Study on Ultrasonic Guided Waves in Fluid-Filled Pipes Surrounded by Water

Shijiu Jin ◽  
Liying Sun ◽  
Guichun Liu ◽  
Yibo Li ◽  
Hong Zhang

A new non-destructive pipe inspection method, ultrasonic guided wave method as well as the comparison between ultrasonics and guided waves is introduced. An investigation of the guided ultrasonic waves traveling along pipes with fluid loading on the inside and outside of the pipe is described. The effect of inner and outer media has been researched by considering a steel pipe with air and water inside and outside the experimental pipe. Site experiment was carried out on a heating pipe in the resident area of Bohai Oil Company, China. A typical cylindrical guided wave, longitudinal guided wave was used to examine pipes with artificial defects and its propagation characteristics along the pipe were studied. Good agreement has been obtained between the experiments and predictions for pipes with different loading on the pipe.

Owen M. Malinowski ◽  
Matthew S. Lindsey ◽  
Jason K. Van Velsor

In the past few decades, ultrasonic guided waves have been utilized more frequently Non-Destructive Testing (NDT); most notably, in the qualitative screening of buried piping. However, only a fraction of their potential applications in NDT have been fully realized. This is due, in part, to their complex nature, as well as the high level of expertise required to understand and utilize their propagation characteristics. The mode/frequency combinations that can be generated in a particular structure depend on geometry and material properties and are represented by the so-called dispersion curves. Although extensive research has been done in ultrasonic guided wave propagation in various geometries and materials, the treatment of ultrasonic guided wave propagation in periodic structures has received little attention. In this paper, academic aspects of ultrasonic guided wave propagation in structures with periodicity in the wave vector direction are investigated, with the practical purpose of developing an ultrasonic guided wave based inspection technique for finned tubing. Theoretical, numerical, and experimental methods are employed. The results of this investigation show excellent agreement between theory, numerical modeling, and experimentation; all of which indicate that ultrasonic guided waves will propagate coherently in finned tube only if the proper wave modes and frequencies are selected. It is shown that the frequencies at which propagating wave modes exist can be predicted theoretically and numerically, and depend strongly on the fin geometry. Furthermore, the results show that these propagating wave modes are capable of screening for and identifying the axial location of damage in the tube wall, as well as separation of the fins from the tube wall. The conclusion drawn from these results is that Guided Wave Testing (GWT) is a viable inspection method for screening finned tubing.

2006 ◽  
Vol 321-323 ◽  
pp. 776-779
Hak Joon Kim ◽  
Sung Jin Song ◽  
Jung Ho Seo ◽  
Jae Hee Kim ◽  
Heung Seop Eom

For the long range inspection of structures in nuclear power plant using array transducers, it is necessary to focus waves on defects under interrogation. To take care of such a need, in this study we adopt a time reversal technique that is claimed to be very robust to focus ultrasonic waves on defects. Specifically, we calculate the appropriate time delay using the time reversal technique and re-generate ultrasonic guided waves that are focusing to an interrogated defect with the calculated time delay. In this paper, we describe the principle of the time reversal technique briefly and present the performance enhancement obtained by the time reversal techniques.

Sensors ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (9) ◽  
pp. 2128 ◽  
Xiang Wan ◽  
Xuhui Zhang ◽  
Hongwei Fan ◽  
Peter W. Tse ◽  
Ming Dong ◽  

The polygonal drill pipe is one of the most critical yet weakest part in a high-torque drill machine. The inspection of a polygonal drill pipe to avoid its failure and thus to ensure safe operation of the drilling machine is of great importance. However, the current most frequently used ultrasonic inspection method is time-consuming and inefficient when dealing with a polygonal drill pipe, which is normally up to several meters. There is an urgent need to develop an efficient method to inspect polygonal drill pipes. In this paper, an ultrasonic guided wave technique is proposed to inspect polygonal drill pipes. Dispersion curves of polygonal drill pipes are firstly derived by using the semi-analytical finite element method. The ALID (absorbing layer using increasing damping) technique is applied to eliminate unwanted boundary reflections. The propagation characteristics of ultrasonic guided waves in normal, symmetrically damaged, and asymmetrically damaged polygonal drill pipes are studied. The results have shown that the ultrasonic guided wave technique is a promising and effective method for the inspection of polygonal drill pipes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Xiang Wan ◽  
Meiru Liu ◽  
Xuhui Zhang ◽  
Hongwei Fan ◽  
Qinghua Mao ◽  

