Generalized transversely projective structure on a transversely holomorphic foliation
2002 ◽
Vol 30
pp. 151-163
The results of Biswas (2000) are extended to the situation of transversely projective foliations. In particular, it is shown that a transversely holomorphic foliation defined using everywhere locally nondegenerate maps to a projective spaceℂℙn, and whose transition functions are given by automorphisms of the projective space, has a canonical transversely projective structure. Such a foliation is also associated with a transversely holomorphic section ofN⊗−kfor eachk∈[3,n+1], whereNis the normal bundle to the foliation. These transversely holomorphic sections are also flat with respect to the Bott partial connection.
2001 ◽
Vol 73
pp. 475-482
2005 ◽
Vol 07
pp. 583-596
2018 ◽
Vol 19
pp. 571-579