Rapid Recording of Powder Diffraction Patterns With Si(Li) X-Ray Energy Analysis System: W and Cu Targets and Error Analysis

1971 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 240-253 ◽  
Cullie J. Sparks

X-ray diffraction patterns using continuous radiation from copper and tungsten target x-ray tubes and detected with a Si(Li) energy analysis system are presented. Errors caused by a misaligned diffractometer and x-ray penetration into the sample are shown to be more difficult to correct and larger in magnitude than errors arising from energy calibration. All these errors can be minimized by mixing a standard with the unknown sample.The energy resolution of the detector influences the breadth of the diffraction peaks more strongly than the standard slit systems available with commercial diffractometers. Thus, to reduce the recording time and maintain the same standard deviation for the data, one should increase the sizes of the front and receiving slits including the Soller slits. X-ray energy diffraction patterns can be recorded with standard deviations less than +0.001 Å in the d spacing with only 200 sec measurement time using the standard diffractometer slit system. Copper targets are probably as useful as tungsten even though the continuous intensity is about three times.less. Copper has fewer interfering characteristic lines, and its use permits convenient conversion to normal θ scanning diffractometer operation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 86 (6) ◽  
pp. 29-35
V. P. Sirotinkin ◽  
O. V. Baranov ◽  
A. Yu. Fedotov ◽  
S. M. Barinov

The results of studying the phase composition of advanced calcium phosphates Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, β-Ca3(PO4)2, α-Ca3(PO4)2, CaHPO4 · 2H2O, Ca8(HPO4)2(PO4)4 · 5H2O using an x-ray diffractometer with a curved position-sensitive detector are presented. Optimal experimental conditions (angular positions of the x-ray tube and detector, size of the slits, exposure time) were determined with allowance for possible formation of the impurity phases during synthesis. The construction features of diffractometers with a position-sensitive detector affecting the profile characteristics of x-ray diffraction peaks are considered. The composition for calibration of the diffractometer (a mixture of sodium acetate and yttrium oxide) was determined. Theoretical x-ray diffraction patterns for corresponding calcium phosphates are constructed on the basis of the literature data. These x-ray diffraction patterns were used to determine the phase composition of the advanced calcium phosphates. The features of advanced calcium phosphates, which should be taken into account during the phase analysis, are indicated. The powder of high-temperature form of tricalcium phosphate strongly adsorbs water from the environment. A strong texture is observed on the x-ray diffraction spectra of dicalcium phosphate dihydrate. A rather specific x-ray diffraction pattern of octacalcium phosphate pentahydrate revealed the only one strong peak at small angles. In all cases, significant deviations are observed for the recorded angular positions and relative intensity of the diffraction peaks. The results of the study of experimentally obtained mixtures of calcium phosphate are presented. It is shown that the graphic comparison of experimental x-ray diffraction spectra and pre-recorded spectra of the reference calcium phosphates and possible impurity phases is the most effective method. In this case, there is no need for calibration. When using this method, the total time for analysis of one sample is no more than 10 min.

1976 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 161-169
C. P. Gazzara

The effect of the position of the X-ray unresolved Kα1 - Kα2 line doublets, diffracted from powder specimens, on the precision of the calculated lattice constant has been determined using a least-squares analysis. An analytical procedure to synthesize CuKα doublet X-ray diffraction peaks with X-ray characteristic lines (half widths ranging from 0.1° to 0.4° 26) has been applied in correcting the weighted wavelength of the doublet peak position. A series of correction curves was established from which the true 26 peak position of the weighted Kα wavelength could be determined from the measured 29 peak position.

1997 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 161-174 ◽  
W. Staiger ◽  
A. Michel ◽  
V. Pierron-Bohnes ◽  
N. Hermann ◽  
M. C. Cadeville

We find that the [Ni3.2nmPt1.6nm] × 15 and [Ni3.2nmPt0.8nm] × 15 multilayers are semicoherent and display a columnar morphology. From both the period of the moir’e fringes and the positions of the diffraction peaks in electronic (plan-view and crosssection geometries) and x-ray diffraction patterns, one deduces that the nickel is relaxed (at least in the error bars of all our measurements), whereas the platinum remains slightly strained (≈−1%). The interfaces are sharp; no intermixing takes place giving rise to neat contrasts in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and to high intensities of the superlattice peaks in the growth direction in both diffraction techniques. The relaxation of the interfacial misfit occurs partially through misfit dislocations, partially through the strain of platinum. A quasiperiodic twinning occurs at the interfaces, the stacking fault which forms the twin being the most often located at the interface Pt/Ni, i.e., when a Pt layer begins to grow on the Ni layer. The simulation of the θ/2θ superlattice peak intensities takes into account the columnar microstructure. It shows that the roughness is predominantly at medium scale with a fluctuation of about 12.5% for Ni layers and negligible for Pt layers.

