scholarly journals Adhesion state estimation based on improved tire brush model

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 168781401774770
Bei Shaoyi ◽  
Li Bo ◽  
Zhu Yanyan

On the basis of calculating the longitudinal force using the original brush model, we simplify the tire structure and consider the lateral force generated by the lateral elasticity of the tread. At the same time, the boundary conditions between the adhesion area and the slip zone in the contact area of the tire are fully discussed. By establishing an improved tire brush model, the error caused by neglecting the sideslip characteristics is avoided, and the adaptability of the tire model is improved. A double nonlinear compensation method based on the lateral acceleration deviation and the yaw rate deviation is employed to estimate the road adhesion coefficient, which is closer to the actual attachment situation than the standard calculation. Based on this model, the vehicle stability coefficient k is defined and calculated to describe the stability of the vehicle during the driving process. The modeling results show that the value of k is always in the stable range of [0, 1]. Therefore, the vehicle that utilizes the improved tire brush model is always within the controllable range in the driving process, which verifies the effectiveness of the model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2113 (1) ◽  
pp. 012080
Xiuhao Xi ◽  
Jun Xiao ◽  
Qiang Zhang ◽  
Yanchao Wang

Abstract For the problem of road surface condition recognition, this paper proposes a real-time tracking method to estimate road surface slope and adhesion coefficient. Based on the fusion of dynamics and kinematics, the current road slope of the vehicle which correct vertical load is estimated. The effect of the noise from dynamic and kinematic methods on the estimation results is removed by designing a filter. The normalized longitudinal force and lateral force are calculated by Dugoff tire model, and the Jacobian matrix of the vector function of the process equation is obtained by combining the relevant theory of EKF algorithm. The road adhesion coefficient is estimated finally. The effectiveness of the algorithm is demonstrated by analyzing the results under different operating conditions, such as docking road and bisectional road, using a joint simulation of Matlab/Simulink and Carsim.

Dai Q Vo ◽  
Hormoz Marzbani ◽  
Mohammad Fard ◽  
Reza N Jazar

When a car is cornering, its wheels usually lean away from the centre of rotation. This phenomenon decreases lateral force, limits tyre performance and eventually reduces the vehicle lateral grip capacity. This paper proposes a strategy for varying caster in the front suspension, thereby altering the wheel camber to counteract this outward inclination. The homogeneous transformation was utilised to develop the road steering wheel kinematics which includes the wheel camber with respect to the ground during a cornering manoeuvre. A variable caster scheme was proposed based on the kinematic analysis of the camber. A rollable vehicle model, along with a camber-included tyre force model, was constructed. MATLAB/Simulink was used to simulate the dynamic behaviour of the vehicle with and without the variable caster scheme. The results from step steer, ramp steer, and sinusoidal steer inputs simulations show that the outward leaning phenomenon of the steering wheels equipped with the variable caster, is reduced significantly. The corresponding lateral acceleration and yaw rate increase without compromising other handling characteristics. The actively controlled car, therefore, provides better lateral stability compared to the passive car. The tyre kinematic model and the vehicle dynamic model were validated using multibody and experimental data.

2019 ◽  
Gen Li ◽  
Dmitry Kolomenskiy ◽  
Hao Liu ◽  
Benjamin Thiria ◽  
Ramiro Godoy-Diana

AbstractThe physical basis for fish schooling is examined using three-dimensional numerical simulations of a pair of swimming fish, with kinematics and geometry obtained from experimental data. Energy expenditure and efficiency are evaluated using a cost of transport function, while the effect of schooling on the stability of each swimmer is examined by probing the lateral force and the lateral and longitudinal force fluctuations. We construct full maps of the aforementioned quantities as functions of the spatial pattern of the swimming fish pair and show that both energy expenditure and stability can be invoked as possible reasons for the swimming patterns and tail-beat synchronization observed in real fish. Our results suggest that high cost of transport zones should be avoided by the fish. Wake capture may be energetically unfavorable in the absence of kinematic adjustment. We hereby hypothesize that fish may restrain from wake capturing and, instead, adopt side-to-side configuration as a conservative strategy, when the conditions of wake energy harvesting are not satisfied. To maintain a stable school configuration, compromise between propulsive efficiency and stability, as well as between school members, ought to be considered.

