Intertidal meiofauna communities along an estuarine gradient in a protected area (Ria de Foz, north-west Spain)

M. Rubal ◽  
C. Besteiro ◽  
P. Veiga

The northern Galician rias provide important economic and social services from fisheries, shellfish harvesting and recreational activities. Consequently, these rias have been included in the Nature 2000 Network as a Special Conservation Zone. The aims of this study were to describe the meiofauna spatial structure in terms of diversity and abundance of major taxa, as well as its relationship with the environmental characteristics in the Ria de Foz nature reserve. For this aim, environmental gradients and distribution patterns of intertidal meiobenthic communities at the Ria de Foz nature reserve were studied using multivariate methods. Ria de Foz showed to be a complex transitional habitat with significant changes in its environment along the estuarine gradient. An abundant and rich meiofauna community was reported at Ria de Foz. A total of 21 higher taxa of meiofauna were found. The most common taxa were nematodes, copepods, ostracods and turbellarians. Three clear different meiobenthic communities were defined. These three communities showed a clear spatial distribution pattern along the estuarine gradient. Moreover, a high degree of similarity between distribution patterns of meiobenthic communities and previously studied macrobenthic communities was found. Regarding the role of environmental factors shaping meiobenthic community distribution patterns distance to the river mouth was the environmental variable that best explained meiobenthic community structure and distribution. Therefore, changes on hydrodynamics that affect environmental factors related to the estuarine gradient will change the distribution pattern and diversity of benthic communities. This work provides the first information about meiobenthos diversity and structure in the Ria de Foz nature reserve and should be useful for future management and conservation plans on this and other similar protected areas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Ratna Juliarti Wulandari ◽  
Muhammad Sumaryono ◽  
Ali Suhardiman

Teluk Adang Nature Reserve (NR) is one of the Nepenthes habitats in East Kalimantan. One of the four Nepenthes species that can be found in this nature reserve is Nepenthes reinwardtiana or by local people known as anjat datu. The objectives of this study are to determine the population of N. reinwardtiana in Teluk Adang NR by calculating its density and frequency, and  to know its distribution pattern using Morisita index and spatial analysis approach in the form of Nearest Neighbor Analysis and Multi-Distance Spatial Cluster Analysis (Ripley's K Function). To know its distribution pattern, a census method by creating 5m x 5m plot along the observation track was done. The results showed that there were 2,943 individuals of N. reinwardtiana in Teluk Adang NR. Standardized Morisita Dispersion Index was 0.51, 0.55, and 0.51 in Tajur Village, Pasir Mayang Village, and Janju Village, respectively. The spatial distribution of N. reinwardtiana was clustered. Research on the distribution of N. reinwardtiana and its habitat needs to be carried out continuously so that its population in the Teluk Adang NR can be monitored.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Andi Nur Samsi ◽  
Sharifuddin Bin Andy Omar ◽  
Andi Niartiningsih

Mangrove ecosystem is a habitat of Molluscs (Gastropoda and Bivalvia). This ecosystem is always influenced by environmental factors. This study aims to determine the influence of environmental factors on the distribution patterns Molluscs of natural mangrove ecosystems in Pannikiang Island, Barru Regency and rehabilitation mangrove ecosystem in Tongke-tongke village, Sinjai regency. This research uses the quantitative method. Environmental factors measured were temperature and salinity of the water, as well as carbon and nitrogen content of sediment. Samples of Molluscs (Gastropoda and Bivalves) and sediments were taken randomly. The observations of the Molluscan community include the composition of Mollusc species (Gastropoda and Bivalvia) and dispersal patterns. Data were analyzed by using multiple linear regression. The results showed that the distribution pattern of Molluscs (Gastropoda and Bivalvia) at both sites was not significantly different and the temperature, salinity, carbon, and nitrogen sediments also did not affect the Mollusk distribution pattern in both sites. Ekosistem mangrove merupakan habitat Moluska (Gastropoda dan Bivalvia). Ekosistem ini selalu dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor lingkungan terhadap pola distribusi  pada ekosistem mangrove alami di Pulau Pannikiang, Kabupaten Barru dan ekosistem mangrove hasil rehabilitasi di Desa Tongke-tongke, Kabupaten Sinjai. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Faktor lingkungan yang diukur adalah suhu dan  salinita air, serta kandungan karbon dan nitrogen sedimen. Sampel Moluska (Gastropoda dan Bivalvia) dan sedimen diambil secara acak. Pengamatan komunitas Moluska meliputi komposisi jenis Moluska (Gastropoda dan Bivalvia) dan pola penyebaran. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pola distribusi Moluska (Gastropoda dan Bivalvia) pada kedua lokasi tidak berbeda nyata dan suhu, salinitas, karbon, dan nitrogen sedimen juga tidak mempengaruhi pola distribusi Moluska di kedua lokasi penelitian.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (10) ◽  
pp. e0257493
Mevish Mumshad ◽  
Israr Ahmad ◽  
Shujaul Mulk Khan ◽  
Abdullah ◽  
Khadija Rehman ◽  

