A Comparison of Teacher and Student Ratings in a Self-Monitoring Intervention

2020 ◽  
pp. 153450842094423
Allison Bruhn ◽  
Sheila Barron ◽  
Bailey Copeland ◽  
Sara Estrapala ◽  
Ashley Rila ◽  

Self-monitoring interventions for students with challenging behavior are often teacher-managed rather than self-managed. Teachers direct these interventions by completing parallel monitoring procedures, providing feedback, and delivering contingent reinforcement to students when they monitor accurately. However, within self-monitoring interventions, the degree to which teachers and students agree in their assessment of students’ behavior is unknown. In this study, a self-monitoring intervention in which both teachers and students rated the students’ behavior, we analyzed 249 fixed interval ratings of behavior from 19 student/teacher pairs to determine the relationship between ratings within and across teacher/student pairs. We found a strong correlation overall ( r =.91), although variability existed within individual pairs and student ratings tended to be higher than teacher ratings. We discuss implications for practice, limitations, and future directions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Li Xu ◽  
Qi Yang

Although the teacher-student relationship has been addressed in some studies, the cooperation or reciprocal relations between teachers and students have not been explored sufficiently. In this paper, a difference equation model is applied to express the relationship, stability analysis at the positive steady state of the discrete model is done to verify that the performance output is not empty, and hypothesis testing is conducted to show the validity of the model by means of sample data from a college. Then some reasonable suggestions are proposed to improve the performance output of teachers and students.

2021 ◽  
pp. 183
Hana Talita Margijanto ◽  
Margaretha Purwanti

The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically reduced direct interactions between teachers and students during learning hours. As a consequence, teachers struggle to gauge the student’s ability and cannot fully understand the learning situation at home for each student, especially adolescents. This was experienced by PKBM X who since the pandemic has had profound trouble to reach out to their students. PKBM X is a non-formal high school that upholds the values of equality and democracy, and teachers bear a role to understand the condition of each student and try to help whenever necessary. However, according to interviews, some teachers are unsure about how to establish a relationship with students, especially in this time of pandemic. There are also teachers who are too involved emotionally with the student’s problems, to a point where they feel emotionally burdened. Utilizing the problem tree analysis, it is concluded that the relationship between teachers and students isn’t optimal. To that end, a training was designed to inform participants about positive teacher -student relationship, especially during pandemic. With this knowledge, teachers realized the importance of positive teacher -student relationships and how to initiate positive interactions in times of pandemic. Not only that, teachers are also taught to manage their expectations about the teacher -student relationship, so that teachers continue to provide support without being personally affected if the student is not easily approached. After the training, teacher’s knowledge about the positive teacher-student increased, and teachers were able to develop action plans for their students.Pandemi COVID-19 membuat interaksi langsung di jam belajar mengajar antara guru dan siswa berkurang. Guru menjadi sulit mengetahui pemahaman dan keadaan siswa.. Hal ini dialami oleh PKBM X yang sejak masa pandemi merasa sulit untuk menjangkau siswa. Padahal, PKBM X adalah sekolah yang menjungjung tinggi nilai kesetaraan dan kekeluargaan, dan guru memiliki peran untuk mengetahui kondisi siswa dan berusaha membantu. Hanya saja, berdasarkan wawancara, sejumlah guru ragu bagaimana menjalin interaksi dengan siswa, terutama di masa pandemi ini. Ada juga guru yang malah terlalu terlarut dengan masalah siswa, sehingga merasa terbeban secara emosional. Dengan metode analisis pohon masalah, ditemukan bahwa hubungan guru dan siswa di PKBM X pada saat ini kurang optimal. Untuk itu, dirancanglah sebuah pelatihan seputar pengetahuan membina hubungan guru dan siswa yang positif, terutama di masa pandemi ini. Dengan pengetahuan ini, guru diharapkan dapat menyadari pentingnya hubungan guru dan siswa yang positif serta bagaimana memulai interaksi positif di masa pandemi. Tak hanya itu, guru juga diajak untuk mengelola ekspektasi tentang hubungan guru dan siswa yang positif, sehingga guru tetap memberikan bantuan terbaiknya tanpa terdampak secara personal jika kondisi siswa tidak mudah dijangkau atau didekati. Melalui pelatihan ini, pengetahuan guru tentang hubungan guru dan siswa meningkat, dan guru dapat menentukan rencana aksi yang dapat mereka lakukan untuk siswa di PKBM X. 

2006 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 1
Robert Caballero-Montañez ◽  
Luis Sime-Poma

The “good teacher” is a person who has transcendentally marked and influenced the personal and academic students’ life, and his/her image remains in the students’ school memory as a prolonged and highly positive souvenir. Therefore, to know what are their main traits and why they had an impact in such a way on their students is worth to be analyzed in order to be a contribution to the study of teaching in basic education. In this perspective, the main objective of this empirical research is to analyze the characteristics of the “good teacher” from the perception of students graduated from public and private secondary schools in Lima, Peru. The results of this qualitative research, based on semi-structured interviews to eight graduated students, showed some characteristics of the relationship between the “good teacher” and the students: high engagement with the students, positive perception and motivation to them, and affective quality of the teacher-student interaction. In addition, the data revealed other characteristics of the “good teacher” and his/her profession such as passion for teaching, command of knowledge, and organization of the class. The study concludes that the recognition of at least one good teacher by graduated students reveals the heterogeneity in kinds of teachers; this heterogeneity demands to overcome negative generalizations and that the teacher’s image is a collective construction in several graduation years. One implication of this study to the educational policy and research areas is to pay more attention to former students and this in order to improve our understanding on the schooling experience and the relationship between teachers and students.