André de Souza Mendes ◽  
Agenor de Toledo Fleury ◽  
Marko Ackermann ◽  
Fabrizio Leonardi ◽  
Roberto Bortolussi

This article addresses the yaw stability of articulated vehicles by assessing the influence of the road-tire friction coefficient on the convergence region of a particular equilibrium condition. In addition, the boundaries of this region are compared to the boundaries of the non-jackknife and non-rollover regions to distinguish the instability phenomenon, jackknife or roll-over, responsible for this delimitation. The vehicle configuration considered in this analysis is composed by one tractor unit and one towed unit connected through an articulation point, for instance, a tractor-semitrailer combination. A nonlinear articulated bicycle model with four degrees of freedom is used together with a nonlinear lateral force tire model. To estimate the convergence region, the phase trajectory method is used. The equations of motion of the mathematical model are numerically integrated for different initial conditions in the phase plane, and the state orbits are monitored in order to verify the convergence point and the occurrence of instability events. In all cases, the longitudinal force on each tire, such as traction and braking, is not considered. The results show the existence of convergence regions delimited only by jackknife events, for low values of the friction coefficient, and only by rollover events, for high values of the friction coefficient. Moreover, the transition between these two conditions as the friction coefficient is changed is graphically presented. The main contributions of this article are the identification of the abrupt reduction of the convergence region as the value of the friction coefficient increases and the distinction of the instability events, jackknife or rollover, that define the boundaries of the convergence region.

2021 ◽  
pp. 107754632098779
Heng Wei ◽  
Jian-Wei Lu ◽  
Sheng-Yong Ye ◽  
Hang-Yu Lu

The vertical load of the tire has a significant influence on the lateral force, so the influence of the dynamic load on vehicle shimmy should be taken into account. Based on the dynamic model of a quarter vehicle, a three-degrees-of-freedom dynamic model of the shimmy system with consideration of the road roughness excitation is established by applying the second Lagrange equation. The response characteristic of the system is investigated by the numerical simulations. Moreover, the complexification-averaging method is used to obtain the analytical expression of the shimmy angle of the front wheel, and then, the stability of periodic solutions of the system is evaluated based on the bifurcation theory. Finally, the saddle-node bifurcation and Hopf bifurcation of the shimmy system are studied. The influence of the system parameters on the bifurcation characteristic of the system is also investigated, and the results obtained by using the complexification-averaging method are compared with the numerical examples.

1995 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 238-255 ◽  
E. H. Sakai

Abstract The contact conditions of a tire with the road surface have a close relationship to various properties of the tire and are among the most important characteristics in evaluating the performance of the tire. In this research, a new measurement device was developed that allows the contact stress distribution to be quantified and visualized. The measuring principle of this device is that the light absorption at the interface between an optical prism and an evenly ground or worn rubber surface is a function of contact pressure. The light absorption can be measured at a number of points on the surface to obtain the pressure distribution. Using this device, the contact pressure distribution of a rubber disk loaded against a plate was measured. It was found that the pressure distribution was not flat but varied greatly depending upon the height and diameter of the rubber disk. The variation can be explained by a “spring” effect, a “liquid” effect, and an “edge” effect of the rubber disk. Next, the measurement and image processing techniques were applied to a loaded tire. A very high definition image was obtained that displayed the true contact area, the shape of the area, and the pressure distribution from which irregular wear was easily detected. Finally, the deformation of the contact area and changes in the pressure distribution in the tread rubber block were measured when a lateral force was applied to the loaded tire.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Francesco Fogliano ◽  
Benjamin Besga ◽  
Antoine Reigue ◽  
Laure Mercier de Lépinay ◽  
Philip Heringlake ◽  