Plant species represent the hierarchical expression of vegetation as it is affected by various environmental gradients. We explored the plant species composition, distribution pattern, communities formation and their respective indicators under the influence of various environmental factors in the Dhirkot region, Azad Jammu and Kashmir. It was hypothesized that different environmental factors were responsible for the formation of various plant communities each with a distinct indicator. Quantitative ecological techniques were used for the sampling of vegetation. A total of 114 quadrats were established in 13 selected sampling sites. Phytosociological attributes were calculated for each plant species at each quadrat. Soil samples were collected and analyzed using different standard protocols. All the collected data were analyzed using Cluster Analysis, Indicator Species Analysis and Canonical Correspondence Analysis of PCORD and CANOCO software, respectively. A total of 145 plant species were recorded belong to 62 different families. Asteraceae and Lamiaceae were the dominant families, represented by 12 species each (8.27%). Cluster Analysis classify all the stations and plants into four major plant communities as 1) Olea-Desmodium-Prunilla community. 2) Abies-Zanthoxylum-Pteracanthus community 3) Cedrus-Elaeagnus-Hypericum community 4) Alnus-Myrsine–Ranunculus community. Soil pH, electrical conductivity, soil saturation, organic matter and altitude were the significant environmental factors that play its essential role in the plant species distribution, composition, formation of major plant communities and their respective indicators in the region. It is recommended that the identified indicator and rare plant species of the investigated area can further be grown for conservation and management purposes in in-situ environment.

Trevor A. Norton

SynopsisMaps are shown to be the most striking way of displaying the distribution of marine species on a geographical scale. They have been used to indicate not only the presence or absence of a species, but also its abundance. A single map only records the distribution pattern at a particular moment in time, but repeated mapping clearly demonstrates temporal fluctuations. Many ecological insights have been derived from distribution maps especially when they are compared with records of environmental factors such as substratum type, current velocity or temperature. Moreover maps actually stimulate experimental work which seeks to explain the distribution patterns displayed.

Pengcheng Ye ◽  
Guangfu Zhang ◽  
Xiao Zhao ◽  
Hui Chen ◽  
Qin Si ◽  

In recent decades, due to the effect of climate change and the interference of human activities, the species habitat index fallen 2%. Studying the geographical distribution pattern and predicting the potential geographical distribution of species are of great significance for developing scientific and effective biodiversity conservation strategies. The purpose of this research is to predict the potential geographical distribution of 25 rare and endangered plant species in Northwest Yunnan, China on the grid map with a resolution of 0.05° × 0.05° and analyze the explanation capabilities of various environmental factors on the potential geographical distribution patterns of these species, and explore the main restrictive environmental factors. Initially, we employed the ecological niche model MaxEnt to predict the potential geographical distribution of target species. Following that, we overlaid the potential geographical distribution of each species, and we obtained the potential geographical distribution pattern of species richness on the spatial scale of the ecological niche model with a resolution of 0.05° × 0.05°. Ultimately, we also adopted geographically weighted regression (GWR) model to investigate the explanation capabilities of various environmental parameters on the potential distribution patterns. The results showed that the average AUC value of each species was between 0.80 and 1.00, which indicated that the simulation precision of the MaxEnt model for each species was good or excellent. Besides, the potential distribution areas of these species were between 826.33 km2 and 44,963.53 km2. In addition, the average contribution values of the annual precipitation (Bio12), precipitation of coldest quarter (Bio19) and population density (Pop) were 25.92%, 15.86% and 17.95%, respectively. Moreover, the goodness of fit R2 and AIC value of the water model were 0.88 and 7,703.82, respectively, which indicated the water factor largely influenced the potential distribution of these species. The results of this study would be helpful for implementing long-term conservation and reintroduction for these species.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 107-117
Manap Trianto ◽  
Fajri Marisa

