scholarly journals Diffraction of electromagnetic waves in the gravitational field of the Sun

2017 ◽  
Vol 96 (2) ◽  
Slava G. Turyshev ◽  
Viktor T. Toth
2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 271-275
Michael J. Curran

Based on well-established equations, we provide evidence of an electrical connection between the gravitational field and light. Each is modeled using the inductance‐capacitance ( <mml:math display="inline"> <mml:mrow> <mml:mi>L</mml:mi> <mml:mi>C</mml:mi> </mml:mrow> </mml:math> ) circuit as the building block. A proposed direct photon force (not a pressure and not by means of a force carrier), the relationship between the speed of light and gravity, the frequency and wavelength of gravitational waves, gravitational redshift, the trajectory of planets around the sun, and equations of plane electromagnetic waves may all be expressed with the assistance of an ideal (no resistance) <mml:math display="inline"> <mml:mrow> <mml:mi>L</mml:mi> <mml:mi>C</mml:mi> </mml:mrow> </mml:math> circuit model of light. Each begins with the Planck‐Einstein relationship. Each suggests that gravity and electromagnetism interact directly through fluctuating electrical and magnetic fields from both sources. With this perspective Einstein's concept of the warping of spacetime may not be needed to explain gravitation.

1997 ◽  
Vol 161 ◽  
pp. 761-776 ◽  
Claudio Maccone

AbstractSETI from space is currently envisaged in three ways: i) by large space antennas orbiting the Earth that could be used for both VLBI and SETI (VSOP and RadioAstron missions), ii) by a radiotelescope inside the Saha far side Moon crater and an Earth-link antenna on the Mare Smythii near side plain. Such SETIMOON mission would require no astronaut work since a Tether, deployed in Moon orbit until the two antennas landed softly, would also be the cable connecting them. Alternatively, a data relay satellite orbiting the Earth-Moon Lagrangian pointL2would avoid the Earthlink antenna, iii) by a large space antenna put at the foci of the Sun gravitational lens: 1) for electromagnetic waves, the minimal focal distance is 550 Astronomical Units (AU) or 14 times beyond Pluto. One could use the huge radio magnifications of sources aligned to the Sun and spacecraft; 2) for gravitational waves and neutrinos, the focus lies between 22.45 and 29.59 AU (Uranus and Neptune orbits), with a flight time of less than 30 years. Two new space missions, of SETI interest if ET’s use neutrinos for communications, are proposed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (4) ◽  
pp. 61-64
Vasil Сhaban ◽  

Based on the proposed differential equations of the interaction of the electric signal with the gravitational field, the observed phenomena are known as the gravitational lens and the Shapiro effect are investigated. The deflection of a light ray in the field of the Sun is simulated. It is shown that a moving photon undergoes in the gravitational field not only a transverse action, which causes a curvature of the trajectory but also a longitudinal one, implementing the acceleration-braking processes. As a result, the instability of the speed of light in a vacuum was revealed.

Weyl has shown that any gravitational wave of small amplitude may be regarded as the result of the superposition of waves of three types, viz.: (i) longitudinal-longitudinal; (ii) longitudinal-transverse; (iii) transverse-transverse. Eddington carried the matter much further by showing that waves of the first two types are spurious; they are “merely sinuosities in the co­ordinate system,” and they disappear on the adoption of an appropriate co-ordinate system. The only physically significant waves are transverse-transverse waves, and these are propagated with the velocity of light. He further considers electromagnetic waves and identifies light with a particular type of transverse-transverse wave. There is, however, a difficulty about the solution as left by Eddington. In its gravitational aspect light is not periodic. The gravitational potentials contain, in addition to periodic terms, an aperiodic term which increases without limit and which seems to indicate that light cannot be propagated indefinitely either in space or time. This is, of course, explained by noting that the propagation of light implies a transfer of energy, and that the consequent change in the distribution of energy will be reflected in a cumulative change in the gravitational field. But, if light cannot be propagated indefinitely, the fact itself is important, whatever be its explana­tion, for the propagation of light over very great distances is one of the primary facts which the relativity theory or any like theory must meet. In endeavouring to throw further light on this question, it seemed desirable to avoid the assumption that the amplitudes of the waves are small; terms neglected on this ground might well have a cumulative effect. All the solu­tions discussed in this paper are exact.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Alina-Daniela Vîlcu

Using a differential geometric treatment, we analytically derived the expression for De Sitter (geodesic) precession in the elliptical motion of the Earth through the gravitational field of the Sun with Schwarzschild's metric. The expression obtained in this paper in a simple way, using a classical approach, agrees with that given in B. M. Barker and R. F. O'Connell (1970, 1975) in a different setting, using the tools of Newtonian mechanics and the Euler-Lagrange equations.

1957 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 356-357 ◽  
A. Schlüter

The shift of the emitted frequencies towards lower frequencies during a solar outburst is usually interpreted as due to a progressive rarefaction of the emitting gas. If one assumes that the emitted frequency is identical with the plasma frequency and furthermore that the density of the emitting plasma is similar to the density of the solar corona at the location of the radiating material, then it follows that this material is subject to an acceleration throughout the solar corona which compensates or exceeds the effect of the gravitational field of the sun.

It is a consequence of general relativity that all electromagnetic and optical phenomena are influenced by a gravitational field. Indeed, the first prediction of relativity-theory, namely, the bending of light-rays when they pass near a massive body such as the sun, was a p articular application of this principle. Evidently, therefore, the classical electromagnetic theory must be rewritten in order to take account of the interaction between electromagnetism and gravitation; but beyond laying down general principles, comparatively little progress has been made hitherto in this task, the mathematical difficulties of solving definite electrical problems in a gravitational field being somewhat formidable. The subject is, however, of some interest to atomic physics; for if we assume that the atom has a massive nucleus with electrons in its immediate neighbourhood, the behaviour of such electrons (especially with regard to radiation) will be affected by the gravitational field of the nucleus. In the present paper two kinds of gravitational field are considered, namely, the field due to a single attracting centre ( i, e ., the field whose metric was discovered by Schwarzschild) and a limiting form of it. Within these gravita­tional fields we suppose electromagnetic fields to exist. Strictly speaking, the electromagnetic field has itself a gravitational effect, i.e. , it changes the metric everywhere; but this effect is in general; small, and we shall treat the ideal case in which it is ignored, so we shall suppose the metric to be simply that of the gravitational field originally postulated. The general equations of the electro­magnetic field are obtained, and particular solutions are found, which are the analogues of well-known particular solutions in the classical electromagnetic theory; notably the fields due to electrons at rest, electrostatic fields in general, and spherical electromagnetic waves. The results of the investigation are for the most part expressible only in terms of Bessel functions and certain new functions which are introduced; but in some interesting cases the electro­magnetic phenomena can be represented in term s of elementary functions, as, for instance, the electric field due to an electron in a quasi-uniform gravitational field (equations (15) and (19) below) and the spherical electromagnetic waves of short wave-length about a gravitating centre (equation (43) below).

2001 ◽  
Vol 10 (01) ◽  
pp. 41-48 ◽  

By exploring the relationship between the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a gravitational field and the light propagation in a refractive medium, it is shown that, in the presence of a positive cosmological constant, the velocity of light will be smaller than its special relativity value. Then, restricting again to the domain of validity of geometrical optics, the same result is obtained in the context of wave optics. It is argued that this phenomenon and the anisotropy in the velocity of light in a gravitational field are produced by the same mechanism.

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