thermal treatment methods

Yuyue Zhong ◽  
Xu Li ◽  
Tianru Lan ◽  
Yibo Li ◽  
Linsan Liu ◽  

AbstractBecause of its biodegradable trait, starch has been widely used as the raw material for packaging. Effects of different thermal treatment methods (high temperature-high pressure heating (HH), microwave heating (MH) and alkali heating (AH) with and without glycerol on physical properties of high amylose maize starch films (HASFs) were investigated in this study. HASFs under HH had highest elongation at break (E%), and lowest tensile strength (TS), modulus of elasticity (EM) and opacity (OC). HASFs under MH had highest TS, water holding capacity (WHC) and OC, and lowest thickness (TN), E%, solubility in water (SW) and solubility in oil (SO), while HASFs under AH had highest TN, EM, SW and SO, and lowest WHC. Compared with water, plasticized HASFs with glycerol had higher TN,E%, WHC, SW and OC, and lower TS, EM and SO. XRD results revealed the V-type polymorph and the difference in intensity of diffraction peaks of HASFs under three methods. This study would be helpful to design and prepare HASFs.

Miorița Ungureanu ◽  
Anamaria Dăscălescu ◽  
Jozsef Juhasz ◽  

The paper presents the objectives of the project "Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste by Thermal Conversion Technologies in Cross-border Region " funded by Hungary - Slovakia - Romania - Ukraine ENI CBC Programme 2014-2020. Through collaboration of the three researchers groups from Romania, Ukraine and Slovakia will be elaborate technical proposals for the thermal treatment methods of MSW and strategies of MSW thermal treatment for the all 3 regions (Maramures, Ivano-Frankivsk, Prešovský).

S Q Mei ◽  
A M Guryev ◽  
S G Ivanov ◽  
B D Lygdenov ◽  
B S Tsydypov ◽  

RSC Advances ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (48) ◽  
pp. 42627-42632 ◽  
Zhao-Jun Mo ◽  
Zhi-Hong Hao ◽  
Qing Yang ◽  
Li Zhao ◽  
Jian-Ping Xu ◽  

Large quantities of aluminum borate (Al4B2O9) nanowhiskers have been successfully synthesized by sol–gel and post-thermal-treatment methods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-42
István Rozsos ◽  
Gergely Vadász ◽  
Melinda Gadácsi

Összefoglaló. Célkitűzés: A már több mint egy évtizede alkalmazott lézeres aranyérműtét technikai tapasztalatai alapján kidolgozott mikrohullámú termo-koagulációs műtét bevezetésének korai eredményeinek bemutatása. Közleményünkben a lézeres és microwave elven működő eszközökkel végzett aranyérműtéti eredményeinket mutatjuk be. Betegek és módszerek: A 26 lézerszállal és a 14 mikrohullámú merev antennával végzett műtét összehasonlítását végeztük el. Eredmények: Mindkét csoportban az átlagos panaszmentesség 2 hét alatt alakult ki, a két módszer között jelentős különbséget nem találtunk. Megbeszélés: Az új műtéti eljárásokat kereső világunkban az általunk most kipróbált lehetőség lehetővé teszi a gyors és teljes gyógyulást adó kezelést. A termo elven működő rendszerek kevesebb fizikai roncsolással érik el a kívánt hatást. A microwave technika a lézeres beavatkozások biztonsági előírásainak szükségessége és körülményessége nélkül alkalmazható. Summary. Abstract: In addition to the traditional surgical options for hemorrhoid disease, newer treatment methods are evolving along the principle of reducing the burden on patients and providing similar or better healing. Thermo-based systems achieve the desired effect with less physical destruction. In this paper, we discuss the results of hemorrhoid surgery performed with laser and microwave devices. Patients and methods: We compare the results of 26 operations done with laser fibers and 14 operations using microwave rigid antennas. Results: In both groups, the average complaint-free period developed within 2 weeks, no significant difference was found between the two methods. Discussion: As we are always looking for new methods and surgical solutions, an option we are testing now indicates that thermal treatment can provide a quick and complete cure without the need for complicated safety requirements of laser interventions.

2011 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-21 ◽  
Yeail Joo ◽  
Heesung Kang ◽  
Eung Ho Choi ◽  
J. Stuart Nelson ◽  
Byungjo Jung

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