Collembola is one of soil organism which classified as mesofauna. This reseach is aims to study the abundance and distribution patterns of Collembola on three types of land utilization in Banjar District, South Kalimantan Province. This research was conducted on April 2020 by using a purposive sampling method. Based on results of Collembola identification obtained at the sampling location, there are 12 genera, 6 families, and 2 orders of Collembola. The highest abundance is found in oil palm plantations. While the Collembola distribution pattern on the three types of land clearing is the same, which is clustering. The results of this study are expected to provide information on the study of abundance and distribution patterns of Collembola in South Kalimantan Province related to environmental factors also help in carrying out sustainable ecosystem development.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 336-346
Dhamon Oridilla B

Candi Village in Bandungan District is one of the Chili Supply Sub-district for Semarang Regency and surrounding area has agro-climate suitable for the development of various agricultural commodities supported by wide market opportunity, so it is suitable for agricultural business development. The purpose of this research is to identify the distribution pattern of red pepper, to know each value of commodity chains and distribution, to design alternative distribution pattern of red pepper.Population in this research is 88 respondents from 735 of member of chilli farmer in Desa Candi with total area of 150,3 hectare consisting of rice field, moor and yard. Methods of data analyst using quantitative approach is done by using Margin Marketing Analysis. The results include: (1) The pattern of distribution of existing farming business grows naturally in accordance with the developments and needs of the perpetrators, the actors in this pattern are farmers, wholesalers, collectors, wholesalers, retailers, consumers. (2) The value of the red chili commodity chain in this naturally grown pattern often makes pricing more dominant by traders, so farmers receive prices slightly lower than market prices. (3) Some obstacles faced in distributing red peppers are the difficulty of changing the mindset of the community about advanced farming, this is best utilized by market participants (chain of distribution) who are more informed and always keep abreast of market dynamics. Conventional marketing pattern by farmer cause price level accepted by farmer in general relatively smaller compared to price received by trader. Suggestions shorten the chain of distribution patterns, increase the added value of products and improve the bargaining position of farmers and for the government always guide / accompany farmers in getting accurate market information, which can be used as farmers in bargaining, Increased market transparency can act as a trigger for the functioning of a market, improved competition and increased adaptation to meet the needs of supply and opportunity to compete with market prices. Desa Candi di Kabupaten Bandungan adalah salah satu Kecamatan Penyedia Cabai untuk Kabupaten Semarang dan sekitarnya memiliki agroklimat yang cocok untuk pengembangan berbagai komoditas pertanian yang didukung oleh peluang pasar yang luas, sehingga sangat cocok untuk pengembangan bisnis pertanian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pola distribusi cabai merah, untuk mengetahui masing-masing nilai rantai komoditas dan distribusi, untuk merancang alternatif pola distribusi cabai merah. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 88 responden dari 735 anggota petani cabai di Desa Candi dengan total luas 150,3 hektar yang terdiri dari sawah, tegalan dan pekarangan. Metode analis data menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan Analisis Pemasaran Margin. Hasil meliputi: (1) Pola distribusi usaha pertanian yang ada tumbuh secara alami sesuai dengan perkembangan dan kebutuhan pelaku, pelaku dalam pola ini adalah petani, pedagang besar, pengumpul, pedagang besar, pedagang besar, pengecer, konsumen. (2) Nilai rantai komoditas cabai merah dalam pola yang dikembangkan secara alami ini sering membuat penetapan harga lebih dominan oleh para pedagang, sehingga petani menerima harga yang sedikit lebih rendah daripada harga pasar. (3) Beberapa kendala yang dihadapi dalam mendistribusikan paprika merah adalah sulitnya mengubah pola pikir masyarakat tentang pertanian maju, hal ini paling baik digunakan oleh pelaku pasar (rantai distribusi) yang lebih banyak informasi dan selalu mengikuti perkembangan dinamika pasar. Pola pemasaran konvensional oleh petani menyebabkan tingkat harga yang diterima petani pada umumnya relatif lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan harga yang diterima pedagang. Saran mempersingkat rantai pola distribusi, meningkatkan nilai tambah produk dan meningkatkan posisi tawar petani dan bagi pemerintah selalu membimbing / menemani petani dalam mendapatkan informasi pasar yang akurat, yang dapat digunakan sebagai petani dalam tawar-menawar, Peningkatan transparansi pasar dapat bertindak sebagai pemicu berfungsinya pasar, meningkatnya kompetisi dan peningkatan adaptasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasokan dan peluang untuk bersaing dengan harga pasar.

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