The Role of Attention in Motion Extrapolation: Are Moving Objects ‘Corrected’ or Flashed Objects Attentionally Delayed?
Objects flashed in alignment with moving objects appear to lag behind [Nijhawan, 1994 Nature (London) 370 256–257], Could this ‘flash-lag’ effect be due to attentional delays in bringing flashed items to perceptual awareness [Titchener, 1908/1973 Lectures on the Elementary Psychology of Feeling and Attention first published 1908 (New York: Macmillan); reprinted 1973 (New York: Arno Press)]? We overtly manipulated attentional allocation in three experiments to address the following questions: Is the flash-lag effect affected when attention is (a) focused on a single event in the presence of multiple events, (b) distributed over multiple events, and (c) diverted from the flashed object? To address the first two questions, five rings, moving along a circular path, were presented while observers attentively tracked one or multiple rings under four conditions: the ring in which the disk was flashed was (i) known or (ii) unknown (randomly selected from the set of five); location of the flashed disk was (i) known or (ii) unknown (randomly selected from ten locations), The third question was investigated by using two moving objects in a cost – benefit cueing paradigm, An arrow cued, with 70% or 80% validity, the position of the flashed object, Observers performed two tasks: (a) reacted as quickly as possible to flash onset; (b) reported the flash-lag effect, We obtained a significant and unaltered flash-lag effect under all the attentional conditions we employed, Furthermore, though reaction times were significantly shorter for validly cued flashes, the flash-lag effect remained uninfluenced by cue validity, indicating that quicker responses to validly cued locations may be due to the shortening of post-perceptual delays in motor responses rather than the perceptual facilitation, We conclude that the computations that give rise to the flash-lag effect are independent of attentional deployment.