2001 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 198-204 ◽  
C. K. Lowe-Ma ◽  
W. T. Donlon ◽  
W. E. Dowling

Retained austenite is an important characteristic of properly heat-treated steel components, particularly gears and shafts, that will be subjected to long-term use and wear. Normally, either X-ray diffraction or optical microscopy techniques are used to determine the volume percent of retained austenite present in steel components subjected to specific heat-treatment regimes. As described in the literature, a number of phenomenological, experimental, and calculation factors can influence the volume fraction of retained austenite determined from X-ray diffraction measurements. However, recent disagreement between metallurgical properties, microscopy, and service laboratory values for retained austenite led to a re-evaluation of possible reasons for the apparent discrepancies. Broad, distorted X-ray peaks from un-tempered martensite were found to yield unreliable integrated intensities whereas diffraction peaks from tempered samples were more amenable to profile fitting with standard shape functions, yielding reliable integrated intensities. Retained austenite values calculated from reliable integrated intensities were found to be consistent with values obtained by Rietveld refinement of the diffraction patterns. The experimental conditions used by service laboratories combined with a poor choice of diffraction peaks were found to be sources of retained austenite values containing significant bias.

1995 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 198-203 ◽  
Neil E. Johnson ◽  
Sidney S. Pollack ◽  
Elizabeth A. Frommell ◽  
Patricia A. Eldredge

A synthetic catalyst precursor formed by sulfiding ferrihydrite (Fe3+O(OH)) in the presence of a hydrogen donor produces X-ray diffraction patterns resembling a mixture of both naturally occurring FeS2 polymorphs marcasite and pyrite. The diffraction peaks display a differential broadening, however, wherein only those peaks coincident to both marcasite and pyrite are strong and sharp, a feature that cannot be accounted for by a simple physical mixture. The broadening is analogous to that found in hexagonal cobalt, where occasional stacking faults produce interstratification of the hexagonal and cubic close-packed forms, resulting in strongly coherent diffraction only along the stacking direction. The crystal structures of marcasite and pyrite are virtually identical if viewed perpendicular to the (101) and (001) planes, respectively. Calculation of diffraction patterns based upon models of interstratifying marcasite and pyrite layers along these planes demonstrates that a sequence with marcasite-to-pyrite and pyrite-to-marcasite stacking fault probabilities of 0.22 provides a good fit to the experimental pattern. This interstratified material is a precursor to a species that shows catalytic activity for cleaving C-C bonds between aromatic rings and benzylic carbon atoms at low (<350 °C) temperatures.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-32
Erika Linda Yani Nasution

Abstrak Telah dilakukan sintesis partikel pegilasi gadolinium karbonat dengan metode solvotermal menggunakan prekursor polietilen glikol (PEG-1000) dan gadolinium asetat hidrat (Gd(CH3CO3)3) pada suhu 180oC dengan waktu pemanasan selama 3 jam, 5 jam, dan 7 Jam. Partikel pegilasi gadolinium karbonat (Gd2(CO3)3@PEG tersebut selanjutnya dianalisis pola difraksi dan bentuk struktur dengan menggunakan X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). Hasil karakterisasi spektrum XRD terhadap partikel Gd2(CO3)3 menunjukkan pila difraksi dengan posisi puncak-puncak difraksi bersesuaian dengan JCPDS No. 37-0559 dengan puncak utama pada 2θ = 11.75o.  Pada waktu  pemanasan 3 jam , sampel memiliki sifat amorf, sedangkan pada sampel waktu pemanasan 5 jam dan 7 jam sampel-sampel memiliki derajat kekristalan yang baik. Pada waktu pemanasan 5 jam lebih tinggi kristalisasinya daripada 7 jam yang mengindikasikan kualitas kristal lebih baik pada lama pemanasan 5 jam.   Kata kunci : Gadolinium karbonat, metode solvotermal, PEG, XRD   Abstract   [Title: Analysis of XRD Characterization of Gadolinium Carbonate (Gd2 (CO3) 3 @ PEG Synthesis by Solvothermal Method] Synthesis of pegylated gadolinium carbonate particles by solvothermal method using polyethylene glycol (PEG-1000) and gadolinium acetate hydrate (Gd (CH3CO3) 3) precursors at 180oC with heating time for 3 hours, 5 hours and 7 hours. The gadolinium carbonate (Gd2 (CO3) 3 @ PEG particle pegylation was further analyzed by diffraction patterns and structural shapes using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The results of XRD spectrum characterization of Gd2 (CO3) 3 particles showed diffraction pila with diffraction peaks position. corresponds to JCPDS No. 37-0559 with the main peak at 2θ = 11.75 o At 3 hours of heating, the sample has amorphous properties, while the sample heating time is 5 hours and 7 hours the samples have a good degree of crystallization. 5 hours higher crystallization than 7 hours which indicates better crystal quality at 5 hours heating time.   Keywords: Gadolinium carbonate, solvothermal method, PEG, XRD

