scholarly journals Monitoring Concept of the Information Support System Organization of the Anti-Crisis Management of the Regional Agro-Industrial Complex

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3.15) ◽  
pp. 324
Edward Kitovich Tkhakushinov ◽  
Emma Aslanovna Khachemizova

The article is devoted to the problems of ensuring efficient management of the agro-industrial complex (AIC) in the region and a systematic analysis of economic processes in crisis situations. The authors discuss the anti-crisis management system involving the formulation of necessary solutions aimed at supporting the subjects of the AIC in economic equilibrium, based on having an effective monitoring mechanism. This management system ensures a rapid response to sudden changes in economic factors and offers a set of alternative solutions to determine the strategy and tactics of the AIC development.The monitoring concept of anti-crisis management is justified, based on the organization of a powerful monitoring mechanism, enabling timely, necessary and sufficient analysis of the processes and patterns of managing socio-economic processes. At the same time, a special role is given to interaction between design and expert assessments of the factors of crisis situations, making it possible to characterize the degree of influence of a crisis change in the conditions of the external environment on the economy of the subjects and the whole AIC in general.  

Ruslan Savenko

UDC 6585:330   Savenko Ruslan, doctor of sciences, professor. Poltava national technical Yuri Kondratyuk university. Dynamic monitoring in anti-crisis management of state economic security. This paper aimed at the problem of improvement the management system of economic security of natural use objects on a regional level using the organized digital dynamic monitoring for informational provision and justifying the options of efficient management decisions of operative and strategic importance by criteria of ecological, economic and social security. Monitoring of the regional (territorial) natural objects provides constant systematic observation of the processes that take place inside of a “region-state” system and at world’s natural resources market. It needed to create the informational database for efficient management of a nature-use system. We suggest plan of making the scientific and research institute in PoltNTU for conducting investigations based on continuous informational monitoring. Keywords: monitoring, management system, ecological-economic-social security, natural use resources, algorithm, scientific and research institute, management decisions.

Tomasz Ciupa

The paper presents the place of the mines rescue service in the structures of the crisis management system in Poland. The mines rescue service as one of several entities of the rescue system in Poland focuses on helping injured miners and other people trapped underground. The paper mentions existing legal regulations concerning the mines rescue service and other emergency services. An important piece of legislation for members of mines rescue teams, is the ordinance of the Minister of Energy of 16 March 2017 which introduces a number of revolutionary changes such as obligation to deliver qualified first aid and on-the-spot psychological support. In this way the mines rescue service has become more utilitarian and more universal and therefore may be efficiently used for operations in more general crisis situations and even better contribute to the smooth functioning of the state.

2019 ◽  
Vol 113 (4) ◽  
pp. 61-72

The main task of crisis management consists in resolving the issues related to threat events, which are burdened with risk. Those risks may have different sources and various levels of the probability of their occurrence. The lack of interest in the topic may result in social and economic consequences. For this reason, the new society has created the necessity for a crisis management system and the participation in it of “risk-managers”, specialised in management during crisis situations. The purpose of the article is to present a methodological basis of the process and the decision reached in the circumstances of risk.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 171-182
Svitlana Khalatur ◽  
Lesia Kriuchko ◽  
Anna Sirko

The purpose of the article is to systematize and generalize the experience of leading countries to form and implement an effective crisis management system; to clarify the role of the state in the formation and implementation of anti-crisis regulation strategy of the real sector of the economy, as well as to substantiate the main methodological provisions of its formation. The subject-matter of the study is the methodological and conceptual foundations of the process of the effective crisis management system of the USA, China, Japan, the EU and Ukraine. Methodology. The research is based on the set of well-known general scientific and special methods of research in economics. In particular, the dialectical method, the method of scientific abstraction, the method of systematic analysis, economic and mathematical modeling has been used in the article. Conclusion. The world experience of solving the problems of enterprise bankruptcy is generalized. The experience of the USA, Japan, China, the countries of the European Union is considered. The econometric model taking into account the heteroskedasticity of the residues shows that an increase of 1% Central government debt, bank capital to assets ratio, expense, exports of goods and services, foreign direct investment, net inflows will increase GDP by 2.41%, 1.53%, 1.23%, 2.03%, and 1.19% respectively in the studied countries. Examining the experience in the field of crisis management, it should be noted that in Europe there is a selective approach aimed at stimulating the activities of specific companies; public sector priorities are education, health care, pensions, and the labor market. In addition, in some countries in order to find innovative structures of enterprises, increase their competitiveness and efficiency, out of the crisis, the development of privatization programs is used, which in each country have their own characteristics. World experience shows that the models of anti-crisis management constructed in different countries of the world provide various potential opportunities for progressive socio-economic changes. However, none of them can be used in its pure form in the formation of anti-crisis management policy in Ukraine. This is due to the conditions of accumulation of this experience by countries, the formation of mechanisms and institutions in a balanced economy, differences in the construction of financial and credit mechanisms, and so on. The use of positive experience should be the first step towards reforming the crisis management system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 198 (4) ◽  
pp. 874-889
Grzegorz Sobolewski

