2010 ◽  
Vol 13 (03) ◽  
pp. 137-145 ◽  
Charu Eapen ◽  
Bhaskaranand Kumar ◽  
Anil K. Bhat

Purpose: In recent years, ownership and usage of cell phones have become widespread, especially amongst young people. The increasing use of text messaging on mobile phones has focused concern on possible musculoskeletal disorders for the users. Hence the purpose of this study was to find the prevalence of cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs) of the upper limb in cell phone users. Methods: A questionnaire-based survey was undertaken to detect the prevalence of CTDs in 1500 college students. Results: The response rate of the survey was 91.9%. Overall prevalence of CTD in the upper limb was found to be 18.5%. Maximum symptoms were noted in thumb (52%). Pain (61.7%) and fatigue (44.3%) were the two most common symptoms reported by the respondents. Conclusions: Mild form of CTD is present in students using cell phones and mainly depends on the pattern of phone usage.

2002 ◽  
Vol 83 ◽  
pp. S12-S15 ◽  
Patrick M. Foye ◽  
John C. Cianca ◽  
Heidi Prather

2020 ◽  
Sera Manik

Ergonomi menjadi pilar kesehatan dan menjadi salah satu indikator kesejahteraan. perbaikan ergonomi perlu dilakukan sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan terhadap penyakit CTDs (Cumulative Trauma Disorders) akibat faktor risiko kerja postur janggal, beban, frekuensi dan durasi yang bersumber dari pekerjaan, seperti nyeri tengkuk, nyeri pinggang bawah atau low back pain, rasa baal pada jari telunjuk, jari tengah dan jari manis yang disertai nyeri terbakar pada malam hari, kekakuan, lemah dan nyeri saat tangan digunakan dan dikenal dengan nama Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Dalam ergonomi, postur tubuh adalah faktor yang sangat penting, salah satunya postur duduk yang setiap orang lakukan setiap hari dalam durasi berjam-jam. Tujuan utama membuat desain ergonomi untuk kursi atau tempat duduk dan meja adalah menciptakan sedemikian rupa bentuk kursi dan meja belajar, sehingga dapat mempertahankan postur tulang punggung yang fi siologis, dengan demikian diharapkan kerja otot tidak perlu berkontraksi secara berlebihan. Masalah ketidaksesuaian aspek ergonomi antara sarana kerja dan manusia serta pengaruhnya terhadap kesehatan belum mendapatkan perhatian yang serius di Indonesia. Hal ini terbukti dengan masih banyaknya tempat-tempat kerja yang belum berpedoman dengan kaidah ergonomi dalam hal penyediaan peralatan kerja bagi tenaga kerja. Ketepatan dimensi merupakan salah satu faktor penentu kenyamanan yang menunjang aspek fungsional dari suatu rancangan. Untuk menghasilkan suatu desain yang tepat dimensi perlu pertimbangan yang matang dan observasi yang cermat terkait dengan faktor manusia sebagai pengguna produk.

2013 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Redhwan Ahmed Al-Naggar ◽  
Yuri V Bobryshev

The worldwide use of cell phones has rapidly increased over the past decades. With the increasing use of mobile phones, concern has been raised about the possible carcinogenic effects as a result of exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. The objective of this study was to explore the perceptions and opinions towards brain cancer related to cell phone use among university students in Malaysia. The study revealed that the majority of the study participants believe that there is no relationship between brain cancer and hand phone use.DOI: Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 4(2013) 1-4

2014 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-198 ◽  
Humberto Gomes Vidal ◽  
Evelyne Pessoa Soriano ◽  
Arnaldo de França Caldas Junior ◽  
Marcus Vitor Diniz de Carvalho ◽  
Luiz Gutenberg Toledo de Miranda Coelho Junior ◽  

1983 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 312-312
T. Armstrong ◽  
B. Joseph ◽  
Y. Lifshitz ◽  
C. Woolley

Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTD) such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tenosynovitis, and strains are a common health problem among people who perform repetitive work with their hands. Repeated exertions and movements with certain hand postures, stresses on the surface of the hand and arm, vibrations, low temperatures, and use of gloves all have been identified as factors of CTD. To facilitate identification of these factors, a job analysis procedure based on traditional work measurement techniques was developed. Jobs are first divided into sequences of acts or elements; postures, forces, and other physical factors associated with each element then are determined. This process is facilitated by a video tape system that is used to film the job and can be played back in slow motion. A microcomputer is used to facilitate recording and storage of element sequences. Surface electromyograms of the medial forearm are calibrated and recorded on videotape for estimation of forces exerted with the hand. Finally, recommendations for control of CTD are based on identification of stressful elements.

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