Nonlinear Vibration Prediction of a Highly Flexible Rotor Supported by an Axial Groove Journal Bearing Considering Journal Angular Whirling Motion

2020 ◽  
Vol 142 (4) ◽  
Nuntaphong Koondilogpiboon ◽  
Tsuyoshi Inoue

Abstract The difference in dynamic behavior of the rotor-bearing system supported by the bearing model that considers both lateral and angular whirling motions of the journal (model A), and the model that considers only lateral whirling motion (model B) is investigated. The rotor model consists of a slender shaft, a large disk, and two small disks supported by a self-aligning rolling element bearing (REB) and an axial groove journal bearing (JB) of length-to-diameter ratio (L/D) = 0.6. Three positions of the large disk: 410, 560, and 650 mm measured from the REB, are investigated. Numerical integration of the rotor-bearing system which is modally reduced to the first forward (FWD) mode is performed at above the onset speed of instability until either a steady-state journal orbit or contact between the journal and the bearing occurs to identify the bifurcation type. Numerical results using model A indicate subcritical bifurcation with the contact between the journal and the inboard (IB) side of the bearing in all three large disk positions, whereas those of model B indicate subcritical bifurcation when the large disk position is at 410 mm, and supercritical bifurcation is observed in the other two cases. Finally, the experiments at the same three large disk positions are performed. Subcritical bifurcation with the contact between the journal and the IB side of the bearing is observed in all large disk positions, which conforms with the calculation result of model A. Hence, model A is essential in nonlinear vibration analysis of a highly flexible rotor system.

Nuntaphong Koondilogpiboon ◽  
Tsuyoshi Inoue

Abstract In this study, the difference in dynamic behavior of the rotor-bearing system supported by the bearing model that considers both lateral and angular whirling motions of the journal (model A), and the model that considers only lateral whirling motion (model B) is investigated. The rotor model consists of a slender shaft, a large disk and two small disks supported by a self-aligning ball bearing and an axial groove journal bearing of L/D = 0.6. Three positions of the large disk: 410, 560, and 650 mm measured from the ball bearing, are investigated. Numerical integration of the rotor-bearing system which is modally reduced to the 1st forward mode is performed at above the onset speed of instability until either a steady state journal orbit or contact between the journal and the bearing occurs to identify the bifurcation type. Numerical results using model A indicate subcritical bifurcation with the contact between the journal and the inboard side of the bearing in all three large disk positions, whereas those of model B indicate subcritical bifurcation when the large disk position is at 410 mm, and supercritical bifurcation is observed in the other two cases. Lastly, the experiments at the same three large disk positions are performed. Subcritical bifurcation with the contact between the journal and the inboard side of the bearing is observed in all large disk positions, which conforms with the calculation result of model A. As a result, model A is essential in nonlinear vibration analysis of a highly flexible rotor system.

Nuntaphong Koondilogpiboon ◽  
Tsuyoshi Inoue

Abstract The effect of bearing length to diameter (L/D) ratio and large disk position on nonlinear vibration (limit cycle and bifurcation type) of a flexible rotor-bearing system is investigated. The rotor consists of a shaft modeled by 1-D finite elements (FE), two small disks and a large disk. It is supported by a self-aligning ball bearing and an axial-groove journal bearing with L/D ratio of 0.4 and 0.6. Two large disk positions: 340 and 575 mm measured from the ball bearing are investigated. The journal angular motion, which is essential for the highly flexible rotor but typically not considered in the previous nonlinear vibration literature; is considered in nonlinear bearing force calculation. The degrees of freedom (DOF) of the rotor-bearing system are reduced to those of the node that the nonlinear journal bearing force and moment act on by real mode component mode synthesis (CMS) that retains only the 1st forward and backward modes. Shooting method and Floquet multiplier analysis are applied to the reduced rotor-bearing system to obtain limit cycles and their stability of each bearing L/D ratio and large disk position case. Numerical results indicate that supercritical Hopf bifurcation only occurs in the case of L/D = 0.4 and large disk position 575 mm, otherwise subcritical occurs. However, if the typical bearing model that does not consider journal angular motion is used, the bifurcation type for the case of L/D = 0.6 with large disk position 575 mm will change to supercritical. Lastly, the experiments with the same L/D ratio and large disk position investigated in the calculation are performed as a validation. The experimental result of each case shows the same bifurcation type as the calculation result using the bearing model that considers the journal angular motion.

Nuntaphong Koondilogpiboon ◽  
Tsuyoshi Inoue

Abstract In this study, the nonlinear vibration (bifurcation type) of a highly flexible rotor supported by a journal bearing (JB) and self-aligning rolling element bearing (REB) under various configurations of rotor large disk mass/position, bearing length-to-diameter (L/D) ratio, and preload was investigated using two different bearing models: the model that considers both lateral and angular motion (Model A) and the model that considers just lateral motion (Model B). The rotor was modelled by 1-D finite elements (FE), and its degrees-of-freedom (DOF) was reduced to the DOF of the JB’s node by real mode component mode synthesis (CMS). Then, the shooting method and arclength continuation were applied to the reduced rotor model to obtain nonlinear limit cycles. Also, parallel computing was applied to the shooting method to shorten the calculation time. The stability of the obtained limit cycles was then determined by Floquet multiplier analysis. The experiment on the test rig with the same rotor and bearing parameters utilized in the calculation was carried out to verify the bearing models in each configuration. The calculation and experimental results showed that the bifurcation type calculated by Model A agreed with experimental results in all configurations. In addition, if the L/D ratio was short or the large disk position was near the rotor midspan, the bifurcation type obtained from both Model A and B agreed with the experimental results. The discrepancy in bifurcation type obtained from both bearing models only occurred in the cases that the L/D ratio was long and the large disk position was near the JB. Lastly, decreasing the L/D ratio, increasing preload, and moving the large disk position closer to the JB tended to change the bifurcation type from subcritical to supercritical.

