Government, Politician

Gentam Gemuruh ◽  
Kiki Mikail

Artikel ini berjudul POLITIK LOKAL DAN PATRONASE (Studi Kasus Keterlibatan Tuan Guru Kiai dalam Pemilihan Umum Serentak Tahun 2019 di Desa Aremantai Kecamatan Semende Darat Ulu Kabupaten Muara Enim). Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bahwa sejatinya eksistensi politik lokal yang membentuk patronase tidak selamanya menghambat laju perkembangan demokrasi modern. Kemudian peneltian ini juga membantah tuduhan terhadap lokalitas yang diklaim sebagai otoritas tradisional yang menghambat laju perkembangan demokrasi modern. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan pendekatan deskriptif studi kasus. Peneliti langsung terjuan ke lapangan dengan melakkan metode observasi dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil kajian, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa eksistensi kearifan lokal tidak sekedar menjadi aktivitas cipta karya manusia saja, melainkan juga menjadi sistem sosial yang solutif dalam menggandeng demokrasi pancasila yang berkeadilan. Lebih dari itu, kearifan lokal juga dimaknai sebagai buah mufakat yang mengkonstruk tatanan sistem nilai dan memeberikan bobot politis yang potensial. Nilai-nilai kearifan lokal ini menjadi alternatif untuk mengatasi problematika sosial yang bersifat normatif atau bahkan malampaui dari pada itu (konstitusional).

Raegen Harahap ◽  
Putri Citra Hati ◽  
Kgs Abdussalam

Media convergence is a concrete step carried out by various mass media in the world as a result of technological transformation and internetization. The presence of the internet encourages the mass media to apply the concept of media convergence such as online media, e-papers, e-books, streaming radio and social media combined with other media. The purpose of this study was to determine how the implementation of the strategy used by the Sumsel Tribune in the era of media convergence, as well as the challenges faced and innovations made by the Sumsel Tribune in dealing with media convergence. The type of research used in this research is qualitative using the SWOT theory and media convergence theory. The research results reveal (1), the Sumsel Tribune is in the quadrant I position, is getting stronger and has a lot of potential opportunities by implementing an aggressive work strategy, (2) the media convergence system uses the concept of convergence dimensions according to Rich Gordon. Keywords: Newspapers, Media, Convergence, Tribune Sumsel Konvergensi media merupakan langkap konkrit yang dilakukan oleh berbagai media massa di dunia akibat dari transformasi teknologi dan internetisasi. Kehadiran internet mendorong media massa menerapkan konsep konvergensi media seperti media online, e-paper, e-books, radio streaming dan media sosial yang digabungkan dengan media lainnya. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan strategi yang digunakan Tribun Sumsel di era konvergensi media, serta tantangan yang dihadapi, dan inovasi yang dilakukan Tribun Sumsel dalam menghadapi konvergensi media. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan teori SWOT dan teori konvergensi media. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan (1), Tribun Sumsel berada pada posisi kuadran I, semakin kuat dan memiliki posibilitas peluang yang banyak dengan menerapkan strategi kerja agresif, (2) sistem konvergensi media menggunakan konsep dimensi konvergensi menurut Rich Gordon. Kata Kunci: Surat Kabar, Media, Konvergensi, Tribun Sumsel  

Yel Parta Sari ◽  
Masyhur Masyhur ◽  
Muhammad Sirajudin Fikri

Abstract Regional head elections cannot be separated from the political dynamics that occur in the village. In various regions, the use of identity politics is rampant as campaign material. Therefore, Bawaslu is collaborating with religious leaders to make several movements against the politicization of religion and the issue of identity politics in the 2018 Pilkada campaign. Because the explanation of religious leaders will be very important to cool the warm atmosphere of the 2018 Pilkada campaign. The same is the case with the regional head elections in Betung Village. namely by prioritizing a religious figure as someone who can provide a broad understanding of the 2018 Banyuasin Pilkada.  This research was conducted using qualitative data types. The data source is done by using primary data obtained from field studies and secondary data obtained from literature studies which are then processed and analyzed qualitatively in order to obtain conclusions. Based on the results of research and data analysis, it can be concluded that religious leaders have a very important role in regional head elections in Betung Village. Keywords: religious leaders, regional heads

Muhammad Yoga Anugrah ◽  
Muhammad Syawaludin

Penelitian ini membahas peranana etnis Tionghoa yang berada di kota Palembang dalam pemilihan walikota dan wakil wlikota tahun 2018 yang tergabung dalam organisasi PITI (Persatuan Islam Tionghoa Indonesia). Orgsnisasi PITI tidak seperti organisasi  lainya yang menyatakan dukungan secara langsung dan terbuka dalam mendukung salah satu pasangan colon. Dapat dikatakan bahwa organisai PITI yang berada di kota Palembang namapaknya kurang teralu membuka terhadap kegiatan politik atau tergolong tertutup. Karena dari segi jumlah PITI tidak memiliki banyak anggota seperti organisasi masyarakat lainya.   Adapun rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini, yaitu: Pertama, Bagaimana partisipasi politik etnis Tionghoa dalam pemilihan walikota dan wakil walikota Palembang tahun 2018. Kedua, Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi etnis Tionghoa dalam pemilihan walikota dan wakil walikota Palembang tahun 2018.   Metode dalam penelitian ini termasuk metode kualitatif deskriftif dan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara langsung dengan narasumber sebagai sumber primer. Selain itu, sebagai sumber sekunder informasi diperoleh melalui buku, jural, dan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah terdahulu. Adapun wawancara dilakukan dengan wakil ketua umum, bendahara, dan anggota PITI kota Palembang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa paartisipasi politik oraganisasi PITI dalam pemilihan walikota dan wakil walikota Palembang tahun 2018 bersikap netral terhadap pilihan politiknya. Namun, netral yang dimaksud ialah secara organisasi PITI tidak mengajak anggotanya memilih salah satu kandidat calon dari keempat pasangan calon, akan tetapi anggota bebas untuk menentukan pilihannya dan mempengaruhi teman-temannya asalkan tidak dalam kegiatan resmi organisasi PITI. Selanjutnya adapun faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi politik PITI ialah kurang terbukanya terhadap pasangan calon ataupun tim sukses calon, sehingga PITI dapat dikatakan masih bersika malu-malu bahkan cendrung tertutup dalam kegiatan pemilihan tersebut.