1991 ◽  
Vol 243 ◽  
Winnie Wong-Ng ◽  
Ting C. Huang ◽  
Lawrence P. Cook ◽  
Peter K. Schenck ◽  
M.D. Vaudin ◽  

AbstractX-ray diffraction techniques were used to study the crystallography of PZT thin films prepared by the laser deposition technique. This investigation included identification of phases formed during the annealing process and also the analysis of the profiles of selected diffraction peaks. The PZT films annealed below 800°C typically showed powder x-ray diffraction patterns corresponding to a cubic structure (i.e no peak splitting) instead of the tetragonal patterns characteristic of the target materials. The upper bound contribution of the macro and micro strain to the observed X-ray peak profile and positions was estimated. It was believed that the combined effect of small crystallite size together with residual strain, and possible local inhomogeneity gave rise to the broadening and displacement of the x-ray peaks, which subsequently masked off the splittings. At this stage the physical effect of high temperature annealing is not known. It is possible that as the annealing temperature increased, grain growth took place along with relaxation of residual strain, allowing peak splitting to be observed.

2011 ◽  
Vol 409 ◽  
pp. 492-496 ◽  
Ayumi Hamaguchi ◽  
Masahiro Yoshizawa-Fujita ◽  
Yuko Takeoka ◽  
Masahiro Rikukawa

Layered perovskite (RNH3)2PbI4 (R = organic cation), which contained the fullerene derivatives, [ethyl-3-tert-butoxycarbonylaminopropyl (1,2-methanofullerene C60)]-61,61-di carboxylate iodide (EAF-I) and di [3-tert-butoxycarbonylaminopropyl (1,2-methanofullerene C60)]- 61,61-dicarboxylate diiodide (DAF-I2) in the organic layers were fabricated and compared with previously reported perovkite compound containing N-methyl-2-(4-aminophenyl)-fulleropyrrolidine iodide (AmPF-I). Because the solvent solubilities of EAF-I and DAF-I2 to N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) were higher than AmPF-I, the film processability of EAF-I and DAF-I2 was improved compared with AmPF-I. The X-ray diffraction patterns proved the construction of the perovskite structure in (EAF)2PbI4 and (AmPF)2PbI4 cast films. EAF was well-organized and closer-packing than AmPF in the perovskite structure. For the diamine-type fullerene, DAF-I2, it is difficult to form layered structure by spin-coated or cast methods. New sharp X-ray diffraction peaks were observed for DAF-I2 films dipped in PbI2 solution. The intercalations and formation of perovskite structure of (DAF)PbI4 were studied.

2006 ◽  
Vol 514-516 ◽  
pp. 269-273
Décio Dias ◽  
Rui Monteiro ◽  
Patrícia Almeida Carvalho ◽  
Alberto C. Ferro ◽  
Werner Lohwasser

The development of solid electrolytic tantalum capacitors with MnO2 as counter electrode has been carried out in order to decrease the equivalent series resistance (ESR). Capacitor samples produced under different pyrolysis conditions have been characterized in terms of equivalent circuit parameters. The Ta/Ta2O5/MnO2 system has also been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). X-ray powder diffraction patterns obtained were inconclusive due to the MnO2 complex structure and to the presence of highly intense tantalum peaks that shadow interesting MnO2 diffraction peaks. Electron diffraction TEM results enabled the characterization of the microstructure and furthermore revealed the complex crystalline structure that affects the electrical properties of the semiconductor layer. A relation between the calculated circuit parameters and microstructure of MnO2 is discussed.

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