2020 ◽  
pp. 109830072094665
Allison Bruhn ◽  
Allison Gilmour ◽  
Ashley Rila ◽  
Alyssa Van Camp ◽  
Amanda Sheaffer ◽  

Self-monitoring is one of the most widely used and widely researched strategies for improving student behavior. However, specific research-based guidance about how to design effective self-monitoring interventions and to whom they should be delivered does not yet exist. To this end, we examined how various treatment components and participant characteristics moderated response to self-monitoring interventions. We included 66 single-case studies on academic engagement and 21 single-case studies on disruptive behavior. These studies included 290 participants with challenging behavior, 183 of whom had a disability. After extracting raw data from original studies, we analyzed data using multilevel modeling for each dependent variable (i.e., academic engagement, disruptive behavior). Across both dependent variables, student age and educational setting impacted treatment effects, as did the inclusion of goal-setting, feedback, and reinforcement. Based on our findings, we describe implications related to designing self-monitoring interventions. We also discuss limitations and future directions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 22 (5) ◽  
pp. 39-47 ◽  
A.S. Fomichenko

This paper reviews how teacher-student relationships affect the success of learning activity in schoolchildren. Outcomes of Russian and foreign studies suggest that positive relationships between teachers and students are critically important for successful learning at school. The paper thoroughly analyses individual characteristics of teachers. It is emphasized that some of these characteristics (such as emotional support and academic guidance) can act as a reliable basis, encouraging students to engage more fully in learning activities and to achieve high academic performance. It is argued that the assumption according to which the relationship between teachers and students is a significant motivational factor in academic performance is still relevant. The paper describes the effect of teacher expectations on student achievement and concludes with several important notes concerning the discussed problem of teacher-student relationships and their impact on the success of learning activity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 749-758
Kevin Fierro ◽  
Mourat Tchoshanov ◽  
Gulshat Shakirova

Mason and Spence’s (1999) work demonstrate a detailed view into the concept of knowing. Although they highlight the importance of not-knowing as a first step, it is a topic that is not well researched. This study aims at expanding that research, by analyzing not-knowing expressions from teacher to student and possible connections to be found. During a course of geometric reasoning student teachers were asked to reason with a tangram while simultaneously recording their expressions of not-knowing and reflecting on it periodically. Student teachers were then tasked to teach this lesson to their students, who would also reflect and express their forms of not-knowing. Findings presented no real link between teacher-student expressions of not-knowing, but two major conclusions were made. Individuals altogether struggle conveying their not-knowing clearly and when they did express it, these expressions leaned heavily on not-knowing-that and not-knowing-how forms. A discussion follows to interpret said findings. A conclusion is made detailing key points in the study and what comes next for the concept of not-knowing.

Academia Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
Dhany Aprilluto Eka Putra Dhany ◽  
Eko Hardi Ansyah

This research is motivated by the low achievement motivation of students such as not doing homework on time, not doing assignments in class on time. This study uses a quantitative approach. The type of research used is correlational which aims to determine the relationship between variables, namely the relationship between teachers and students with achievement motivation. The sampling technique in this study used a saturated sampling technique, namely 30 students of class V Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Darussalam Jogosatru Sukodono. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. The technique used in this research data analysis is statistical technique using Pearson Product Moment correlation calculation. with the help of SPSS 17.0 software for windows. Based on the test results obtained a correlation coefficient of 0.639 with a significance of 0.001 (<0.05). In conclusion, the hypothesis is accepted, that there is a positive relationship between teacher-student relationships and achievement motivation in fifth grade students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Darussalam Jogosatru Sukodono. This means that the higher the teacher-student relationship, the higher the student's achievement motivation, and vice versa

2005 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 176-184 ◽  
Adrian Furnham ◽  
Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic

Abstract. This study examines the relationship between students' personality and intelligence scores with their preferences for the personality profile of their lecturers. Student ratings (N = 136) of 30 lecturer trait characteristics were coded into an internally reliable Big Five taxonomy ( Costa & McCrae, 1992 ). Descriptive statistics showed that, overall, students tended to prefer conscientious, open, and stable lecturers, though correlations revealed that these preferences were largely a function of students' own personality traits. Thus, open students preferred open lecturers, while agreeable students preferred agreeable lecturers. There was evidence of a similarity effect for both Agreeableness and Openness. In addition, less intelligent students were more likely to prefer agreeable lecturers than their more intelligent counterparts were. A series of regressions showed that individual differences are particularly good predictors of preferences for agreeable lecturers, and modest, albeit significant, predictors of preferences for open and neurotic lecturers. Educational and vocational implications are considered.

2000 ◽  
Laura J. Blalock ◽  
Janet A. Carter ◽  
Angela N. Dennis ◽  
Sandra L. Wiper ◽  
Helen C. Harton

2018 ◽  
David Barner ◽  
Alan Bale

We review advances in the experimental study of the mass-count distinction and highlight problems that have emerged. First, we lay out what we see to be the scientific enterprise of studying the syntax and semantics of mass-count distinction, and the assumptions we believe must be made if additional progress is to occur, especially as the empirical facts continue to grow in number and complexity. Second, we discuss the new landscape of cross-linguistic results that has been created by widespread use of the quantity judgment task, and what these results tell us about the nature of the mass-count distinction. Finally, we discuss the relationship between the mass-count distinction and non-linguistic cognition, and in particular the object-substance distinction.

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