The hexagonal pipe is a special kind of tube structure. Its inner surface of the cross section is in the shape of circle, while the outer surface is hexagonal. It has functioned as an essential and critical part of a drill stem in a high-torque drill machine used in various resource exploitation fields. The inspection of a hexagonal pipe to avoid its failure and thus to ensure safe operation of a drilling machine is becoming increasingly urgent and important. In this study, the excitation and propagation of ultrasonic guided waves for the purpose of detecting defects in hexagonal pipes are proposed. Dispersion curves of hexagonal pipes are firstly derived by using semianalytical finite element method. Based on these dispersion curves, longitudinal L (0, 2) mode at 100 kHz is selected to inspect hexagonal pipes. A ring of piezoelectric transducers (PZTs) with the size of 25 mm × 5 mm ×0.5 mm is able to maximize the amplitude of L (0, 2) mode and successfully suppress the undesired L (0, 1) mode in the experiments. Numerical and experimental studies have shown that the displacement field of L (0, 2) mode at 100 kHz is almost uniformly distributed along the circumferential direction. Furthermore, L (0, 2) mode ultrasonic guided waves at 100 kHz are capable of detecting circular through-hole damages located in the plane and near the edge in a hexagonal pipe. Our study results have demonstrated that the use of longitudinal L (0, 2) mode ultrasonic guided wave provides a promising and effective alternative for the detection of defects in hexagonal pipe structures.

Li Xia ◽  
Yufeng Ye ◽  
Xianggang Wang

According to the problem of the conventional thickness measurement method used to measure the furnace wall thinning in petrochemical industry, proposed a new NDT named guided wave to detect the presence of the wall thickness. Use of the technique for detection of dangerous parts of the refinery furnace tube, take the coker furnace and the furnace of crude oil distillation unit guided wave inspection application for Example, and through analysis of test data and field-proven and found many security risks, and guide the user to process. It concluded that the ultrasonic guided wave technology can effective realization radiation section of the furnace tube wall thickness detection.

Yao Wei ◽  
Weibin Wang ◽  
Yuqin Wang ◽  
Guichun Liu ◽  
Guangwen Liu ◽  

Ultrasonic Guided Wave testing is now widely used for the inspection of buried pipelines. The principle, characteristics and application of the inspection were introduced. As an example, pipelines in gas station were tested on-site and the reliability of testing results was verified by excavation. A comparison result showed that the ultrasonic guided waves can make it reality to test on site quickly, and has wide prospect.

Jay Kumar Shah ◽  
Abhijit Mukherjee

Abstract Steel structures with bolted joints are easily dismantled and repurposed. However, maintaining joint integrity is a challenge. This paper reports a non-destructive methodology to monitor steel bolted joints. Piezoelectric ceramic patches have been surface bonded in the joint for transmission and reception of guided ultrasonic waves. Both single and multiple bolted joints have been investigated. It has been demonstrated that the variation in acoustic impedance due at the bolt interface can be discerned and calibrated with bolt torque level. The recorded reflections from interfaces are used as inputs for a newly developed imaging algorithm. The proposed method has the potential to be a reference-free and fully automated method.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2011 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Xiao Chen

Combining the propagation model of guided waves in a multilayered piezoelectric composite with the interfacial model of rigid, slip, and weak interfaces, the generalized dispersion characteristic equations of guided waves propagating in a piezoelectric layered composite with different interfacial properties are derived. The effects of the slip, weak, and delamination interfaces in different depths on the dispersion properties of the lowest-order mode ultrasonic guided wave are analyzed. The theory would be used to characterize the interfacial properties of piezoelectric layered composite nondestructively.

2012 ◽  
Vol 83 ◽  
pp. 198-207 ◽  
Claudio Nucera ◽  
Robert Phillips ◽  
Francesco Lanza di Scalea

Among structural concerns for the safety of rail transportation are internal flaws and thermal stresses, both of which can cause disruption of service and even derailments. Ultrasonic guided waves lend themselves to addressing both of these problems. This paper reports on two inspection systems for rails being developed at UCSD under the auspices of the US Federal Railroad Administration. Both systems utilize ultrasonic guided waves as the main probing mechanism, for the two different applications of flaw detection and thermal stress detection.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1049-1050 ◽  
pp. 674-677 ◽  
Fen Ping Zhou ◽  
Yang Jiao ◽  
Hui Juan Duan

According to the characteristics of ultrasonic guided wave inspection, An exciting power, used for exciting ultrasonic guided waves in pipeline is designed based on DDS and FPGA. The excitation source consists of FPGA, D/A conversion circuit, a low-pass filter circuit and power amplifier circuit. Constructing DDS based on FPGA as the controller and signal generator. Filter circuit and power amplifier circuit are designed in this paper. The experiment results show that the excitation source can have high voltage and high frequency output capability, and can generate desired signal type with a good accuracy to fit the requirements in practice. It can be conveniently used for pipeline ultrasonic guided wave detection.

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