Dede Purwira

Kheji dan centeng adalah kedua tokoh elit lokal yang berada di Desa Terusan Kecamatan Sanga Desa yang memiliki pengaruh yang besar di desa Terusan sehingga kedua tokoh ini menjadi acuan tokoh politik dalam meningkatkan elektabilitasnya. Kheji adalah sosok yang dikenal sebagai salah satu tokoh agama yang terpandang karena keperibadian dan sifat sopan santun yang diterapkan dalam kesehari-hariannya. Sedangkan centeng adalah tokoh yang di segani masyarakat karena sifat arogan dan memiliki kekuatan fisik seperti kekebalan dan ilmu lainnya.Berdasarkan uraian diatas permasalahan pokok dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana dengan perebutan pengaruh antara kheji dan centeng dalam meningkatkan elektabilitas dari suatu calon kades di Desa Terusan Kecamatan Sanga Desa Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin             Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan bagaimana kedua tokoh ini bisa menjadi orang yang berpengaruh di Desa Terusan Kecamatan Sanga Desa Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin. Kegunaan penelitian ini diharapkan nantinya agar dapat memberikan pengetahuan bagi masyarakat desa Terusan bagaimana pengaruh yang di berikan oleh kedua tokoh elit lokal ini. Berdasarkan penelitian yang peneliti lakukan di Desa Terusan dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa kedua tokoh ini memiliki pengaruh dan posisi yang startegis di desa Terusan sehingga kedua tokoh ini mampu merubah perilaku dan pilihan orang lain dengan pengaruh yang dimiliki

Agung Pratama Putra ◽  
Norhuda Norhuda ◽  
Nico Oktario Adytyas

This research is entitled "INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF ISLAMIC POLITICAL PARTIES IN PALEMBANG CITY: A Case Study of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and the United Development Party (PPP)". This research explains that the institutionalization of Islamic political parties in Palembang City can affect the results of the legislative elections and the existence of voters, which at the time of the 2019 legislative elections in Palembang City, the votes and seats of Islamic political parties experienced very significant changes in terms of the number of votes. and legislative seats. Islamic political parties that experienced an increase in the number of votes and legislative seats, namely the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) when the 2014 legislative general election received three seats but in the 2019 legislative general election it got five seats, while the Islamic political parties which experienced a decrease in the number of votes and legislative seats, namely the Party The Development Association (PPP) when the 2014 legislative election won two seats, but in the 2019 legislative general election, it only got one seat. The reason the author chose the title Institutionalization of Islamic Political Parties in Palembang City is due to the extent to which Islamic parties have or have not been institutionalized, this research on the institutionalization of political parties uses the theory of Vicky Randall and Lars Svasand political parties are considered institutionalized if there are four degrees of institutionalization such as Degree of System, Degree of Value Identity , Degree of Decision Autonomy and Degree of Public Knowledge. Based on the theory used, the results of this study, among others, prove that PKS can be said to have been institutionalized and PPP has not been institutionalized based on the four degrees of political party institutionalization theory concept according to Vicky Randall and Lars Svasand. So that it can be directly proven by the results of research findings where the institutionalization of PKS and PPP parties has similarities and differences between the two Islamic political parties in absorbing the people's aspirations and fighting for the interests of Muslims in Palembang City.

Muhammad Zuhdi

Seeing from the phenomenon of legislative candidates who use various political campaign strategy methods used in competing in the legislative general election is very important, so in this study the author examines the problem of winning strategies that have been carried out by the incumbent legislative candidate from the PAN Party named Kiagus Ishak. Yasin and H. RM. Syafruddin, SE, .MM from the PPP Party as a new legislative candidate running where the two legislative candidates are both local male legislative candidates who come from Palembang aristocratic descent in winning the 2019 legislative elections in Palembang City what caused the success and the failure of the two legislative candidates. This study aims to determine the winning strategy used by the two candidates in their election area. Based on the theory used. The defensive strategy is used when the legislative candidates want to retain the majority or if the vote is achieved, they want to be preserved. This strategy was developed by legislative candidates as a way to maintain votes from the support surrounding the local community. The offensive political strategy is a political campaign strategy used to influence voters, what must be sold or displayed is the difference to the prevailing conditions at that time and the benefits that can be expected from it so that new voter groups can be formed in addition to existing voters. The results of the research conducted by the researchers, among others, were able to find that although both of them both bear the title of clan from the native area of ​​Palembang City, several factors were also found that led to the effectiveness of the strategies used by the two local male legislative candidates above, both Incumbent and incumbent candidates, namely Kiagus Ishak Yasin and a local legislative candidate, a local newcomer, H. RM. Syafruddin, SE, .MM so that it had a direct impact on the legislative candidates who won, namely Kgs Ishak Yasin from the PAN Party and there were also legislative candidates who failed to be elected or lost to H. RM. Syafruddin, SE, .MM from the PPP Party.

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