A new minimax theorem and a perturbed James's theorem
2002 ◽
Vol 66
pp. 43-56
The main result of this paper is a sufficient condition for the minimax relation to hold for the canonical bilinear form on X × Y, where X is a nonempty convex subset of a real locally convex space and Y is a nonempty convex subset of its dual. Using the known “converse minimax theorem”, this result leads easily to a nonlinear generalisation of James's (“sup”) theorem. We give a brief discussion of the connections with the “sup-limsup theorem” and, in the appendix to the paper, we give a simple, direct proof (using Goldstine's theorem) of the converse minimax theorem referred to above, valid for the special case of a normed space.
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pp. 659-661
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pp. 473-483
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pp. 25-30
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pp. 545-548