AbstractCooling down nanomechanical force probes is a generic strategy to enhance their sensitivities through the concomitant reduction of their thermal noise and mechanical damping rates. However, heat conduction becomes less efficient at low temperatures, which renders difficult to ensure and verify their proper thermalization. Here we implement optomechanical readout techniques operating in the photon counting regime to probe the dynamics of suspended silicon carbide nanowires in a dilution refrigerator. Readout of their vibrations is realized with sub-picowatt optical powers, in a situation where less than one photon is collected per oscillation period. We demonstrate their thermalization down to 32 ± 2 mK, reaching very large sensitivities for scanning probe force sensors, 40 zN Hz−1/2, with a sensitivity to lateral force field gradients in the fN m−1 range. This opens the road toward explorations of the mechanical and thermal conduction properties of nanoresonators at minimal excitation level, and to nanomechanical vectorial imaging of faint forces at dilution temperatures.

2013 ◽  
Vol 859 ◽  
pp. 222-227
Hong Jun Liu ◽  
Jin Hua Tan ◽  
Xue Wen Su ◽  
Hao Wu

Two typical monitoring sections are selected for obtaining the change law of the surface subsidence and the settlement after construction of soft soil foundations, and determining the reasonable unloading time. The research results show that the surface settlement rate is large during the filling stage, the rate decreases after the loading and gradually stabilized. The embankment midline settlement is larger than the settlement of the road shoulder which is concluded from the fact that the subsidence of the middle settlement plate is larger than those of the left and right plate. The surface subsidence rate is less than 5mm per month during the two month before unloading according to the data in the tables. The settlement after construction presumed from the middle plate is more significantly larger than that of left and right sides, hence, as the unloading basis of preloading drainage method in soft soil foundation treatment the settlement after construction which is calculated from the midline monitoring data of the road is appropriate. After 6 months the calculated post-construction settlements of the two sections are in the scope of the design requirement since they decrease with preloading time. The reliable basis is provided for the future design and construction of soft foundation in this area through the research results.

Frantisek L. Eisinger ◽  
Robert E. Sullivan

Six burner/furnace systems which operated successfully without vibration are evaluated for resistance to thermoacoustic oscillations. The evaluation is based on the Rijke and Sondhauss models representing the combined burner/furnace (cold/hot) thermoacoustic systems. Frequency differences between the lowest vulnerable furnace acoustic frequencies in the burner axial direction and those of the systems’ Rijke and Sondhauss frequencies are evaluated to check for resonances. Most importantly, the stability of the Rijke and Sondhauss models is checked against the published design stability diagram of Eisinger [1] and Eisinger and Sullivan [2]. It is shown that the resistance to thermoacoustic oscillations is adequately defined by the published design stability diagram to which the evaluated cases generally adhere. Once the system falls into the stable range, the frequency differences or resonances appear to play only a secondary role. It is concluded, however, that in conjunction with stability, the primary criterion, sufficient frequency separations shall also be maintained in the design process to preclude resonances. The paper provides sufficient details to aid the design engineers.

2018 ◽  
Vol 198 ◽  
pp. 01005
WeiMing Zhang ◽  
ZeLin Shi

Due to the mass imbalance about the center of rotation, the stability of stabilized platform system degrades with carrier’s disturbances. Various feed-forward control methods are provided by reaserchers to solve this problem, however these methods are not well applied because the eccentricity of stabilized platform could not be measured directly. The dynamics model of a typical 2-axis stabilized platform is given. The eccentricity vector is identified through Unscented Kalman Filter(UKF) algorithm. Imbalance torque is precisely observed so that the real-time nonlinear compensation for mass imbalance is achieved through a feed-forward loop. The simulation result indicates that the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) of parameters estimation is 0.024 after convergence. the LOS stabilization with carrier’s 2.5Hz vibration is 0.04 rad/s, which improves 78% compared to conventional feed-back control.

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