2017 ◽  
Vol 140 (2) ◽  
Mohammad Miraskari ◽  
Farzad Hemmati ◽  
Mohamed S. Gadala

To determine the bifurcation types in a rotor-bearing system, it is required to find higher order derivatives of the bearing forces with respect to journal velocity and position. As closed-form expressions for journal bearing force are not generally available, Hopf bifurcation studies of rotor-bearing systems have been limited to simple geometries and cavitation models. To solve this problem, an alternative nonlinear coefficient-based method for representing the bearing force is presented in this study. A flexible rotor-bearing system is presented for which bearing force is modeled with linear and nonlinear dynamic coefficients. The proposed nonlinear coefficient-based model was found to be successful in predicting the bifurcation types of the system as well as predicting the system dynamics and trajectories at spin speeds below and above the threshold speed of instability.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (9) ◽  
Nuntaphong Koondilogpiboon ◽  
Tsuyoshi Inoue

Abstract The effect of bearing length to diameter (L/D) ratio and large disk position on nonlinear vibration of a flexible rotor-bearing system was investigated. The rotor consisted of a shaft modeled by one-dimensional finite elements (FEs) and disks. It was supported by a self-aligning ball bearing (BB) and an axial-groove journal bearing (JB). Two JB's L/D ratios of 0.4 and 0.6, two large disk positions of 340 and 575 mm measured from the BB, and two bearing models that consider both journal's lateral and angular motion (model A) and consider only journal's lateral motion (model B) were investigated. The degrees-of-freedom (DOF) of the equation of motion (EOM) were reduced to those of the boundary DOF by real mode component mode synthesis (CMS) that retains only the first forward and backward modes of the internal DOF. Shooting method and Floquet multiplier analysis were applied to the reduced EOM to obtain limit cycles and their stability, which indicates Hopf bifurcation type. Numerical results indicated that supercritical bifurcation only occurred in the case of L/D = 0.4 and large disk position 575 mm for both bearing models. Otherwise, the subcritical bifurcation occurred except the case of L/D = 0.6 with the large disk position 575 mm that supercritical bifurcation occurred if model B was used. The experiment with the same parameters used in the calculation was conducted as verification. The experimental results showed the same bifurcation type as calculated by using model A.

Yifu Zhou ◽  
Zhong Luo ◽  
Zifang Bian ◽  
Fei Wang

As sophisticated mechanical equipment, the rotor system of aero-engine is assembled by various parts; bolted flange joints are one of the essential ways of joints. Aiming at the analysis of the nonlinear vibration characteristics of the rotor-bearing system with bolted flange joints, in this paper, a finite element modeling method for a rotor-bearing system with bolted flange joints is proposed, and an incremental harmonic balance method combined with arc length continuation is proposed to solve the dynamic solution of the rotor system. In order to solve the rotor system with rolling bearing nonlinearity, the alternating frequency/time-domain process of the rolling bearing element is deduced. Compared with the conventional harmonic balance method and the time-domain method, this method has the characteristics of fast convergence and high computational efficiency; solving the rotor system with nonlinear bearing force; overcome the shortcoming that the frequency–response curve of the system is too sharp to continue solving. By using this method, the influence of bearing clearance and stiffness on vibration characteristics of the rotor system with bolted flange joints is studied. The evolution law of the state of the rotor system with bolt flange is investigated through numerical simulation and experimental data. The results indicated that the modeling and solving method proposed in this paper could accurately solve the rotor-bearing system with bolted flange joints and analyze its vibration characteristics.

2011 ◽  
Vol 18 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 45-52 ◽  
Jiayang Ying ◽  
Yinghou Jiao ◽  
Zhaobo Chen

The nonlinear dynamics theory is increasingly applied in the dynamics analysis of tilting pad journal bearing-rotor system. However, extensive work on system dynamics done previously neglects the influence caused by the moment of inertia of the pad. In this paper, a comparison is made between the responses of the rotor in the bearings with and without pad inertia effect. Taking the Jeffcott rotor system as an example, the characteristics of bearing-rotor system, such as bifurcation diagram, cycle response, frequency spectrum, phase trajectories, and Poincaré maps, were attained within a certain rotation rate range. The pivotal oil-film force of tilting pad journal bearing was calculated by database method. The results directly demonstrate that considering the influence of the pad moment of inertia, system dynamics characteristics are found more complicated when rotor-bearing system works around natural frequency and system bifurcation is observed forward when rotor-bearing system works on high-speed range.

1974 ◽  
Vol 40 (332) ◽  
pp. 934-944
Shuzo MIWA ◽  
Takafumi NAKAI ◽  
Ichiro MIMURA ◽  

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