In the past, the main task of the Armed Forces was primarily to ensure military security in terms of defense of independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the state. However, nowadays, in the national and international dimension, their scope of tasks has been expanded to include projects in the field of supporting public administration bodies and society in crisis situations. That is due to the fact that the Armed Forces have unique, unprecedented in other response forces, opportunities to take effective action in the event of various crises. Thus, they have become an important enhancement of the crisis management system and civil protection. They can often constitute the main element of support for public administration bodies (central and local government) in solving emerging crisis situations. An important factor in the effectiveness of their actions in helping the society is the so-called crisis management system in the Ministry of National Defense. The structure of this system is closely related to the functioning control and command system.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1 (4)) ◽  
pp. 195-203
Monika Zakrzewska

The paper refers to providing information about the dangers connected with crisis management. Crisis management is the activity of public administration authorities, which constitutes an element of managing the national security management system and essentially consists of: preventing crisis situations, preparing to take control over them by way of planned activities, responding in case of emergencies, removing their effects and reconstructing resources and critical infrastructure. In the first part, the stages of public administration authorities’ proceedings in crisis management are presented. This part also discusses the regulations incorporating the ways to devolve information in emergencies contained in crisis management plans. The second part of the work applies to the evolution of factual activities as legal forms of public administration activities with reference to operations consisting in informing society in case of emergencies occurring.

2019 ◽  
Vol 192 (2) ◽  
pp. 294-309
Tomasz Szulc

Ensuring security is one of the fundamental existential goals of nations. It is among the most important needs of every human being. Without satisfying the need for security, we can hardly speak of the existence, survival, development and ordinary everyday functioning of society. A world full of possibilities and diversity can also be a cruel world, creating a sense of threat. The implementation of state tasks in the field of national security depends, among other things, on effective crisis management. The Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, as the executive agent of the crisis management system, take an active part in counteracting and combating crisis situations. The purpose of this work is to characterize the crisis management system in Poland, present the legal bases and procedures for the use of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland in crisis situations and analyze the legitimacy and effectiveness of the use of military units and troops in this type of incidents.

Serhii Fedorovich Lehenchuk ◽  
Iryna Mykolayivna Vygivska ◽  
Tatiana Petrivna Barchak

Urgency of the research. In today's economic environment uncertainty and risk overwhelm any business. A large number of risks are inherent in socially responsible business, which necessitates the need for enhanced monitoring and management, the effectiveness of the risk management system and requires finding new directions for its development. Target setting. Satisfaction of stakeholders' information interests necessitates research of the current state of the risk management system of large companies, their standardization, disclosure of risks in the reporting of socially responsible business. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The research of problematic issues regarding risk management of the activity of economic entities was carried out by such scientists as A. P. Algin, P. Y. Atamas, I. T. Balabanov, I. A. Blank, V. V. Vitlinskyy, L. V. Hnylytska, B. A. Zasadnyi, A. B. Kaminsky, T. M. Korolyuk, G. V. Savitska, A. E. Shevelev, O. V. Sheveleva, A. D. Sheremet, O. I. Yastremskii. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. Comprehensive research requires the standardization of risk management as well as the creation of an information resource on risk management of socially responsible business for stakeholders. The research objective. Analysis of the annual reports of socially responsible companies (on the example of enterprises of agro-industrial complex) will enable to identify the risks inherent in their activities, methods of managing them as well as to establish the extent to which the issue of quantifying the negative effects of risks and opportunities can be identified. The statement of basic materials. This article analyzes the state and trends of risk management development of socially responsible business, establishes an insufficient level of presenting information on risk in the reporting of agribusiness companies and low degree of communicating information to stakeholders on quantifying the impact of risks and opportunities. Conclusions. Suggestions to increase the effectiveness of the risk management system of socially responsible companies through international risk management certification are made. The directions of development of the risk management system in terms of quantitative measurement of the consequences of risks and opportunities with the purpose of meeting the information needs of stakeholders have been identified.

2019 ◽  
Vol 36 (36) ◽  
pp. 73-99
Juliusz Piwowarski ◽  
Barbara Piwowarska ◽  
Jacek A. Piwowarski

The aim of the article is to discuss the functioning of the crisis management system in Poland: to present the general principles of its operation, legal regulations and major threats related to it. For this purpose, the authors review the definitions of crisis situations and discuss the objectives and stages of crisis management. Then the general principles of the crisis management system in Poland and the most important legal regulations related to it are presented. The authors also discuss the main threats that may lead to a crisis, both natural, ecological (e.g. floods, fires, avalanches) and civilizational caused by human activity and technical failures (e.g. construction and transport disasters, criminal groups activity, cyberterrorism). This leads to the conclusion that regulations passed in Poland after the flood of the century in 1997 put crisis management system in our country on the high level. At the same time, newer and newer threats make it necessary to regularly update the legislation on crisis management so that ensuring of national security could be effective.

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